MSc in Clinical Dentistry

Paediatric Dentistry

Programme Handbook



Division of Dentistry

The University of Manchester

Coupland III Building

Oxford Road


M13 9PL

16th September 2019

Dear postgraduate student,

As Programme Lead for the MSc in Clinical Dentistry: Paediatric Dentistry, I would like to warmly welcome you to Manchester and the Paediatric Dental department within the University Dental Hospital Manchester and the Division of Dentistry in the School of Medical Sciences.

Paediatric Dentistry is an age-defined rather than a technique-defined speciality and gives the opportunity to treat infants, children and adolescents between birth and the age of sixteen years. It is an amazing and very rewarding speciality and will require an in-depth study of the Paediatric Dental literature as well as the development of very specific clinical skills. You will provide comprehensive care for a group who are unique in their development, oral diseases and behaviour.

You will be introduced to our fantastic team of dentists and dental nurses, all of whom will help you in any way they can to settle in and become familiar with the day to day working of the department. We have a team of seven consultants between the University Dental Hospital Manchester and the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital as well as many speciality trainees, core trainees and speciality dentists. They have a wealth of knowledge to impart and you will be taught by many of the senior staff during your time in Manchester.

I hope that you will feel welcome and comfortable in this new environment and please don’t hesitate to ask if you need any assistance – we’re all here to help. The study of Paediatric Dentistry is an exhilarating journey and I wish you every success in your studies.

Kind regards,

T:\LEIGH (F&RP, Perio, Paediatric)\Paediatric Dentistry\Siobhan signature.png

Senior Lecturer and Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry/Programme Lead


Dr Siobhan Barry, Programme Director

Tel: 0161 275 8936


Office location: Coupland III Building

Ms Leigh Evans, Programme Administrator

Tel: 0161 275 6808


Office location: Coupland III Building

Ms Pauline Stringer, Clinical Reception

Tel: 0161 275 6668

Office Location: Orthodontic Reception, Dental Hospital (Floor 2)


2.1 Introduction

The MSc (Clin) Programme in the Division of Dentistry at The University of Manchester is a highly integrated programme which comprises three parts:

1. Research Methods and Statistics Units

2. Specialty Clinical Units

3. Research Unit (leading to a Dissertation).

The Paediatric Dentistry specialty clinical units are outlined in this handbook. The handbook includes information on admissions, the aims and objectives, structure, teaching and learning methods, programme management, contents, and assessment. It should be read in conjunction with related University documentation, notably:

  • School of Dentistry PGT Handbook 2019-20
  • University of Manchester Postgraduate Crucial Guide 2019

Candidates holding a dental qualification from a recognised institution are eligible to apply. All candidates are required to provide evidence of their primary dental qualification, acceptable levels of literacy in English, curriculum vitae and confirmation of their ability to pay/have paid on their behalf all fees. Evidence of citizenship of an EC country may be required for students claiming home fees.

Postgraduate students accepted onto the programme are required to have a satisfactory medical clearance prior to registration. This will be arranged with the University’s Department of Occupational Health and this may involve a physical examination. All postgraduate dental students will be required to undergo screening for blood borne viruses (Hepatitis B, C and HIV). Those who test positive for HIV will not be accepted for study and in the case of Hepatitis B and C the decision will depend on subsequent testing for viral load.

Basic Outline

This programme is offered on a full-time basis. Those admitted to the programme will attend for a minimum of 44 weeks in the year of enrolment.

2.3 Overview of the Programme

The programme is designed for dental practitioners with a minimum of two years recent experience in general professional training or equivalent and who wish to further their knowledge in paediatric dentistry. Teaching will take place predominantly in the Division of Dentistry/Dental Hospital and Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital.


3.1 Structure of the Programme

Each unit has a credit rating. The number of credits required for the award of the degree of MSc in Clinical Dentistry (Paediatric Dentistry) is 180 credits.

The programme is delivered on a two semester per annum basis over three years. The structure of the MSc programme is as follows (CATS and University guidelines are reflected):


Year one

DENT61010 Research methods 15 credits

DENT61261 Basic principles in paediatric dentistry 15 credits

DENT68012 Guideline development and implementation 15 credits

DENT70001 Biostatistics 15 credits

Year two

DENT61251 Basic clinical skills in paediatric dentistry 15 credits

DENT61270 Core CPD for the dental practitioner 15 credits

DENT61250 Advanced principles in paediatric dentistry 15 credits

Year three

DENT61271 Advanced clinical skills in paediatric dentistry 15 credits

DENT60020 Dissertation 60 credits

3.2 Research Methods and Biostatistics Units – DENT61010 and DENT70001

See PGT Handbook.

