Semesters 5 & 6

  1. Problem Solving

Each Programme Director will provide exercises to Academic Tutors to develop further problem-solving skills. At least four problems will be undertaken by all students who are registered for the Problem paper. The skills developed by undertaking these problems will aid students in the completion of programme-specific problem papers.

  1. Essay Writing

Each Programme Director will provide essay titles to Academic Tutors to enhance critical thinking and science communication skills. These skills will aid students in the completion of programme-specific essay exams. The completion of at least four essays by all students registered for the essay paper for Advisor and/or peer evaluation is expected. The techniques you develop for programme-specific essay writing may also be applicable to your final year unit essay exams.

  1. Oral Presentation

During semester 5, Advisors may set an assignment requiring students to give an oral presentation to the tutorial group. In Semester 6 you will be required to give a presentation on your final year project or for students on the 4-year Masters programme on one of their two grant proposals.  The format of this presentation will be set by your Advisor. The presentation should summarise the project aims and the rationale for the work, highlight any challenges and describe how these were overcome, and discuss the outcomes of the work (what was done and how the work adds to the field). Your Academic Tutor will assess your presentation skills.

Employers seek candidates with strong oral communication skills, and viva candidates may be asked about their final year project, and so this tutorial assignment will aid in the development of key communication skills.


Other tutorial presentations may be assigned during the course of the final year at the discretion of your Academic Tutor.



The above assignments represent the minimum expected to be set for all students. Your Academic Tutor may also hold tutorials on topics to assist in your applications for employment or further study, such as CV review, cover letter writing, and/or interview practice. Please note that some Advisors or programmes may not include this content in tutorials. If you have other questions relating to your future career, you should seek assistance from your Academic Advisor and from the University Careers Advisory Service (see above).