MSc Forensic Psychology & Mental Health

Student Handbook


Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health
School of Health Sciences, Division of Psychology and Mental Health

Programme Director: Dr Polly Turner (CPsychol.)

Administration Email :

Website: psychology-and-mental-health/#course-profile

Version 2 December 2022


Welcome from the Director of Postgraduate Taught Education

I am delighted to welcome you to the School of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health. We are extremely pleased you have chosen the University of Manchester to commence or continue your postgraduate study journey; whether you are progressing straight from your undergraduate studies, seeking to develop your knowledge/skills in your chosen career or, are bravely, taking a completely different direction in life.

In the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and humanity, we will place you at the centre of a transformational learning process to support you to achieve your individual goals and aspirations. Our challenge to you is to embrace all of the opportunities available to you; be bold, think differently and realise your potential. We want your postgraduate journey with us to be intellectually stretching, rewarding and fun.

We are aware that most of you will need to juggle a number of competing priorities during your postgraduate taught studies. Some of you will already be in full time employment, while others will need to secure part time employment to fund your studies. We know that many of you will have family and caring responsibilities that will have to be prioritised before your own learning. We hope the information detailed in this programme handbook will help you in managing these competing commitments. Whether you are joining us on campus, or studying at a distance, you are an integral part of our School and University, and we are here to support you.

We are extremely proud of our postgraduate student community and alumni who are making a difference, both locally and globally. We look forward to working with you, confident that you too will play a role in transforming the lives of people who use health and social care services, whether during your studies or upon graduation.

I wish you every success in your postgraduate studies here at the University of Manchester.

Mr Andrew Mawdsley
Director of Post Graduate Taught Education
School of Health Sciences


Where to find further information

In addition to this handbook you are required to familiarise yourself with the information contained within the A-Z of Student Services and IT Services handbook.  New students are given access to copy of the appropriate handbooks at the beginning of their programme of study; alternatively the information is available on our website.

We will be happy to provide this handbook in large print if required.

Student Services Centre, Burlington Street or Sackville Street

Tel: +44(0)161 275 5000

The Student Services Centre can offer all sorts of help and advice about tuition fee assessments or payments, Council Tax, examinations, graduation ceremonies and all sorts of documents.

The A-Z of Student Services

The Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations that are applicable to all students across the University are referred to in the University A-Z of Services and detailed in full within the University Calendar.

A-Z of Student Services

Essential advice, information and guidance for students at The University of Manchester; packed with up-to-the-minute information.

The University website contains a comprehensive and definitive listing of University policies and procedures relevant to both students and members of staff. It covers the full-range of our activities and is continually updated to ensure that you have immediate access to the latest versions of documents as soon as they are approved. It is also equipped with a search engine that enables you to find relevant documents using key words or phrases.

Click Here to visit the website

Introduction to MSc Forensic Psychology and Mental Health (FPMH)

Welcome to the Division of Psychology and Mental Health at the University of Manchester and to your MSc in Forensic Psychology and Mental Health.

This handbook provides details of the University of Manchester Programme leading to the MSc in Forensic Psychology and Mental Health. It includes information about the aims and learning outcomes, structure, content, admissions, assessment and programme management. It should be read alongside related University documentation.

In Part A, there is a summary of how the course is structured while, in Part B, each of the course units is described. Part C contains practical information about the School, and Part D the various University Regulations.

We hope that your time here in Manchester will be productive and enjoyable and we look forward to getting to know you.

Dr Polly Turner (CPsychol)

Programme Director

Registered Forensic Psychologist and Clinical Senior Lecturer

Room 2.310, Jean McFarlane Building

Tel: 0161 306 3127


General information about the Division of Psychology and Mental Health, staff listings and research interests are contained in this handbook, but more information can be obtained from the following web sites:

  • The Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health home page:

  • The University of Manchester home page:

Introduction to the British Psychological Society (BPS)

The British Psychological Society is the UK’s representative body for psychology. It promotes excellence and ethical practice in the science, education and practical applications of psychology.

The MSc Forensic Psychology and Mental Health is accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS). As such it forms stage one of the training route to achieving Chartered Psychologist status for students who also hold BPS Graduate Basis for Chartered membership (GBC). The final step towards Chartership, Stage 2, consists of the BPS’s Qualification in Forensic Psychology or completing a Doctorate in Forensic Psychology. On successful completion of Stage 2 you can use the title Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol) and also apply for registration with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). You need to be registered with the HCPC in order to use the title ‘Forensic Psychologist’.

As a postgraduate student, you are entitled to apply for Graduate membership of the BPS. Membership provides psychologists with a stronger voice in demonstrating the contributions that psychology can make to society. The BPS supports members by providing guidance, career development and networking opportunities.

Benefits of Graduate Membership include:

  • MBPsS – your designation as a Graduate Member in recognition of your academic achievement and professional status.
  • Receipt of the monthly publication The Psychologist – to keep you up-to-date with the latest research, news and views.
  • Access to Member Networks: a web contacts that enable you to stay informed about, and contribute to, your areas of interest and expertise. For example, the local North West of England Branch and the national Division of Forensic Psychology.
  • Preferential rates on professional development opportunities, conferences and events.
  • PsychSource, a single access point to the 11 BPS journals and 32 other titles published by Wiley. This facility also includes full-text journal articles, journal abstracts, BPS Blackwell books and multimedia content. PsychSource is fully searchable and personalisable according to Member interests.
  • A wide range of guidelines, guidance documents and support in professional practice and ethical decision-making.

For more information on membership, see or contact the membership team on .

There is also a video about student membership at: This site also provides information about careers in psychology and the benefits of membership.

Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health PGT Graduate School Online Training Resource

The Faculty has developed a skills training resource to support you through your postgraduate taught programme. This online material should supplement the assessed learning material and activities undertaken in your taught programme.

Accessing the online skills resource

You can access Blackboard through the My Manchester portal ( The skills training resource is available in an academic community space available to all registered PGT students in the Faculty through Blackboard.

If you cannot see these units in your Blackboard please contact your Programme Administrator.


Full details of all these resources can be found in the introduction to each unit. These resources have been designed to give you formative feedback on your progress through them. If you experience any problems and would like to talk to someone please contact your Programme Director. If you have questions about referencing and how it applies to your own work, please contact your Programme Director or dissertation supervisor/module lead.

Academic Writing This is an excellent resource that supports you to write your assignments and dissertation. It is split into units that focus on key areas that previous students have found difficult and aims to enhance your academic writing style.
Research Methods* This course is spilt into 3 units that cover introductions to study design, statistics and dissertation skills. It has a number of online quizzes where you can test your knowledge.
Statistics* The course provides a valuable foundation for understanding and interpreting biostatistics. It aims to provide you with the fundamentals of quantitative analysis.
Presentation Skills This short interactive unit is designed to help you to enhance your presentation skills. Regardless of whether you are presenting in public, preparing for conferences, an oral examination or more informal settings this unit will give you the tops tips to improve your delivery.
Qualitative Research Methods* This unit has been designed to give you an introduction to Qualitative Research.
SPSS* This is an introduction to statistics, using SPSS, a popular and comprehensive data analysis software package containing a multitude of features designed to facilitate the execution of a wide range of statistical analyses.
Intellectual Property Awareness Resource This Intellectual Property (IP) awareness resource has been created in order to improve your understanding of IP. Topics include: Types of intellectual property • Copyright and IP clearance • University policy on IP • IP commercialisation • IP in research or consultancy • IP issues to be aware when dealing with academic materials

* NOTE: the material in this online resource is for reference and formative learning purposes only. In some of your taught programme you may be required to undertake assessed course units for Research Methods, Qualitative Research or Statistics. If your programme involves taught units then you should refer to the Blackboard material relating to that course unit. Please contact your Programme Administrator if you are unsure which material relates to your assessed work. You will still be able to refer to the online skills resource in later years.

Introductory courses

MANDATORY Non Credit Bearing Introductory Courses SHSS60001

All students are automatically enrolled onto an introductory unit that provides information on health and safety, academic malpractice and academic literacy. Completion instructions for each of these sections are clearly defined within the course.

Completion of the academic malpractice and health and safety sections is mandatory for all students. All assessments must be completed as soon as possible after the programme begins, with the academic malpractice assessment completed before the first piece of coursework is submitted. Completion of these assessments is monitored by the School. All students are also strongly advised to complete the academic literacy section

Academic Malpractice

As further support, the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health Graduate School has developed a unit entitled “Understanding Academic Malpractice”. This unit should be completed by all postgraduate taught students and will allow you to test your understanding of what constitutes plagiarism and academic malpractice.

The Academic Malpractice unit must be completed by 1st October  before your first assignment is submitted. You must achieve 100% in this unit to pass.

Health & Safety

As part of the University’s responsibility to help keep you safe and well during your studies, you will need to complete a short online health and safety course.

This short course provides you with basic information about how health and safety is managed on campus and also includes some simple tests to assess your learning outcomes. It will take you approximately one hour to complete.

There are 4 modules within the Health and Safety unit with a short test for each. You must achieve at least 70% in each module to pass the unit. This must be completed by 1st October .

Academic Literacy

The Academic Literacy pre-assessment has been designed to assess your level of competency in academic writing. This assessment is compulsory for all students in the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health and consists of one short test (30 minutes) which must be completed by 1st October.

SECTION A: Programme Structure

Rationale and General Description

Forensic Psychologists are concerned with the application of psychology to the law and legal system. Forensic Psychologists may assist in all aspects of the legal system, from assisting agencies with initial investigations through to offender rehabilitation. Forensic Psychologists aim to better understanding the causes of offending and assist individuals lead offence free lives through evidence based interventions. The MSc Forensic Psychology and Mental Health provides students with the foundation knowledge relating to the core aspects of the role of a Forensic Psychologist. The course is designed to fulfil BPS requirements for a Stage 1 programme to progress to Stage 2 and ultimately Chartered status. The course also provides the knowledge and skills for students to pursue research careers in Forensic Psychology (e.g. completion of a PhD). Our course is distinctive in the focus on Forensic Mental Health. Our teaching is provided by academics and practitioners experienced in the field of forensic mental health who can utilise current forensic mental health case examples. This ensures our students have a working knowledge of key issues relevant to practice in forensic and forensic mental health settings.

The MSc Forensic Psychology and Mental Health is delivered full time (three semesters over one year) or part time (six semesters over two years). Semester one and two each comprise of units worth 60 credits for full time students and units worth 30 credits per semester for part time students.

During the taught component of the course, students attend a number of course units covering a wide range of research issues and methodologies, as well as topics on aspects such as Psychology Applied to Legal and Investigative Processes, Offending Behaviour Interventions, Clinical Risk Assessment and Personality Disorder. This taught element of the course comprises seminars, workshops and several forms of independent learning. Throughout the programme, students will also work on a dissertation, which involves a substantial piece of empirical work. After completion of the course unit assessments, students work on their dissertation exclusively, and submit a thesis in September 2022 (September 2023 for Part Time students). Dissertation topics are chosen and developed by students in consultation with their supervisor.

The dissertation project commences in semester one for full time students and and following year one taught units for part time students. The research project runs alongside teaching in semesters one and two, and is the sole focus of semester three.

Course Philosophy

The MSc Forensic Psychology and Mental Health at the University of Manchester equips graduates with a theoretical grounding in all aspects of Forensic Psychology providing a solid platform for them to develop successful applied and research careers in Forensic Psychology. Our course specialises in developing a profound understanding of mental health and offending behaviour with particular emphasis on personality disorder providing our graduates with additional insights, knowledge and basic skills to the core BPS Forensic Psychology curriculum. Our world-class teaching is delivered by Forensic Psychologists and Applied Researchers with longstanding experience of delivering forensic mental health services, enabling our students to understand how core psychological and criminological theory applies to current forensic psychology and legal practice. Our course is based in an internationally leading forensic research centre, the Centre for Mental Health and Safety. This ensures that our teaching is embedded in evidence-based practice whilst also providing opportunities for our students to develop outstanding applied forensic research skills, working closely with world-leading forensic mental health researchers.

Programme Learning Aims

  1. To provide a systematic and critical awareness of current knowledge, theory and evidence base relevant to the discipline of Forensic Psychology (and other related disciplines such as criminology and psychiatry);
  2. To support development of skills and capabilities relevant to progression to forensic psychology practice (e.g. basic skills in psychological formulation, self-reflection);
  3. To support development of skills and capabilities relevant to progression to further academic study (e.g. academic writing, critical thinking, applied research skills)
  4. To support the use of a range of techniques and research methods applicable to psychological enquiry, with application through completion of an empirical study. Thereby contributing to the evidence base for forensic psychology and forensic mental health;
  5. To apply relevant ethical, legal and professional practice frameworks (e.g. BPS, HCPC), and maintain appropriate professional boundaries (with specific focus on legal and statutory obligations and restrictions on forensic psychology practice in the UK context);
  6. To enhance skills to communicate effectively (verbally and non-verbally) with colleagues, research supervisors, and a wider audience as relevant to future practice and/or further academic study;
  7. To support critical reflection on knowledge and learning to inform their developing professional identity as a Forensic Psychologist in Training and /or supporting students in examining future other career options in forensic mental health settings, academia/research;
  8. To provide opportunities to disseminate their work appropriately in a range of written (professional reports, journal papers, conference posters, case studies) and oral (presentations, one to one feedback) presentation styles;
  9. To encourage graduates to become socially responsible, with knowledge and skills to consider how to contribute towards improving the lives of individuals involved with forensic agencies.

Programme Learning Outcomes

At the end of the MSc Forensic Psychology and Mental Health programme successful graduates are expected to be able to:

  1. Critically analyse and apply psychological theory relevant to forensic psychology.
  2. Critically evaluate current psychological approaches to the understanding of the development and treatment of offending behaviour and mental health conditions covering a range of client groups.
  3. Interpret ethical and professional practice guidance in relation to forensic/ forensic mental health case examples, both clinical practice and research focused.
  4. Develop skills and a critical understanding of the role of assessment and formulation of offending behaviour, risk and mental illness using forensic and forensic mental health case studies.
  5. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding and application of appropriate methodologies and research skills in the construction and completion of applied forensic research.
  6. Demonstrate application of advanced research methods/analysis in relation to forensic/forensic mental health case examples and the empirical project.
  7. Employ reflective thinking skills from experiences during the programme.
  8. Demonstrate independence and originality in solving problems, planning and implementing tasks as appropriate.
  9. Employ effective written and oral communication skills with colleagues, supervisors and a wider audience, applying such skills to clinical practice case examples as well as academic writing.

Details of the aims and learning outcomes of specific course units are outlined in Section B.


The dissertation involves a student working closely with their supervisor to develop and implement an empirical research project. Details of what is involved, and of how and when to submit the dissertation are provided in Section B.

Please note: For those students progressing to a 3-year PhD following completion of this MSc, the data collected for this dissertation cannot be used in the PhD. However, it is perfectly proper to use the MSc dissertation research as a pilot study for the PhD.

Supervisory Arrangements

All Graduate Research Students are allocated a Supervisor. Supervision is governed by the University Manual of Academic Procedures, which outlines in more detail the responsibilities of the Supervisor and the Student. Briefly, the responsibilities of the Supervisor include: giving guidance about the nature of research and the standard expected; the planning of the research programme; and pointing the Student towards relevant literature and other sources of information.

The relationship between the Student and his/her Supervisor is of central importance. Both the Student and the Supervisor have a responsibility to ensure that the dissertation is completed within the prescribed period of the programme. Supervisors and students should establish at their initial meeting clear and explicit expectations of each other in order to minimise the risks and problems of misunderstanding, personality clashes, inadequate supervision and unsatisfactory work. Timetables for Progress Monitoring meetings must be closely observed. It should be noted that in some instances students may be jointly supervised by staff, and be assigned a principal and second supervisor.

Each student’s progress will ultimately under the direction of the Programme Director. You will be asked to identify areas of interest or research ideas. The Unit Lead will then allocate a supervisor with expertise in your chosen topic and/or research methodology. Whilst it is not always possible to allocate students to the supervisor of choice, every attempt will be made to match students to a research area of their choice. The supervisor will assist in the monitoring a student’s progress and will act as a point of contact to discuss academic and other matters.

Supervisory Meetings

It is the responsibility of the student to liaise with their research project supervisor to arrange supervision meetings, and to agree on deadlines around reading drafts. We recommend discussing availability and other practical aspects of meeting (when, where, how supervision will take place) in the first supervisory meeting, and booking in supervision meeting dates in advance.

Supervisors sometimes become unavailable unexpectedly, for example due to illness. Where a supervisor is unavailable and you have an urgent issue that needs resolution, you can contact your academic advisor for further advice or support. If they are also unavailable you can also contact the programme director, or the dissertation lead for further advice or support.

