
Clinical Pharmacy

MSc/PG Diploma/PG Certificate/CPD

Division of Pharmacy and Optometry




Table of Updates

Date of update Update Additional information
Mar 2023 Contact details: admin contact details changed throughout to School-based addresses
Extensions, Mitigating Circumstances and Interruptions: School of Health Science forms replace Pharmacy & Optometry forms, updated School policies and procedures provided.
Sep 2022 Routine update for new academic year: new programme director and new unit leads for PHAR63001: Foundations of Clinical Pharmacy and PHAR65000 Medicines Management. Updated course code for optional Independent Prescribing in year 2.

Welcome from the Director of Post Graduate Taught Education

\\\home$\Downloads\thumbnail_Andrew%20Mawdsley.jpg I am delighted to welcome you to the School of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health. We are extremely pleased you have chosen The University of Manchester to commence or continue your postgraduate study journey; whether you are progressing straight from your undergraduate studies, seeking to develop your knowledge/skills in your chosen career or are, bravely, taking a completely different direction in life.

In the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and humanity, we will place you at the centre of a transformational learning process to support you to achieve your individual goals and aspirations. Our challenge to you is to embrace all of the opportunities available to you; be bold, think differently and realise your potential. We want your postgraduate journey with us to be intellectually stretching, rewarding and fun.

We are aware that most of you will need to juggle a number of competing priorities during your postgraduate taught studies. Some of you will already be in full time employment, while others will need to secure part time employment to fund your studies. We know that many of you will have family and caring responsibilities that will have to be prioritised before your own learning. We hope the information detailed in this programme handbook will help you in managing these competing commitments. Whether you are joining us on campus, or studying at a distance, you are an integral part of our School and University, and we are here to support you.

We are extremely proud of our postgraduate student community and alumni who are making a difference, both locally and globally. We look forward to working with you, confident that you too will play a role in transforming the lives of people who use health and social care services, whether during your studies or upon graduation.

I wish you every success in your postgraduate studies here at The University of Manchester.


Mr Andrew Mawdsley
Director of Post Graduate Taught Education
School of Health Sciences

Introductory Courses

All students are automatically enrolled onto an introductory unit (SHSS60001 Introductory Courses), which provides information on health and safety, academic malpractice and academic literacy. Completion instructions for each of these sections are clearly defined within the course.

Completion of the academic malpractice and health and safety sections is mandatory for all students. All assessments must be completed as soon as possible after the programme begins, with the academic malpractice assessment completed before the first piece of coursework is submitted.

All students are also strongly advised to complete the academic literacy section. Completion of these assessments is monitored by the School.

Online Skills Training Resource

The Faculty has developed a skills training resource to support you through your postgraduate taught programme. This online material should supplement the assessed learning material and activities undertaken in your taught programme.

Accessing the online skills resource

You can access Blackboard through the My Manchester portal ( The skills training resource is available in an academic community space available to all registered PGT students in the Faculty through Blackboard.

If you cannot see these units in your Blackboard please contact your Programme Administrator.


Full details of all these resources can be found in the introduction to each unit. These resources have been designed to give you formative feedback on your progress through them. If you experience any problems and would like to talk to someone please contact your Programme Director. If you have questions about referencing and how it applies to your own work, please contact your Programme Director or dissertation supervisor/module lead.

Research Methods* This course is spilt into 2 units that cover introductions to study design, statistics and dissertation skills. It has a number of online quizzes where you can test your knowledge.
Introduction to Statistics* The course provides a valuable foundation for understanding and interpreting biostatistics. It aims to provide you with the fundamentals of quantitative analysis.
Presentation Skills This short interactive unit is designed to help you to enhance your presentation skills. Regardless of whether you are presenting in public, preparing for conferences, an oral examination or more informal settings this unit will give you the tops tips to improve your delivery. The course also includes a unit on influencing effectively, alongside the presentation and poster information.
Qualitative Research Methods* This unit has been designed to give you an introduction to Qualitative Research.
Intellectual Property Awareness Resource This Intellectual Property (IP) awareness resource has been created in order to improve your understanding of IP. Topics include: Types of intellectual property • Copyright and IP clearance • University policy on IP • IP commercialisation • IP in research or consultancy • IP issues to be aware when dealing with academic materials

* NOTE: the material in this online resource is for reference and formative learning purposes only. In some of your taught programme you may be required to undertake assessed course units for Research Methods, Qualitative Research or Statistics. If your programme involves taught units then you should refer to the Blackboard material relating to that course unit. Please contact your Programme Administrator if you are unsure which material relates to your assessed work. You will still be able to refer to the online skills resource in later years.

Introduction to MSc/PG Diploma/PG Certificate in Clinical Pharmacy

Welcome to the Division of Pharmacy and Optometry at the University of Manchester. This programme handbook provides details of the University of Manchester Programme leading to the MSc or Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy. It includes information about the aims and learning outcomes, structure, content, admissions, assessment and programme management. It should be read in conjunction with related University documentation.

This handbook contains details of the course structure, together with other useful information about the School. In Part A, there is a summary of how the course is structured while, in Part B, each of the course units is described. Part C contains practical information about the School, and Part D the various University Regulations.

We hope that your time studying with Manchester will be productive and enjoyable.

Head of Division:
Prof Jayne Lawrence

Programme Director:
Dianne Bell
0161 306 7534

Deputy Director & Clinical Subject Lead:
Andrew Mawdsley
0161 275 8336

Applied Practice Subject Lead
Harsha Parmar

Research Subject Lead
Denham Phipps
0161 275 2351

School Administrative teams
Student Hub:
Attendance monitoring:
Disability support:
Mitigating Circumstances:

Programmes team:

Assessments team:

General information about the Division of Pharmacy and Optometry, staff listings and research interests are contained in this handbook, but more information can be obtained from the following web sites:

The Pharmacy home page:

The Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health home page:

The University of Manchester home page:

Communication with Students

Please note that only Blackboard, the University e-learning platform and your allocated student university email address will be used as official communication by University staff. It is your responsibility to ensure that you can access and read email from this source.

Students are required to keep the University informed of any change to their personal circumstances such as change of name or address. Changes can be recorded by the student via their own personal online record, accessed via the MyManchester portal. It is also essential to inform the Programmes Support Team if you do not intend to return to the next session of the course, if, for example, you are moving away.

Section A: Programme Structure

Rationale and General Description

This three year part-time taught programme is suitable for students who wish to improve their knowledge, understanding and research expertise in the field of pharmacy. The MSc level qualification meets the needs of those requiring a higher degree and the programme is designed to provide training, skills and knowledge that would help support the student’s progression to senior positions in pharmacy practice.

The programme is part-time and delivered in 2 semesters per year over a three year period.

During the first two years of the programme, students undertake a number of compulsory and optional course units covering a wide range of clinical topics, prescribing issues and research. This taught element of the course comprises webinars, e-lectures and several forms of independent learning delivered online. Students who opt for the final year of the programme undertake a research project.

A copy of the programme specification can be found on the Clinical Pharmacy Virtual Common Room on Blackboard.

Programme Aims

The Clinical Pharmacy programme aims to produce the pharmacy profession’s clinical leaders of the future.

The course enables you to develop a systematic understanding of disease states, the complex issues involved in their treatment and a critical awareness of current research. You will also be able to apply clinical problem-solving skills to patient care, where decisions must be made in unpredictable situations, using initiative and taking personal responsibility. You will importantly be able to critically analyse and evaluate literature in therapeutics, practice research, medicines management, health economics, education, health-related social sciences and health policy in order to inform pharmaceutical services provision. The course uses innovative online learning approaches to ensure pharmacists can identify their own learning needs and participate in continuing professional development in order to work at the forefront of their profession.

Credit Requirements

To be awarded a post-graduate qualification, you have to accumulate the requisite credits by passing the assessments for course units and thus gaining the credits associated with them. Three awards are available, depending on the number of credits gained. Students must accrue 60 credits for the Postgraduate Certificate, 120 credits for the Postgraduate Diploma, and if students continue on to study for the MSc qualification then they must accrue 180 postgraduate credits to qualify for the degree of MSc. The usual rate of progression is 60 credits per academic year.

Currently, four of the eight taught course units are compulsory, complemented by a further choice of four 15 credit units from 10 available options; students will be advised by the programme team on their choice of optional unit depending on their role and career aspirations.

Students may be permitted to receive an award of credits on the basis of demonstrated learning that has occurred at some point in the past (Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning – APEL) through awards from an educational institution or training provider. Further details on Credit Requirements and APEL can be found in the Postgraduate Taught Regulations Document.


If students choose to progress to study for an MSc then a supplementary Dissertation Handbook will be available to them for their third year of study.

The dissertation involves a student working closely with their supervisor to develop and implement an empirical research project. The unit specification for the Dissertation is provided in Section B.

Please note: For those students progressing to a PhD following completion of this MSc, the data collected for this dissertation cannot be used in the PhD. However, it is perfectly proper to use the MSc dissertation research as a pilot study for the PhD.

Supervisory Arrangements for the MSc

Should students wish to progress on to MSc dissertation their progress will be ultimately under the direction of the Programme Director. During year 2 all students progressing to MSc must undertake one course unit on Research Methods: either POPH63121 (Qualitative Research Methods) in Semester 1 or POPH60982 (Practical Statistics for Population Health, focussing on quantitative research methods) in Semester 2. It is not possible to choose both research units. Students will receive formative feedback on choice of topic areas and potential projects.

For the research (dissertation) year, students will be encouraged to speak to individual members of staff to discuss more clarify project ideas. Students will be given a few weeks in order to select supervisors/projects/research areas of their choice. Please note: it is not always possible to allocate students to the supervisor of choice, but every attempt will be made to match students to a research area of their choice.

Postgraduate Taught Degree Regulations for Students

Postgraduate Taught degrees at the University of Manchester are based on the National Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ). This framework requires students to achieve credit at Masters level in order to get an award. For a standard postgraduate taught Masters programme this will normally mean passing 180 credits. A standard Postgraduate Diploma will normally have 120 credits and a Postgraduate Certificate 60 credits. The way in which you study these credits will be defined later in the programme handbook and the programme specification.

The University sets standards relating to your performance on every unit but also on your progression through the programme. Your programme and course unit specifications will set out the requirements for passing the credit on individual units.

The full PGT Degree Regulations can be accessed at:

The following guidance should be read in conjunction with the Introduction to the Postgraduate Degree Regulations for Students:

Exemptions to the PGT Degree Regulations:

Please be aware that the Clinical Pharmacy programme has some higher requirements to the University degree regulations and details of these are outlined below.

  • The programme operates a 50% pass mark across all levels and pathways – i.e. stand-alone units, Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma and MSc;
  • The programmes above will not apply compensation rules to any course units;
  • An average mark of 50% must be achieved for each unit, with no individual component mark within that unit below 40%. If any component mark of a unit falls below 40%, this assessment must be referred. This rule applies to all units within the programme.

Criteria for Awards

Award of Masters Degree

The award of Master degree is based upon credit accumulation using a pass mark of 50%.


Exceptional achievements over the course of the Programme according to the taught masters marking scheme will be rewarded with the degree of Masters with Distinction.

To obtain a Distinction, students must have:

  • accrued 180 credits;
  • have passed all units with no referrals;
  • have achieved an overall weighted average of 70% or more across the programme;

Students who have compensated or have been referred in any course units are not eligible for the award of Distinction. In addition, the dissertation must be submitted by the end of the period of programme, unless there are significant mitigating circumstances, approved in advance for missing the end of programme deadline.


To obtain a Merit, students must have accrued 180 credits AND have achieved an overall weighted average of 60% or more across the programme, including any provision made for compensated or referred units.


To obtain a pass, students must have accrued 180 credits including any provision made for compensated or referred units.


To progress to the dissertation / research element of the Masters programme, students must have passed all taught units (120 credits).