3.3 Clinical Units

Specialty Clinical Units (120 credits) – see above for course codes.


The aim of the clinical units is to give the student an understanding of the scientific basis of clinical paediatric dentistry, providing a comprehensive overview of Paediatric Dentistry including a thorough knowledge of the clinical/scientific evidence and literature in relation to various diagnoses and techniques


On completion of the programme of study, students will have acquired:

  • A comprehensive knowledge of relevant Paediatric Dental literature
  • Experience in the development of a presentation and oral presentation skills

3.4 Research Unit

Dissertation Unit (60 Credits) – course code DENT60020.


The aims of this unit are:

  • to train the student in the identification, formulation and implementation of a specific research project
  • to give the student experience of working (researching) independently
  • to test the extent to which the student has achieved synthesis of his/her skills and knowledge via a report (dissertation) of the research topic


On successful completion of the unit, students will have acquired:

  • training to carry out a supervised research topic
  • experience in preparing the research topic
  • experience in producing a bound dissertation of up to 15,000 words based on research and by the required submission date (see PGT Handbook)
  • skills to be able to discuss and defend the research and results in an oral examination


The Specialty Clinical Units are designed to encourage the student to take responsibility for his/her own learning. There is an emphasis on a self-directed learning approach and the application of newly acquired knowledge is encouraged. The individual learning needs of each student will be recognised. For example, the diversity of clinical options in the specialty clinical unit allows students to receive further training in areas in which they may perceive themselves to be deficient. The type of teaching will vary from tutorials, small group seminars, self-directed learning, individual clinical and laboratory tuition and close clinical supervision.

In addition, activities in this clinical component may be supplemented by:

  • attendance at national conferences (e.g. BSPD)
  • participation in appropriate extra-mural clinical courses
  • attendance at seminars given by guest lecturers

4.1 Content of Research Methods and Biostatistics Units – DENT61010 and DENT70001 (30 credits)

For details on these units please refer to the PGT Handbook.

4.2 Content of Specialty Clinical Units (120 credits)

Teaching in the specialty clinical units of paediatric dentistry is provided throughout the programme. Instruction will be given in clinical aspects of paediatric dentistry in the form of demonstrations, shadowing of staff, seminars and practical clinical skills sessions as well as clinical exercises.

Seminars will be planned and reading from the scientific literature on related subjects will be assigned, the aim being to expose the student to a range of topics in a short period. Students will be challenged to assess the available evidence and to determine the biological basis for acceptable and non-acceptable methods and techniques. A comprehensive reading list is provided supplementary to this handbook.

An overview of each unit (content and aims) follows.

4.3 Basic principles in paediatric dentistry – DENT61261 (15 Credits)

This unit will be delivered via a combination of 10 x 1 hour didactic lectures delivered by consultants and specialists from the Department of Paediatric Dentistry and 10 x 3 hour seminars which will involve the preparation and delivery of a PowerPoint presentation and handouts by each student per seminar. These seminars will be run by a consultant or specialist in Paediatric Dentistry and students will be marked for each presentation and handout.

The unit aims to:

– Enable students to gain a comprehensive overview of Paediatric Dentistry including a thorough knowledge of the clinical/scientific evidence and literature in relation to various diagnoses and techniques

4.4 Guideline development and implementation – DENT68012 (15 Credits)

This unit will help to enable students to evaluate whether to use guidelines and to provide them with an understanding about approaches to implementation in the local setting.

The unit will cover:

– Identifying a need for guidelines

– Identifying relevant stakeholders

– Identifying evidence

– Development processes including a range of case studies

– Critical appraisals of guidelines including development processes

– Strategies and interventions to support the translation of evidence into practice, including the role of behavioural science for implementation

– Evaluating and updating guidelines

– Guideline repositories

4.5 Basic clinical skills in paediatric dentistry – DENT61251 (15 Credits)

This unit will be delivered via a combination of a hands on, lab based course (3 hours x 6 sessions), regular attendance at consultant assessment and treatment planning clinics and regular consultant supervised treatment sessions for the students. Students will also regularly present at and participate in departmental journal club. They will design, implement and present a clinical governance project with support from their educational supervisor.