Academic Advisor

All students will be allocated an Academic Advisor from the outset of their studies. The role of the Advisor is to offer pastoral and general academic support throughout their studies. Students will also be assigned a dissertation supervisor; this is in addition to their Academic Advisor.

The Academic Advisor for all students will be a Registered and Chartered Forensic Psychologist or a Research Fellow to enable students to receive guidance and support in relation to career progression. Other individuals who are available to students include the Programme Director, Dr Polly Turner; the Programme administrator; all individual Unit Leads; their dissertation supervisor.

Distressing Material

This programme will inevitably contain information that could be potentially distressing for several reasons.

First, the topics of forensic psychology can be distressing, in that we are discussing offending behaviour and harm caused to other people. Our client group are often themselves in distress, sometimes at a severe and urgent level. Whilst it is of course not necessary to reproduce this level of distress in the teaching materials, it is necessary to refer to it and describe the topics, to consider offending behaviour in detail, and discuss the concerns that clients experience.

Second, it is often critical to explore the experiences of people who have mental or physical health problems to understand why they have the symptoms that they experience; as we shall see, very few psychiatric symptoms are ‘inexplicable’ from a psychological perspective, and the explanation can provide support for the theory, research and forms of practice involved.

Third, learning about the distress experienced by other people can bring about empathy and a willingness to try to provide the most appropriate help.

Fourth, our course involves some involvement by people with lived experience of the criminal justice system and of mental health problems. We have made sure to select people with substantial experience speaking to groups and have who have experienced a substantial recovery since the most distressing periods of their lives. Nonetheless, they may describe personal experiences or have personal opinions that could be distressing. We regard this as a necessary minimal risk to weigh against the huge potential benefits of their involvement, but we do value your feedback on this.

Despite the above reasons for providing potentially distressing material in the teaching, it is also essential that, as a student, you feel in control and fully informed about what you are going to be informed about. For this reason, we have made great efforts not to include material that might be distressing unless it is directly relevant to the learning aims of the session. Also, the introduction to each lecture will include information about potentially distressing material. We would also like to advise the following:

  1. Please contact your academic advisor if you have been significantly distressed by any material in the teaching. They can help to address any issues for yourself or any other students who might be affected. They can also signpost UoM support services you may benefit from.
  2. If you wish to miss a specific session because of the potentially distressing material in that session, you may do so without having to give any more details. However, you will need to contact the lecturer or unit lead at least 48 hours in advance to inform them that you will not be attending for this reason (i.e., that you feel it may be distressing for you).
  3. If you are attending a session and you feel that you need to leave owing to your level of distress, you can leave immediately without giving any reason or explanation. It is not uncommon for students to leave a session early for a wide range of reasons and lecturers are informed not to draw attention to or comment on this.

To summarise, all teaching staff have attempted to balance the requirement for clinically relevant material and accounts of lived experience against the potential for producing distress, by providing the necessary information in advance and the option for you, as students, to make your own decisions about how and whether to engage with the material.

Chatham House Rule

We recognise that students may have lived experience and/or work experience of issues that are covered in the MSc. Students may choose to share their experiences in classes although they should not feel compelled to if they do not want to. We ask students to follow the Chatham House Rule
When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.
This is to encourage inclusive and open dialogue but protect the identity of those who are speaking.

Introduction to Postgraduate Degree Regulations

Full degree regulations can be found via the link below:

The following guidance should be read in conjunction with the regulations policy document.

Please be aware that the MSc Forensic Psychology & Mental Health has some higher requirements to the University degree regulations and details of these are outlined below.

Postgraduate Taught degrees at the University of Manchester are based on the National Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ). This framework requires students to achieve credit at Masters level in order to get an award. For a standard postgraduate taught Masters programme this will normally mean passing 180 credits. A standard Postgraduate Diploma will normally have 120 credits and a Postgraduate Certificate 60 credits. The way in which you study these credits will be defined later in the programme handbook and the programme specification.

The University sets standards relating to your performance on every unit but also on your progression through the programme. Your programme and course unit specifications will set out the requirements for passing the credit on individual units.

What happens if I fail some units or my dissertation?

First of all don’t panic, but the first thing to do is sit down with your academic adviser or Programme Director who will take you through your options. The regulations allow you further attempts of up to half the taught credits, for a standard Masters programme as defined by your programme specification, so you can still get back on track. In addition you may also resubmit your dissertation on one further occasion[1], subject to the Examination Board’s decision.

This is known as ‘referred assessment’ and these reassessments will normally take place in the same academic year as the original assessment. The Examination Board will then make decisions on your progress and advise you accordingly of the decisions and next steps. Referred assessment at Masters level will be capped at 40% and this is the mark that will be shown on a transcript of results as a 40R (the capped mark is applied to the unit level mark, not just the failed element). It is this mark that will be used to calculate your final degree classification. Please note that, due to BPS accreditation requirements, no units will be compensated.

Students must pass 120 of taught units in order to progress onto the dissertation unit. This includes referred pass marks.

What happens if I fail my resits?

Upon taking the referred assessment, if you fail again the Examination Board will make a decision with regards to your progress. The possible options available may, in exceptional circumstances, include repeating the unit or being awarded an exit award once you’ve exhausted all the opportunities to retrieve failed assessment.

If you fail to achieve a mark of 50% at second attempt for any unit, the BPS determines that you are ineligible for the accredited award of MSc Forensic Psychology & Mental Health Psychology. However, If at second attempt, you achieve pass marks at Postgraduate Diploma or Certificate level under the standard University of Manchester PGT Degree regulations, the exam board may award you with one of these alternatives as an Exit Award. The requirements for Postgraduate Diploma and Certificate are normally 40% for a pass mark. The same logic for managing reassessment will be applied on these programmes but the mark will be capped at 30R. As the BPS does not accredit the Postgraduate Diploma and Certificate, compensation can be applied for marks between 30-39%. You can be referred in up to half the taught credits on a Postgraduate Diploma or certificate programme and compensated in up to 30 credits on a Postgraduate Diploma programme and 15 credits on a the Postgraduate Certificate programme.

What happens is I fail my dissertation?

If you fail your dissertation at the first attempt, as long as it was awarded a mark of 30 or above (up to the pass mark for your programme), you will be given the opportunity to resubmit a revised version of the dissertation. You will normally be given up to six months in which to make the requested revisions or undertaken additional work. You will be provided with feedback from your examiners and guidance on the revisions required to bring the work to the appropriate standard for the Masters award. If your dissertation at first attempt received a mark of less than 30, you will not be permitted to resubmit it and the Examination Board will make a decision on the outcome, which is likely to be the award of an Exit Award from the programme.

How is my degree calculated?

To be considered for a Masters Degree you must have achieved 180 credits at the appropriate level. Don’t worry if you have had a referral as these still count towards your credit total for a Pass or Merit. If, however, you have undertaken any referred assessment, you will not be eligible for a Distinction.

The award of Masters is based upon gaining the required number of credits, normally 180. Classifications for Merit or Distinctions will be calculated on the basis of an average mark, based on the weighted programme as a whole. If you are completing a Postgraduate Diploma or Certificate programme, then these degrees are only awarded as a Pass (with no Merit or Distinction awards).

When and how are decisions made about my results and my progress?

There are normally three available assessment opportunities: January, May/June and August/September within each academic year. It is expected that all your attempts at referral assessment will take place in the same academic year in which the assessment was first taken. After each assessment period there is an ‘Examination Board’.

Members of the Examination Board normally include your unit tutors and programme director. The Board is overseen by an External Examiner from another university. It is the job of the Examination Board to review all the students’ results anonymously and make decisions on the award of credit and who can resit exams / assessment. It is also the role of the Examination Board to decide who cannot continue and will leave the University with an exit award. Some students will narrowly miss the threshold for a degree classification and so we look at their pattern of marks (Mark Distribution) and may look at their examined work (Classification Review).

What do I do if I disagree with the Examination Board’s decision?

The University has clear and fair procedures which set out the course of action should you wish to appeal against an Examination Board decision or make a complaint. There are a number of grounds on which an appeal may be made; however an appeal which questions the academic or professional judgement of those charged with assessing your academic performance or professional competence will not be permitted. The relevant regulations and forms can be found at: Academic Appeals procedure

In the first instance, we would urge you to contact your Academic Advisor who will be able to talk you through the decision-making process.

Marking criteria

Full details of modes of assessment for each Course Unit are provided in Section B. A copy of the standard marking criteria can be found in Appendix 2.

Programme Exemptions to PGT Degree Regulations

The Forensic Psychology and Mental Health programme applies the University PGT Degree Regulations with the following exemptions:

  • No compensation to be allowed on any course unit. This means that all course units must be passed at 50% to be awarded the MSc

Course Unit PSYC68762 Offending Behaviour Interventions contains one weighted component and a compulsory Pass/Fail component:

In order to pass and successfully be awarded the credits for this unit, the student must receive a pass in the reflective account, as well as obtaining an overall pass mark in the unit. The overall pass mark for each unit is 50% (Masters) If a student fails the reflective account at second attempt, despite receiving an overall pass mark on the unit, they will fail the unit and be unable to progress.

Deadlines for Assessed Work

All assessed work must be handed in at the prescribed time. A complete list of these deadlines is circulated to all students at the beginning of the session.


If you have any issues or unforeseen circumstances that result in you being unable to attend an exam or submit your work on time, then you must let the course Unit Leader, Programme Administrator and/or your Programme Director know, as soon as possible.

Depending on the issue, we would then be able to advise how to support you. Please see the sections below, which advise further on:

  • Late submissions/non-attendance of exams (without mitigation)
  • One week extensions (with approved mitigation)
  • Longer extensions to submissions or non-attendance of exams (with mitigation) – see Mitigating Circumstances
  • Interruption to studies or extension to your programme/dissertation submission.

Word limits for Assessed Work (including dissertations)

With the exception of examination answers, all assessed work is subject to a word limit. There are reasons for this. It is one of our objectives to encourage students to acquire the skill of expressing ideas clearly and concisely. Writing within a word limit imposes a discipline on your work. Additionally, for any given type of work we can only apply fair and consistent marking standards when everyone is writing within the same constraints. Finally, imposing word limits communicates clear expectations.

In accordance with the University Policy on Marking:

Each written assignment has a word limit which you must state at the top of your first page.

Please note that all assignments on the MSc Forensic Psychology & Forensic Mental Health adhere to a strict word count policy and are therefore exempt from the 10% leeway stated in the standard UoM policy. If you present an assignment with a word limit exceeding the upper banding, the assignment will be marked but the marker will stop reading when the word limit is reached.

In accordance with accepted academic practice, when submitting any written assignment for summative assessment, the notion of a word count includes the following without exception:

  • All titles or headings that form part of the actual text. This does not include the fly page or reference list.
  • All words that form the actual essay.
  • All words forming the titles for figures, tables and boxes, are included but this does not include boxes or tables or figures themselves.
  • All in-text (that is bracketed) references.
  • All directly quoted material.

We trust you to be honest that your assignments are within the word limit. However, we do check the word count within TurnitinUK and staff are good at recognising over-length work.

The word limits for assessed work are provided in Section B


Guidance on Submitting Work

All assignments must be submitted electronically. The published deadlines for assessments all relate to the electronic submission which is done via Blackboard, on the TurnItIn system. You must submit by the deadline advertised in your timetable/assessment handbook.

When uploading your work and completing the ‘Assignment Title’ field in Turnitin you must ONLY PUT YOUR ID NUMBER IN THIS FIELD.

DO NOT save the work as ‘Essay’ or as the assignment title. To ensure anonymous marking it is essential your Programme Administrator can tell who the work belongs to from the ID number in the ‘Assignment Title’ field.

If you do not insert your ID in the ‘Assignment Title’ field in Turnitin your work may be deleted and if it is not uploaded again with the correct title before the deadline it may be classed as late.

When creating your document please ensure your ID number and word count is included in the header of each page and your name does NOT appear on the document.

The electronic copy is your official record of submission.

  • How to submit an electronic copy of your work
  • Log onto Blackboard via My Manchester

  • Click on the relevant course unit
  • Go to assessment folder
  • Upload your assignment via the Turnitin process

Please remember you can only upload one document so you cannot save your references/appendices as a separate document.

Format of all submitted work

All Assignments MUST be submitted in the following format:

Font: Arial

Font Size: 12

Line Spacing: 1.5

Turnitin System

The University uses electronic systems for the purposes of detecting plagiarism and other forms of academic malpractice and for marking.  Such systems include TurnitinUK, the plagiarism detection service used by the University.

As part of the formative and/or summative assessment process, you may be asked to submit electronic versions of your work to TurnitinUK and/or other electronic systems used by the University (this requirement may be in addition to a requirement to submit a paper copy of your work).  If you are asked to do this, you must do so within the required timescales.

The School also reserves the right to submit work handed in by you for formative or summative assessment to TurnitinUK and/or other electronic systems used by the University.

Please note that when work is submitted to the relevant electronic systems, it may be copied and then stored in a database to allow appropriate checks to be made.

Late Submission Penalty (Including Dissertation)

Work submitted after the deadline without prior approval will be subject to a late penalty in accordance with the University Policy on Submission of Work for Summative Assessment on Taught Programmes.  The penalty applied is 10% of available marks deducted per day/24 hours (from the time of the original or extended deadline), until the assignment is submitted or no marks remain.

Penalties for late submission relate to 24 hours/calendar days, so include weekends and weekdays, as well as bank holidays and University closure days.

The mark awarded for the piece of work will be reduced by:
10% of the available marks deducted if up to 24 hours (1 day) late
20% of the available marks deducted if up to 48 hours (2 days) late
30% of the available marks deducted if up to 72 hours (3 days) late
40% of the available marks deducted if up to 96 hours (4 days) late
50% of the available marks deducted if up to 120 hours (5 days) late
60% of the available marks deducted if up to 144 hours (6 days) late
70% of the available marks deducted if up to 168 hours (7 days) late
80% of the available marks deducted if up to 192 hours (8 days) late
90% of the available marks deducted if up to 216 hours (9 days) late
100% of the available marks deducted if up to 240 hours (10 days) late

If the assessment is submitted within 10 days of the deadline the assessment should be marked and feedback to the student provided. If this mark before the penalty is applied reaches the appropriate pass mark but the applied penalty results in a fail of the assessment, the student should not be required to resit the assessment as the original mark can be taken as the resit mark. Further information and examples can be found in the Policy and associated Guidance documents.

For work submitted more than 10 days late, it is regarded as a non-submission and need not be marked. In this case a mark of zero will be awarded and normal resit regulations will apply.

The sliding scale should only be applied to first-sit submissions.

For all referred (resit) assessment, any late submission will automatically receive a mark of zero.

Guidance on Late Submission

Similarly, if you are unable to attend an exam then you must submit a mitigating circumstances form and supporting evidence to explain your non-attendance. This will then be considered at the appropriate Mitigating Circumstances Panel and following Exam Board. Unauthorised absence from examinations will result in a mark of zero being recorded for that examination.

Extensions to Assignment Deadlines (one week or less)

Extensions of up to one week can be granted on coursework deadlines if students have experienced unforeseen mitigating circumstances such as illness. An extension request form should be submitted with supporting evidence (medical letters, certificates or other appropriate evidence) at least 24 hours prior to the original deadline. The supporting evidence must justify the length of the requested extension. Extensions will be granted at the discretion of individual course Unit Leaders or the Programme Director. Further long term extensions can be requested if appropriate.

The form should then be submitted by 12.00 noon on the last working day before the assessment deadline;

It is your responsibility to make sure the request and accompanying evidence has been received. In the event that your Programme Administrator is not available, we recommend that you copy in the Programme Director. You will be notified of the outcome of your request via email as soon as possible.

Please note that an extension to a deadline is classed as mitigation. Mitigation can only be applied once to a piece of work. i.e. you cannot have a deadline extension and also apply for mitigation for poor performance due to the same circumstances.

Please see Appendix 4 for further details.

Mitigating Circumstances

Mitigation describes the process by which a student may be compensated for poor assessment performance, or when they are not able to complete an exam/assessment, as a consequence of unforeseen or unpreventable circumstances.

A student must submit a request for mitigation to their Programme Administrator, in advance of their assessment submission deadline or exam. Retrospective mitigation requests will only be considered if:

  • Presented by the deadlines below
  • The Mit Circs Panel is provided with compelling reasons as to why the circumstances could not be made known or presented prior to the original assessment submission deadline.

