Appendix 3: EDM Write-up Guidelines

Experimental Design Module (EDM) write-up. In the first semester of the second year, all students will be required to write a report on one of the EDM practicals. This report contributes 20% of the final EDM unit mark. The practical to be written-up has been chosen by your Programme Director and in some cases may be finalised by your Academic Tutor (as shown below). This report should be written in the style of a short research paper.

Presenting and discussing data is an essential feature of the final year research project and indeed of research in general.

To assist in this exercise, it is strongly recommended that journal articles appropriate for your degree programme be consulted to see how research is normally communicated. This will indicate, for example, how the research is summarised in the abstract and how the description and discussion of data is normally separated into two distinct sections.

More information on writing laboratory reports and scientific papers is available on the Blackboard site for your EDM unit: BIOL21041 Molecular & Cellular / BIOL21051 Organismal Biology / BIOL21061 Human Sciences Experimental Design Module. The marking criteria used to assess the lab report are also available on Blackboard.

The EDM to be written up is determined by your degree programme. You should check the EDM blackboard sites for any changes to this information.

The mark for your EDM write-up contributes to your EDM unit mark and NOT your tutorial marks. The Full Practical ‘Write-up’ must be submitted online by Thursday 14th December 2017 4pm. Each practical will also have online pre-lab and post-lab assessments. Refer to the EDM Blackboard site for details of all assessments and submission dates.

DEADLINE: Thursday 13th December, 16:00 via the EDM (BIOL21041/21051/21061) Blackboard site; NOT the BIOL20000 Tutorial site.