Special Permissions

Interruptions to programme and extensions to writing up

‘Special permissions’ are changes to your student registration (usually as a result of a change in your personal circumstances) and they include

  • Interruptions-of-study;
  • extensions to the final submission deadline of dissertations,
  • changes in programme or mode of attendance.

In all of these instances you should first of all discuss any of these matters with your Programme Director. Then, if the outcome of those discussions is that you will proceed to request one of the above changes to your student registration, then you should contact your Programme Administrator who can provide you with the appropriate paperwork on which you will need to make your formal written request. Your written request will then be considered by members of senior academic staff with responsibility for postgraduate matters (one of whom will be the Division’s PGT Tutor).

Your Programme Administrator will be required to advise the Accommodation Office if you are living in University accommodation and require an extended interruption-of-study. If you are in the UK subject to immigration regulations, i.e. you are a non-EU citizen and need permission to enter/remain in the UK, you must consult with the International Advice Team regarding visa implications.