Mitigating circumstances forms must be submitted before the submission date or Exam. All supporting evidence and any applications for retrospective mitigation (as above), must be submitted no later than the following:

  • Semester 1 assignments and Exams: 31st January 2023
  • Semester 2 assignments and Exams: 12th June 2023
  • Semester 2 exam resits: 1st September 2023

Any requests for mitigation will be considered confidentially by a mitigating circumstances panel. The panel will normally comprise of the Programme Director, a Programme Administrator and a senior member of School staff. The mitigating circumstances panel meets after the dates outlined above, just prior to Exam Board, to discuss any requests for mitigation. The panel will determine whether there is substantiated evidence of circumstances eligible for mitigation. It will then decide whether the circumstances will have had or could have had an adverse effect on the student’s performance, and, if so, it will judge how significant the effect was likely to have been. If the Mitigating Circumstances Panel judges that the effect was or would have been significant, the mitigation request will be approved. Mitigation requests may be approved for a specific assessment or more general impairment over a number of assessments, or for both. If a mitigation request is approved, recommendations will be made to the Exam Board who will determine how to apply it, given the student’s assessment results.

Following the Exam Board, students will receive confirmation of the outcome of their mitigation request. If a mitigation request is successful, work submitted late or a re-take of an assessment/examination as a first attempt, may be offered (without penalty). However, should the Mitigating Circumstances Panel feel that you do not have sufficient and appropriately evidenced reasons, your mark would be reduced in line with the late submission penalties above, or a re-take of an assessment/exam may be considered as a re-sit attempt (providing you have a resit opportunity available).


Requests must be accompanied by appropriate, independent, third-party supporting or collaborative documentation, which will be subject to verification. Valid reasons must be evidenced with the length of the delay appropriate to the circumstances. Providing you submit a mitigating circumstances form and supporting documentation, before the appropriate deadline (as outlined above), the Mitigating Circumstances Panel will then consider this.

Grounds for mitigation can be found in the A Basic Guide to Mitigating Circumstances.

If the information, and details of the mitigating circumstances, is considered to be highly confidential, students should submit these in a sealed envelope attached to the Notification of Mitigating Circumstances Form, together with the supporting documentary evidence. Mitigating Circumstances Panels should have due regard for the confidentiality of any application they receive.

If a student has medical or personal circumstances which they feel may adversely affect their studies and/or their performance on an assessment/examination, they should inform their Academic Advisor or Programme Director as soon as possible. If a student attends an exam, or submits on time, BUT feels that their studies have been adversely affected, they should still complete a mitigating circumstances form before the deadline, as this would only be applied to their record if it was required. Please note: retrospective mitigation requests will NOT be considered once marks have been ratified, under any circumstances.

For dissertations: To ensure students can complete the dissertation to the best of their ability, mitigating circumstances will not normally be considered after submission. Instead, we recommend that students with mitigating circumstances request a deadline extension (with support from your supervisor or Programme Director, which will then be submitted for approval to the School Graduate Education Manager – See Extension to Dissertation Submission section below for further details.

Students are advised to consult the guidance, which directs them to seek advice and support before and whilst submitting a request for mitigation.

The mitigating circumstances form is available on Blackboard, from your Programme Administrator, or from the link in Appendix 3. It is your responsibility to submit this form and you must do so by the advertised deadline that applies to the period of time / piece of work of work you are claiming mitigating circumstances for.

Interruptions and Extensions to the Programme/Dissertation Submission

It is the expectation of the University that postgraduate taught students pursue their studies on a continuous basis for the stipulated duration of their programme. However, it is recognised that students may encounter personal difficulties or situations which may seriously disrupt or delay their studies. In some cases, an interruption or extension to your programme of study may be the most sensible option. Students who wish to interrupt the programme or extend to write up the dissertation should initially discuss their plans and reasons with the Programme Director.

An interruption allows students the chance to recover from events such as ill health; it is NOT a device to allow students to take time off because they would like a break from their studies. Students should also provide documentary evidence when appropriate, for example, doctor’s letter, sick note etc.

An application to interrupt a programme should normally be made before the beginning of the proposed period of interruption. In all cases, it should have the support of the Programme Director, Postgraduate Support Officer or equivalent. The Programme Director will be responsible for discussing with students any circumstances that lie behind the student requesting an interruption to their studies. The application for interruption should be submitted by the Programme Director to the PGT consortium.

Academic Malpractice

The University does not permit plagiarism or other forms of academic malpractice under any circumstances, and individuals found to have committed such an incident can expect a harsh penalty, which in some cases results in exclusion from the University. To ensure that you are fully informed about University expectations and understand your responsibilities with regard to academic malpractice please ensure you have read the guidance provided by the University to students on this topic.

Academic malpractice is any activity – intentional or otherwise – that is likely to undermine the integrity essential to scholarship and research. It includes plagiarism, collusion, fabrication or falsification of results, and anything else that could result in unearned or undeserved credit for those committing it. Academic malpractice can result from a deliberate act of cheating or may be committed unintentionally. Whether intended or not, all incidents of academic malpractice will be treated seriously by the University.

The procedures and penalties for dealing with academic malpractice are covered by the same regulations as apply to the Conduct and Discipline of Students (Regulation XVII):

If you have any doubts or further questions please contact your Course Tutor or Programme Director.

As further support, the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health Graduate School has developed a unit entitled “Understanding Academic Malpractice”. This unit should be completed by all postgraduate taught students and will allow you to test your understanding of what constitutes plagiarism and academic malpractice. The unit should be completed as soon as possible after you begin your programme, but must be completed before you submit your first piece of academic writing for assessment. See: Introductory courses Mandatory Non Credit Bearing Introductory Courses SHSS60001

University guidance on plagiarism and other forms of academic malpractice can be found here: other-forms-of-academic-malpractice/

Other Information on academic malpractice and how to avoid it can be found at

Feedback for Assignments

The purpose of feedback is to provide constructive comments so that you can improve the standard of your work. Thus, in addition to marks you will receive written feedback on most of your assessed coursework.

Marks awarded for your assessments (i.e. everything which contributes to your final degree classification) are subject to moderation by the Exam Board and the External Examiner at the Exam Board meetings. Consequently all marks given before the final examiners’ meeting has taken place in November 2022 must be regarded as provisional. Shortly after the examinations meetings we will publish results and post out a breakdown of your marks. These will remain provisional until after the final examination board in November 2022 (for full time students) or November 2023 (for part time students).

When you have graduated you may obtain a detailed official account of all your examination results (called a transcript) via the link below:

Documents are digitally signed to make them legally valid and tamper-evident, allowing for quick and efficient verification of genuine documents. Transcripts are recognised for such purposes as admission to a further course of study at another institution, membership of professional bodies, exemption from sections of professional examinations etc.

Return of Marked Work

For all formative assessments and assessed coursework, feedback will normally be provided within 15 working days after the final submission deadline or exceptionally, and subject to prior approval by the faculty, within 20 working days after the final submission deadline; extensions to 20 working days will be approved on academic grounds only and must be clearly communicated to students in advance. For single pieces of assessed work carrying a credit weighting of 30 credits or more, the maximum time for feedback to be given is normally 30 working days after the final submission deadline.

Policy on Feedback to Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Students. Available at

How to Find Your Marks

Once work has been marked and moderated, you will receive an email from the Programme Administrator to tell you that the marks have been released. Work submitted via Blackboard will usually show a mark along with feedback on the Blackboard system.

You can also access ratified marks by logging into your MyManchester account at and going to My Services/Self Service and Student Centre. You can choose ‘Assignments’ from the drop down box and choose the relevant unit. Your final mark for the unit does not appear until the unit is fully completed and marks have been through an Exam Board.

Recording Lectures

Please do not record lectures with a voice recorder or other device. If you wish to record a lecture or other teaching session, ensure you obtain the prior written permission of the lecturer. You may not share any recordings with any other person (including by electronic media) without first being given specific permission by the lecturer.

Monitoring Attendance and Wellbeing of Students

The Programme Director and teaching staff will monitor the work and attendance of students on the programme. This is for your benefit and helps to ensure you are coping with the work. Regular or a pattern of non-attendance and/or engagement will result in you being contacted by your administrator.

For further information see:

Regulation XX Monitoring Attendance and Wellbeing of Students.

The University offers a range of advice and support to students experiencing problems with attendance. Further information can be found in the Crucial Guide: You can also speak to your Programme Director and/or Academic Advisor.


Attendance at all lectures, seminars and live sessions is compulsory: you are required to attend all sessions. Attendance monitoring will take place during ALL sessions.

Your programme uses both physical sign-in sheets and an online student attendance system, ‘My Attendance’.

From September you will have to ‘check in’ at the start of each timetabled activity to confirm your attendance – you can do this via My Manchester on a mobile, tablet, laptop or desktop. There is also a simple dashboard showing your attendance record, so you can see how you’re doing.

This short video shows how to check in and view your attendance record. Check-in will close after each activity has ended, so don’t forget! We’ve asked your lecturers to remind you to check in, but you may also want to write yourself a note or set reminders until you get used to checking in.

If you do forget to check in, or you have a planned absence, or there is an error in your attendance record, you should contact

This new system does not change any attendance requirements for your programme or course units. My Attendance is much more effective than older systems like paper registers. Recording attendance consistently will help us see when you might need support, and save resource to better support you elsewhere.

You can find out more about My Attendance here.

If you know you are going to miss a session in advance, please contact both the Unit Lead and the Programme Administrator at least 24 hours BEFORE the session.

Postgraduates in the Division of Psychology and Mental Health are also expected to sit ALL examinations and coursework tests for their degree programme and to submit ALL coursework assignments by the deadline specified. In order to be allowed to submit coursework and/or sit exams, you must have attended 80% of the formal sessions for that unit (i.e. 8 of 10 sessions on most units).

  • If you miss two sessions in a unit without authorisation you will need to cover the course material independently and demonstrate that you have done so by providing evidence to the Unit Lead/Programme Director, through completion of a reflective log.
  • If you miss more than two sessions in a unit without authorisation you will be asked to meet with your Programme Director to discuss your progress, and you will be assigned catch-up work to ensure you have covered the learning outcomes of the unit (s).
  • If poor attendance persists following this meeting you will not be permitted to submit coursework or assignments. You will be asked to meet with a Panel to discuss continuation on the course. If following this meeting coursework and assessments cannot be accepted those units will be given an automatic 0 and you will fail the course and be withdrawn.

If you have problems with attending 80% of the course because of serious issues such as illness, we want to fully support you to complete the MSc, but we do also need to make sure that you actively cover the content of taught units. You will need to submit a Mitigating Circumstances form and meet with your Academic Advisor as soon as possible. In discussion with your Advisor a decision will be made as to which one of two options is most appropriate for your circumstances:

  1. You cover the course material independently and demonstrate that you have done so by providing evidence to the Unit Lead/Programme Director, possibly through completion of a reflective log. You will also need to complete any coursework and/or exam requirements for the Unit.
  2. Interruption: you take some time out of studies and return to the course at a later date, at an appropriate time for both your circumstances and the stage of the course. Further information is provided in Interruptions and Extensions to the Programme/Dissertation Submission section.

Students who are absent for a continuous period of 30 days or miss an entire end-of- semester set of examinations without good reason will be assumed to have withdrawn. Students will be notified of a withdrawal date and will be withdrawn from the University**

Students who achieve a weighted average of 45% or less in their first semester  will be required to attend a compulsory interview with a senior member of Academic staff.

  • Students with approved previous experience, or APEL may have agreed absence have prior approval from Programme Director to be absent from specific lectures. These absences will not be counted towards the assessment of unsatisfactory attendance.

**Students studying under a Tier 4 visa permission should note that once a withdrawal has been completed on the University’s Student System, students will be reported to UK Visas and Immigration and will be required to leave the UK within 60 days of their withdrawal date.

International Student Census

The University operates attendance monitoring census points within the academic year in order to confirm the attendance of students holding a Tier 4 Student Visa. This is to ensure the University meets the UKVI statutory requirements as a sponsor of Tier 4 students and its responsibilities in accordance with its Highly Trusted Sponsor status.

If you are a Tier 4 visa holder, you must attend these census points, in addition to complying with your programme’s attendance requirements. You will receive an e-mail from your Programme Administrator to confirm when and where you should go to have your attendance confirmed. You must check your University e-mail account regularly. Failure to check your e-mail account is not a valid reason to be absent from a census point.

What if a Tier 4 student cannot attend a census point?

If you cannot attend in person due to a valid reason which includes: illness; study placement; field studies; on year abroad; research work; or any other reason connected to your programme of study, you must email your Programme Administrator to inform us of your absence and your inability to attend in person. In the case of illness, you must provide a copy of a medical certificate. If you are in this position you should report in person to the School as soon as possible after you return to campus.

Students who are recorded as interrupting their studies are not expected to attend during their period of interruption.

What happens if a student does not attend a census point?

The School must be able to confirm your presence to the UKVI by the end of each census point in the academic year. If you do not attend a census point when required by your School and you do not provide a valid explanation for your absence you will be deemed to be “not in attendance”.

Those students identified as “not in attendance” will be reported to the UKVI and the University will cease to sponsor the student’s Tier 4 visa. The Tier 4 visa will then be curtailed and the student must leave the UK within 60 days.

Further information

For more information on Tier 4 visas:

If you have any concerns about the attendance monitoring census points, or your Tier 4 visa status, please contact

Monitoring Progress and Dissertation Supervision

In order to monitor their progress, students will have regular, scheduled meetings with their dissertation supervisor. Progress forms should be completed at these meetings (see appendix 1). These meetings are in addition to the normal dissertation supervisory meetings between the student and supervisor, of which there should be a minimum of 12 per academic year (6 for part-time students). Progress meetings will take place as follows:

Meeting 1: Full-time and Year 1 Part time students 1st-9th December 2022

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss initial ideas for your dissertation work once students have been allocated a supervisor and advisor. This is also the time for students to raise any questions they may have about the course.

Meeting 2: Full-time and Year 2 Part time students 2nd-24th February 2023

This meeting occurs after students have received the results for semester 1 taught courses. The purpose is for students to discuss their progress on taught courses with their supervisor, and to ensure timely progress in dissertation work.

Meeting 3: Full-time and Year 2 Part time students 3rd-23rd June 2023

This meeting should take place after students have received marks for all the taught courses. The purpose of this meeting is for the student to discuss their progress on taught courses with their supervisor, to monitor the student’s progress in dissertation work, and to plan a timetable for the completion of the dissertation.

In addition, students may request meetings with the Programme Director at any point throughout their studies if there are additional matters they wish to discuss.

In order to provide opportunity for reflection, students will be required to complete a Progress Form at each meeting with their supervisor which must be signed by both parties following the meeting. This form should be used as the basis for discussion in the meetings.

After each meeting, the forms should be submitted via Blackboard (Unit PSYC68790) by the dates specified above, to ensure that School records are complete and up-to date. It is your responsibility to ensure forms are completed and submitted on time.

Election of a Student Representative

Early in Semester 1, students will be asked to select one or two individuals to represent their interests to the MSc Staff Student Liaison Meeting and to moderate the Unitu student feedback system. Unitu is an award-winning online platform that helps universities and student unions to collect and analyse student feedback in real time, and deliver faster improvements to the student experience.

The student representatives will be offered training and attend one staff/student liaison committee per semester alongside all MSc committee meetings throughout the year. These meetings will be held on the days that student representatives are timetabled to be in the University and are usually held via Zoom/Microsoft Teams. The student representatives will also organise group feedback sessions at the end of each semester for all students to feedback about their experience of the programme.

We would also hope that student representatives would be available to speak to the External Examiner in advance of the Exam Boards to share the year groups views about the modules and programme; the External Examiner is generally able to accommodate this via phone if needed.

Please note: this role is what you make it. In previous years, MSc reps have also organised social occasions and study sessions.

External Examiner

External Examiners are individuals from another institution or organisation who monitor the assessment processes of the University to ensure fairness and academic standards. They ensure that assessment and examination procedures have been fairly and properly implemented and that decisions have been made after appropriate deliberation. They also ensure that standards of awards and levels of student performance are at least comparable with those in equivalent higher education institutions.

External Examiners’ reports relating to this programme will be shared with student representatives at the Programme committee, where details of any actions carried out by the programme team in response to the External Examiners’ comments will be discussed. Students should contact their student representatives if they require any further information about External Examiners’ reports or the process for considering them.

  • The External Examiner for this programme is: Dr Palwinder Athwal-Kooner
  • Name of Institution: Nottingham Trent University
  • Position at current Institution: Principal Lecturer in Psychology / Registered Forensic Psychologist

Please note that this is for information only and it is inappropriate for students to make direct contact with External Examiners under any circumstances, in particular with regards to a student’s individual performance in assessments.

