![]() BSc CLINICAL PHARMACY HANDBOOK 2023-2024 Division of Pharmacy and Optometry School of Health Sciences Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health
Welcome to the 5-year dual degree Bachelor of Clinical Pharmacy programme hosted by China Pharmaceutical University (CPU) and the University of Manchester (UoM). May we take this opportunity to offer our congratulations on your success in the recent examinations and wish you well during your time with us in the United Kingdom (UK) – we especially look forward to meeting you in person when you join us in the Division of Pharmacy and Optometry at UoM. We hope that your time on the programme, including your stay in Manchester, will be rewarding, not only in the academic areas but also due to your participation in any extra-curricular activities associated with CPU and UoM and the regions in which these universities are based.
The purpose of this handbook is to bring together information to help you answer queries that you might have about the 5-year BSc in Clinical Pharmacy programme. The handbook focuses on your studies during years 3 and 4 of this programme at UoM and provides some general information about the Division of Pharmacy and Optometry at UoM. Please get in touch with CPU to learn more about your studies during years 1, 2 and 5 of the programme. We have tried to answer all the questions relevant to studying in this course (and specifically at UoM), but if you feel that any critical information has been omitted, please let us know.
As with any publication of this type, all the information contained was correct at the time of compilation. Although not anticipated at this stage, it may be necessary to make changes as the year progresses. Where there is such a need, you will be informed.
Professor Kaye Williams – Head of Division
Dr Susan Cochran – Programme Lead for Pharmacy (Years 1 and 2)
Mrs Victoria Tavares – Programme Lead for Pharmacy (Years 3 and 4)
Dr Richard Keers – Director, BSc Clinical Pharmacy programme
1.1 Staff List and contact details
Name | Email address |
Professor Darren Ashcroft | darren.ashcroft@manchester.ac.uk |
Professor Aleksandra Galetin | Aleksandra.Galetin@manchester.ac.uk |
Professor Alison Gurney | Alison.gurney@manchester.ac.uk |
Professor Jason Hall | Jason.Hall@manchester.ac.uk |
Professor Mike Harte | Michael.Harte@manchester.ac.uk |
Professor Jayne Lawrence | Jayne.Lawrence@manchester.ac.uk |
Professor Andrew McBain | Andrew.Mcbain@manchester.ac.uk |
Professor Jo Neill | Joanna.Neill@manchester.ac.uk |
Professor Anna Nicolaou | anna.nicolaou@manchester.ac.uk |
Professor Amin Rostami-Hochaghan | Amin.Rostami@manchester.ac.uk |
Professor Ellen Schafheutle | ellen.schafheutle@manchester.ac.uk |
Professor Ian Stratford | Ian.Stratford@manchester.ac.uk |
Professor Kaye Williams Head of Division |
Kaye.Williams@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. David Allison Reader |
David.Allison@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Harmesh Aojula Senior Lecturer |
Harmesh.Aojula@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Elena Bichenkova Reader |
Elena.V.Bichenkova@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Richard Bryce Reader |
Richard.Bryce@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Cyril Bussy Lecturer |
cyrill.bussy@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Sam Butterworth Senior Lecturer |
sam.butterworth@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Richard Campbell Senior Lecturer |
richard.campbell@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Li-Chia Chen Senior Lecturer |
Li-Chia.Chen@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Susan Cochran Senior Lecturer and Programme Lead |
susan.cochran@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Costas Demonacos Senior Lecturer |
Constantinos.Demonacos@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Katie Finegen Senior Lecturer |
K.G.Finegan@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Sally Freeman Reader |
Sally.Freeman@manchester.ac.uk |
Mrs. Jenny Hughes Senior Lecturer |
Jenny.k.hughes@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Gavin Humphreys Lecturer |
gavin.humphreys@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Sally Jacobs Lecturer |
sally.r.jacobs@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Richard Keers Senior Lecturer |
richard.keers@manchester.ac.uk |
Ms. Sarah Knighton Lecturer |
sarah.knighton@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Ayse Latif Lecturer |
ayse.latif@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Ruth Ledder Senior Lecturer |
ruth.ledder@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Andrew Leech Senior Lecturer |
andrew.leach@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Penny Lewis Senior Lecturer |
penny.lewis@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Esnath Magola Lecturer |
esnath.magola@manchester.ac.uk |
Andrew Mawdsley Senior Lecturer |
andrew.mawdsley@manchester.ac.uk |
Diane Mitchell Senior Clinical Tutor |
diane.mitchell@cmft.nhs.uk |
Kate Oates Senior Clinical Tutor |
kate.oates@cmft.nhs.uk |
Dr. Kayode Ogungbenro Senior Lecturer |
kayode.ogungbenro@manchester.ac.uk |
Harsha Parmar Senior Lecturer |
Harsha.Parmar@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Jeff Penny Senior Lecturer |
Jeff.Penny@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Denham Phipps Senior Lecturer |
denham.phipps@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Alain Pluen Senior Lecturer |
