Monitoring Attendance and Wellbeing of Students

You are required to attend all lectures, seminars, clinics, field trips, tutorials, and other events or meetings concerned with the conduct of the programme, as well as meeting the specified due dates for the submission of work for comment or assessment, and attending examinations, tests, or other forms of assessment.

Absence from compulsory classes and examinations must be authorised by the Programme Director and students are required to provide appropriate certification for absences caused by illness, which must be handed in to your programme administrator. Students are not normally permitted to be absent from their programme of study during term time. Students requesting to take leave in academic term time must complete an “Application for Leave” form, available from your Programme Administrator.

If you experience ongoing problems with attendance, you should discuss these difficulties with your Programme Director. Taking unauthorised leave during term time without first being officially granted permission to do so may result in referral to a Division of Dentistry Progress Committee. Your Programme Director will keep the work and attendance of students under continuous review throughout the academic year.

It is important to note that it is a requirement for you to be in attendance in person to sign a weekly register with your Programme Administrator. If you fail to do this without appropriate reasons and/or without supporting documentation (e.g. medical evidence for cases of sick leave), your case will be referred to the School of Medical Science’s Graduate Education Manager.

If religious observance will affect your attendance at normal teaching and learning activities in ways that will cause problems, you should discuss this issue with your Programme Director. The Division will give sympathetic consideration to any such request and will try to make reasonable adjustments. However, adjustments can only be made provided that the standards of the degree are maintained (e.g. a student would not simply be excused from parts of the course affected by his/her religious observance). You should also understand that adjustments may not always be possible if required to attend clinics that coincide with a religious holiday.

Please read the regulations for work and attendance as outlined in the University’s General Regulation:

For further information see:

Regulation XX Monitoring Attendance and Wellbeing of Students

The University offers a range of advice and support to students experiencing problems with attendance. Further information can be found in the A-Z of Student Services:

A-Z of Student Services

You can also speak to your Programme Director and/or Personal Adviser.