Other appropriate mechanisms are available for students, including the University’s appeals or complaints procedures and the UMSU Advice Centre. In cases where a student does contact an External Examiner directly, External Examiners have been requested not to respond to direct queries. Instead, External Examiners should report the matter to their School contact who will then contact the student to remind them of the other methods available for students. If students have any queries concerning this, they should contact their Programme Office (or equivalent).

Roles and Responsibilities

Unit Leaders

  1. Developing and updating the unit specification in consultation with lecturers and Programme Director, ensuring a coherent selection of teaching material and assessments to fit with the overall aim of the programme and its specifications;
  2. Liaising with Programme Administrators and the lecturers on their unit to ensure that the information on their unit in the programme handbook is accurate;
  3. Liaising with Programme Administrators and lecturers to organise examining, marking and student feedback;
  4. Developing and monitoring the Blackboard E-Learning site for their unit, in liaison with lecturers for the sessions in their unit;
  5. Liaising with students concerning queries relating to teaching and assessments for the unit that are not specific to an individual teaching session;
  6. Attending programme meetings and the programme Exam Board in order to liaise with Programme Director and student representatives;
  7. Considering and acting upon student, staff and external examiner feedback, in order to modify the structure, content and processes within their unit, in discussion with the programme team.

Roles and Responsibilities of Supervisors

  1. Giving guidance about the nature of research and the standard expected, the planning of the research programme, literature and sources, and about requisite techniques (including arranging for instruction where necessary);
  2. Maintaining contact through regular meetings (the frequency of meetings being appropriate to the research being undertaken and agreed in advance by the student);
  3. Being accessible to the student at other appropriate times for advice and responding to difficulties raised by the student;
  4. Giving detailed advice on the necessary completion dates of successive stages of the work so that the thesis may be submitted within the agreed timescale;
  5. Requesting written work or reports as appropriate and returning written material with constructive criticism and in reasonable time;
  6. Ensuring that for degrees where an oral examination is required the student is adequately prepared by arranging for the student to present his or her work to staff and graduate seminars;
  7. Ensuring that the student is made aware when progress is not satisfactory and facilitating improvement with advice and guidance;
  8. Establishing at an early stage the supervisor’s responsibilities in relation to the student’s written work, including the nature of the guidance and comments to be offered as the work proceeds and on the draft of the thesis before it is submitted. It must be made clear to the student that research for a higher degree is undertaken within the general principle that a thesis must be the student’s own work;
  9. Making students aware of other researchers and research work in the department and graduate school;
  10. Encouraging the student to publish the research where appropriate;
  11. Providing pastoral support and advising students, where appropriate, of university support services;
  12. Bringing to the attention of the students the health and safety regulations and academic rules, regulations and codes of practice of the university.

Responsibilities of the Student

  1. Pursuing the programme with a positive commitment, taking full advantage of the resources and facilities offered by the academic environment and, in particular, contact with the Supervisor, other staff and research students;
  2. Discussing with the Supervisor the type of guidance and comment believed to be most helpful, and organising a schedule of meetings;
  3. Ensuring that he/she is aware of the health and safety regulations and academic rules and regulations and codes of practice of the University;
  4. Successfully completing any training programme arranged within the prescribed time period;
  5. Taking the initiative in raising problems or difficulties, however elementary they may seem, bearing in mind that prompt discussion and resolution of problems can prevent difficulties and disagreements at a later stage;
  6. Maintaining the progress of the work in accordance with the stages agreed with the Supervisor, including in particular the presentation of written material as required, in sufficient time to allow for comments and discussion before proceeding to the next stage.
  7. Checking the completeness and accuracy of the text of the thesis submitted; failure to check the thesis carefully may result in the thesis being failed or cause a delay in the award of a degree.
  8. Responding to emails and communications in a timely manner. You will be supplied with a student e-mail address. All official communications will be directed using your student e-mail address and it is your responsibility to ensure that you can access and read mail from this source.

Please note that the student is responsible for any incidental costs of the course, e.g. travel, printing, internet charges etc.

Research Seminars (Division of Psychology and Mental Health)

All MSc students are encouraged to attend the regular seminars held within the University.

External speakers or speakers from within the Division present their research to an audience of postgraduate students and academic members of staff. These talks are followed by scholarly debates, and usually an informal drink or meal after the session to which all are invited. The programme of speakers is published in advance, and posters and emails advertising the week’s seminar are circulated during the week. Topics for these seminars are drawn from the full range of psychology and psychiatry topics, including cognitive, social, clinical, health psychology as well as forensic and forensic mental health topics. You should attend these sessions regardless of whether you feel the topics are directly related to your coursework or research as they are a good opportunity to learn about a range of methodologies and theories and to network with other postgraduate and academic researchers.

SECTION B: Syllabus, Course Units and Route through the Programme

The following summarises the core teaching in each semester for the full and part time routes.

You are referred to the ‘Timetable and Assignment’ document which contains full details of all dates and locations for teaching sessions, as well as deadlines for all assignments for all units.

All units are compulsory. All units equate to 15 credits unless otherwise specified.


Timetable for Full time students

(12 months September 2022 – September 2023)

Full time students are required to attend all teaching in both semesters. Full time students attend 60 taught credits per semester.

Students are to commence the dissertation in semester one, discussing ideas with the supervisor and applying for ethical approval. In semester two the aim is to receive ethical approval, commence data collection, complete analysis and write up of the project. The Dissertation is submitted in September 2023

Please note: all teaching is Tuesdays and Thursdays, except for the Therapy Skills Workshop, date to be confirmed.*

Semester 1 Semester 2 DISSERTATION
September – January  February  – May  April –


Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday
Introduction to Forensic Psychology and Professional Practice

(30 credits)

PSYC 62301

Research Methods I PSYC 68811 Personality

Disorder Assessment and Intervention

PSYC 68772

Research Methods II PSYC 68812 Dissertation (60 credits)

PSYC 68790

Psychology Applied to Investigative and Legal Processes

PSYC 62401

Clinical Risk Assessment Formulation and Management

PSYC 68782

Offending Behaviour Interventions PSYC 68762
Dissertation (60 credits) PSYC 68790

Timetable for Part-time students

(24 months September 2022 – September 2024)

Part time students attend 30 taught credits per semester over two years; as detailed below. Part time students commence the dissertation project in semester one of the second year.

As with the full time students, part time students begin discussing ideas with the supervisor and applying for ethical approval in semester one of their second year. In semester two the aim is to receive ethical approval, commence data collection, complete analysis and write up of the project. Part time students will submit the dissertation in September 2023.

Please note: all teaching is Tuesdays and Thursdays, except for the Therapy Skills Workshop, date to be confirmed.*

Year 1 Year 2
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
Sept 2021- Jan 2022


Feb 2022- May 2022


Sept 2022-Dec 2022


Jan2023 -May 2023


Introduction to Forensic Psychology and Professional Practice

(30 credits)

PSYC 62301

Personality Disorder assessment and Intervention

PSYC 68772

Research Methods 1

PSYC 68811

Research Methods II

PSYC 68812

Clinical Risk Assessment, Formulation & Management

PSYC 68782

Psychology Applied to Investigative and Legal Processes

PSYC 62401

Offender Behaviour Interventions

PSYC 68762

Dissertation (60 credits) PSYC 68790

hand in September 2023

The following pages provide detail for each course unit for the MSc Forensic Psychology and Mental Health

Introduction to Forensic Psychology and Professional Practice PSYC 62301

Credit rating 30
Unit coordinator: Dr Neil Gredecki
Unit coordinator: Dr Polly Turner
ECTS credits 15
Semester 1

Division of Psychology and Mental Health
Postgraduate Taught
Level 7

FHEQ level ’ Masters/Integrated Masters P4’

Course Unit Overview

The unit will begin with an overview of the Qualification in Forensic Psychology (QFP) to enable you to develop an understanding of the formal applied training route should you wish to become a Registered Forensic Psychologist. This will emphasise the importance of reflective practice and the necessity of blending theory with practice, contextualising forensic psychological practice and introducing you to the need for independent future development. The focus on reflective practice will allow you to maximise your gains from the MSc by focusing your personal learning objectives in order to support effective progression to applied psychology training, other relevant careers or further academic study.
There is significant focus on ethics and professional practice, clarifying the differing roles of the BPS and HCPC and analysing ethical dilemmas. Teaching on the unit utilises clinical examples to facilitate critical thinking, application and debate around ethics and professional practice broadly. Students will examine core theories of crime and offending behaviour to underpin the teaching for the rest of the course. The forensic environment will be reviewed, considering culture and impact of working with forensic clients. The unit will explore ways of working with special populations and victims of crime. Finally, the unit will investigate core psychological theory and models underpinning the consultancy and training roles within forensic psychology practice.

Provide you with an introduction to key themes and theories underpinning forensic psychology and mental health, specifically in relation to professional practice. The unit aims to equip you with an understanding of the forensic environment, specialist forensic populations and ways of working across the criminal justice system. This overview is rooted in core theories of offending behaviour. It is our aim that this unit affords you insight, at Stage I level, to core aspects of forensic psychology practice. These areas are likely to be new to you as they are not typically addressed in forensic undergraduate units. The unit also aims to highlight the link between Stage I and Stage II; to assist you in tailoring and furthering your learning throughout the MSc.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the unit you should be able to –
1. Critically evaluate and synthesise core psychological theory relevant to forensic settings
(e.g. theoretical concepts to explain the forensic environment, the process of consultancy, understanding of organisational culture in forensic settings);
1. Critically evaluate approaches/interventions for working with different client groups in forensic/criminal justice settings;
2. Interpret and apply ethics and professional practice standards using forensic practice based examples (with reference to BPS and HCPC practice guidance);
3. Demonstrate originality and independence in solving problems, planning and implementing tasks;
4. Independently utilise resources to develop knowledge;
5. Employ effective written and verbal communication skills;
6. Work effectively with subgroup of peers to analyse and construct a formal presentation of an ethical dilemma from a forensic case example;
7. Demonstrate skills in applying knowledge of reflection to critique and develop own learning;
8. Demonstrate sensitivity, respectful and non-discriminatory language in relation to forensic clients/settings.

Teaching and learning methods
The teaching and learning methods involve a blend of both online learning and face to face lectures and workshops. Teaching will be delivered predominantly in an interactive lecture format. Online components will require you to engage with online materials developed for the purpose, including video clips, interactive demonstrations and guided activities. Directed study components comprise additional exercises and specified reading related to each session. The guided learning will require you to access interactive e-resources to further build knowledge of the forensic environment and specialist forensic populations.  Blackboard will be used to facilitate online discussion of material and to present resources such as resources for each session and access to online reading lists.

Assessment methods
Written assignment (inc essay) 50%
Case study analysis 50%
The unit has two summative assessments

Feedback methods
Student representation plays a vital and important part in helping the programme maintain and improve the quality of its provision. Student representatives liaise between staff and students on matters of concern to either side; provide two-way feedback on the course and on teaching quality, and promote active student involvement in course development.
Student representatives are also invited to speak confidentially to the external examiner at the end of the academic year, and to participate in end-of-year course review meetings. Representatives are asked to feedback information from these meetings to the other students.
In addition, at the end of each semester students are asked to complete an on-line evaluation questionnaire for each course unit they have taken. At the end of the course they complete a general evaluation for their overall programme of study. This anonymous feedback is circulated to unit leaders. This helps to ensure quality assurance.
Formative assessment and feedback to students is a key feature of the on-line learning materials for this unit. Students will be required to engage in a wide range of interactive exercises to enhance their learning and test their developing knowledge and skills.

Recommended Reading
You will be expected to supplement your reading, and source your own relevant articles as demonstrated by your blackboard learning. Additional contemporary publications will be discussed during the unit.

• Bush, S, Denney, R. L, Connell, M. (2020) Ethical practice in forensic psychology: a guide for mental health professionals; American Psychological
• Campling, P., Davies, S. & Farquharson, G. (2004) From toxic institutions to
therapeutic environments: Residential settings in mental health services. Gaskell.
• Crighton, D., & Towl, G. (2008) Psychology in Prisons (2ndEdition).BPS Blackwell.
• Crighton, D., & Towl, G. (2015) Forensic Psychology (2nd Edition). BPS Blackwell.
McGuire, J., & Duff, S. (2018). Forensic psychology: routes through the system. Palgrave Macmillan.Gredecki, N., & Turner, P. (2022) Forensic Psychology: Topics in Applied Psychology. Routledge.


Psychology Applied to Investigative and Legal Processes PSYC 62401

Credit rating 15
Unit coordinator: Dr Sandra Flynn
ECTS credits 7.5
Semester 1

Division of Psychology and Mental Health
Postgraduate Taught
Level 7

FHEQ level ’ Masters/Integrated Masters P4’

Course Unit Overview
The contribution of forensic psychology to the English Legal System (ELS) will be introduced. The structure and function and process of the courts will be explained. The overriding objectives of the court and the role of forensic psychology in assisting the court will be emphasised, as will practice directions and codes of practice for expert witnesses.
The unit will review the contribution of forensic psychology to the investigative system; reviewing research and theory analysing aspects such as jury decision making, cognitive interviewing procedures, offender profiling, geographical profiling and interrogative interviewing (including false confessions, lie detection and suggestibility). Attention will be given to understanding psychologically vulnerable individuals within the investigative and judicial process, and the contribution of forensic psychology in safeguarding vulnerable adults and children as witnesses. Guest lectures from forensic practitioners (e.g. Senior Police Officers) and/or legal advocates (e.g. Solicitors or Barristers) will give further insight into the role and contribution of psychology in the legal system.
It is expected that you independently attend Crown Court during the unit, to assist in choosing an area to critically appraise for the end of unit assignment.

The unit aims to provide you with a critical understanding of the interaction between psychology and the English Legal System. The unit aims to equip you with an overview of the ELS (covering Civil, Criminal and Family justice) before examining the role of Forensic Psychologists and psychology as a discipline within the system. The unit aims to develop a critical understanding of the application of psychological research and theory to improving practice within civil, family and criminal justice processes. Further the unit seeks to develop a sound understanding of the application of psychological research in legal and investigative processes. Finally, the unit aims to develop an understanding of the importance of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary working in the legal system.

Learning outcomes
1. Describe the English Legal System (e.g. criminal, civil, family justice systems) and outline the roles of Psychologists within the courts and legal system;
2. Critically evaluate the application of psychological theory and research to legal and investigative processes;
3. Appraise psychological techniques aimed at enhancing practice of other professionals/processes within the English Legal System (e.g. work of Police Officers, court procedures).
4. Demonstrate originality and independence in solving problems, planning and implementing tasks;
5. Independently utilise resources to develop knowledge;
6. Employ effective written and verbal communication skills;
7. Demonstrate respect and understanding of the work of different professional groups in legal and investigative settings; recognising the importance of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary working;
8. Demonstrate team working skills, working together to analyse investigative process and miscarriages of justice.

Teaching and learning methods
The teaching and learning methods involve a blend of both online learning and face to face lectures and workshops. Online components will require you to engage with online materials developed for the purpose, including video clips, interactive demonstrations and guided activities. Directed study components comprise additional exercises and specified reading related to each session. The guided learning will require you to access interactive e-resources to further build knowledge of the application of psychology to investigative and legal practice. Formative tasks may be incorporated in this unit to build knowledge and critical awareness of way in which psychology theory and research can assist the legal system. Blackboard will be used to facilitate online discussion of material and to present resources such as resources for each session and access to online reading lists.

Assessment methods
Written assignment (inc essay) 100%

Feedback methods
Student representation plays a vital and important part in helping the programme maintain and improve the quality of its provision. Student representatives liaise between staff and students on matters of concern to either side; provide two-way feedback on the course and on teaching quality, and promote active student involvement in course development.
Student representatives are also invited to speak confidentially to the external examiner at the end of the academic year, and to participate in end-of-year course review meetings. Representatives are asked to feedback information from these meetings to the other students.
In addition, at the end of each semester students are asked to complete an on-line evaluation questionnaire for each course unit they have taken. At the end of the course they complete a general evaluation for their overall programme of study. This anonymous feedback is circulated to unit leaders. This helps to ensure quality assurance.
Formative assessment and feedback to students is a key feature of the on-line learning materials for this unit. Students will be required to engage in a wide range of interactive exercises to enhance their learning and test their developing knowledge and skills.

Recommended reading
You will be expected to supplement your reading, and source your own relevant articles as demonstrated by your blackboard learning. Additional contemporary publications will be discussed during the unit.