The unit aims to:

– Equip students with the knowledge and clinical skills in the:

– placement of rubber dam and fissure sealants in the paediatric patient

– composite restoration of anterior and posterior primary and permanent teeth in the paediatric dental patient

– preparation of a primary tooth for vital pulpotomy and placement of a preformed metal crown

– management of the immature permanent incisor using MTA apexification and use of thermoplastic obturation techniques

– use of the “wand” for the delivery of local analgesia

– Develop the student’s presentation and critical appraisal skills through participation in the regular departmental journal club and the planning, implementation and presentation of a clinical governance project

4.6 Core CPD for the dental practitioner – DENT61270 (15 Credits)

This is a 15 credit module employing a combination of online (webinar) and face to face teaching. It will provide students with key material to enable them to manage medical emergencies and an advanced level of medical emergency training equivalent to Intermediate Life Support (ILS). They will have an appropriate level of understanding in obtaining consent for common procedures within the scope of general dental practice and also be competent in complaints handling within the NHS and have the competency to prescribe, justify and report on radiological investigations. They will also develop skills in the diagnosis of oral cancer and the appropriate referral of these patients for specialist investigation and treatment.

Students will be trained in universal cross infection control to a high level and be provided with key information regarding disinfection and decontamination in the dental environment.

Students will gain an in-depth knowledge of the principles of and delivery of IV and inhalational sedation in conjunction with the dental team.

Further understanding will be obtained in Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults.

The unit aims to ensure that at the end of the module students will be able to demonstrate a knowledge of core CPD topics “highly recommended” by the General Dental Council – the professional body responsible for dental practitioners. These include:

– Competent to manage common medical emergencies expected in dental practice

– Understand the importance of cross infection control

– Understand the pathways of infection related to dental practice

– Competent in attaining satisfactory levels of cross infection control

– Understand the mechanisms, pathways and regulations relating to disinfection and decontamination

– Understanding of the causes of patient complaints and the mechanisms available to be able to manage them appropriately and in line with accepted UK standards

– Competent in obtaining valid consent for procedures directly related to the scope of practice within general dental practice

– Competent in the early diagnosis and appropriate referral of patients with oral cancer

– Understanding of the principles of oral radiology and the ability to prescribe, justify and report on oral radiographs

– Understanding of the principles of inhalational and intra-venous sedation in the adult patients

– Competent to provide safe and effective inhalational and IV sedation in conjunction with the dental team

– Understand the legal and technical issues in dentistry

– Understanding the importance of Safeguarding in children and young people

– Understanding the importance of Safeguarding in vulnerable adults

4.7 Advanced principles in paediatric dentistry – DENT61250 (15 Credits)

This unit will be delivered via a combination of 10 x 1 hour didactic lectures delivered by consultants and specialists from the Department of Paediatric Dentistry and 10 x 3 hour seminars which will involve the preparation and delivery of a PowerPoint presentation and handouts by each student per seminar. These seminars will be run by a consultant or specialist in Paediatric Dentistry and students will be marked for each presentation and handout.

The unit aims to:

– Build on the knowledge and skills from Basic Principles in Paediatric Dentistry

– Enable students to further develop a comprehensive overview of Paediatric Dentistry including a thorough knowledge of the clinical/scientific evidence and literature in relation to various diagnoses, advanced techniques and multi-disciplinary consultant led care

4.8 Advanced clinical skills in paediatric dentistry – DENT61271 (15 Credits)

This unit will be delivered via a combination of a hands on, lab based course (3 hours x 6 sessions), regular attendance at consultant assessment and treatment planning clinics and regular consultant supervised treatment sessions for the students. Students will also regularly present at and participate in departmental journal club.

