Tutorial Activities

To some extent, the nature and content of the tutorials will depend on your degree programme and the interests and preferences of your Academic Tutor, but you should expect to participate in most of the activities listed below. One of your first tasks will be to draw up a programme using the tables on the following pages. Fill in the dates/times of the tutorials, make a note of which tutorials will be held with your Academic Tutor, which, if any, will be student- led, and write down the deadlines for your marked assignments.

In addition to the above, you are required to attend plenary sessions on (i) Assessment Literacy, (ii) Communicating Science and Introduction to Dissertation, (iii) Employability, and (iv) Ethics. Details of which sessions you should attend are provided on the BIOL20000 Blackboard site. You should bring a device capable of accessing the internet and your student ID number to these sessions to register your attendance.The plenary session counts towards your tutorial attendance record. If you are ill on the day of the plenary session, you must contact the student support office prior to the plenary session start in order to obtain an excused absence. Contacting your Academic Tutor instead of the student support office will result in your absence being unexcused. If the session allocated to your degree programme clashes with a language unit or BIOL unit, you may attend the other session.