  • Ainsworth, P.B. (1998). Psychology, Law and Eyewitness testimony. Wiley.
    • Bond, C., Solon, M., Harper, P. and Davies, G. (2007) The Expert Witness: A Practical Guide. Kent, Shaw and Sons.
    Canter, & Youngs, D. (2009). Investigative psychology: offender profiling and the analysis of criminal action. Wiley.
    • Gudjonsson, G (2006) Psychology brings justice: the science of forensic psychology. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 13: 3, 159-167
    • Gudjonsson, G(2018) The psychology of false confessions: forty years of science and practice. John Wiley & Sons Inc
    • McGuire, J. & Duff, S., (2018), Forensic Psychology: routes through the system. Palgrave Macmillan
    • Memon, M., Vrij, A., & Bull, R. (2003). Psychology and Law: Truthfulness, Accuracy
    and Credibility (2nd ed). John Wiley & Sons. Online Resources
    • Psychologists as Expert Witnesses – Guidelines and Procedure (4th edition 2015)

• Slapper, & Kelly, D. (2017). The English Legal System (Eighteenth edition.). Routledge.

Research methods I: Design and principles PSYC 68801

Credit rating 15
Unit coordinator: Dr Sandra Flynn
ECTS credits 7.5
Semester 1

Division of Psychology and Mental Health
Postgraduate Taught
Level 7

FHEQ level ’ Masters/Integrated Masters P4’

Course Unit Overview
The unit begins with a review of qualitative and quantitative research methods to support you in developing applied forensic research questions and designing studies which can address these questions. The unit considers ethics as applied to forensic research to also support you in completing the ethical review process for your dissertation. Teaching considers evidence synthesis techniques, exploring meta-analysis and systematic reviews. The unit then explores how to conduct interviews and focus groups, offering practical experience of designing and delivering these techniques. The unit reviews issues related to questionnaire development. The unit moves on to furthering your skills in data analysis.
Our induction programme will provide revision of background and practical experience in basic statistics from BSc study. This unit will then build on this revision, ensuring that you can administer and interpret the output of advanced statistical analysis (e.g. ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANOVA, linear / multiple regression/ factor analysis).

Provide a critical understanding of research design focusing on key themes such as, formulating specific and impactful research questions, choosing study designs which address the research question optimally, critical evaluation of both traditional and contemporary research designs and research ethics in applied forensic research. The unit also aims to develop skills in understanding questionnaire development, issues of importance in interview and focus group designs and data preparation. The unit finally aims to build skills in advanced statistical data analysis.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the unit you should be able to –
1. Critically evaluate your own research, peer-reviewed published research and research documented in the ’grey literature’;
2. Interpret ethical and professional practice guidelines in relation to research activities;
3. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding and application of appropriate methodologies and research skills in the construction and completion of applied forensic research (e.g. developing research questions).
4. Demonstrate application of research methods/ analysis in relation to forensic/forensic mental health case examples.
5. Understand the fundamental assumptions and principles of ANOVA and regression models; understanding ways in which interaction effects should be approached using ANOVA and regression models.
6. Implement a range of statistical techniques and research skills, including interviewing in a research context, running focus groups and statistically probing interaction effects;
7. Demonstrate originality and independence in solving problems, planning and implementing tasks;
8. Employ effective written and verbal communication skills;
9. Develop a high level of ability in the understanding and critical evaluation of information from numerous sources.

Teaching and learning methods
The teaching and learning methods involve a blend of both online learning and face to face lectures/seminars and workshops. Teaching will be delivered predominantly in an interactive lecture format, with some work in computer labs if available. Online components will require you to engage with online materials developed for the purpose, including video clips, interactive demonstrations and guided activities. Directed study components comprise additional exercises and specified reading related to each session. Blackboard will be used to facilitate online discussion of material and to present resources such as resources for each session and access to online reading lists.

Assessment methods

The unit has two summative assignments:

  • Other (analysis of quantitative data / lab report) 50%
  • Written assignment (inc essay) 50%

Feedback methods
Student representation plays a vital and important part in helping the programme maintain and improve the quality of its provision. Student representatives liaise between staff and students on matters of concern to either side; provide two-way feedback on the course and on teaching quality, and promote active student involvement in course development.
Student representatives are also invited to speak confidentially to the external examiner at the end of the academic year, and to participate in end-of-year course review meetings. Representatives are asked to feedback information from these meetings to the other students.
In addition, at the end of each semester students are asked to complete an on-line evaluation questionnaire for each course unit they have taken. At the end of the course they complete a general evaluation for their overall programme of study. This anonymous feedback is circulated to unit leaders. This helps to ensure quality assurance.
Formative assessment and feedback to students is a key feature of the on-line learning materials for this unit. Students will be required to engage in a wide range of interactive exercises to enhance their learning and test their developing knowledge and skills.

Recommended reading
You will be expected to supplement your reading, and source your own relevant articles as demonstrated by your blackboard learning. Additional contemporary publications will be discussed during the unit. Examples of key readings are listed below. Additional references will be provided with individual sessions.

• Cottrell, S, (2011) Critical Thinking Skills, Palgrave Macmillan
• Greenhalgh T (1997) How to read a paper: papers that summarise other papers (systematic reviews and meta-analyses). BMJ;315:672-5.
• Field A. (2017) Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics (4th Ed). Sage publications ltd.
• Harris, G. S. (2011). More Than Method?: A Discussion of Paradigm Differences
Within Mixed Methods Research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 5(2), 150-166.
• Rosenthal R.& DiMatteo, M.R. (2001). Meta-analysis: recent developments in
quantitative methods for literature reviews. Annual Review of Psychology, 52, 59-82.
• Shaughnessy, J., Zechmeister, E. B., & Zechmeister, J. S. (2014). Research Methods in Psychology. McGraw-Hill.
• Sher, K J.,Rindskopf, D,; Panter, A.T.,; Long, D.L.,; Camic, P.
.,Cooper, H. M. (2012) APA handbook of research methods in psychology.
Volume 1, Foundations, planning, measures, and psychometrics.
• Tabachnick BG. & Fidell LS. (2007) Using multivariate statistics (5th Ed.). Pearson

Offending Behaviour Interventions PSYC 68762

Credit rating 15
Unit coordinator: Dr Polly Turner
ECTS credits 7.5
Semester 2

Division of Psychology and Mental Health
Postgraduate Taught
Level 7

FHEQ level ’ Masters/Integrated Masters P4’

Course unit overview
This unit will provide you with the background to current approaches to the treatment of offending behaviour. It will begin by examining the general literature underpinning current approaches and the development of this over time (e.g. What Works). It will consider current methods of evaluating effectiveness of interventions and offers an opportunity to apply the literature in the design of an intervention (e.g. focusing on gang identification).
The unit will focus on specific forms of offending behaviour in turn (e.g. intimate partner violence, social problem solving deficits, arson, sexual aggression and aggression). Each session will examine the relevant theory as to the development of the behaviour and the current interventions available to address the presenting issues (e.g. accredited group programmes available in forensic settings). Case studies will be used to develop skills in the assessment/formulation of treatment needs specific to each of the core offending behaviour areas. . Workshops will be delivered over two days to build basic therapeutic skills as well as skills in the facilitation of group therapy. Following on from the workshops, you will have an opportunity to gain feedback on your skills in reflective practice by submitting a reflective account of your
experience of group delivery.

Develop in depth knowledge as to the development of approaches to assess and treat offending behaviour across forensic settings. The unit seeks to provide an opportunity for you to develop basic therapeutic skills as well as skills in the facilitation of group work and gain feedback on your reflective practice skills. The unit then aims to develop a critical understanding and appraisal of key interventions available to treat offending behaviour; including review of core theoretical models of the development of each form of offending behaviour. Finally the unit will ensure you can critically analyse the strengths and weaknesses of existing offending behaviour programmes available in forensic secure and community settings (including critically considering evaluation methods and existing outcome data).

Learning outcomes
By the end of the unit you should be able to –
1. Critically evaluate the What Works literature base underpinning current offending behaviour interventions and the theories underpinning group therapy across secure and community forensic services in the UK;
2. Critically evaluate psychological theory outlining the development and maintenance of offending behaviour;
3. Appraise the effectiveness of treatment approaches for offending behaviour in the UK.
4. Demonstrate basic group facilitation skills (e.g. leading a discussion, running a task) relevant to progression to forensic psychology practice;
5. Develop skills in assessment and basic psychological formulations of offending
behaviour from case vignettes, video clips;
6. Demonstrate originality and independence in solving problems, planning and implementing tasks;
7. Employ effective written and verbal communication skills.
8. Demonstrate reflective thinking in relation to own learning and basic group work skills to support developing identity as a Forensic Psychologist in Training;
9. Demonstrate team working throughout unit, completing joint tasks to analyse the evidence base and develop formulations;
10. Demonstrate sensitivity, respectful and non-discriminatory language in relation to a range of forensic clients and various forensic services.

Teaching and learning methods
The teaching and learning methods involve a blend of both online learning and face to face lectures and workshops. Online components will require you to engage with online materials developed for the purpose, including video clips, interactive and guided activities. Directed study components comprise additional exercises and specified reading related to each session. The guided learning will require you to access interactive e-resources to further build knowledge of offending behaviour interventions. Formative tasks are incorporated in this unit to build knowledge, skills and critical awareness; for example, you will receive formative feedback on your skills in reflective practice via submission of a reflective account of the group work experience. Blackboard will be used to facilitate online discussion of material and to present resources such as resources for each session and access to online reading lists.

Assessment methods

  • Written assignment (inc essay) 100%
  • Reflective account (formative)

Feedback methods

Student representation plays a vital and important part in helping the programme maintain
and improve the quality of its provision. Student representatives liaise between staff and
students on matters of concern to either side; provide two-way feedback on the course and
on teaching quality, and promote active student involvement in course development.
Student representatives are also invited to speak confidentially to the external examiner at
the end of the academic year, and to participate in end-of-year course review meetings.
Representatives are asked to feedback information from these meetings to the other
students. In addition, at the end of each semester students are asked to complete an on-
line evaluation questionnaire for each course unit they have taken. At the end of the
course they complete a general evaluation for their overall programme of study. This
anonymous feedback is circulated to unit leaders. This helps to ensure quality assurance.
Formative assessment and feedback to students is a key feature of the on-line learning
materials for this unit. Students will be required to engage in a wide range of interactive
exercises to enhance their learning and test their developing knowledge and skills.


Recommended reading
You will be expected to supplement your reading, and source your own relevant articles as demonstrated by your blackboard learning. Additional contemporary publications will be discussed during the unit.

• Blackburn, R (2004) What works with mentally disordered offenders. Psychology, Crime and Law, 10, 297-308.
• Bonta, J., & Andrews, D.A (2016) The psychology of criminal conduct (6th edition). Routledge.
• Craig, L.A; Gannon, T.A. and Dixon, L. (2013). What Works in Offender Rehabilitation: An Evidence-Based Approach to Assessment and Treatment. Wiley-Blackwell.

• Cullen, F., & Gendreau, P. (2001). From Nothing Works to What Works: Changing professional ideology in the 21st century. The Prison Journal , 81 (1), 313-338.
• Forsyth, D., (2006) Group Dynamics (4th ed.). Thomas Wadsworth.
• Jeglic, & Calkins, C. (2018). New Frontiers in Offender Treatment: The Translation of Evidence-Based Practices to Correctional Settings. Springer International Publishing
• Marshall, W.L & Burton, D.L (2010) The importance of group processes in offender treatment. Aggression and Violent Behaviour, 15, 141-149.
• Maruna, S & LeBel, T.P (2010) The desistence paradigm in correctional practice. In McNeill, Raynor & Trotter (Eds) Offender Supervision: New directions in theory, research and practice. Willan Publishing.
• McGuire, J (2013) ‘What works’ to reduce reoffending: 18 years on. In Craig, Dixon & Gannon (Eds) What works in offender rehabilitation: An evidence-based approach. Wiley

Personality Disorder Assessment and Intervention (FP) PSYC 68772

Credit rating 15
Unit coordinator: Dr Fiona Wilks-Riley
ECTS credits 7.5
Semester 2

Division of Psychology and Mental Health
Postgraduate Taught
Level 7

FHEQ level ’ Masters/Integrated Masters P4’

Course unit overview

This unit on personality disorder examines personality disorder, its relationship to ‘normal’ personality, and why it is that personality disorder can be associated with risk of harm. This unit will begin with an overview of the personality and personality disorder literatures, key concepts and classification systems. The different disorders will be illustrated with case studies and video recordings of clinical interviews with clients presenting with the different conditions. There will then be an exploration of theories associated with the development of personality disorder. The nature and development of Psychopathy and its associated treatment and management needs are also explored together with the relationship of psychopathy to crime. The unit will conclude with a review of knowledge and practice of interventions for the treatment.

The unit aims to develop your knowledge and understanding about personality disorder, its development, and its link with offending behaviour. It also aims to increase your knowledge and understanding of effective interventions for the treatment of personality disorder. It will then aim to enable you to further develop their skills in critically appraising the literature on personality disorder.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the unit you should be able to –
1. Develop comprehensive understanding of how personality disorder might present and the implications on psychological assessment approaches;
2. Critically analyse literature and psychological theories of personality disorder and psychopathy and the relationship with offending behaviour;
3. Develop comprehensive understanding of current available psychological treatment approaches;
4. Critically evaluate the evidence base underpinning the current available psychological treatments.
5. Develop psychological formulations of personality disorder from case vignettes;
6. Demonstrate originality and independence in solving problems, planning and implementing tasks;
7. Employ effective written and verbal communication skills.
8. Demonstrate sensitivity, respectful and non-discriminatory language in relation to forensic clients/ settings;
9. Work co-operatively and effectively with peers in furthering own/others understanding.

Teaching and learning methods
The teaching and learning methods utilised involve a blend of both online learning and face-to-face lectures/seminars and workshops.  Online components will require students to engage with online materials developed for the purpose, including video clips of interviews with researchers, interactive demonstrations, and guided activities.  Directed study components comprise additional exercises and specified reading related to each session/seminar.

Assessment methods
There is one summative assignment for this unit

  • Written assignment (inc essay) 100%

Feedback methods
Student representation plays a vital and important part in helping the programme maintain and improve the quality of its provision. Student representatives liaise between staff and students on matters of concern to either side, provide two-way feedback on the course and on teaching quality, and promote active student involvement in course development.
Student representatives are also invited to speak confidentially to the external examiner at the end of the academic year, and to participate in end-of-year course review meetings. Representatives are asked to feedback information from these meetings to the other students.
In addition, at the end of each semester students are asked to complete an online evaluation questionnaire for each course unit they have taken. At the end of the course, they complete a general evaluation for their overall programme of study. This anonymous feedback is circulated to unit leaders. This helps to ensure quality assurance. Formative assessment and feedback to students is a key feature of the on-line learning materials for this unit. Students will be required to engage in a wide range of interactive exercises to enhance their learning and test their developing knowledge and skills.

Recommended reading
You will be expected to supplement your reading, and source your own relevant articles as demonstrated by your blackboard learning. Additional contemporary publications will be discussed during the unit.

• Davidson, K. (2007) Cognitive Therapy for Personality Disorders: A guide for clinicians. Routledge.
DeLisi. (2020). Routledge international handbook of psychopathy and crime. Routledge.
• Dowsett, J. and Craissati, J. (2008) Managing personality disordered offenders in the community: A Psychological approach. Routledge.
• Livesley, J. (2003) Practical Management of Personality Disorder. Guilford
• Livesley, J. (2018) Handbook of Personality Disorders: Theory, research and treatment, 2nd edition. Guilford Press.
• McMurran, M. and Howard, R. (eds) (2009) Personality, Personality Disorder and Violence. Wiley-Blackwell.
• McMurran, M., Khalifa, N. and Gibbon, S. (2009) Forensic Mental Health. Willan Publishing.
• Patrick. (2019). Handbook of psychopathy (2nd edition.). The Guilford Press.


HM Prison and Probation Service & NHS England (2020).Practitioner’s Guide: Working
with People in the Criminal Justice System Showing Personality Difficulties

Clinical Risk Assessment, Formulation and Management (FP) PSYC 68782

Credit rating 15
Unit coordinator: Dr Charlotte Lennox
ECTS credits 7.5
Semester 2

Division of Psychology and Mental Health
Postgraduate Taught
Level 7

FHEQ level ’ Masters/Integrated Masters P4’

Course unit overview
The unit provides you with the knowledge as to the development of risk assessment approaches over time. Teaching will review the evidence base relating to the progression from first generation tools through to the latest fourth generation in risk assessment (e.g. VRS). The teaching develops understanding the role of the Forensic Psychologist in the assessment process and understanding the application of formulation and risk management. Structured Professional Judgement frameworks to assess, formulate and manage risk will be outlined (including HCR-20v3; RSVP; SAVRY; SAPROF). Consideration will be given to consultancy to professionals/organisations in relation to risk assessment practice.
The unit contains numerous case examples to begin to build risk assessment and formulation skills in relation to risk behaviours in forensic settings such as stalking and intimate partner violence. Personal skills needed for effective clinical practice will be reviewed, with attention to best practice in interviewing and communication of risk judgements.

