
Attendance at tutorials is compulsory and will be monitored by your Academic Tutor. If more than one tutorial has been missed over the two semesters, without an acceptable reason (see below), then you will fail the Tutorial Unit. Some tutorials will be delivered to larger groups of students as plenary sessions. Details of which sessions you should attend are provided on the BIOL10000 Blackboard site. You should bring a device capable of accessing the internet to the plenary sessions to register your attendance. Some tutorials may be ‘student-led’. That is, students may meet in the absence of their Academic Tutor. You are expected to arrange venues and times with the other group members. Attendance should be taken at these meetings by a person chosen in advance and the attendance list passed on to your Academic Tutor.

Attendance at the plenary sessions and student-led meetings is also compulsory and will count towards your tutorial attendance.