Award of Postgraduate Diploma

To obtain a Postgraduate Diploma award, students must have accrued 120 credits (as specified by the programme) including any provision made for compensated or referred units.

Award of Postgraduate Certificate

To obtain a Postgraduate Certificate award students must have accrued 60 credits (as specified by the programme) including any provision made for compensated or referred units.

Unless otherwise specified in the exemptions, the awards of Postgraduate Diploma and Postgraduate Certificate degree are based upon credit accumulation using a pass mark of 40% for which there is no classification other than pass/fail.

Exit Awards

Exit awards are available for students who do not satisfy the criteria for the programme they are registered on or who needs to exit the programme early due to unforeseen circumstances.

To be considered for a PG Diploma (120 credits; exit point) students must have accrued 120 credits across the programme.

To be considered for a PG Certificate (60 credits; exit point) students must have accrued 60 credits across the programme.


Reassessment as a result of a fail is known as a “Referral”. Reassessment as a result of approved and verified mitigating circumstances is known as “Deferral” and may be permitted where students are reassessed as a first attempt, for which no penalty applies.

Students may be referred in up to half of the total taught credits. The combined total number of credits referred on Clinical Pharmacy cannot exceed half the taught credits. Decisions with regard to which components should be reassessed are made by the Examination Board. When a student is referred they will normally be permitted to retake the assessment/exam on one further occasion.

At the recommendation of the Board of Examiners, students will normally be allowed one resubmission of a failed dissertation or project and this will normally be within four months of the date of the publication of the result.

The pass mark for a reassessment is the same as the first attempt (i.e. 50% for masters and 40% for Postgraduate Diploma/Certificate). When a reassessment is passed, the mark is capped at the lowest compensable fail mark (i.e. 40R), unless the previous mark was within the compensation zone, in which case the original mark will stand with a suffix ‘R’. This mark is used in the weighted average/total mark for the final award. The capped mark is applied to the whole unit and not the failed component.

Please refer to the ‘Programme Exemptions to PGT Degree Regulations’ section of the handbook where specific exemptions applicable to the programme will be listed.

Available Degree Classifications

Overall programme mean average of 50.0% or more Certificate/Diploma Pass
With 120 credits successfully completed

Overall programme mean average of 59.9% or less MSc Pass
With 180 credits successfully completed

Overall programme mean average of between 60.0%-69.9% MSc with Merit
With 180 credits successfully completed

NB If Either Taught Average or Dissertation mark fails within the buffer zone of 58.0-59.9 the student may be considered for the award of Merit. Further information please see the Postgraduate Taught Regulations.

Overall programme mean average of ≥ 70% MSc with Distinction
With 180 credits successfully completed
and no mark < 50% on any Course Unit at first attempt

NB If Either Taught Average or Dissertation mark falls within the buffer zone of 68.0-69.9 the student may be considered for the award of Distinction. Further information please see the Postgraduate Taught Regulations.

Students who register originally for a Diploma, but subsequently wish to transfer to the MSc course, will be allowed to do so if they attain, in assessments of the taught Course Units, the level of achievement specified above for the award of the MSc.

Students must be awarded 120 credits before being permitted to progress to the Dissertation stage of the programme.

Deadlines for Assessed Work


Assessment submissions

The University uses electronic systems for the purposes of detecting plagiarism and other forms of academic malpractice and for marking. Such systems include SafeAssign, the plagiarism detection service used by the University.

As part of the formative and/or summative assessment process, you may be asked to submit electronic versions of your work to SafeAssign and/or other electronic systems used by the University (this requirement may be in addition to a requirement to submit a paper copy of your work). If you are asked to do this, you must do so within the required timescales.

The School also reserves the right to submit work handed in by you for formative or summative assessment to SafeAssign and/or other electronic systems used by the University.

Please note that when work is submitted to the relevant electronic systems, it may be copied and then stored in a database to allow appropriate checks to be made.

All written summative assessments should be submitted via Blackboard® through SafeAssign®. All written summative assessments must be submitted anonymously, only displaying your student ID.

Submission deadline dates are published on Blackboard® for each course unit. However the submission time is always 12 noon UK local time.

We urge you to attempt to submit your assessment early in order to address any problems before the deadline.

Assessments must be submitted within the specified deadline. If there is a problem which prevents you submitting the assessment on time you must bring this to the attention of the Assessment and Progression Administrator promptly and before the assessment submission date. Depending on the length of time you require to complete the assessment you will then need to apply for an extension of up to a maximum of one week for circumstances such as acute illness (see paragraph on Extensions for full details). If you are experiencing longer term problems you should follow the mitigating circumstances route.

Late Submission Penalty (including the dissertation)

Work submitted after the deadline without prior approval will be subject to a late penalty in accordance with the University Policy on Submission of Work for Summative Assessment on Taught Programmes. The penalty applied is 10% of available marks deducted per day/24 hours (from the time of the original or extended deadline), until the assignment is submitted or no marks remain.

Penalties for late submission relate to 24 hours/calendar days, so include weekends and weekdays, as well as bank holidays and University closure days.

The mark awarded for the piece of work will be reduced by:

  • 10% of the available marks deducted if up to 24 hours (1 day) late
  • 20% of the available marks deducted if up to 48 hours (2 days) late
  • 30% of the available marks deducted if up to 72 hours (3 days) late
  • 40% of the available marks deducted if up to 96 hours (4 days) late
  • 50% of the available marks deducted if up to 120 hours (5 days) late
  • 60% of the available marks deducted if up to 144 hours (6 days) late
  • 70% of the available marks deducted if up to 168 hours (7 days) late
  • 80% of the available marks deducted if up to 192 hours (8 days) late
  • 90% of the available marks deducted if up to 216 hours (9 days) late
  • 100% of the available marks deducted if up to 240 hours (10 days) late

If the assessment is submitted within 10 days of the deadline, the assessment should be marked and feedback to the student provided. If this mark before the penalty is applied reaches the appropriate pass mark but the applied penalty results in a fail of the assessment, the student should not be required to resit the assessment as the original mark can be taken in lieu of a resit/referral mark resit/referral procedures will apply. Further information and examples can be found in the Policy and associated Guidance documents.

For work submitted more than 10 days late, it is regarded as a non-submission and need not be marked. In this case a mark of zero will be awarded and normal resit regulations will apply.

The sliding scale should only be applied to first-sit submissions. For all referred (resit) assessment, any late submission will automatically receive a mark of zero.

For further information:

Guidance on Late Submission

Policy on the Submission of Work for Summative Assessment on Taught Programmes


Students can only make requests for extensions and mitigating circumstances if the requests are accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation and using the correct form.

Requests must also be made more than 1 working day (by 12pm, midday) prior to the submission deadline

How do I apply?

Please note that only 1 extension per assessment per attempt is available. If you are granted an extension and still unable to submit by the extension deadline, you need to submit a Mitigating Circumstances Form (see information above).

Students should complete and submit an Extension Request Form no later than 1 working day (by 12pm, midday) prior to the submission deadline. You should state the amount of extra time you require to complete your work by adding the date you feel you can complete by, the Student Support and Wellbeing team along with the Examinations Officer will agree on an acceptable deadline taking into account the marking timeframes of the course unit. The link to the form can also be found on the front page of any online submission area on the course units on blackboard. If you are unable to meet the agreed extension deadline, no further extension can be granted, however you can complete a mitigating circumstances application if there have been circumstances affecting you following your request for an extension.

You must submit evidence to support your application and send to this to You can see examples of appropriate evidence above under

‘What evidence do I need?’

Please note extensions cannot be granted on exams.

Provisional extensions can be granted in exceptional circumstances where evidence cannot be sought initially. However, if the requested evidence is not submitted before the provisional extension submission date, the extension will become null and void.

Once an extension is confirmed the student will be notified by email to their student email address. It is therefore important that students regularly check their account for important programme and assessment-related information.

Please note that as extensions fall outside the original marking period this may result in a longer marking period.

 Automatic 1 week extension for DASS registered Students:

As part of your support plan you may be eligible for an automatic extension of 7 days for assessed written work. The Assessment and Progression team will already have been advised of this, and it will not be necessary for you to submit an application for mitigating circumstances if you are able to submit your work within the original deadline. If the circumstances directly relating to your disability mean that you will need additional time beyond the automatic extension of 1 week, you must submit an Extension Request Form. Please note that automatic extensions do not apply to group-work, presentations or other forms of assessment, and you must submit a mitigating circumstances application if you are unable to meet the deadline for anything other than assessed coursework.

If you have any questions, please contact the Student Support and Well-being team, you can drop in to see them in the SHS Student Hub, ground floor of the Jean McFarlane Building, or email them at, or telephone: 0161 306 7812

Mitigating Circumstances

Please read this advice in conjunction with the University’s Mitigating Circumstances Policy:

Mitigating circumstances are personal or medical circumstances which are unforeseeable and unpreventable that could have a significant adverse effect on your academic performance. You should only submit a Mitigating Circumstances application if you consider it serious enough, and the timing critical, to have affected your performance in your assessed work and/or examinations.

How do I apply?

The link for the Mitigating Circumstances Form can be found here Mitigating Circumstances Form, and on the front page of any online submission area on the course units on blackboard.

You must submit evidence to support your application (further information below). Please send this to

If you do not have access to supporting evidence at the time of completing the form, please note this on your summary of circumstances and complete the form within the required deadline and evidence can be emailed when available.

What types of circumstances are normally accepted or not accepted?

Possible mitigating circumstances include:

  • significant illness or injury; or worsening of an ongoing illness or disability, including mental health conditions; (please see the following DASS webpage for examples of disabilities:
  • the death or critical/significant illness of a close family member/dependant;
  • significant family or personal crises or major financial problems leading to acute stress; and
  • absence from the University for public service, for example, jury service.

These lists are examples; other circumstances can also be considered

Circumstances that will not normally be regarded as grounds for mitigation include:

  • holidays, moving house and events that were planned or could reasonably have been expected;
  • assessments that are scheduled close together;
  • misreading the timetable or misunderstanding the requirements for assessments;
  • inadequate planning and time management;
  • failure, loss or theft of a computer or printer that prevents submission of work on time; students should back up work regularly and not leave completion so late that they cannot find another computer or printer;
  • the act of religious observance;
  • consequences of paid employment (except in some special cases for part-time students);
  • exam stress or panic attacks not diagnosed as illness or supported by medical evidence; and
  • disruption in an examination room during the course of an assessment which has not been brought to the attention of, or recorded by, the invigilators (including instances such as fire alarms or other noise disruption)

Pregnancy: events may arise during pregnancy that may constitute mitigating circumstances, and these need to be judged on a case-by-case basis. It is recommended by the Equality Challenge Unit (ECU), that, at a minimum, students are required to take two weeks’ compulsory maternity-related absence, or four weeks if they are on placement in a factory. This is in line with employment law, and is to ensure the health and safety of the mother following birth.

If a student has already applied for and received an extension, to be considered for mitigating circumstances, they would need to provide additional evidence stating that the circumstances were ongoing throughout the extension period.

Students who are registered with the Disability Advisory and Support Service (DASS)

If you need to apply for mitigating circumstances due to issues directly related to your disability, you do not need to provide any additional supporting evidence, but you must provide a detailed explanation on the application form of how your disability is specifically affecting your studies at the time. It is not sufficient to indicate only that you are registered with the DASS. Additionally, if you feel that your disability has been exacerbated by an event (such as bereavement or a change of medication) then you must still provide evidence of the event itself. A Disability Advisor from the DASS will be part of the Mitigating Circumstances Committee that will consider your application. When considering your application the Committee may check on your engagement with any support you have been offered by the DASS. If support is available but you have chosen not to engage, this may be taken into consideration and reflected in the Committee’s recommendation. If you are registered with DASS but need to apply for mitigating circumstances for an issue that is not directly related to your disability, you must provide supporting evidence (see below for details).