The unit aims to equip students with in-depth knowledge, understanding and basic skills in a range of evidence-based approaches to the assessment, formulation and management of risk to self and others. The unit aims to give students an understanding of risk assessments designed to assess a range of risk behaviours such as general violence, institutional violence, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, stalking and self-harm.
The unit aims to build students’ understanding of how to contribute to innovation, change and service developments in clinical risk management. The unit further aims to build awareness of how to enhance best practice and maintenance of appropriate standards within forensic mental health care and forensic settings.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the unit you should be able to –
1. Critically analyse the literature pertaining to development of different risk assessment approaches across forensic secure and community settings (e.g. from first through to fourth generation tools)
2. Critically appraise the use of structured professional judgement approaches in forensic practice (e.g. the use of risk formulation to understand the development of the offending behaviour/relationship to mental health);
3. Evaluate the steps in risk assessment practice (e.g. identify the processes undertaken by Forensic Psychologists in practice from assessment, ethical considerations and formulation through to communication of risk judgements).
4. Develop skills in assessment and basic risk formulations using case vignettes, video clips;
5. Demonstrate originality and independence in solving problems, planning and implementing tasks;
6. Employ effective written and verbal communication skills.
7. Demonstrate sensitivity, respectful and non-discriminatory language in relation to a range of forensic clients/ settings;
8. Work co-operatively and effectively with peers in furthering own/others understanding.

Teaching and learning methods
The teaching and learning methods involve a blend of both online learning and face to face lectures and workshops. Online components will require you to engage with online materials developed for the purpose, including video clips, interactive and guided activities activities. Directed study components comprise additional exercises and specified reading related to each session. The guided learning will require you to access interactive e-resources to further build knowledge of clinical risk assessment. Formative tasks are incorporated in this unit to build knowledge and critical awareness of clinical risk assessment; for example you will receive formative feedback on your completion of a risk formulation. Blackboard will be used to facilitate online discussion of material and to present resources such as resources for each session and access to online reading lists.

Assessment methods
• Essay 100%
• Risk formulation (formative)

Feedback methods
Student representation plays a vital and important part in helping the programme maintain and improve the quality of its provision. Student representatives liaise between staff and students on matters of concern to either side; provide two-way feedback on the course and on teaching quality, and promote active student involvement in course development.
Student representatives are also invited to speak confidentially to the external examiner at the end of the academic year, and to participate in end-of-year course review meetings. Representatives are asked to feedback information from these meetings to the other students.
In addition, at the end of each semester students are asked to complete an on-line evaluation questionnaire for each course unit they have taken. At the end of the course they complete a general evaluation for their overall programme of study. This anonymous feedback is circulated to unit leaders. This helps to ensure quality assurance.
Formative assessment and feedback to students is a key feature of the on-line learning materials for this unit. Students will be required to engage in a wide range of interactive exercises to enhance their learning and test their developing knowledge and skills.

Recommended reading
You will be expected to supplement your reading, and source your own relevant articles as demonstrated by your blackboard learning. Additional contemporary publications will be discussed during the module.

• Douglas, K.S., Hart, S.D., Webster, C.D., Belfrage, H. (2013). HCR-20 Assessing Risk for Violence (version 3). Simon Fraser University,
• Doyle, M. and Dolan, M. (2006). Predicting community violence from patients
discharged from mental health services. British Journal of Psychiatry. 189, 520-526.
• Doyle, M & Leonard, S. J (2016) The current state of violence risk assessment in
England and Wales. In Singh, et al., International Perspectives on Violence Risk Assessment. Oxford University Press
• Elbogen, E. and Johnson, S. (2009). The Intricate Link Between Violence and Mental Disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry. 66: 2, 152-161.
• Hart, C., (2014) A pocket guide to risk assessment and management in mental health. Taylor and Francis.
• Hart, S.D., Michie, C. and Cooke, D.J. (2007) ‘Precision of actuarial risk assessment instruments: Evaluating the ‘margins of error’ of group versus individual predictions of violence’ British Journal of Psychiatry, 190 (suppl. 49): s60-s65.
• Lewis, G. and Doyle, M. (2010). Risk Formulation: What are we doing and why? International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 8: 286-292.
• Otto, R.K. and Douglas, K.S. (2010) Handbook of Violence Risk AssessmentRoutledge.
• Reed J. (1997) Risk assessment and clinical risk management: the lessons from recent inquiries. British Journal of Psychiatry. 170, (supp. 32), pp 4-7.
• Vincent, G. M., Paiva-Salisbury, M. L.,Cook, N. E., Guy, L. S., Perrault, R. T. (2012).
Impact of risk/needs assessment on juvenile probation officers’ decision making:
Importance of implementation. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. 18(4):


Research Methods II: Advanced analysis PSYC 68812

Credit rating 15
Unit coordinator: Dr Verity Wainwright
ECTS credits 7.5
Semester 2

Division of Psychology and Mental Health
Postgraduate Taught
Level 7

FHEQ level ’ Masters/Integrated Masters P4’

Course unit overview
This unit provides you with a range of research skills essential for progression to forensic psychology practice. These include practical experience of commonly used techniques for analysing qualitative data (which may include techniques such as, Thematic Analysis and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, Grounded Theory and Framework analysis) and advanced statistical techniques for quantitative analysis, (which may include techniques such as Logistic Regression and Mediation and Moderation analyses).
In addition you will develop data preparation skills (missing data analysis, data cleaning, power calculations) and be introduced to different mixed methods designs, and will develop an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of applying a mixed method approach.

Ensure that you have knowledge of the main epistemological approaches to qualitative research. The unit aims to provide theoretical knowledge and practical experience of coding and theme generation from qualitative data. This will provide you with the knowledge to independently decide which form of qualitative analysis is needed for a research question and ensure you can justify their choice, epistemological position and review limitations and strengths of the approach. This will also ensure you are able to report qualitative data. The unit will then aim to ensure that you have an understanding of selected advanced quantitative statistical techniques. The unit aims to ensure that you understand the concepts underpinning advanced statistics and are able to interpret output and accurately present results from advanced analysis.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the unit you should be able to –
1. Critically evaluate the scope of different statistical analysis techniques;
2. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the concepts underlying quantitative and qualitative methods;
3. Identify which techniques are appropriate to address different types of research question;
4. Demonstrate application of qualitative research methods/ analysis in relation to forensic/forensic mental health case examples;
5. Correctly interpret output from advanced statistical analysis and be able to report findings appropriately;
6. Demonstrate originality and independence in solving problems, planning and
implementing tasks;
7. Employ effective written and verbal communication skills;
8. Gain understanding of qualitative and quantitative approaches which will be applicable to understanding and appraising research.

Teaching and learning methods
Teaching will be delivered predominantly in an interactive lecture format, with some work in computer labs where possible. During sessions focusing on qualitative research, you will be working on analysing data in sessions using NVivo. with lectures on the theory followed by a practical workshop enabling the class to work on an analysis. The quantitative sessions will be taught using traditional lecture formats, interactive data handling sessions and small group discussions, with some work in computer labs where possible.
To assist in preparation for the sessions, you will be provided with electronic resources on Blackboard including Powerpoint slides, key papers, web links and discussion facilities

Assessment methods
There are two summative assignments for this unit –
• Poster 50%
• Analysis of qualitative data 50%

Feedback methods
Student representation plays a vital and important part in helping the programme maintain and improve the quality of its provision. Student representatives liaise between staff and students on matters of concern to either side; provide two-way feedback on the course and on teaching quality, and promote active student involvement in course development.
Student representatives are also invited to speak confidentially to the external examiner at the end of the academic year, and to participate in end-of-year course review meetings. Representatives are asked to feedback information from these meetings to the other students.
In addition, at the end of each semester students are asked to complete an on-line evaluation questionnaire for each course unit they have taken. At the end of the course they complete a general evaluation for their overall programme of study. This anonymous feedback is circulated to unit leaders. This helps to ensure quality assurance.
Formative assessment and feedback to students is a key feature of the on-line learning materials for this unit. Students will be required to engage in a wide range of interactive exercises to enhance their learning and test their developing knowledge and skills.

Recommended reading
You will be expected to supplement your reading, and source your own relevant articles as demonstrated by your blackboard learning. Additional contemporary publications will be discussed during the unit.

• Baron, R. M., & Kenny, D. A. (1986). The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 51(6), 1173-1182.
• Braun, V., & Clarke, V (2006) Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3:2, 77-101
• Hayes, A. (2013). Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis: A Regression-Based Approach. Guildford Press.
• Hayes, A. F., & Preacher, K. J. (2014). Statistical mediation analysis with a
multicategorical independent variable. British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology, 67(3), 451-470. doi: 10.1111/bmsp.12028
• Ritchie J. & Spencer L.(1994) Qualitative data analysis for applied policy research. In Bryman & Burgess (Eds),
Analysing Qualitative Data, Routledge,
• Pallant, J (2016) SPSS survival manual : a step by step guide to data anlysis using IBM SPSS Open University Press McGraw-Hill
• Smith, J.A., Flowers, P., Larkin, M. (2009) Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis: Theory, methods and research. Sage.
• Willig, C (2013) Introducing qualitative research in psychology Open University Press

Dissertation (Forensic Psychology) PSYC 68790

Credit rating 60
Unit coordinator: Dr Charlotte Lennox
ECTS credits 30
Full year

Division of Psychology and Mental Health
Postgraduate Taught
Level 7

FHEQ level ’ Masters/Integrated Masters P4’

Course unit overview
The dissertation involves you working closely with their supervisor to develop and implement an empirical forensic research project. You identify a topic of interest prior to commencing the programme (e.g. considering research questions and methodologies to examine this topic). This is refined this during Semester one in collaboration with the research supervisor. You will present a research proposal to a small group of peers and staff early in Semester two. You will work with your supervisor to develop the design and submit for ethical approval. Once approved by the University Ethical Review Committee (UREC) you conduct the study and analyse the data before writing up the project. Understanding and applying relevant ethical and professional standards are key to this unit, as are skills in working under supervision. Finally, you are expected to write the empirical study in publication format (e.g. for a scientific journal) and communicate the key findings to a lay audience (e.g. general public).

Provide you with the opportunity to design, conduct, analyse and report on an empirical study relevant to forensic psychology. The unit aims to offer you the opportunity to engage in supervision and refine their applied research skills (e.g. identifying and applying ethical principles and standards). The unit also ensures you demonstrate in-depth critical understanding of your chosen research area. Finally the unit offers the chance to disseminate the findings of the empirical project in an accessible and meaningful way to a suitable audience

Learning outcomes
By the end of the unit you should be able to –
1. Develop and present oral presentation of research proposal;
2. Apply and interpret advanced research methods/analysis in relation to forensic/forensic mental health applied research working with relevant software where appropriate;
3. Implement and manage appropriate data collection strategies;
4. Manage and work with datasets;
5. Present analysis and findings in academic style suitable for publication;
6. Communicate findings to lay audience.
7. Demonstrate responsibility to improve on own learning now and in the future;
8. Demonstrate sensitivity, respectful and non-discriminatory language in relation to forensic clients/settings.
9. Develop effective working supervisory relationships;
10. Demonstrate independent thought, presentation skills and time management.
11. Critically evaluate the knowledge, theory and evidence base relevant to the research topic;
12. Understand and apply ethical standards to applied forensic research;
13. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding and application of appropriate methodologies to develop appropriate research question(s);
14. Identify appropriate methods and techniques by which to address the research

Knowledge and understanding
1. Critically evaluate the knowledge, theory and evidence base relevant to the research topic;
2. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding and application of appropriate methodologies to develop appropriate research question(s);
3. Understand the requirements of scientific writing and data presentation;
4. Understand and apply ethical standards to applied forensic research;
5. Identify appropriate methods and techniques by which to address the research question(s);
6. Interpret statistical analyses relevant to the empirical data.

Practical skills
1. Develop and present oral presentation of research proposal;
2. Apply advanced research methods/analysis in relation to forensic/forensic mental health applied research working with relevant software where appropriate;
3. Implement and manage appropriate data collection strategies;
4. Manage and work with datasets;
5. Present analysis and findings in academic style suitable for publication;
6. Communicate findings to lay audience.

Transferable skills and personal qualities
1. Demonstrate responsibility to improve on own learning now and in the future;
2. Demonstrate sensitivity, respectful and non-discriminatory language in relation to forensic clients/settings.
3. Develop effective working supervisory relationships;
4. Demonstrate independent thought, presentation skills and time management.

Teaching and learning methods
Learning will be through regular individual or small group meetings with the research supervisor, and co-supervisor, field supervisor/s/clinical collaborator/s (if applicable), guided reading, independent study and self-directed learning. One two hour taught session will outline the process of the dissertation (e.g. the processes of supervision and ethical approval).
There are three formal progress review meetings with the dissertation supervisor. The first occurs before the end of November to discuss ideas for the empirical project. The second meeting occurs early February to determine planning and progress. The third formal review meeting occurs at the end of July to ensure the student has attained the grades in their taught modules to complete the dissertation module.

Assessment methods
1. Oral presentation of research proposal to group of peers. Time: 10 minutes duration. Weighting: 10%
2. Dissertation – thesis consisting of: Extended literature review (approx. 5000 words); Study written in publication format (approx.. 4000 words); Reflective account of research process (approx. 1000 words) Word count: 10,000 – 15,000 words. Weighting: 80%
3. Summary of research for lay audience. Word limit: 500 words. Weighting: 10%

Feedback methods
Student representation plays a vital and important part in helping the programme maintain and improve the quality of its provision. Student representatives liaise between staff and students on matters of concern to either side; provide two-way feedback on the course and on teaching quality, and promote active student involvement in course development.
Student representatives are also invited to speak confidentially to the external examiner at the end of the academic year, and to participate in end-of-year course review meetings. Representatives are asked to feedback information from these meetings to the other students.
In addition, at the end of each semester students are asked to complete an on-line evaluation questionnaire for each course unit they have taken. At the end of the course they complete a general evaluation for their overall programme of study. This anonymous feedback is circulated to unit leaders. This helps to ensure quality assurance.

Recommended reading
Students will be expected to supplement their reading, and source their own relevant articles as demonstrated by their blackboard learning. Additional contemporary publications will be discussed during dissertation supervision and design of the project.

American Psychological Association (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition. APA,
Bem, D.J.B. (2003). Writing the Empirical Journal Article. In, Darley, J. M., Zanna, M.P., & Roediger III, H. L. (Eds) (2003). The Compleat Academic: A Practical Guide for the Beginning Social Scientist, (2nd Edition). APABritish Psychological Society (2013). Ethics Guidelines for Internet-mediated Research. BPS,
British Psychological Society (2014) Code of Human Research Ethics. BPS.
Field, A. (2005). Discovering statistics using SPSS (Second ed.). Sage.
Field, A. & Hole, G. J. (2002). How to Design and Report Experiments. SageHart, C (2005) Doing your Masters Dissertation. Sage. S. Brown & E. Sleath (2015) Research Methods for Forensic Psychologists: a Guide to Completing your Research Project. Routledge.
Goodwin, A., Richardson, P & Vine, E. (2011) Research Methods and Design in Psychology. Learning Matters Ltd.
Shaughnessy, J., Zechmeister, E.B., & Zechmeister, J.S (2014) Research Methods in Psychology. McGraw Hill.


SECTION C: Key Contacts and Resources within the School

The programme is in the Division of Psychology and Mental Health, which is part of the School of Health Sciences, which resides in the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health. Information about the Faculty can be found at

Administrative and Academic staff contacts

Core Academic Staff

Dr Polly Turner – Programme Director, Forensic Psychologist

Tel: 0161 306 3127

Dr Charlotte Lennox – Lecturer, Research Fellow

Dr Sandra Flynn – Lecturer, Research Fellow

Dr Verity Wainwright – Lecturer, Research Associate

Dr Neil Gredecki – Lecturer, Forensic Psychologist

Dr Fiona Wilks-Riley –Lecturer, Forensic Psychologist

In addition we also have Dissertation supervisors who are Researchers based in the Centre for Mental Health and Safety

Student Centre

The online student support system, MyManchester enables students to register online and have access their personal and academic details.

This means that you will be able to use the system to check and update your address and contact details, view your supervisor and advisor details and check the course units you are enrolled on. To access MyManchester, you will use the same log-in you were provided with at registration and log in to the system from the following page:

You should use MyManchester to check we have the correct details for you and that you are on the correct programme. You should also ensure that as soon as your contact details change that you update them on the system as well as informing the Graduate Administrator for your file.