The unit aims to:

– Enable students to build on the skills learnt in Basic Clinical Skills in Paediatric Dentistry unit

– Enable students to develop their clinical skills and knowledge to an advanced level in the:

– placement of rubber dam and fissure sealants in the paediatric patient

– composite restoration of anterior and posterior primary and permanent teeth in the paediatric dental patient

– preparation of a primary tooth for vital pulpotomy and placement of a preformed metal crown

– management of the immature permanent incisor using MTA apexification and use of thermoplastic obturation techniques

– use of the “wand” for the delivery of local analgesia

– Further enhance the student’s presentation and critical appraisal skills

4.9 Dissertation – DENT60020 (60 Credits)

Each student must undertake a research project and a review of the relevant literature, methodology and results presented in the form of a dissertation. Guidelines for preparation of a dissertation and the notice of submission form can be found at the following website:

A list of suggested topics and supervisors will be provided. Students are also encouraged to suggest potential topics. As this dissertation must be completed within the time span of the programme, it is essential that the project is commenced early in the programme. With this fact in mind, supervisors may request students to commence background reading and similar related tasks prior to the commencement of the programme.

Students are encouraged to disseminate their findings in a variety of ways:

  • Presentation at research seminars
  • Presentation at national/international meetings
  • Publication in a professional journal (often non-refereed)
  • Publication in a refereed journal

Regular meetings between each student and the academic member of staff nominated as his/her supervisor will be arranged. These are inevitably frequent in the early stages of the project when design and preparation work demands a high intensity of work. Each meeting should be recorded with outcomes summarised and objectives set for research to be performed prior to the next visit.

4.10 Blackboard – DENT77008

The paediatric dentistry programme also has an online presence via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), known as the Blackboard. Blackboard is a repository of learning resources and will be used for providing programme-related information and announcements and thus students are expected to check their Blackboard space frequently. It is also used for a number of formative assessments during the programme.

Access to Blackboard is possible by using your central university username and password to log-in via the portal below:



Please see the PGT Handbook.

All students must complete and pass the appropriate programme units for the degree.

5.1 Assessments


Research methods and Biostatistics – DENT61010 and DENT70001 (30 credits)

See the PGT Handbook.

Basic principles in paediatric dentistry – DENT61261 (15 Credits)

This unit is assessed by the presentation of five PowerPoint presentations and comprehensive handouts, forming the basis of a personal portfolio (60%), along with the submission of an essay (30%) and the production of a patient information leaflet (10%).

Guideline development and implementation – DENT68012 (15 Credits)

This unit is assessed by a mid-term assignment (35%), an end-term assignment (50%) and a group task (15%).

Basic clinical skills in paediatric dentistry – DENT61251 (15 Credits)

This unit is assessed by the submission of a written clinical governance project (80%) and an oral presentation of the clinical governance report (20%).

Core CPD for the dental practitioner – DENT61270 (15 Credits)

This unit is assessed by two written semi-structured examinations (40% per exam) and two student-led scenario-based assessments – complaints procedure, safeguarding, consent, delivering bad news or appropriate referral (20%). This unit also includes a practical assessment on cross-infection control (pass/fail) and practical teaching and assessment on medical emergencies and intermediate life support (pass/fail).

Advanced principles in paediatric dentistry – DENT61250 (15 Credits)

This unit is assessed by the presentation of 10 PowerPoint presentations and comprehensive handouts, forming the basis of a personal portfolio (75%), along with the production and presentation of a poster relating to a topic of evidence-based healthcare (25%).

Advanced clinical skills in paediatric dentistry – DENT61271 (15 Credits)

This unit is assessed by the submission of four written paediatric dental clinical cases (15% per case) and an oral presentation for each clinical case (10% per case).


5.2 External Examiner

The External Examiner for this programme is: Dr Richard Balmer
Name of Institution: Leeds Dental Institute

Position at current Institution: Associate Dean for Postgraduate Dental Training and Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry

External Examiners are individuals from another institution or organisation who monitor the assessment process of the University to ensure fairness and academic standards. They ensure that assessment and examination procedures have been fairly and properly implemented and that decisions have been made after appropriate deliberation. They also ensure that standards of awards and levels of student performance are at least comparable with those in equivalent higher education institutions.

Please note that it is inappropriate for students to make direct contact with External Examiners under any circumstances, in particular with regards to a student’s individual performance in assessments.  Other appropriate mechanisms are available for students, including the University’s appeals or complaints procedures and the UMSU Advice Centre. In cases where a student does contact an External Examiner directly, External Examiners have been requested not to respond to direct queries. Instead, External Examiners should report the matter to their School contact who will then contact the student to remind them of the other methods available for students. If students have any queries concerning this, they should contact their Programme Office (or equivalent).