 What evidence do I need?

You should provide as much supporting information as possible with your mitigating circumstances request. This helps us to understand the severity of the situation and assess the best solution. All evidence will be treated confidentially.

You may include any evidence that supports your request, such as:

  • Extracts from your medical notes (you can request these from your GP practice)
  • Copy of prescription or photo of name label on prescribed medication
  • Appointment cards from medical unit or hospital admissions letter
  • Confirmation text of medical appointment
  • Communications from a school or care facility confirming that they are closed or the person you care for is unable to attend
  • An obituary or letter from a family member, in the case of bereavement
  • Police, security or insurance report
  • Press or media report
  • Internal confirmation of existing engagement with our counselling / Advice and Response service

Mitigating Circumstances Committee

Mitigating circumstances committees take place prior to an exam board to consider submitted applications. The purpose of the committee is to establish the severity of the mitigating circumstances and to determine if they might have a negligible or significant effect on the outcomes of the assessment.

How will my application be considered?

The Mitigating Circumstances Committee will assess whether to accept or reject your application based on the information and supporting evidence you have provided.

Following the meeting the student will be informed of the outcome in writing via email. This will also be accompanied by a ‘Mitigating Circumstances Information Sheet’ with what happens next guidance.

If my application is accepted how will mitigation be applied?

Late submission of coursework (excluding PGT dissertations):

When coursework is submitted after the deadline, the student should complete the online mitigating circumstances form explaining the reasons for the late submission, together with appropriate third-party supporting documentary evidence (e.g. medical or other). Any coursework submitted after the submission deadline will be subject to the penalties outlined in the late submission policy (available in the Assessed Coursework Guidelines) unless the mitigation is accepted. If students have valid mitigating circumstances to explain the late submission and the Mitigating Circumstances Committee accept that the circumstances warranted the length of time taken to submit the work, then it will be the recommendation of the Mitigating Circumstances Committee that the penalty is waived and full marks are reinstated.

Students are advised to aim to submit outstanding coursework at the earliest opportunity and in any case within ten working days of the deadline. If work is submitted after that date it will receive a mark of 0 regardless of mitigation. If an application for mitigating circumstances is not accepted by the Mitigating Circumstances Committee (i.e. rejected), then late penalties will be imposed.

Late submission PGT dissertations:

Students are advised to aim to submit outstanding PGT dissertation at the earliest opportunity and in any case no later than twenty working days after the deadline. Students should liaise with the regarding difficulties in meeting these deadlines. When dissertations are submitted after the deadline, the student should complete the online Mitigating Circumstances Form explaining the reasons for the late submission, together with appropriate third-party supporting documentary evidence (e.g. medical or other). Any dissertation submitted after the submission deadline will be subject to the penalties outlined in the late submission policy (unless the mitigation is accepted).

If students have valid mitigating circumstances to explain the late submission and the Mitigating Circumstances Committee accept that the circumstances warranted the length of time taken to submit the work, then it will be the recommendation of the Mitigating Circumstances Committee that the penalty is waived and full marks are reinstated

If an application for mitigating circumstances is not accepted by the Mitigating Circumstances Committee (i.e. rejected), then late penalties will be imposed.

Mitigation will not result in the changing of any marks.

Instead, the Board of Examiners will note how much of the unit was affected. Normally students will be offered a first sit opportunity. In very serious cases, the Board may also agree to apply general mitigation to your overall performance for an academic year or offer an opportunity to repeat the year.

Missed examinations or non-submission of coursework:

In the case of a missed examination, this will normally be re-scheduled for the August examination period.

In the case of a non-submission of coursework, you will be issued with a new submission date which will be set by the Board of Examiners.

How will I find out the result of my application?

You will be notified of the outcome of your application by email to your student email address. All marks are provisional until the Final Examinations Board. The Committee will recommend to the Board of Examiners whether mitigation should be applied.

Students do not have the right to appeal against the recommendation of a Mitigating Circumstances Committee, although they can appeal against the final decision of an Examination Board, or equivalent body, under regulation XIX (Academic Appeals Procedure) once the results have been published.

What support might I be offered after submitting a mitigating circumstances form?

The Student Support and Wellbeing (SSW) team can help you to access the relevant support services within the University. If you have disclosed personal/medical circumstances on your application the SSW team may contact you and ask for your permission to complete a referral to the relevant University support service.

You will notice on the form that you are asked to declare that you understand and consent to the University sharing any relevant personal data about you between departments (e.g. School, Mitigating Circumstances Panel, DASS), based on the information disclosed on the form.

Assignment Word Count (including the dissertation)

With the exception of examination answers, all assessed work is subject to a word limit. There are three reasons for this.

  • It is one of our objectives to encourage students to acquire the skill of expressing ideas in clear and concise written prose. Writing within a word limit imposes a discipline on your work.
  • For any given type of work we can only apply fair and consistent marking standards when everyone is writing within the same constraints.
  • Imposing word limits communicates clear expectations.

In accordance with the University Policy on Marking, Schools must have procedures in place to apply a penalty if the word count exceeds the limit by more than 10%.

Each written assignment has a word limit, which you must state at the top of your first page. It is acceptable, without penalty, for you to submit an assignment within a range that is plus 10% of this limit. If you present an assignment with a word count exceeding the specified limit +10%, the assignment will be marked but 1% will be deducted from this mark for every 100 words over the limit given.

For an original word limit that is 1,000 words and an assignment that is marked out of 100: if a submission is made that is 1,101 words then it exceeds the 10% leeway, and is more than 100 words over the original limit and should receive a 1 mark deduction.

In accordance with accepted academic practice, when submitting any written assignment for summative assessment, the notion of a word count includes the following without exception:

  • All titles or headings that form part of the actual text. This does not include the cover page or reference list.
  • All words that form the actual essay.
  • All words forming the titles for figures, tables and boxes are included, but this does not include boxes or tables or figures themselves.
  • All in-text (that is bracketed) references.
  • All directly quoted material.

Certain assessments may require different penalties for word limits to be applied. For example, where part of the requirement for the assessment is conciseness of presentation of facts and arguments. In such cases it may be that no 10% leeway is allowed and the penalties applied may be stricter than described above. In such cases the rules for word count limits and the penalties to be applied will be clearly stated in the assessment brief and in the submission details for that assessment.

Word limits should not include text in the bibliography/reference list, figure legends and tables, and appendices (if relevant). However, students cannot use figure legends or text within tables to try and side step the word limit (i.e. figure legends and table must be of appropriate length) and must be warned that if they do so they will be penalised.

Where assignments have high numeric content (e.g. statistics) then a judgement should be made as to whether it is reasonable for this ruling to apply.

Where any mark reductions result in a fail, the unit will be treated as a failed unit in accordance with the University’s Degree Regulations.

Submitting work

All assignments must be submitted electronically. The published deadlines for assessments all relate to the electronic submission which is done via Blackboard, on the SafeAssign system. You must submit by the deadline advertised in your timetable/assessment handbook.

The filename MUST contain your ID number then your assignment title,

e.g. 7123456 Assignment 1.

DO NOT save the work as ‘Essay’ or as the title of the work.

All assignments must include a cover page with the unit title, assignment question and your student number. Do not include your name as assignments are marked anonymously. Please see below for an example:

The University of Manchester

PHAR71010 – Basic Principles

(Assignment title)

(Submission date)

(Final word count)

(Student ID)


When creating your document please ensure your ID number is on each page (in the header or footer) and your name does not appear on the document.

To submit an electronic copy of the work:

Please remember you can only upload one document so you cannot save your references as a separate document.

The electronic copy is your official record of submission.

Feedback for assessments

The purpose of feedback is to provide constructive criticism and encouragement so that you can improve your standards as time goes on. Thus in addition to marks we will give you written feedback on most of your assessed coursework and give it back to you.

Marks awarded for your assessments (i.e. everything which contributes to your final degree classification) are subject to moderation by the examination board and the external examiner. Consequently all marks given to students before the final examiners’ meeting has taken place must be regarded as provisional. Shortly after the examinations meetings we will publish results and email out results letter.

The date your results will be published will be added to Blackboard.

When you have graduated you may obtain a detailed official written account of all your examination results, called a transcript, from the Student Services Centre (SSC) on payment of a small fee. This carries the University stamp and is recognised for such purposes as admission to a further course of study at another institution (in the UK or abroad), membership of professional bodies, exemption from sections of professional examinations and so on. If you need a transcript, contact the SSC on 0161 275 5000.

Return of Marked Work

Understandably students are keen to know their results and to receive comments. However, there must inevitably be a trade-off between the diligence of the marking process and the speed at which it takes place. Marks from marked work must also be entered into our records, and this process is slowed by the need for painstaking checking to ensure accuracy. Students will be notified by email once the work has been marked and grades are available.

We will endeavour to mark work and give feedback to students 15 working days after the hand-in date. However, occasionally there may be delays as a result of staff illness or other unforeseeable factors.

The Policy on Feedback to Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Students can be accessed here:

How to find your marks

Once work has been marked and moderated you will receive an email from the Assessment and Progression Administrator to tell you that the marks have been released. Work submitted via Blackboard will usually show a mark along with feedback on the Blackboard system.

You can also access marks by logging into your MyManchester account at and going to My Services/Self Service and Student Centre. You can choose ‘Assignments’ from the drop down box and choose the relevant unit. Your Final mark for the unit doesn’t appear until the unit is fully completed and marks have been through an exam board.


Examinations run in the standard University exam period. The University publishes the dates of each examination period two years in advance, please refer to:

Please be aware that you may be tested on any topic from within a unit. Do not presume that because a piece of coursework has covered one area of a unit that it will not also appear in the exam. Past papers (where appropriate) are available on Blackboard in the Assessment folder for each course unit. Do not assume that exams will take the same format as previous years. Academic staff should not indicate what will/ will not feature in an exam as this may not be accurate. Staff may have submitted questions that may not, necessarily, appear on the final exam paper. You should presume that anything can appear on the exam paper unless informed officially by the Assessment and Progression Administrator or Programme Directors.

Monitoring Progress

For students progressing on to study for the MSc, further information regarding supervision will be in the Dissertation handbook and on the PHAR62230 Dissertation space on Blackboard. In order to monitor their progress, students will have regular, scheduled meetings with their dissertation supervisor. Progress forms should be completed at these meetings.


Online participation at webinars and academic adviser tutorials is compulsory and attendance is monitored. If your attendance or participation is unsatisfactory then you will be reported to the MSc Programme Committee and, ultimately, to the Pharmacy and Vision Sciences Postgraduate Consortium Committee. Of course we realise that students will sometimes be unable to study for very good reasons due to personal or family circumstances, or illness; if this happens to you we will only know if you tell us, and we ask that you account for any period of absence which involves missing any scheduled session. In case of illness you should supply a doctor’s certificate or, if the illness is brief, a self-certification form can be obtained. If you are absent for other reasons then you should contact the Programme Director, explaining the circumstances. Medical certificates or letters should be submitted to the Whatever your reason for being away, please inform your supervisor or academic advisor about it and make any necessary arrangements to catch up with work you have missed. If you have failed to hand in a piece of assessed work as a result of your absence, be sure you have complied with the rules outlined above for late submission.

The Programme Committee monitors all cases of absence, and students who do not participate satisfactorily will be asked to meet the Committee and give good reason for their lack of engagement.

The University Policy on Monitoring Attendance and Wellbeing of Students can be found at

Requests for interruption

Students normally study for their Diploma over two years and their MSc postgraduate qualification over three years of part-time study. However the University recognises that it is sometimes necessary, in unfortunate circumstances, for people to interrupt their attendance. The regulations refer to this as “interruption”. An interruption allows students the chance to recover from such things as ill health; it is NOT a device to allow students to take time off because they fancy a break.