Course unit selection

One option in the student centre is the ability to select course units, please note that this facility is not open to you as all course units on the MSc Forensic Psychology and Mental Health are mandatory. Please therefore do not access this part of the system as this may result in you being withdrawn from some of your mandatory units.

Key Contacts

As an MSc Student, the key members of staff who will guide you through your degree are your Supervisor, your Advisor and the Programme Director. The roles of the Supervisor and Advisor are outlined below.

If you have any queries or concerns at any time during your period of study, there is a range of people you can approach:

  • Your Student Representatives
  • The Course Administrator
  • Your Supervisor
  • Your Advisor
  • The Programme Director (Dr Polly Turner)
  • The Head of Division (Professor Richard Brown).

Any time you need to make contact with Programme Administrator or Programme Team always contact the FPMH account:

If you wish to raise a confidential matter at Faculty level, you should approach the Head of Academic Administration.

Programme Committee

The MSc Programme Committee, and ultimately the School Postgraduate Committee, considers issues of poor student progress, student dissatisfaction with academic supervision and other mitigating circumstances that may be influencing progress.

Failure to submit progress forms or assessments on time will result in investigation.


Email and contact details

You will be supplied with a student e-mail address. All official communications will be directed using your student e-mail address and it is your responsibility to ensure that you can access and read mail from this source.

If you if you prefer to use a local account then you must arrange to have your university email forward to your local address, for details on how to do this please contact Garry Byrne on 0161 275 2561.

Please ensure that you update your student centre with any changes to your personal information straight away and please also submit a note of the change to the Course Administrator on

All emails sent to academic staff will be responded to within 7 working days unless you receive an ‘out of office’ notice.

Computing Facilities

The MSc Forensic Psychology and Mental Health is housed within the Jean McFarlane Building. This building is a state-of-the-art building at the centre of the University campus

that offers outstanding learning facilities. Its seminar rooms and high-specification clinical and interpersonal skills laboratories enable students to learn and practice skills in a safe environment.

A dedicated student computer suite and full wireless access in the Jean McFarlane Building provides ready access to a wide range of online information and specifically developed resources to support student learning.

Students have access to a wealth of IT facilities. University PCs are equipped with a wide range of software including full MS office suite, SPSS, SuperLab, E-Prime, Matlab, Endnote, Reference Manager and Opensesame. Some programmes are available for students to use on home computers and laptops; please see Software (The University of Manchester)

Other computing sites vary in their opening hours. Further details can be found of the following web page:

We ask that all users abide by the following Code of Practice

    1. The software provided for your use on the computers in the Division of Psychology and Mental Health are commercial products which we use under license. It is illegal to make copies of these programs to take away and use on other machines. The University regards unauthorised copying (and other illegal activities such as hacking) as a serious breach of its regulations, and any student who copies programs or tries to gain unauthorised access to a computer will automatically be reported to the Registrar. In some cases it is possible for students to obtain legitimate copies of programs either free or at very low cost; please ask any member of the Computer Users Committee, or enquire at the Computing Centre shop.
    2. Keeping the computer facilities working properly is a complex and expensive job and it is very important that only authorised programs are installed. Students are not allowed to install their own programs on the computers under any circumstances. If you know of programs which might be generally useful, please let a member of the Computer Users Committee know. The playing of games, even when run off USB memory sticks or downloaded is forbidden.
    3. Viruses are destructive programs which are generally transmitted between machines by infected emails and websites, and also by USB memory sticks as they are transferred between machines. Once a machine is infected it can cause serious problems for users, including the destruction of data files. It is usually very difficult to know if a memory device carries a virus and although our computers have some protection this is never 100% effective. To minimise problems with viruses, take these sensible precautions:
      1. Don’t borrow other people’s memory sticks/CDs, buy your own new ones.
      2. As far as possible use USB memory sticks/CDs only on the University machines, or your own computer. Avoid passing your USB memory stick/CD from one strange computer to another!
      3. Use the virus scanning program on the system regularly to ensure that your USB memory stick/CD hasn’t picked up something nasty.
      4. Back up all of your work. We would recommend using your space on the University’s P drive.
      5. Indiscriminate printing causes a very great waste of paper, so please try to follow these suggestions:
        1. Before you send a file to be printed, check how busy the printers are. Don’t print a file if you can’t wait until it is finished. Save the file to disk, and come back when you have more time.
        2. When you are writing essays, don’t print out more draft copies than is necessary.
        3. When using the word processors, use the page view facility to check that everything looks right before you print.
        4. If you realise that you have sent a large job to the printer, but you don’t want it, or cannot wait until it is printed, please delete the job from the print queue. Instructions on how to do this are displayed on the noticeboard. DO NOT walk away leaving matters to take their course.
    1. There is always a demand for computers, especially around the times of deadlines for assessed work. It is not acceptable to log in, leave your belongings around a computer and leave a machine to do other things. Users who do this will be logged of by a member of staff if they are absent for more than five minutes and there are people waiting.
    2. When you finish your work please clear up any rubbish and put it in the bins. Computer keyboards react very badly to having things spilt on them, or getting crumbs between the keys, so we ask that you don’t eat anything while working at a computer, and please keep drinks at a safe distance.

Working with your own computer

Some students may have their own computers. If you have such facilities then you should check that your system is compatible with the University system. This will help avoid problems when you try to transfer documents from your machine to ours. Details can be found at:

If you are thinking of buying a computer and would like advice please contact Garry Byrne (

Blackboard Support

Blackboard (an on-line learning and information environment) is available to students.

A short introduction to Blackboard for new students is available via a short (just over 7 minutes) video recording. The recording is hosted in two places: the VLS and on YouTube:

Student will also be introduced to Blackboard in the Induction programme.

All course-related materials will be placed on Blackboard so it is essential that you familiarise yourself with the system as soon as possible. Blackboard also offers Discussion forums which you may find a useful resource to share information about assignments and other course-related queries.

Technical support

Technicians are readily available to provide assistance with IT and Audio-Visual support. Details of further IT support can be found at:

Login to the Support Centre online to log a request, book an appointment for an IT visit, or search the Knowledge Base.

  • Telephone: +44 (0)161 306 5544 (or extension 65544). Telephone support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • In person: Walk-up help and support is available at the Joule Library (North Campus), Main Library or Alan Gilbert Learning Commons:

Use Support Centre online for support with eLearning, from where you may make a request, report a fault, or search the Knowledge Base. The email address is:

Library facilities

For all available Library Services please see; The University of Manchester Library (The University of Manchester Library)

Main Library

Main Library (The University of Manchester Library)
The Main Library is the largest library on campus and holds the principal collections for teaching and research in the humanities, education, law, medicine, science and the social sciences.

The Main Library
Oxford Road
M13 9PP

Telephone +44 (0)161 275 3751

John Rylands

John Rylands Research Institute and Library (The University of Manchester Library)

University Library of Manchester (often just referred to as ‘The Rylands’) is one of the most important resources available to you. It may look a daunting place but online resources are available to help you come to grips with using the library. It is vital that you learn to use the library as quickly as possible, and in particular that you start reading journals. These are the periodicals in which original research is first published and thus they form an archive of knowledge which is continually being added to. Naturally there are a lot of books there too; some can be borrowed for a week, others are in a short loan collection for overnight borrowing only. There is plenty of room to work in the library, and you can often read and make notes from material without having to borrow it. Psychology periodicals cannot be taken out of the library.

The library also subscribes to a wide range of electronic journals. This means that you will be able to access many of the papers that you will be expected to read from the MSc from any computer in the library – or from a home networked computer.

Books from the John Rylands Library are usually ordered at the beginning of the academic year and budgets are tight. Lecturers usually ensure that key texts for courses are available in the library. However should you find that a particularly important book is not available you should write a note, giving full bibliographic details, to the Programme Director. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will be able to buy it straight away but we can always try.

The John Rylands Library has arranged reciprocal reading (but not borrowing) rights with many other University libraries. If you would find it convenient to use another library (in vacations, for example) then it’s worthwhile checking with the information desk at the library entrance.


Additional Support Services

Disability and Advisory Support Office (DASS)

The University of Manchester welcomes students with a disability or specific learning difficulties. The University has a Disability Support Office, who can supply further information, and staff will be pleased to meet you, by prior arrangement, to discuss your needs. Staff will liaise with your School to make the necessary arrangements for your support during your time in Manchester. The office can also provide a copy of the University’s Disability Statement, ‘Opportunities for Students with Additional Support Needs at the University of Manchester’ which sets out the policy and provision for students with a disability.

The Disability Support Office is located on the 2nd Floor of University Place, Block 2. E-mail:

Phone 0161 275 7512/8518; Text 07899 658 790; Minicom 0161 275 2794;

Fax: 0161 275 7018; Website:

Counselling Service

The counselling service is available for all students. It is free and consists of a team of professional counsellors. The service provides confidential counselling for anyone who wants help with personal problems affecting their work or well-being.

The service is open 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday all year round except public holidays.

The service also provides access to a variety of self-help tools and workshops designed to build skills in aspects such as managing stress, managing finances and relaxation. All students are encouraged to engage with the resources available.

Occupational Health

Occupational Health is a specialised area of medicine concerned with the way in which an individual’s health can affect his or her ability to do a job and to study and conversely how the work environment can affect an individual’s health. Their aim is to promote the physical, mental and social well-being of students and to reduce the incidence of ill-health arising from exposure to work place hazards.

Students Union Advice Service

The Students Union has advisors who can help with any matter ranging from finances to housing and beyond. To contact the UMSU Advice Service please email

University Careers Service

As a postgraduate the demands on your time can seem overwhelming. The University careers service can make your life easier by offering a range of services designed to help you. Advice and support for Postgraduates include:

  • Help with CVs and applications, practice interviews and psychometric tests
  • Drop in quick query advice service
  • Personal Career consultations targeted to your needs
  • A range of postgraduate employability training opportunities
  • 24-hour access to up to date information, advice, vacancies and details of forthcoming events, including a specifically designed section for postgraduates available through our website:
  • Information on Job opportunities and vacancies through our fortnightly vacancy paper bulletins
  • Register on-line to receive vacancy e-mails tailored to your requirements (
  • The careers resources centres hold an extensive collection of reference and takeaway information

Where to find us: the careers service has three offices on campus and you are welcome to use whichever office is convenient.

Central – a large centre offering a full range of services (open 9-5 Monday-Friday, Crawford

House, Booth Street East Tel: 275 2829)

Metro – located on campus north and offers full guidance facilities (open 9-5 Monday-Friday,

C Floor Renold Building, Sackville Street Tel: 306 4330)

Express – ideal for quick queries and help with applications (open 9-5 Monday-Friday (term

time only), Staffed Daily 12-2 Ground Floor, Students Union, Oxford Rd)

International Students

The International Society is a busy centre for international students based in the Greater Manchester area. It is located on Oxford Road (see map of campus). The International Society has a website which can be found at

Ethics Procedures

The same ethical issues apply to undergraduate and postgraduate students and staff. All studies and projects must conform to British Psychological Society (BPS) guidelines. The University Ethics Committee (UREC) must approve all studies prior to their commencement. There is a standard application procedure for attaining ethical clearance. You must work with your supervisor prior to submission. Details can be accessed via your supervisor.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have followed the correct ethical procedures, and that you have done this in good time. Note that some ethics committees may take months to approve a study.

It is also your responsibility to make sure that your supervisor fully supports any ethics application – no ethics application can be submitted until your supervisor has signed it off.

Health and Safety


In the event of a fire raise the alarm by activating the fire alarm push buttons before tackling the fire yourself using the fire extinguishers. The alarm is sounded by electric fire bells

throughout the building. When you hear this leave the building by the nearest means and assemble on the grass opposite the main entrance. Fire doors must not be wedged open. Corridors, stairs and access/escape routes should not be obstructed.


In case of accidents seek help at the Porters lodge or any departmental office. In the case of minor injuries, first-aid boxes are held in each building. In serious cases help may be summoned by phoning Student Health (275) 2858 or the Emergency Services (9) 999. Please be sure to complete an accident form.


If you are under medication or treatment that may affect your work or attendance you must inform the Programme Administrator ( who will take details in confidence.

SECTION D: University Regulations and Policies

Academic Appeals

Students have a right of appeal against a final decision of an Examination Board, or a progress committee, or a graduate committee or equivalent body which affects their academic status or progress in the University.

Students thinking of appealing should first discuss the matter informally with an appropriate member of staff, in order to better understand the reason for the result or decision.

Should you wish to proceed to a formal appeal, this must be submitted within the timeframe outlined in the Academic Appeals Procedure to the Faculty Appeals and Complaints Team, Room 3.21, Simon Building, University of Manchester, M13 9PL


The full Academic Appeals Procedure (Regulation XIX) and associated documents, including the form on which formal appeals should be submitted, can be found at:

  • Academic Appeals (Regulation XIX)

  • University Guide: Academic Appeals, Complaints and Misconduct

  • Basic Guide to Academic Appeals

Student Complaints

The University’s Student Complaints Procedure (Regulation XVIII) and associated documents, including a Complaints Form, can be found at

The University has separate procedures to address complaints of bullying, harassment, discrimination and/or victimisation – see htts://

Students thinking of submitting a formal complaint should in most instances attempt informal resolution first (see the procedure).). Formal complaints should be submitted on the relevant form to Faculty Appeals and Complaints Team, Room 3.21, Simon Building, University of Manchester, M13 9PL (e-mail:

  • Student Complaints (Regulation XVIII)

  • Basic Guide to Student Complaints

Conduct and Discipline of Students

General University information on the Conduct and Discipline of Students can be found at

Faculty policies for students on Communication and Dress Code, Social Networking and Drugs & Alcohol can be found at: (Communication and Dress

Code) (Drugs & Alcohol) (Social Networking)

  • Conduct and Discipline of Students (Regulations XVII)


Social Media – A guide to conduct

What precautions should be taken when social networking?

The same ethics, morals and penalties apply to online social networking as to any other activity. This is particularly true for healthcare students and professionals, who are expected by the University of Manchester, their professional bodies, and by the public generally, to meet the same standards of behaviour both in and out of their professional settings. Students from Schools in the Faculty of Biology, Medicine & Health should therefore conduct themselves appropriately online, and take reasonable precautions to ensure that the information they upload cannot be used in a way that could place them, or others, at a disadvantage, either personally or professionally, now or at any time in the future.

Information on the HCPC’s guidance on social media can be found via the link below:

Other links to current regulations, codes of practice and policies

  • Crucial Guide for Postgraduate Students

  • Presentation of Dissertations Policy

Mitigating Circumstances

  • Policy on Mitigating Circumstances

  • Mitigating Circumstances: Guidance for Students ionc-reachingdecisionsfromassessment/mitigatingcircumstancesguidanceforstudents/

  • Basic Guide to Mitigating Circumstances

All queries relating to mitigating circumstances should be referred to the programme administrator or programme director.

Policy on Feedback to Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Students

Student Charter

Postgraduate Degree Regulations

Work and attendance policy

Policy on Feedback to Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Students

Equality and Diversity Policy

Other information


A full list of student services can be found at A-Z of Student Services

It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the academic policies, procedures and guidelines governing the University of Manchester’s postgraduate taught programmes.

University Proofreading Statement

If a student chooses to approach another person to proofread their written work or seeks to use the services of a proofreading service or agency, they must take account of the following principles:

  1. It is the responsibility of students to ensure that all work submitted is their own, and that it represents their own abilities and understanding. Any proofreading of work that is undertaken by a third party must not compromise the student’s own authorship of the work;
  2. Proofreading undertaken by a third party must not take the form of editing of text, such as the adding or rewriting of phrases or passages within a piece of student’s work;
  3. Proofreading undertaken by a third party must not change the content or meaning of the work in any way’.

Intellectual Property Policy


The University of Manchester regards the creation of intellectual property and know-how (IP) as one of its major objectives; complementary to the core objectives of knowledge creation, scholarship and learning. The central features of its IP Policy are:

  • Clear incentives for the creation of IP
  • Effective and efficient University services which can evaluate and protect IP, and then decide on the most appropriate arrangements for its transfer into use
  • Arrangements for sharing any commercial returns from commercialisation of IP which provides for generous rewards to its originators.
  • The University’s Intellectual Property Policy deals with IP created by its and its subsidiaries’ employees and students as well as the interface with others who may fund or collaborate with the University. This document is a summary of the main points in the University’s IP Policy. It is not a substitute for reading the relevant parts of the IP Policy itself.


