Student Representation and Feedback

Students, in consultation with the Programme Administrator, should arrange an informal election of their Student Representative near the beginning of the academic year. If more than one person is interested in the role, then each candidate is asked to write a short proposal which is circulated to the student body, and an election is held.

The overall responsibilities of the Student Representative are

  • to liaise between staff and students about matters of concern
  • to provide two-way feedback on programme and teaching quality
  • to promote active student involvement in the development of the programme
  • to identify student issues and needs on the programme
  • to attend programme committee meetings representing the student voice
  • to find effective ways to feedback the outcomes of meetings to the student body
  • to attend relevant student representative training
  • to liaise with other Student Representatives to gain support and ideas
  • to become established as a central point for information and guidance for students in the group.

Student representatives are not required to get involved with fellow students’ personal problems, academic difficulties, or individual student allegations of unfair or inappropriate treatment.

Confidentiality is imperative when dealing with student issues. The representative is chosen by fellow students and has their trust, and must maintain it. Any discussion of an individual student’s situation with a third party requires their consent beforehand.