If approved, interruption would normally be granted for a period of 12 months. Thus a student would leave the University on a certain date and resume their studies on the anniversary of that date. Shorter periods of interruption are possible, but since they inevitably involve repeating some of the programme it is unusual for the University to allow them.

If you wish to interrupt you should first discuss it informally with the Programme Directors.  If you decide to continue with your application, you must complete the online interruption form and send your supporting evidence to the Wellbeing Team at, stating your name, University ID number and programme.  You can also contact the Programmes Support Team if you need further advice on the process.

Withdrawal from studies

If for any reason you would like to withdraw from your studies, please contact the Wellbeing Team at, for further guidance. We will ask you to give notification of your withdrawal in writing, and you may be invited to speak to the Programme Director before your withdrawal is processed. Please note that you may be liable for part or whole of the tuition fees due and/or an administrative charge if you decide to withdraw once teaching has started.

Academic Appeals

Students have a right of appeal against a final decision of an Examination Board, or a progress committee, or a graduate committee or equivalent body which affects their academic status or progress in the University.

Students thinking of appealing should first discuss the matter informally with an appropriate member of staff, in order to better understand the reason for the result or decision.

Should you wish to proceed to a formal appeal, this must be submitted within the timeframe outlined in the Academic Appeals Procedure to the Faculty Appeals and Complaints Team,
Room 3.21, Simon Building, University of Manchester, M13 9PL

The Academic Appeals Procedure (Regulation XIX) and associated documents, including the form on which formal appeals should be submitted, can be found at

Student Complaints

The University’s Student Complaints Procedure (Regulation XVIII) and associated documents, including a complaints form, can be found at

The University has separate procedures to address complaints of bullying, harassment, discrimination and/or victimisation – see

Students thinking of submitting a formal complaint should, in most instances, attempt informal resolution first (see the Student Complaints Procedure). Formal complaints should be submitted on the relevant form to the Faculty Appeals and Complaints Team, Room 3.21, Simon Building, University of Manchester, M13 9PL (e‑mail:

Conduct and Discipline of Students

General University information on the Conduct and Discipline of Students can be found at

Faculty policies for students on Communication and Dress Code, Social Networking and Drugs & Alcohol can be found at:

Information on Academic Malpractice and how to avoid it can be found at

In accordance with the Policy on Submission of Work for Summative Assessment on Taught Programmes, ‘All typed summative assessment, including dissertations, should be submitted online and subjected to plagiarism detection software, where appropriate’.

The University Library has produced online resources to help students in avoiding plagiarism and academic malpractice at:

An Introduction to Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism is provided by the Student Guidance Service at:
An Introduction to Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism (Student Guidance Service)

The Student Support website provides guidance on Good Study Skills at:

The Student Support website also provides guidance on avoiding academic malpractice:

Sharing Information

The University may share appropriate information relating to your health and/or conduct with external organisations such as your professional employer (for example, relevant NHS Trust Professional and Statutory Regulatory Bodies (PSRB), placement and training providers and/or regulator (such as the General Pharmaceutical Council or the Royal Pharmaceutical Society)). This may occur where concerns in relation to your health and/or conduct arise and the University considers it necessary for them to be disclosed to one or more of the above organisations.

The University’s Privacy Notice for Registered Students (which is accessible via the Registered student Privacy Notice) includes further information about how the University may use and process your personal data, including the legal basis and conditions which may be relevant to such processing (see section 6 of the Privacy Notice). The University will only disclose special category data (such as data relating to your health) to a third party organisation where one of the additional conditions are satisfied (see section 9 of the Privacy Notice), including where processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest.

Understanding Academic Malpractice

The University does not permit plagiarism or other forms of academic malpractice under any circumstances, and individuals found to have committed such an incident can expect a harsh penalty, which in some cases results in exclusion from the University. To ensure that you are fully informed about University expectations and understand your responsibilities with regard to academic malpractice, please ensure you complete mandatory academic malpractice training in the Blackboard unit SHSS60001 Introductory Courses.

A copy of the University’s Academic Malpractice Procedure can be found at the following link:

You can also access an online e-learning package on avoiding plagiarism via the University Library’s award-winning skills programme, My Learning Essentials.

If you have any doubts or further questions please contact your Educational Supervisor or Programme Director.

Fitness to Practise

Information on Fitness to Practise related matters can be found at:

Programme Management

The Programme Committee will be primarily responsible for monitoring the programme and will report directly to the Pharmacy and Vision Sciences Postgraduate Teaching and Learning Committee. This committee in turn reports to the School of Health Sciences PGT Committee. Special responsibility for the programme will be taken by the Programme Director, the Consortium Lead for Postgraduate Taught Programmes and the Head of Division. The Programme Committee will, in liaison with the School Postgraduate Committee, take responsibility for programme structure, development and delivery. The Programme Director will be responsible for admissions to the programme.

The Programme Director, in liaison with the Consortium Lead and the Postgraduate Programmes Manager, will be responsible for Quality Assurance for the programme.

Election of a Student Representative

Early in Semester 1, students will be asked to select one or two individuals to represent their interests to the Clinical Pharmacy Programme Committee. The reps will also organise group feedback sessions at the end of each semester for all students to voice opinions on the programme.

Feedback from Students

Students will be asked to complete an online survey at the end of each unit. This feedback is vital to help us improve the programme for future cohorts of students.

Responsibilities of the Student

The responsibilities of the student include:

a) pursuing the programme with a positive commitment, taking full advantage of the resources and facilities offered by the academic environment and, in particular, contact with the staff and fellow students;

b) ensuring that he/she is aware of the health and safety regulations and academic rules and regulations and codes of practice of the University;

d) successfully completing any training programme arranged within the prescribed time period;

e) taking the initiative in raising problems or difficulties, however elementary they may seem, bearing in mind that prompt discussion and resolution of problems can prevent difficulties and disagreements at a later stage;

Role and Responsibilities of Unit Leaders

To develop and update the unit specification in consultation with specialists and programme directors, ensuring a coherent selection of teaching material and assessments to fit with the overall aim of the programme and its specifications

To liaise with a programme administrators and the specialists on their unit to ensure that the information on their unit in the programme handbook is accurate

To liaise with programme administrators and specialists to organise examining, marking and student feedback

To develop and monitor the Blackboard e-Learning site for their unit, in liaison with specialists for the sessions in their unit

To liaise with students concerning queries relating to teaching and assessments for the unit that are not specific to an individual teaching session

To attend programme meetings and the programme exam board in order to liaise with programme directors and student representatives

To consider and act upon student feedback, staff feedback, and external examiner feedback, in order to modify the structure, content and processes within their unit, in discussion with the programme team.

Role of the External Examiner

External Examiners are individuals from another institution or organisation who monitor the assessment processes of the University to ensure fairness and academic standards. They ensure that assessment and examination procedures have been fairly and properly implemented and that decisions have been made after appropriate deliberation. They also ensure that standards of awards and levels of student performance are at least comparable with those in equivalent higher education institutions.

External Examiner’s reports

External Examiner’s reports relating to this programme will be shared with student representatives at the programme board, where details of any actions carried out by the programme team/School in response to the External Examiner’s comments will be discussed. Students should contact their student representatives if they require any further information about External Examiner’s reports or the process for considering them.

The External Examiner for this programme is: Dr Simon White

Name of Institution: Keele University

Position at current Institution: Senior Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacy,
Director of Postgraduate Education
Reader in Pharmacy Practice

Please note that it is inappropriate for students to make direct contact with External Examiners under any circumstances, in particular with regards to a student’s individual performance in assessments. Other appropriate mechanisms are available for students, including the University’s appeals or complaints procedures and the UMSU Advice Centre. In cases where a student does contact an External Examiner directly, External Examiners have been requested not to respond to direct queries. Instead, External Examiners should report the matter to their School contact who will then contact the student to remind them of the other methods available for students. If students have any queries concerning this, they should contact their Programme Office (or equivalent).


Section B: Syllabus, Course Units and Route through the Programme


Year One: Compulsory Units

Semester 1

PHAR63001: Foundations of Clinical Pharmacy (15 credits)

PHAR60411: Medicines Optimisation and Therapeutics 1 (15 credits)

Semester 2

PHAR63002: Evidence Based Practice (15 credits)

PHAR63012: Medicines Optimisation and Therapeutics 2 (15 credits)

Year Two: Optional Units

Semester 1

PHAR61001 Independent Prescribing (30 credits)

PHAR63021 Specialist Medicines Optimisation and Therapeutics (15 credits)

PHAR63041 Paediatrics (15 credits)

PHAR63031 Mental Health (15 credits)

PHAR60431 Education and Training (15 credits)

PHAR65000 Medicines Management (15 credits)

POPH63121 Qualitative Research Methods (15 credits)

Semester 2

PHAR61002 Independent Prescribing (30 credits)

POPH60092 Economic Evaluation in Healthcare (15 credits)

PHAR62261 Leadership and Management (15 credits)

PHAR62252 Surgery (15 credits)

PHAR63052 Pharmacy Public Health (15 credits)

POPH60982 Practical Statistics for Population Health (Quantitative Research Methods) (15 credits)

Year Three

PHAR62230 Research dissertation (60 credits)

Course Units

Course Unit: Foundations of Clinical Pharmacy (PHAR63001)

Credit Rating: 15

Unit Leader: Esnath Magola-Makinas

Year: 1


To foster the skills, knowledge and behaviours of a clinical pharmacist through a range of essential skills. Introduce the concept of pharmaceutical care and medicines optimisation. To develop clinical problem-solving skills in a range of patient groups (elderly, paediatrics, renal, liver and surgical patients), develop advanced consultation skills and behaviours, reporting of adverse drug reactions, responding to medicines related enquiries, and resolving medicines related incidents. These skills are underpinned by developing and understanding the benefits of reflection on practice.


At the end of this course unit, the student should:

  • Demonstrate competency in consultation skills
  • Demonstrate the skills required to deliver effective clinical care in a variety of settings working as part of the multidisciplinary healthcare team.
  • Describe the concept of pharmaceutical care and medicines optimisation
  • Demonstrate systematic understanding of specific common patient groups and the issues involved in therapeutic optimisation in these groups
  • Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of best clinical practice and its application to clinical practice and the pharmaceutical care of patients
  • Integrate theory and research of disease pathology and disease management with patient information to apply best evidence to practice in a clinical problem-solving context.
  • Safely and competently carry out a range of patient-based clinical skills
  • Use resources to collect and select information about the optimal clinical management of a patient
  • Learn effectively for the purpose of continuing professional development and in a wider context throughout their career
  • Evaluate their own academic and personal progression


This compulsory unit provides students with a baseline skillset to be able to review patients and optimise their therapy. It will cover the fundamentals of communication and patient management for a range of commonly encountered patient groups, and will also highlights the role of the pharmacist in patient care. The following key clinical skills will be developed:

  • problem identification
  • taking and evaluating a medication history
  • patient counselling
  • interpretation of laboratory data
  • understanding the relationship between different patient groups and drug handling
  • consultations skills and behaviours
  • responding to medication-related enquiries
  • reporting adverse drug reactions
  • responding to medication errors that compromise patient safety
  • reflection on practice

The unit will combine e-lectures, webinars and tutorials, reading and practical work-based tasks to develop these skills which will be assessed using a practice portfolio.

The blended option will include one study day.


Submission of Clinical Skills Practice Portfolio.