Many people may be involved with the work that leads up to the creation of IP and the work that subsequently reduces it to practice. However many of those involved will not own any of the IP created as at law they have not been involved at the actual point of creation.

The University asserts its rights to IP created by employees in the course of his or her employment. If other IP is created by an employee or any IP is created by a student outside the course of his/her University studies with more than incidental use of University resources the employee or student will be deemed to have agreed to transfer such IP to the University.

IP created in the course of or pursuant to a sponsored research or other agreement with an outside body will initially belong to the University and then be determined according to the terms of such agreement. Students will be expected to transfer such IP to the University initially. Students will grant to the University a continuing license to use other IP created by a student in the course of his/her studies with the University, for administrative, promotional, educational and teaching purposes of the University.

The University generally waives its rights to the copyright in scholarly materials (but not teaching materials), allowing employees to commercialise the materials to their own benefit. The University does not waive its rights where any use of material might bring the University into disrepute. If there is any doubt about this the matter should be discussed with the creator’s Head of School.

Where the University has waived its rights it will have a continuing license to use such IP for its administrative, promotional, educational and teaching purposes and to sub-license. It is the responsibility of an individual employee to make any publisher, or any other party interested in the potential commercialisation of such material, aware of this license.

IP Protection & Commercialisation

The University owns and uses The University of Manchester Intellectual Property Limited (UMIP) as a management company to advise on and facilitate the protection and commercialisation of IP (other than teaching materials). Where UMIP considers there is potential for profitable commercialisation, it will try to arrange the protection of IP generated by employees and students by patenting or other means, generally at its own expense.

UMIP will have the “first rights” to commercialise IP owned by the University. If UMIP does not do so in a timely manner or decides it does not wish to do so then the originator(s) (whether employees or students) may ask for such IP to be transferred to them and will be free to pursue alternative routes. If an originator of IP believes that their best commercialisation route involves partners other than UMIP, they may make a case to that effect to the University.

Employees and students must keep secret any confidential information to which he or she has access as an employee or student of the University.

Revenue Sharing

There is no general obligation on an employer to reward employees for IP which is generated in the course of their employment. The only exception is where an invention is of ‘outstanding benefit’ to the employer. However, the University’s IP policy is designed to create strong incentives for the creation and development of IP. Hence the sharing of rewards is strongly biased in favour of employees and students.

The University will not retain more than 15% of the value of IP created by University employees and (where their IP belongs to the University) students, in cases when the

University or UMIP has no involvement in the commercialisation of such IP or their only

involvement is in reviewing the IP, undertaking legal due diligence on it and advising the originator on the next steps to be taken. This 15% value may be represented by shares in a spin-out company or in royalties from a licence.

If a special fee is paid for the creation of any teaching materials then this will be instead of any share of commercialisation revenue or if the originator has been employed specifically to create the IP then they will not be entitled to any share of commercialisation revenue.

The Inland Revenue treats any sharing of income by the University with employees, students and others with an honorary association with the University as if it were a bonus on salary. Income tax and national insurance contributions will generally be deducted from an individual’s share by the University before payment is made or an indemnity for such taxes will be required by the University.

Further Information

The Policy is a living document and may be subject to change by the University. Major changes will be communicated to the departments, employees and students affected by the changes. All queries arising from this document should be addressed to the Registrar and Secretary. For general advice a publication called “Intellectual Property & Confidentiality: An Academic’s Guide” is available from UMIP.

Student Ill-Health

It is a requirement of your registration with the University of Manchester that you register with a local general practitioner. A list of GP practices can be obtained from the student Health Centre, any University hall of residence or a local Pharmacy. According to guidance issued by the General Medical Council it would not be regarded as good practice for a family member to be the registered GP or to offer treatment except in the case of an emergency.

You should always consult your GP (or for emergencies the Accident and Emergency Department of a hospital) if your illness is severe, if it persists or if you are in any doubt about your health. You should also consult your GP if illness keeps you absent from the University for more than 7 days including week-ends. If you do consult a GP and they consider that you are not fit for attendance at the University, then you should obtain a note from the doctor to that effect or ask them to complete Part III of the University form ‘Certification of student Ill Health’ copies of which are available at local GP surgeries. You should hand this certificate to your Programme Director, tutor, departmental office or degree programme office as appropriate at the earliest opportunity.

If your condition is not sufficiently serious to cause you to seek medical help, then the University will not require you to supply a doctor’s medical certificate unless you are absent from the University due to illness for more than 7 days (in which case see b. above). You must however contact your department or degree programme as soon as possible and self- certify your illness (that is complete and sign the “Certification of student Ill Health” form to state that you have been ill) as soon as you are able to attend your department. You should do this if your illness means you are absent from the University for any period up to 7 days or if you are able to attend the University but your illness is affecting your studies

The following sub-paragraphs explain what you should do if your illness affects your attendance at compulsory classes or if you consider that your performance in your studies/examinations has been impaired:

  • If you are unwell and feel unable to attend the University to take a compulsory class, assessment or examination then you must seek advice by contacting your department or degree programme immediately, in person, through a friend or family member, by telephone or by email. This is to ensure that you understand the implications of being absent and the consequences for your academic progress, which might be quite serious. You must do this as soon as possible so that all options can be considered and certainly no later than the day of your compulsory class, assessment or examination. If you do not do this then you will normally be considered have been absent from the class without good reason, or to have taken the assessment or examination in which case you will be given a mark of zero. You must also complete and hand in a “Certification of student Ill Health” form on your return.
  • You may be unwell but are able to proceed with an assessment or examination and yet you feel that your performance will have been impaired. If you wish this to be

taken into account as an extenuating circumstance, you must inform your department or degree programme about this on the day of the assessment or examination and

hand in to your department or degree programme a completed “Certification of student Ill Health” form. If you leave this until later it will not normally be possible to

take your illness into account when assessing your performance.

You may be under occasional and ongoing medical attention which affects your studies. If so, you should obtain a letter from your physician which should be given to your department or degree programme before the end of the January, May/June or August/September examination period, as appropriate, if you wish your condition to be taken into account as an extenuating circumstance.

  • The Government Department employs 2 criteria when deciding whether to alter the mark of a student who has been ill or suffered other external interference: a.

evidence of such illness or external interference and b. evidence that the student

would have performed better in the absence of such external interference.

Additional notes:

  • Certification of student Ill Health forms are available in all departments and halls of residence.
  • Your department or degree programme will give you guidance on the effect of any

absence from your studies or if you consider your illness has affected your studies. If you have repeated episodes of ill health which is affecting your studies, your department or degree programme may refer you to the student Health Centre.

  • If you are found to have been deceitful or dishonest in completing the Certification of student Ill Health form you could be liable to disciplinary action under the University’s

General Regulation XX: Conduct and Discipline of students.

  • The use of the “Certification of student Ill Health” forms by GPs as described above has been agreed by the Manchester Local Medical Committee. A GP may make a

charge for completing the form.

Further guidance and forms regarding student ill health can be found at



This form records progress at the early stage of planning your research. It should be pasted into a word document, completed in conjunction with your supervisor and submitted via Blackboard. You should consult your Handbook for the deadlines for its return.

Name…………………………………………………………………………………… Project title ……………………………………………………………………………. Date……………………………………………………………………………………..

By this stage of your research you should have discussed and agreed the following with your supervisor. If you have encountered any problems, discuss these first with your supervisor. If they still cannot be resolved, you should contact your advisor. List any issues or problems that have arisen in the box provided (continue overleaf if necessary).

Outline plan for your research project Discussed: YES / NO

This will include the research question (and hypotheses if appropriate) and the design of your project. You should discuss initial plan for your grant proposal (to be completed by end of semester 1)

Training needs Discussed: YES / NO

This will include training in addition to MSc units, e.g. English-language classes, remedial statistics, access to the disability office services, techniques specific to your project.

Necessary ethical and governance approvals Discussed: YES / NO

Discuss what ethical approvals will be required and the procedures needed to acquire these.

Agreed tasks and targets for next 6 months

Potential problems discussed which you may encounter

I confirm that the above information is correct

STUDENT (print) …………………………….. (Signature) ……………………………….. SUPERVISOR (print) ……………………….. (Signature) ………………………………


This form is for your second formal research report. It should be completed with your supervisor. Submission dates of reports are given in your Handbook. When complete, forms should be submitted via Blackboard.

Name…………………………………………………………………………………… Project title ……………………………………………………………………………. Date……………………………………………………………………………………..

By this stage your research should be well underway. You should discuss your progress in your dissertation work and in your taught course units with your supervisor. If you have encountered any problems, discuss these first with your supervisor. If they still cannot be resolved, you should contact your advisor. Please use the boxes below to record your progress and any problems identified.

  1. Ethical and governance approvals Approved: YES / NO
  2. Data collection Not started / In progress / Completed

If data collection has not yet started, give details (e.g. when likely to be completed)

  1. Analysis Not started / In progress / Completed

Briefly describe the stage of the analysis and projected date for completing a full first draft (which your supervisor will comment on)

  1. Write up Not started / In progress / Completed Briefly describe the stage of the write up and projected date for completing a full first draft (which your supervisor will comment on)

Agreed tasks and targets for the next 6 months –note also any difficulties you anticipate could arise

I confirm that the above information is correct

STUDENT (print) …………………………… .(Signature) ………………………………..

SUPERVISOR (print) ……………………….. (Signature) ………………………………..


This form is for your third formal research report. Submission dates of reports are given in your Handbook. When complete, forms should be submitted via Blackboard.

Name…………………………………………………………………………………… Project title ……………………………………………………………………………. Date……………………………………………………………………………………..

By this stage your research should be at an advanced stage. You should discuss your progress in your dissertation work and in your taught course units with your supervisor. If you have encountered any problems, discuss these first with your supervisor. If they still cannot be resolved, you should contact your advisor. Please use the boxes below to record your progress and any problems identified.

  1. Ethical and governance approvals Approved: YES / NO
  2. Data collection Not started / In progress / Completed

If data collection has not yet started, give details (e.g. when likely to be completed)


  1. Analysis Not started / In progress / Completed

Briefly describe the stage of the analysis and projected date for completing a full first draft (which your supervisor will comment on)

  1. Write up Not started / In progress / Completed

Briefly describe the stage of the write up and agreed date for submitting a full first draft to supervisor for comment:

I confirm that the above information is correct

STUDENT (print) …………………………….. (Signature) ……………………………….. SUPERVISOR (print) ……………………….. (Signature) ………………………………..

APPENDIX 2 – Standard marking criteria

Full details of modes of assessment for each Course Unit are provided in Section B. Criteria of levels of achievement for the programme are as follows –


90 70%-100% Distinction EXCELLENT (allows award of distinction) Exceptional work, nearly or wholly faultless for that expected at Master’s level.
80 EXCELLENT (allows award of distinction) Work of excellent quality throughout.
74 EXCELLENT (allows award of distinction) Work of very high to excellent quality showing originality, high accuracy, thorough understanding, critical appraisal, and very good presentation. Shows a wide and thorough understanding of the material studied and the relevant literature, and the ability to apply the theory and methods learned to solve unfamiliar problems
62, 65, 68 60%- 69.9% Merit GOOD PASS (allows award of Merit) Work of good to high quality showing evidence of understanding of a broad range of topics, good accuracy, good structure and presentation, and relevant conclusions. Shows a good knowledge of the material studied and the relevant literature and some ability to tackle unfamiliar problems.
52, 55, 58 50%-59.9% Pass PASS Work shows a clear grasp of relevant facts and issues and reveals an attempt to create a coherent whole. It comprises reasonably clear and attainable objectives, adequate reading and some originality
42, 45, 48 40%-49.9% PGDip Pass DIPLOMA PASS, POTENTIALLY COMPENSATABLE FOR MASTERS Work shows a satisfactory understanding of the important programme material and basic knowledge of the relevant literature but with little or no originality and limited accuracy. Shows adequate presentation skills with clear but limited objectives, and does not always reach a conclusion.
38 0%-39.9% Fail FAIL, POTENTIALLY COMPENSATABLE FOR DIPLOMA Work shows some understanding of the main elements of the programme material and some knowledge of the relevant literature. Shows a limited level of accuracy with little analysis of data or attempt to discuss its significance
20 – 29 FAIL Little relevant material presented. Unclear or unsubstantiated arguments with very poor accuracy and understanding.
0 – 19 CLEAR FAIL Work of very poor quality containing little or no relevant information.

The minimum pass mark for each course unit at MSc level is 50%

APPENDIX 3 – School of Health Sciences Mitigating Circumstances

Faculty of Biology Medicine and Health | School of Health Sciences


Please apply online HERE

If you feel that your ability to perform in an assessment has been affected by unforeseeable circumstances this form should be completed within one week of the assessment deadline affected.
Further Information
Sometimes circumstances or events beyond your control may adversely affect your ability to perform in an assessment to your full potential or to complete an assignment by the set deadline. In such cases mitigation may be applied.
It is important to remember that, in order to qualify for consideration, the adverse circumstances or events must be unforeseeable or unpreventable as far as you are concerned, and sufficiently disruptive to have a significant adverse effect on your academic performance or your ability to complete assignments by the due date.
Circumstances or events that would normally merit consideration may include:

  • suffering a serious illness or injury;
  • the death or critical/significant illness of a close family member/dependant;
  • significant family crises or major financial problems leading to acute stress
  • and unplanned absence arising from such things as jury service or maternity, paternity or adoption leave.
Circumstances or events that would not normally merit consideration include:

  • holidays, moving house or other events that were planned or could reasonably have been expected;
  • assessments that are scheduled close together or on the same day;
  • misreading the timetable for examinations or otherwise misunderstanding the requirements for assessment;
  • inadequate planning or time management;
  • failure, loss or theft of a computer or printer that prevents submission of work on time; students should back up work regularly and not leave completion so late that they cannot find another computer or printer;
  • consequences of paid employment (except in some special cases for part-time students);
  • exam stress or panic attacks not diagnosed as illness;
  • disruption in an examination room during the course of an assessment which has not been recorded by the invigilators.
Mitigation will not result in the changing of any marks. Instead, mitigation may result in some marks being disregarded and the assessment being excused because it was adversely affected and subsequently a further attempt being awarded.

Students studying on courses leading to professional registration may be requested to attend Occupational Health for confirmation of Fitness to Practice.

More details regarding the University Policy for Mitigating Circumstances can be found here

Once submitted, this form and any supporting documentation will be considered prior to the examination board where the assessments highlighted are due to be ratified. You will then be written to confirming the outcome and the next course of action.

DASS (Disability Advisory and Support Services)
If you need to apply for mitigating circumstances due to issues directly related to your disability, you do not need to provide any additional supporting evidence if you are registered with the DASS for that disability, but you must provide a detailed explanation of how your disability is currently affecting your studies. It is not sufficient to indicate only that you are registered with the DASS. A Disability Advisor from DASS will be part of the committee that will consider your application.If you need to apply for mitigating circumstances for an issue that is not directly related to your disability, or you have a disability but are not registered with the DASS, you must provide supporting evidence (see above for details).  Additionally, if you feel that your disability has been exacerbated by an event (such as bereavement or a change of medication) then you must still provide evidence of the event itself (see above for details).

APPENDIX 4 – School of Health Sciences Extension Request

Faculty of Biology Medicine and Health | School of Health Sciences


Further Information
Sometimes circumstances or events beyond your control may adversely affect your ability to perform in an assessment to your full potential or to complete an assignment by the set deadline. In such cases mitigation may be applied.
It is important to remember that, in order to qualify for consideration, the adverse circumstances or events must be unforeseeable or unpreventable as far as you are concerned, and sufficiently disruptive to have a significant adverse effect on your academic performance or your ability to complete assignments by the due date.
Circumstances or events that merit consideration may include:

  • suffering a serious illness or injury;
  • the death or critical/significant illness of a close family member/dependant;
  • a significant family crisis leading to acute stress;
  • and unplanned absence arising from such things as jury service or maternity, paternity or adoption leave.
Circumstances or events that would not normally merit consideration include:

  • holidays, moving house or other events that were planned or could reasonably have been expected;
  • assessments that are scheduled close together or on the same day;
  • misreading the timetable for examinations or otherwise misunderstanding the requirements for assessment;
  • inadequate planning or time management;
  • failure, loss or theft of a computer or other equipment, including inability to print off work for whatever reason;
  • consequences of paid employment (except in some special cases for part-time students);
  • exam stress or panic attacks not diagnosed as illness;
  • and minor disruption in an examination room during the course of an assessment.
Mitigation will not result in the changing of any marks, unless penalties for late submission are waived after an assignment has already been marked. Instead, mitigation may result in some marks being disregarded and the assessment being excused because it was adversely affected and subsequently a further attempt being awarded.