The External Examiner’s reports relating to this programme will be shared with student representatives at the Staff Student Liaison Committee (SSLC)/programme committee where details of any actions carried out by the programme team/School in response to the External Examiner’s comments will be discussed. Students should contact their student representatives if they require any further information about the External Examiner’s reports or the process for considering them.

5.3 Marking

Assessments are carried out by academic members of staff of the University of Manchester and by the appointed external examiner. The latter moderates the submitted assignments and written papers and also leads the viva voce examination.

An anonymous marking scheme is used. The scripts (and information on computer disks) will be marked independently by two examiners. Any discrepancies will be discussed. Students’ names are revealed only when marking of all manuscripts has been completed.

N.B. Taught units totalling 120 credits must be passed before the candidate may proceed to the dissertation.

5.4 Resit Examinations

If a unit with several assessment components is failed, only those components not passed will require a resit.

5.5 Regulations and Arrangements for Mitigating Circumstances, Resits, Compensation

See PGT Handbook.

5.6 Attendance

Students are required to attend all scheduled sessions punctually. A record of non-attendance and reason for non-attendance will be maintained and students giving cause for concern will be required to see the Programme Director (see PGT Handbook). Unjustified non-attendance is considered to be unprofessional and will be reflected on periodic progress forms.

In the event of illness or unavoidable absence from a teaching session (clinical or seminar), students are required to inform the programme administrator and programme director before the start of the session.

5.7 Consequence of Unsatisfactory Progress

Students making unsatisfactory progress may have registration suspended or terminated. See the PGT Handbook.


The principles of feedback are as follows:

  • Feedback should be provided in a timely manner that helps students understand (i) the marks or grades they have received for work submitted and (ii) how they might improve their performance in the future.
  • Feedback should be as personal as possible to the individual student to enable reflection on individual skills and performance.
  • Students have a responsibility to consider feedback given on their work, to seek to understand it, and to act on it.

The following outlines the feedback available for all elements of the clinical component of the programme.

Clinical skills sessions and seminars

Feedback will be given by tutors throughout the programme on a sessional basis. Any students giving cause for concern will be referred to the Programme Director for further feedback.

All students will meet with the Director at the end of the programme to discuss overall performance and to be advised of any areas that were of particular merit or weaknesses in need of improvement.


Patient Treatment Sessions

Clinical assessment forms will be completed on each session and grades awarded. There will be an opportunity to discuss any issues raised at the end of each clinical session. Students will meet with the Director twice during the twelve month period to discuss overall clinical progress.

Students are encouraged to approach either a tutor or the Director at any time should they have any concerns regarding their clinical progress or may request an appointment via the Programme Administrator.


Feedback forms will be completed by examiners for all elements of accredited assessment and students are encouraged to make an appointment with the Director via the Programme Administrator to discuss such feedback.

Feedback to Students Policy:


a) Formal:

There is an elected postgraduate student representative for postgraduate taught programmes in the Division of Dentistry on the Graduate Programme Committee.

b) Informal:

The small student: staff ratio on clinics means that problems may be discussed and resolved expeditiously. Students will elect a representative for the group. All issues/concerns related to the programme, that are considered to be group-specific rather than individual-specific can be brought to the attention of the Programme Director via the representative.

See the PGT Handbook.


See the PGT Handbook.


Academic Appeals – See the PGT Handbook.

Complaints Procedure – See the PGT Handbook.


Teaching staff

Dr Siobhan Barry Programme Director

Dr Anjali Kandiah Consultant

Dr Vidya Srinivasan Consultant

Dr Lucy McLean Consultant

Dr Claire Stevens Consultant

Dr Kay Hood Consultant

Dr Jo May Consultant

Dr Allyson Shepherd Specialist

Dr Carly Dixon Clinical Lecturer/Hon Speciality Trainee

Administrative staff

Ms Leigh Evans Programme Administrator

The Teaching Staff are responsible for the provision and delivery of the specialty clinical and technical programme contents, assessment of candidates and mentoring of students.

The Administrative Support is responsible for admissions of the students and will work closely with the Teaching Staff to ensure a smooth run of the programme is achieved.

Each student is allocated a supervisor and advisor. The supervisor will be responsible for the research leading to the dissertation. Ms Leigh Evans, the programme administrator, is also available during office hours for pastoral advice.