This includes the following, mapped against the professional competency framework:

  1. Consultation Skills for Pharmacy Practice certificate
  2. Medication History
  3. Adverse Drug Reaction reporting
  4. Responding to a medication related error
  5. Providing information to a patient
  6. Responding to a medication related inquiry from a healthcare professional

Items 1- 3 to be submitted in week 7

Items 4-6 to be submitted in week 15

2,500 words Summative 100%

Course Unit: Medicines Optimisation and Therapeutics 1 (PHAR60411)

Credit Rating: 15

Unit Leader: Idrees Hasan

Year: 1


To develop the knowledge and skills required to deliver medicines optimisation and demonstrate clinical problem-solving skills in a range of specific disease states (namely asthma, COPD, hypertension, heart failure, PUD, IBD, diabetes, depression, dementia and infection).


At the end of this course unit, the student should:

  • Demonstrate a systematic understanding of specific disease states and the complex issues involved in therapeutic optimisation and individualising care for patients with these diseases (namely asthma, COPD, hypertension, heart failure, PUD, IBD, diabetes, depression, dementia and general infection)
  • Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of best clinical practice/national guidance and application to clinical practice and pharmaceutical care of patients with these specific disease states
  • Integrate theory and research of disease pathology and disease management with patient information to apply best evidence to practice in a clinical problem-solving context.
  • Critically analyse and evaluate the relevant scientific literature in therapeutics and practice research
  • Use critical reasoning to synthesise, analyse and evaluate primary and secondary sources of data from clinical and health services areas in order to apply these to resolve individual patient drug-related problems Apply these skills to pharmaceutical care planning
  • Safely and competently carry out a range of patient-based clinical skills: taking a drug history from a patient, evaluating individual patients’ pharmaceutical care needs, identifying, prioritising and resolving drug relating problems, ensuring drug prescriptions and regimens are safe, effective, discharge planning and patient advise provision
  • Use library, electronic and online resources to collect and select information about the optimal clinical management of a patient
  • Carry out constructive peer review
  • Develop oral presentation skills [blended option only]
  • Learn effectively for the purpose of continuing professional development and in a wider context throughout their career
  • Learn to manage effective team working by carrying out tasks within a small group in a structured situation, and by preparing and giving a presentation of data, information or the solution to a team task
  • Evaluate his/her own academic and personal progression
  • Identify and develop learning needs through CPD and mapping competency against a professional competency framework


This unit is compulsory for students registered on the MSc/PGDip Clinical Pharmacy.

This unit will develop students’ knowledge in commonly encountered chronic disease states. Students will apply this knowledge to review patients and optimise their therapy through a series of case study and wiki exercises, and for assessment.

The unit will cover the fundamentals of patient management for a range of disease states, and will also highlight the role of the pharmacist in patient care, and emphasise the following key clinical skills:

Apply a systematic approach to clinical problem solving through pharmaceutical care planning for patients with particular diseases

Preparation of pharmaceutical care plans

Critically review the evidence for the treatment of commonly encountered disease states in its application to pharmaceutical care

Understand the relationship between individual patient needs and therapeutics in different disease states

Apply current therapeutic principles of treating particular disease states and incorporate into working practice

Develop the principles of individualising patient care within specific disease states

Utilise the principles of CPD to further enhance their professional development in line with a professional competency framework

The unit will be assessed using an online examination (MCQ and case-based questions) and a pharmaceutical care plan for both online and blended options.


Pharmaceutical care plan
(1 individual plan)
Suggested no longer than 2,000 words Formative

Pass / Fail

Assessed pharmaceutical care plan Suggested no longer than 2,000 words Summative 30%
Examination (MCQ and case-based questions – two compulsory) 2 hours Summative 70%

Course Unit: Evidence Based Practice (PHAR63002)

Credit Rating: 15

Unit Leaders: Dr Li-Chia Chen & Dr Doug Steinke

Year: 1


The unit aims to:

Enable students to evaluate the healthcare literature and understand the types of studies used to evaluate prescribing, medication utilisation and clinical outcomes.

Support students in analysing and using information to effectively manage medicines in practice for prescribing, formulary decisions and patient access to new medicines.


At the end of this course unit, the student should:

  • Demonstrate a systematic understanding of statistical and ethical issues in clinical and health services research
  • Demonstrate a conceptual and critical understanding of medicines management methods in use in healthcare and pharmaceutical care that inform formulary decisions and introduction of new medicines
  • Critically analyse and evaluate the relevant scientific literature in therapeutics, practice research, medicines management, health economics, health-related social sciences and health policy to inform decisions in practice such as prescribing, medicine selection and formulary management
  • Use critical reasoning to synthesise, analyse and evaluate primary and secondary sources of data from clinical and health services areas and apply these to individual patient problem-solving and wider policy decision-making prescribing, medicine selection and formulary management
  • Analyse qualitative and quantitative data to determine their strength and validity
  • Present primary and secondary clinical and health services data in written forms
  • Manage effective team working by carrying out tasks within a small group and by preparing and presenting data, information or the solution to a team task
  • Manage change effectively and respond to changing demands
  • Evaluate their own academic and personal progression
  • Learn effectively for the purpose of continuing professional development and in a wider context throughout their career including identifying competency against a professional competency framework


This unit is compulsory for students registered on the MSc/PGDip Clinical Pharmacy.

This unit will provide students with a baseline skillset to be able to locate, analyse and utilise healthcare literature. The unit will combine e-lectures, reading and a journal club to develop these skills.

Students will take a patient-centred approach to applying critical reasoning, analysis and evaluation of primary and secondary sources of data from clinical and health services areas; this will promote problem-solving and wider policy decision-making skills to inform prescribing analysis, formulary decisions and medicines access, such as introduction of new drugs within their local practice.

During the unit students will utilise library databases available (Medline, EMBASE, etc) using a systematic approach.

Calculate risk measures from a study synopsis or data

Apply evidence based medicine to their practice

Be able to review an article and present the critical evaluation in report form, making decisions around its economic viability

Demonstrate the concept of critical analysis

Critically analyse literature to identify points of interest or conflict that should be considered

Identify the study design with its associated measures of risk

Calculate the various measures of risk (OR, RR, NNT, AR) and interpret them for clinical literature

Demonstrate the application of evidence based medicine in patient care such as the selection of medicines based on evidence and how formulary decisions are made.

The unit will be assessed by MCQ examination, critical evaluation of a study and participation in online discussions for both the online and blended options. For the CPD/ACPP option, students will not undertake an examination in order to minimise their absence from the workplace. The examination will be replaced by a critique of a study of the student’s choosing, applied to patient care in the context of their workplace.


Participation in online discussion 250 words Pass / Fail 0%
Report of critical evaluation of two studies 1,000 words Summative 50%
MCQ examination 2 hours Summative 50%

Course Unit: Medicines Optimisation and Therapeutics 2 (PHAR63012)

Credit Rating: 15

Unit Leader: Raeesa Tailor

Year: 1


To further develop the knowledge and skills required to engage in medicines optimisation and apply clinical problem solving skills to complex chronic disease states, namely, vascular disease, kidney disease, hepatic disease, musculoskeletal (rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis), Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy and palliative care.


At the end of this course unit, the student should:

  • Demonstrate a systematic understanding of specific disease states and the complex issues involved in therapeutic optimisation and individualising care for patients with these diseases.
  • Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of best clinical practice and its application to clinical practice and pharmaceutical care of patients with specific disease states
  • Integrate theory and research of disease pathology and disease management with patient information to apply best evidence to practice in a clinical problem-solving context.
  • Critically analyse and evaluate the relevant scientific literature in therapeutics
  • Use critical reasoning to synthesise, analyse and evaluate primary and secondary sources of data from clinical areas and apply these to individual patient problem-solving
  • Apply these skills to pharmaceutical care planning
  • Safely and competently carry out a range of patient-based clinical skills; taking a drug history from a patient, evaluating individual patients’ pharmaceutical care needs, ensuring drug prescriptions and regimens are safe, effective and legal, identifying pharmaceutical care issues with resolutions and care planning
  • Use resources to collect and select information about the optimal clinical management of a patient
  • Develop oral presentation skills [blended option only]
  • Manage effective team working by carrying out tasks within a small group in a structured situation, and by preparing and giving an oral presentation
  • Carry out constructive peer review
  • Evaluate their own academic and personal progression
  • Manage effective team working by carrying out tasks within a small group in a structured situation
  • Learn effectively for the purpose of continuing professional development and in a wider context throughout their career including identifying competency against a professional competency framework


This unit is compulsory for students registered on the MSc/PGDip Clinical Pharmacy.

This unit will develop students’ knowledge in complex chronic disease states. Students will apply this knowledge to review patients and optimise their therapy through a series of case study and wiki exercises and pharmaceutical care plans.

The unit will deliver learning on:

Therapeutic options for complex disease states including vascular disease, kidney and complex gastroenterology/hepatic disease, musculoskeletal disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and palliative care.

Critical evaluation of primary evidence and national guidelines relating these to the individual patient needs.

Medicines optimisation issues including patient safety and wastage of medicines, which will include relevant national policy and guidelines.

Patient-centred care including patient and health care professional communication and consultation skills

Critically review the therapeutic options in the management of specific disease states

Identify how to monitor the desired outcomes and adverse effects of drug therapy

Discuss the complexities of therapeutic decision making in complex disease states and patient groups

Present pharmaceutical care plans for an individual patient’s management, explaining all the patients pharmaceutical care requirements and identifying the role of the pharmacist in medicines optimisation

Utilise the principles of CPD to further enhance their professional development in line with a professional competency framework.

The unit will be assessed using an online examination (MCQ and case-based questions) and a pharmaceutical care plan for both online and blended options. For the CPD option, students will not undertake an examination in order to minimise their absence from the workplace. The examination will be replaced by a clinical case analysis and oral case presentation.


Pharmaceutical care plan
(1 individual plan)
Suggested no longer than 2,000 words Formative

Pass / Fail

1 assessed pharmaceutical care plan Suggested no longer than 2,000 words Summative 30%
Examination (MCQ and case-based questions – two compulsory) 2 hours Summative 70%

Course Unit: Specialist Medicines Optimisation and Therapeutics (PHAR63021)

Credit Rating: 15

Unit Leader: Catherine Cassidy

Year: 2


To further develop the knowledge and skills required to engage in medicines optimisation and engage in clinical problem solving skills in complex disease states including the critical care patient and advanced and complex disease states (HIV, TB, nutrition, cancer, critical care and biological therapies).

Students will apply this knowledge to review patients and optimise their therapy through a series of case study and online exercises.


At the end of this course unit, the student should:

  • Demonstrate a systematic understanding of specific disease states (HIV/TB, hepatitis, nutrition, critical care, biologic therapies and cancer) and the complex issues involved in therapeutic optimisation and individualising care for patients with these diseases.
  • Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of best clinical practice and its application to clinical practice and pharmaceutical care of patients with specific disease states (as above)
  • Integrate theory and research of disease pathology and disease management with patient information to apply best evidence to practice in a clinical problem-solving context.
  • Use critical reasoning to synthesise, analyse and evaluate primary and secondary sources of data from clinical areas and apply these to individual patient problem-solving
  • Safely and competently carry out a range of patient-based clinical skills(pharmaceutical care planning, case-based analysis of patient management)
  • Use resources to collect and select information about the optimal clinical management of a complex patient
  • Develop presentation skills
  • Carry out constructive peer review
  • Learn to manage effective team working by carrying out tasks within a small group in a structured situation, and by preparing and giving an oral presentation (blended only)
  • Evaluate their own academic and personal progression
  • Learn effectively for the purpose of continuing professional development and in a wider context throughout their career, including demonstrating competency against a professional competency framework


This unit builds upon the knowledge and skills gained in prior units to further develop the student’s professional practice in managing patients with complex disease states, including those with HIV, TB, cancer and patients requiring intensive care, clinical nutrition or biological therapies.

Depending on the student’s area of practice there will be an opportunity to choose appropriate case studies to meet their professional needs.

The unit will be assessed using a case-based discussion and a pharmaceutical care plan.


