Assessments and Examinations


calculating your degree classification, the Board of Examiners consider your GPA (grade point average) for the award of Pass, Merit and Distinction. This is the weighted average of ALL of your course units, except units that are for credit only (BIOL65161). Don’t worry if you have had a referral or compensation as these still count towards your credit total for a Pass or Merit. If, however, you have undertaken any referred assessment or been compensated you will not be eligible for a Distinction.

The Board of Examiners meet in May and November. The Board of Examiners normally include Programme Directors and External Examiners from another university. The Board of Examiners will review all the results anonymously and make decisions on the award of credit and who can be referred in exams/ assessment or gain compensation. It is also the role of the Board of Examiners to decide who cannot continue and will leave the University with an exit award. Some students will narrowly miss the threshold for a degree classification and so we look at their pattern of marks (Mark Distribution) and may look at their examined work (Classification Review).

The first examiners’ meeting in May will assess your eligibility to complete the final research placement. In November, the Board of Examiners will award final degrees and programme prizes.