Case-based discussion. 30 mins Summative 50%
Pharmaceutical care plan 2,000 words Summative 50%

Course Unit: Paediatrics (PHAR63041)

Credit Rating: 15

Unit Leaders: Chris Paget

Year: 2


To develop student’s knowledge of commonly encountered paediatric conditions, general and specialist management of paediatric patients.

To develop skills in the practice of pharmaceutical care to children and their carers

To improve students’ clinical practice regarding the management of the unwell child


At the end of this course unit, the student should:

  • Describe the legal and ethical framework that supports children and young people in their encounters with healthcare
  • Explain the differences between children and adults in terms of drug handling, adherence issues and communication
  • Describe and demonstrate the pharmacological and nonpharmacological management of commonly encountered conditions in children and young people
  • Describe and demonstrate, using advanced clinical decision-making skills, the specialist management of children and young people
  • Discuss the contributions that the pharmacy team can make to the care of children and young people with acute and long term conditions
  • Integrate theory and research of disease pathology and disease management in children and young people with patient information to apply the best evidence to practice
  • Critically analyse and evaluate clinical literature in therapeutics relevant to paediatrics
  • Use critical reasoning to synthesise, analyse and evaluate clinical and contextual data in order to apply this to resolve individual patient drug-related problems
  • Evaluate and critically analyse the ethical and legal implications of treatment options in children and young people
  • Facilitate continuity of care for children moving between primary, secondary and tertiary care
  • Use a range of electronic resources to identify and select appropriate information about the optimal clinical management of a paediatric patient
  • Carry out constructive peer review
  • Demonstrate competency in consultations with children
  • Evaluate their own academic and personal progression
  • Manage effective team working by participating in small group tasks
  • Communicate effectively with paediatric patients and their carers
  • Learn effectively for the purpose of continuing professional development and in a wider context throughout their career including identifying competency against a professional competency framework


This unit will enhance students’ practice in paediatrics through developing both knowledge of common disease processes and paediatric drug handling in addition to broader skills essential to providing paediatric pharmaceutical care in a safe and effective manner. The unit covers basic, general and specialist management of paediatric patients.

The unit will combine e-lectures, reading and practical work-based tasks to develop this knowledge and skills which will be assessed using self-assessment, reflective practice and in-depth case study review.


3 x MCQ self-tests 30-60 minutes each Formative 0%

Pass/fail only – 70% required to pass each self-test.

“Consulting with children and young people” CPPE e-learning package:

E-learning completion

Self-reflection checklist

CPD record

2 hours

30 minutes

30 minutes

Formative 0%

Pass/fail only

Pre-set case study:

Written account

Oral presentation

Suggested max. 1,000 words

Max. 20 minutes

Summative 100%

Written account (70%)

Oral presentation (30%)

Both elements of the assessment must be passed.

Course Unit: Mental Health (PHAR63031)

Credit Rating: 15

Unit Leaders: Dr Richard Keers & Joanne Nguyen

Year: 2


Develop student’s knowledge of commonly encountered mental illnesses, including their epidemiology, presentation and management.

Develop knowledge and skills in the practice of pharmaceutical care to patients with mental illnesses.

Improve students’ mental health clinical practice with regard to holistic approaches to improve communication, optimise therapy and improve outcomes in collaboration with patients and other healthcare professionals.


At the end of this course unit, the student should:

  • Describe the epidemiology, presentation and management of at least five mental health illnesses
  • List the main classes of medicines used in the management of commonly encountered mental illnesses and explain how and when they should be used
  • Describe the non-pharmacological approaches used in the management of mental illness
  • Evaluate the role, risk profile and effective management in practice of the high-risk mental health medicines lithium and clozapine
  • Discuss the key role the pharmacy team has in supporting people with adherence and helping them to make decisions about their medicines to improve their outcomes
  • Discuss interface issues that occur when people with mental illness move between secondary and primary care
  • Integrate research findings on disease management in mental health with patient specific information to apply the best evidence to individual patients
  • Critically analyse and evaluate clinical literature in therapeutics relevant to mental health
  • Use critical reasoning to synthesise, analyse and evaluate clinical and contextual data in order to apply this to resolve individual patient drug-related problems
  • Access and effectively use the relevant National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and where appropriate the British Association of Psychopharmacology (BAP) and Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines resources to recommend the optimal clinical management of a patient with mental illnesses
  • Explore new ways to improve outcomes for people with mental illness using a holistic and person-centred approach
  • Carry out constructive peer review
  • Demonstrate consultation skills for people with mental health conditions
  • Evaluate their own academic and personal progression
  • Manage effective team working by participating in online discussion forums and webinars
  • Identify and use approaches to improve communication and consultation with people with mental health illness
  • Learn effectively for the purpose of continuing professional development and in a wider context throughout their career including identifying competency against a professional competency framework


Early in the course students will be introduced to the mental health unit and assessment strategy, followed by learning about the Mental Health Act, substance misuse and mental health, the relationship between mental health and physical health, revisiting psychopharmacology, and guidance on completing pharmaceutical care plans.

Following these introductory topics, the unit will concentrate on six main areas: depression, anxiety disorders, sleep disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and dementia.

The unit will conclude by exploring the role of mental health pharmacists in more specialist settings using journal articles and where possible short videos of advanced practitioners in these fields. Specialist settings may include substance misuse, A&E liaison, mother and baby units, learning disabilities and adolescent care.

Students will develop skills in consulting with and providing advice to people with mental illness and be able to utilise information from a variety of sources in order to optimise patients’ care.

The unit will combine e-lectures, reading, case studies, online discussion forums, online Webinars, short videos and practical work-based tasks to develop these knowledge and skills, which will be assessed using a pharmaceutical care plan, oral case-based discussion and the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) e-learning programme ‘Consulting with people with mental health problems’.

Students will also have the opportunity to discuss and receive feedback on a formative pharmaceutical care plan during the second scheduled unit webinar.


1 mental health pharmaceutical care plan

(must be based on different patient and focus on different mental health disorder than the case-based discussions). Submitted during semester (week 10).

Case dependent (suggested limit 1,000 words) Summative 50%
Completion of Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) e-learning course ‘Consulting with people with mental health problems’. ** CPPE e-learning course (Takes ~3 hours to complete) Formative Pass/Fail

(Students should submit evidence that they have completed this e-course by Monday, week 13)

1 oral case-based discussion (must be based on different patient and focus on different mental health disorder than the summative pharmaceutical care plan above).

Oral presentation carried out in January examination period.

30 mins

(15 minutes oral presentation, followed by 15 minutes of questions)

Summative 50%

** If students are unable to complete this CPPE e-learning course (e.g. lack of access) an alternative ‘Reflective Account’ assignment will be set. This will be capped at 500 words and will ask students to reflect upon and discuss the main areas of learning and development arising from studying on this unit, and how this will be/has been applied in their area of practice to benefit their patients and/or colleagues.

Course Unit: Education and Training (PHAR60431)

Credit Rating: 15

Unit Leader: Andrew Mawdsley

Year: 2


To develop the skills required for the development of people and teams, including coaching and mentoring skills, and introduce the students to the concepts of educational theories for the purpose of teaching healthcare teams.


  • This unit will promote the student’s skills and behaviours required to advance their own, and their teams’, professional development.
  • The principles of teaching and learning will be explored with particular reference to the development of the pharmacy team; this will include the evaluation of educational interventions and their application.
  • The process of assessment and feedback and the skills required to deliver quality teaching sessions and meet learning objectives will be explored, with the student being encouraged to design and deliver appropriate teaching sessions within their workplace.
  • Models of behaviour will be discussed and the impact of personality types on team dynamics and learning.
  • Students will be encouraged to reflect upon their own personality types and learning styles and those of their team.

The unit will be assessed through an extended CPD reflective report and a teaching and learning portfolio.

On completion of the unit students will be able to:

  • Discuss the key skills and behaviours required for the roles of mentor, coach and tutor.
  • Evaluate educational interventions and their use in pharmacy practice.
  • Develop teaching plans using a variety of educational methods.
  • Discuss the use of assessment methods and their application to pharmacy practice.
  • Demonstrate their ability to provide feedback to learners.

The unit is assessed using submission of a teaching portfolio and a reflective account of educational practice, for both the online and blended options.


  • Demonstrate conceptual and critical understanding of educational issues in healthcare
  • Describe the key skills and behaviours required for the roles of mentor, coach and tutor
  • Critically evaluate the use of a variety of assessment methods and their application to pharmacy practice
  • Critically appraise key learning theories and their implications for clinical education
  • Discuss and demonstrate teaching methods, evaluation of teaching, and assessment methods
  • Critically analyse and evaluate the relevant educational literature
  • Evaluate educational interventions and their use in pharmacy practice
  • Carry out constructive peer review
  • Develop teaching plans using a variety of educational methods
  • Demonstrate their ability to provide feedback to learners (which involves the gathering and synthesis, analysis and evaluation of objective data in order to provide meaningful constructive feedback)
  • Demonstrate teaching others
  • Evaluate their own academic and personal progression
  • Engage in reflective practice to drive further learning
  • Learn effectively for the purpose of continuing professional development and in a wider context throughout their career including identifying competency against a professional competency framework


Teaching Portfolio 2,000 words total Summative 100%

Course Unit: Medicines Management (PHAR65000)

Credit Rating: 15

Unit Leader: Joseph Williams

Year: 2


The unit aims to:

Improve pharmacists’ practice through developing knowledge and its application in the following areas:

NHS structure, commissioning of services and funding; clinical governance; medicines access decision-making and e-technology in medicines management.


At the end of this course unit, the student should be able to:

  • Demonstrate the ability to understand the principles governing patient care in the NHS in the context of policy and governance
  • Understand and critically analyse the underpinning professional, ethical and legal aspects of medicines management
  • Demonstrate the ability to define what constitutes a risk to patient safety
  • Understand local and national reporting mechanisms for patient safety issues
  • Understand the principles of clinical audit
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of the responsibility of an independent prescriber, be aware of their own limitations and work within their professional competence
  • Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the legal, ethical and professional framework for accountability and responsibility in relation to prescribing, dispensing, administration and management of medicines
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the Caldicott guidelines and define the principles of patient confidentiality and data security
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the legal and professional responsibilities of prescribing unlicensed medicines
  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of the impact of prescribing practice on public health priorities
  • Critically appraise the impact on prescribing of the local health economy, primary and secondary care guidelines and health improvement priorities
  • Critically review the framework for prescribing budgets and evaluate the criteria required for cost effective prescribing
  • Demonstrate an understanding of managing medicines access through formularies, interface prescribing, RAG lists etc, and how decisions are made with regards to medicines access
  • Discuss how prescribing guidelines are developed and cascaded with critical thought to the impact on practice
  • Demonstrate how developments in practice may be disseminated to the multidisciplinary team
  • Recognise when an error has occurred and to understand the principles behind reporting and investigating this
  • Contribute to strategies to improve patient safety (eg checklist development, IT systems)
  • Be aware of and keep up to date with national and local patient safety initiatives
  • Recognise, critically evaluate and respond to influences on prescribing practice at local and national levels
  • Identify and critically appraise relevant sources of information, advice and decision support including research
  • Critically evaluate the difference between professional accountability and responsibility for medicines use
  • Recognise internal and external factors that influence prescribing decisions and consider management strategies for these
  • Explain how budgets are held and how decisions are made and managed around switching prescribed drugs
  • Understand to clinical governance frameworks through quality assurance and audit of prescribing practice
  • Explain prescribing safely, rationally and cost effectively taking into account evidence based practice at an individual patient level
  • Demonstrate the ability to contribute where appropriate to the investigation of patient safety incidents, particularly in areas where medicines have played a role in either causation or by omission
  • Demonstrate reflective practice and identify learning opportunities to fulfil CPD needs and maintain a critical and reflective record of CPD activity
  • Demonstrate working in partnership with care team members and an advanced level of understanding of the roles of other
  • Demonstrate the ability to interface effectively between multiple care sectors
  • Evaluate their own academic and personal progression in line with a recognised professional competency framework


This unit has three themes which focus on:

  • Understanding medicines use and medicines access across care settings, including the organisation structures of differing care sectors
  • Explaining structures which influence prescribing and medicines spend, and
  • Patient safety, risk management and governance within the NHS

The unit will cover understanding the organisational structure of primary and secondary care, and how budgets, transfer of care etc interface across care boundaries. Students will develop skills, knowledge and attributes required for understanding and evaluating safe and effective prescribing, dispensing, administration of medicines in terms of ethical, legal and financial frameworks and structures.


Medicines management report on managing the entry of a new drug 3,000 words Summative 100%

Course Unit: Qualitative Research Methods (POPH63121)

Credit Rating: 15

Unit Leaders: Christine Greenhalgh & Reem Addam

Year: 2


To enable students to develop the skills to use qualitative methodology in public health and primary care research.


On completion of this unit, successful students will be able to:

  • Understand the philosophical principles of undertaking qualitative research applied to health settings.
  • Explain and critically discuss the principal qualitative methods that can be deployed to undertake research as a means of exploring a range of important public health and primary care issues.
  • Compare and contrast the ways in which qualitative data may be collected and used in primary care and public health research.
  • Identify, synthesise and conduct secondary analysis of qualitative data on topics relevant to primary care, public health or health services research.

At Master’s level, we expect students to be able to apply what they know to other contexts, often their own. In this unit, students will have the opportunity of practically applying the material the unit covers through their assessments. Students will develop their skills in qualitative data collection (e.g. interviews) and data analysis (e.g. thematic analysis)

Team working is important for all health professionals and especially Public Health specialists. This unit requires students to work together in small groups to design and plan a qualitative research project.

Reflexivity – Given the subjective nature of qualitative data and methodology, there are so many ways in which researcher bias could influence the study. This can range from the study design, to data collection, data analysis and even data interpretation and reporting. Consequently, this unit allows you to examine, judge and reflect on your own practices and to explore the implications of your role in producing certain kinds of knowledge.


This unit is suited to anyone working as a health worker or researcher who is interested in learning about qualitative research methods. Some students take this unit to better understand published research. Others who have previously only studied quantitative research methods take this unit to gain an insight into different ways of thinking about research. For students who are planning a career or substantive research using these methods, this unit is an excellent starter.

This unit is designed to introduce students to the theory behind qualitative research and a number of qualitative research methods. On completion, students should be able to understand and appreciate qualitative research and undertake basic research.

This is an interactive online course. 10% of the total marks for this course will be awarded to an assessed online group task. Students are therefore expected to engage with one another.


Midterm assignment 1,500 words Summative 35%
Final assignment 2,500 words Summative 55%
Online assessments 500 words Summative 10%

Course Unit: Economic Evaluation in Healthcare (POPH60092)

Credit Rating: 15

Unit Leader: Gemma Shields

Year: 2


To enable participants to: understand the principles of health economics, structure an economic evaluation and appraise and apply economic evaluation evidence to decision-making in practice.


On completion of this unit successful students will be able to:

  • Describe key health economic concepts
  • Appraise the need for and relevance of economic evaluation in health care
  • Explain the key principles, components and design choices of economic evaluations
  • Apply guidelines to published economic evaluations and appraise the validity and relevance of that research
  • Interpret published economic evaluations and assess their role in decision-making, and barriers to their use
  • Analyse cost and outcome data to complete a simple economic evaluation
  • Apply the use of decision analysis to the design of economic evaluations
  • Produce a focused and answerable economic question that can be addressed using primary or secondary data sources

Students will demonstrate analytical skills through their ability to cost and use outcome data in example economic analyses

Students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills required to enable them to understand how researchers collect and use economic evidence for economic evaluation. They will plan an economic evaluation and will formulate ideas to build on existing research

Students will critically appraise economic evaluations to assess the strengths and limitations of studies, as well as to consider the generalisability of studies to other settings


The demand for healthcare is rising for many reasons, and mostly outstrips supply. This means hard choices have to be made about how to distribute resources in health care. Economic evaluation provides information to support decision makers in allocating resources to improve efficiency. The course unit benefits anyone with an interest in planning or managing health services or involved in health services research.

This is an interactive online course. Students must work through the online course material. Students are encouraged to use the Blackboard discussion boards to ask questions and check their understanding of the course material

The unit will be assessed through an extended reflective report and a teaching and learning portfolio.


Midterm Assignment 1,000 words Summative 30%
Final Assignment 3,000 words total Summative 70%


Course Unit: Leadership and Management (PHAR62261)

Credit Rating: 15

Unit Leaders: Dr Jenny Silverthorne & Emma Wright

Year: 2


Introduce students to core strategic and organisational behaviour principles and tools. Enable students to develop personal leadership skills and behaviours, and enable students to develop a business and marketing plan for a priority area in their workplace. This includes developing knowledge of the management, sociological and organisational influences on the provision of healthcare and critically analysing their impact on pharmaceutical service provision.

To promote the development of leadership skills and apply these to the healthcare environment


At the end of this course unit, the student should:

  • Recognise their own values and principles and understand how emotions and prejudices can affect judgement and behaviour
  • Recognise team roles and different perspectives and their impact on effective working relationships
  • Critically examine personal and professional ethics
  • Critically evaluate information to challenge existing practices and processes
  • Apply investigation tools to encourage innovative thinking and approaches to leadership
  • Design a framework for giving, receiving and learning from feedback
  • Employ strategies to provide encouragement and manage differences of opinion
  • Apply the appropriate leadership style and team working approaches to different situations and people
  • Access and critically evaluate a variety of sources of information to inform service improvement
  • Contribute to organisational decision making via the synthesis of contextualised evidence-based recommendations
  • Explain the need for change to colleagues and patients using a recognised change-management model
  • Identify their strengths and limitations and understand the impact of their behaviour on others
  • Assess personal development needs and plan development activities
  • Identify and create opportunities to work in collaboration with healthcare colleagues
  • Manage change effectively and respond to changing demands
  • Acquire an open-minded and creative attitude tempered with scientific discipline and social awareness
  • Evaluate his/her own academic and personal progression
  • Learn effectively for the purpose of continuing professional development and in a wider context throughout their career including identifying competency against a professional competency framework


The leadership and management unit offers pharmacists the opportunity to develop personal leadership skills and behaviours and apply them in their workplace. This unit has three components: orientation activities, materials to facilitate five online learning community sessions, and a follow-up event to apply learning to practice.

The unit is assessed using submission of a personal development plan, business and marketing plan for a new pharmacy service plus associated oral presentation for all options.


Personal development plan 1,200 words Summative 20%
Oral presentation of personal development plan 30 mins Formative 0%
Business plan for a new pharmacy service 2,000 words Summative 80%

Course Unit: Pharmacy Public Health (PHAR63052)

Credit Rating: 15

Unit Leader: Hayley Berry

Year: 2


  • Acquire and develop an advanced knowledge and in-depth understanding of the background to public health, the current public health agenda and public health policy and apply this at local level to inform high quality pharmacy public health services
  • Acquire and develop the advanced skills to source and critically evaluate best practice and evidence of the contribution of pharmacy to improving public health.
  • Attain and develop a systematic understanding and a critical awareness of public health management, strategy and policy in the current context of healthcare delivery.
  • Identify their own learning needs with an emphasis on planning their progress through this course unit, develop themselves as critically reflective practitioners in order to work at the forefront of their profession
  • Acquire and develop an advanced knowledge and in-depth understanding of the national strategy and local policies relating to one of the following public health areas:
  • Substance misuse (illicit drugs, alcohol, tobacco)
  • Cancer (awareness / prevention and detection / screening)
  • Sexual and reproductive health
  • Weight management
  • Infection control
  • Acquire and develop the advanced skills to make an effective contribution to the delivery of public health services in one of the above areas.


At the end of this course unit, the student should:

  • Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of the origins of public health and the current public health agenda including:
      • Current public health policy
      • Health inequalities
      • Determinants of health
      • Individual versus population approaches to public health
  • and how these are influencing the development of the extended role of the pharmacist
  • Explain how the principles of epidemiology and health economics apply to public health
  • Interpret the key drivers presented in public health policy documents and illustrate the application of these to pharmacy public health
  • Describe the key communication skills required for the delivery of pharmacy public health services:
  • Communication skills
  • Consultation skills
  • Essential skills for brief interventions/advice
  • Behaviour change
  • Demonstrate an advanced knowledge and critical awareness of the following in chosen area:
  • Current national public health strategy, management structure and policy framework.
  • The principles of clinical governance and its role in public health services (by application of theory to practice).
  • Human behaviour theories and psychology, socio-political influences and the wider consequences on society.
  • The range of qualitative and quantitative surveillance data sources and methods for measuring, analysing and interpreting prevalence.
  • Local policies and strategies to effect change.
  • Critically analyse, evaluate and where appropriate formulate an informed opinion about:
  • Public health, wellbeing and population needs, information and data used to formulate recommendations for action, policy decisions and service commissioning, delivery and provision.
  • National public health policy, strategy and legislation including how to appropriately apply these at local and regional level.
  • The effectiveness of pharmacy public health programmes and services through the integration of theory and evidence based practice.
  • Demonstrate self direction and originality in problem solving by acting autonomously in planning a pharmacy based public health service.
  • Critically reflect on current practice and apply the learning from this course unit to develop a personal development plan in relation to pharmacy public health services in chosen area
  • Analyse qualitative and quantitative public health data to determine their strength and validity.
  • Present primary and secondary public health data in written work.
  • Carry out constructive peer review
  • Demonstrate innovative problem-solving skills whilst planning or evaluating a pharmacy based public health service
  • Contribute to and work effectively within an e-community in discussion forums and a student-led peer review seminar.
  • Utilise a full range of learning resources including e-learning and open-learning packages.


This unit delivers fundamental principles of advanced level learning in relation pharmacy public health services. The knowledge and skills in the first 6 weeks of this 12-week course unit will underpin those delivered in the following 6 weeks of specialisation.

The unit introduces the student to strategic public health policy, issues, theories and practices and through the use of interactive learning activities develops the student’s ability to synthesise, evaluate and apply this learning to their own practice situation and to the wider context of healthcare delivery.

Students choose an area of pharmacy public health to focus their final 6 weeks of study on; in this area they develop advanced knowledge and critical awareness of the psychology of human behaviour, surveillance tools, national and local policy and strategy and apply this to their own practice.

Finally, this course unit develops the student’s knowledge and critical awareness of clinical governance and evidence based practice in the development or evaluation of a pharmacy based public health service.


Written assignment 3,000 words Summative 100%
Online presentation (elevator pitch) 5 mins Formative PASS/FAIL

Course Unit: Surgery (PHAR62252)

Credit Rating: 15

Unit Leader: Rachel Quilliam

Year: 2


Further develop the knowledge and skills required to engage in medicines optimisation and in clinical problem solving skills with regards to the pharmaceutical care of the surgical patient.

Students will apply this knowledge to review patients and optimise their therapy through a series of case studies, observations in practice, care plans and case discussions.


At the end of this course unit, the student should:

  • Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of the underpinning pharmaceutical care requirements of a surgical patient
  • Demonstrate a systematic understanding of specific areas of surgery and the complex issues involved in therapeutic optimisation and individualising care for these patients
  • Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of best clinical practice and its application to clinical practice and pharmaceutical care of patients with specific surgical needs
  • Integrate theory and research of disease pathology and disease management with patient information to apply best evidence to practice in a clinical problem-solving context
  • Use critical reasoning to synthesise, analyse and evaluate primary and secondary sources of data from clinical areas and apply these to individual patient problem-solving
  • Safely and competently carry out a range of patient-based clinical skills (pharmaceutical care planning, case-based analysis of patient management)
  • Use resources to collect and select information about the optimal clinical management of a surgical patient
  • Develop presentation skills
  • Evaluate their own academic and personal progression
  • Learn effectively for the purpose of continuing professional development and in a wider context throughout their career, including demonstrating competency against a professional competency framework


This module builds upon the knowledge and skills gained in prior units to further develop the student’s professional practice in managing surgical patients.

The unit is split in to three parts; foundations of surgical care (peri-operative management, nausea and vomiting, antibiotic prophylaxis, wound care, fluids and nutrition, thromboprophylaxis, medicines management and enhanced recovery), general surgery (orthopaedics, obstetrics, colorectal and urology), and advanced surgery (neurosurgery, transplant, vascular, cardiothoracic, hepato-pancreato-biliary, upper gastrointestinal and bariatric surgery).

Depending on the student’s area of practice there will be an opportunity to choose appropriate case studies to meet their professional needs.

At the end of the unit the student should be able to:

  • Apply a considered, systematic approach to problem solving for surgical patients
  • Critically apply the evidence available in the pharmaceutical care of surgical patients
  • Evaluate the key therapeutic principles of surgery and demonstrate how they can be incorporated into practice
  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of the principles of individualising patient care within specific surgical states
  • Identify how to monitor the desired outcomes and adverse effects of drug therapy and interventions
  • Discuss the complexities of therapeutic decision making in different general advanced patient groups
  • Apply the principles of Continuing Professional Development to practice and evaluating their competence against a professional competency framework.

The unit will be assessed using a pharmaceutical care plan and case-based discussion.


Oral case-based discussion 30 mins Summative 50%
Pharmaceutical care plan 2,000 words Summative 50%

Course Unit: Practical Statistics for Population Health (POPH60982)

Credit Rating: 15

Unit Leader: Isla Gemmell

Year: 2


The aim of this course unit is to provide students with an understanding of statistics that they can apply within their own professional practice. This could include conducting quantitative research, interpreting the findings of quantitative research studies or applying statistical thinking to public health practice. The course will teach you how to conduct statistical analyses using a statistical package (SPSS or R).


On completion of this unit, successful students will be able to:

  • Apply statistical thinking when conducting or reviewing research in professional practice.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between populations, samples and variability in research studies.
  • Define different types of data and demonstrate an understanding of confidence intervals and the normal distribution.
  • Perform correlation and simple linear regression and interpret the results.
  • Construct and interpret multiple regression models and logistic regression models demonstrating an understanding of confounding.
  • Demonstrate the use of methods for statistical inference.
  • Perform and interpret survival analyses.
  • Use a statistical package to analyse a data set

Students will develop:

  • Analytical skills by learning how to conduct statistical analyses using a statistical package and how to interpret the results of their analysis.
  • Problem solving skills through developing their skills in statistical thinking.
  • Skills in conducting quantitative research and interpreting the findings of quantitative research studies.


This course is relevant to current or future professionals whose careers will involve either conducting quantitative research or interpreting the findings of quantitative research studies. Statistical analysis of data is a key part of research and many research findings and recommendations are based on the results of statistical analysis. An awareness of statistical methods and the ability to interpret data from published studies is invaluable in a career in public health.


Midterm Assignment Summative 30%
Final Assignment Summative 70%

For students wishing to continue to further study:

Course Unit: Dissertation (PHAR62230)

Course Unit Co-ordinator: Dr Denham Phipps

Credit Rating: 60

Year: 3


To enable students to develop a fully informed, critical and analytical understanding of a significant issue related to community pharmacy public health, through an original research project

To enable students to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to their own research

To enable students to consolidate their ability to critically analyse literature

To enable students to consolidate their understanding of research processes

To enable students to demonstrate independent learning.


At the end of this course unit, the student should:

  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of different theoretical concepts as they apply to their area of research
  • Demonstrate a clear understanding of the different methods and approaches to data collection depending on the research questions, and their relative values to the research enquiry
  • Understand ethical issues and processes as appropriate to the area of research
  • Critically demonstrate considerable in-depth skills in terms of research; critical thinking; reasoning; and analysis and synthesis of information
  • Critically analyse, evaluate and interpret data from the specific enquiry
  • Use literature searching skills, together with discrimination skills in relation to the appropriateness and relevance of available evidence to support academic reasoning
  • Demonstrate skills and expertise in academic writing, scholarship and authorship, including skills of referencing and the production of reference lists
  • Work with appropriate data analytic techniques and software (e.g. SPSS
  • In-depth and extensive capabilities in the analysis and synthesis of new and past evidence on the topic, as demonstrated and applied to their area of research
  • Engage in systematic and critical reflection of personal practice and the practice of others in relation to the enquiry.


This unit consolidates both the general research methods skills and the knowledge about specific pharmacy topics gained during the first two years of the diploma. It provides the learner with an opportunity to investigate a topic of particular interest. Unlike the unit previously studied in the diploma, this unit places heavy emphasis on self-directed study with guidance from a course tutor or other departmental staff member.


Research Proposal 1,000 words Formative n/a
Present an update of project progress 3 hours Formative n/a
Submit a project report 12,000-15,000 words Summative 100%

For students wishing to continue on to study for an MSc qualification by dissertation, a further Dissertation Handbook will be available.

Section C: Information about the University

Divisional Administration Contacts

Head of Division: Prof Jayne Lawrence

Head of Divisional Operations: Victoria O’Reilly

The Division address is:

Division of Pharmacy and Optometry
School of Health Sciences
Jean McFarlane Building
Oxford Road
M13 9PL

* To access Stopford Building you will need a swipe card. To obtain your student card, please contact the Student Services Centre (+44 (0)161 275 5000 /

Student Centre

The online student support system, MyManchester, enables students to register online and have access their personal and academic details.

This means that you will be able to use the system to check and update your address and contact details, view your supervisor and advisor details and check the course units you are enrolled on. To access MyManchester, you will use the same log-in you were provided with at registration and log in to the system from the following page:

You should use MyManchester to check we have the correct details for you and that you are on the correct programme. You should also ensure that as soon as your contact details change that you update them on the system as well as informing the Graduate Administrator for your file.

Working with your own computer

You will need your own computer to study on the Clinical Pharmacy programme. If you also intend to use the computers at the university then you should check that your system is compatible with the University’s. This will help avoid problems when you try to transfer documents from your machine to ours.

IT Services Support Centre online

Details of what IT support is available and how to access it can be found on the FBMH eLearning Support page.

Login to the Support Centre online to log a request, book an appointment for an IT visit, or search the Knowledge Base.

Telephone: +44 (0)161 306 5544 (or extension 65544). Telephone support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

In person: Walk-up help and support is available at the Joule Library, Main Library or Alan Gilbert Learning Commons.

Use Support Centre online for support with eLearning, from where you may make a request, report a fault, or search the Knowledge Base.

For IT and eLearning support visit:


Blackboard (the University’s virtual learning environment) is the learning platform for the Clinical Pharmacy programme, and is accessed via

All course-related materials will be placed on Blackboard so it is essential that you familiarise yourself with the system as soon as possible. Blackboard also offers discussion forums which you may find a useful resource to share information about assignments and other course-related queries.

What is Blackboard?

Blackboard is a web-based system that complements and builds upon traditional learning methods used at The University of Manchester. By using Blackboard you can

  • view course materials and learning resources,
  • communicate with lectures and other students,
  • collaborate in groups,
  • get feedback
  • submit assignments
  • monitoring your own progress at a time and place of your own convenience.

Training in the use of software

The Faculty eLearning team have produced a short introduction to Blackboard for new students. The recording is hosted in two places: the VLS and on YouTube:

Library facilities

The University of Manchester Library is one of the most important resources available to you. It is vital that you learn to use the library website as quickly as possible, and in particular that you start reading journals. These are the periodicals in which original research is first published and thus they form an archive of knowledge which is continually being added to. There is also a growing number of e-books you will be able to access.

E-books and journal subscriptions from the Library are usually ordered at the beginning of the academic year and budgets are tight. However, should you find that a particularly important book is not available you should write a note, giving full bibliographic details, to the Programme Director. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will be able to buy it straight away but we can always try.

For further information about the library and contact details, visit the library website:

Student Support

There are several options for support. The Student Hub is likely to be able to direct you to the most suitable support. Contact:

You can talk through issues such as interrupting your studies and progression, financial issues, the submission of details of mitigating circumstances, work and attendance problems and any personal concerns that are affecting your ability to study and engage fully with your course. It is important to point out that this is not a counselling service; it is a practical problem-solving service (a confidential Counselling Service is available for all students – see the following sections for further details).

Further details about student support are available on the following website:

Disability Advisory and Support Service

The University of Manchester welcomes students with a disability or specific learning difficulties. The University has a Disability Advisory and Support Service, who can supply further information, and staff will be pleased to meet you, by prior arrangement, to discuss your needs. Staff will liaise with your School to make the necessary arrangements for your support during your time in Manchester. The office can also provide a copy of the University’s Disability Statement, ‘Opportunities for Students with Additional Support Needs at the University of Manchester’ which sets out the policy and provision for students with a disability.

The Disability Advisory & Support Office is located on University Place, 2nd Floor, Block 2.

Contact details:

Phone 0161 275 7512/8518
Text 07899 658 790
Minicom 0161 275 2794
Fax: 0161 275 7018

In addition, support is available within the School of Health Sciences:

Counselling Service

The counselling service is available for all students. It is free and consists of a team of professional counsellors. The service provides confidential counselling for anyone who wants help with personal problems affecting their work or well-being.

The service is open 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday all year round except public holidays.

Occupational Health

Occupational Health is a specialised area of medicine concerned with the way in which an individual’s health can affect his or her ability to do a job and to study and conversely how the work environment can affect an individual’s health. Their aim is to promote the physical, mental and social well-being of students and to reduce the incidence of ill-health arising from exposure to work place hazards.

Students Union Advice Service

The Students Union has advisers who can help with any matter ranging from finances to housing and beyond. To contact the UMSU Advice Service please email

The Students Union website can be accessed here:

Health and Safety

See Introductory Courses.

Section D: University Regulations

Academic Support Policies

A list of University Policies and documents can be found at:

Academic Appeals (Regulation XIX)

Academic Malpractice Procedure

Basic Guide to Student Complaints

Conduct and Discipline of Students (Regulations XVII)

General University information on the Conduct and Discipline of Students can be found at

Faculty policies for students on Communication and Dress Code, Social Networking and Drugs & Alcohol can be found at: (Communication and Dress Code) (Drugs & Alcohol) (Social Networking)

Social Media Policy

Data Protection

Guidance for the Presentation of Taught Masters Dissertations
The guidance explains the required presentation of the dissertation, and failure to follow the instructions in the guidance may result in the dissertation being rejected by the examiners.

Policy on Submission of Work for Summative Assessment on Taught Programmes

Policy on Mitigating Circumstances

Mitigating Circumstances Guidance for Students

PGT Degree Regulations

Policy on Feedback to Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Students

Policy on religious observance for students (for UG/PGT and PGR students)

The Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health has produced guidance for healthcare students on fasting and caring:
Fasting and Caring – Looking after yourself and your patients during Ramadan: guidance for health care students.

Student Complaints Procedure

Student Charter

Work and Attendance of Students (Regulation XX)

Student Support Issues

A-Z of Student Services


Students should access Blackboard via my Manchester at

Careers Service

Counselling Service

Disability Advisory and Support Service

University Language Centre – Study English – Tel: 0161 306 3397

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for Staff and Students

Health & Fitness

Health & Safety Policy

International Advice Team

IT and eLearning Support

Mature Students Guide

Occupational Health Services for Students

Personal Development Planning

A Personal Safety Guide for International Students

Students Union