Alain.Pluen@manchester.ac.uk |
Graham Pollock Lloyds Teacher Practitioner |
graham.pollock@manchester.ac.uk |
Sadia Qayyum Lecturer |
sadia.qayyum@manchester.ac.uk |
Mary Rhodes Senior Lecturer |
Mary.Rhodes@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Daniel Scotcher Lecturer |
daniel.scotcher@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Victoria Silkstone Reader |
victoria.silkstone@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Jenny Silverthorne Reader |
Jennifer.Silverthorne@manchester.ac.uk |
Dr. Doug Steinke Senior Lecturer |
douglas.steinke@manchester.ac.uk |
Victoria Tavares Lecturer and Programme Lead for Years 3 & 4 |
Victoria.tavares@manchester.ac.uk |
Caroline Barrett Senior Clinical Tutor |
caroline.barrett-2@mft.nhs.uk |
Kirsty Worrall Teaching Practitioner |
kirsty.worrall@manchester.ac.uk |
Mrs Fatima Zulfiqar Lecturer |
fatima.zulfiqar@manchester.ac.uk |
Victoria O’Reilly Divisional Operations Manager |
victoria.oreilly@manchester.ac.uk |
Paula Rosson Academic Group Administration Manager |
Paula.M.Rosson@manchester.ac.uk |
Glenys Fry Academic Group Administrator |
glenys.fry@manchester.ac.uk |
Sarah Fairhurst Academic Group Administrator |
sarah.fairhurst@manchester.ac.uk |
Michelle Riddehough Academic Group Administrator |
Michelle.riddehough@manchester.ac.uk |
Alyssa Piasecki Academic Group Administrator |
Alyssa.piasecki@manchester.ac.uk |
Karen Purcell
Senior Technician (Teaching) Pharmacy Ground floor Pharmacy Skills Suite (PSS) |
Karen.purcell@manchester.ac.uk |
Sara Evans
Technician (Teaching) Pharmacy Ground floor Pharmacy Skills Suite (PSS) |
sara.evans@manchester.ac.uk |
Mark Oldfield
Technician (Teaching) 1st Floor 1SUGT |
mark.oldfield@manchester.ac.uk |
Mr Anthony Steel
Technical Manager 1st Floor 1SUGT |
Anthony.steel@manchester.ac.uk |
Nicola Steel
Deputy Technical Manager 1st Floor 1SUGT |
nicola.steel@manchester.ac.uk |
Mrs Dawn Rearden
Deputy Technical Manager 2nd Floor 2SUGT |
dawn.rearden@manchester.ac.uk |
Mr David Garvey
Technician (Teaching) 2nd Floor 2SUGT |
david.j.garvey@manchester.ac.uk |
School of Health Sciences Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Staff :
In order for staff to respond as quickly as possible to your request, and to ensure that your request reaches the correct member of staff, we have set-up dedicated email addresses that serve a different function. If your query relates to any of the below, please email the relevant email address.
Email Address | Supports queries about: |
Examination queries
Assessment queries Assessment submissions Resit/reassessment queries |
shs.attendance@manchester.ac.uk | Attendance monitoring |
shs.dc@manchester.ac.uk | Disability support |
shs.mitcircs@manchester.ac.uk | Mitigating circumstances |
shs.placements@manchester.ac.uk | All placement queries |
shs.programmes@manchester.ac.uk | Registration advice and guidance
Course unit selection and enrolment Timetable queries Programme content |
shs.wellbeing@manchester.ac.uk | Wellbeing student support, appointments and signposting |
Student Support Hub – general queries and advice not covered by the above teams |
As these inboxes are associated with staff supporting multiple programmes, please could you ensure that you always include the following details in your email, which will help us to ensure that your message is dealt with promptly:
Full Name
Student ID Number
Year of Study
1.2 Key Dates for 2023-2024
Welcome Week: Monday 18 September – Friday 22 September 2023
First Semester:
Monday 25 September 2023 – Friday 26 January 2024
Christmas Break: Monday 18 December 2023 – Sunday 14 January 2024
Sem 1 Exam period: Monday 15 January 2024 – Friday 26 January 2024
Second Semester:
Monday 29 January 2024 – Friday 7 June 2024
Non-teaching week: Monday 18 March – Friday 22 March 2024
Easter Break: Monday 25 March to Sunday 7 April 2024
Examination Periods:
Sem 1 Exam period: Monday 15 January 2024 – Friday 26 January 2024
Sem 2 Exam period: Monday 13 May 2024 – Wednesday 5 June 2024 (tbc)
Resit Exam period: Monday 19 August 2024 – Friday 30 August 2024 (please bear this in mind when planning holidays).
1.3 Examination and Teaching Timetables
1.3.1 Examination Timetables
Normally the examination timetables are managed and published by the central Exams Team within the Student Services Centre (not the Division). They are produced using dedicated software for which the overarching factor is the production of a timetable with no, or as few as possible, student clashes.
While attempts are made to ensure that students have a spread of examination dates throughout the examination period, in many cases this is not possible given the institutional constraints on the numbers of examination venues that are available, the number of examinations that are scheduled to take place and the options available to students on any particular programme of study. Therefore you should expect to have some exams on consecutive days where this is unavoidable.
1.3.2 Teaching Timetables
A master timetable will be uploaded to the UG Pharmacy Community Space on Blackboard. This provides an overview of each semester. You are advised to check these at the commencement of each semester and read them in conjunction with course unit level timetables that can be found in the course unit folder in Blackboard. Whilst it is not anticipated that major changes will be made during the year, minor alterations may need to be made from time to time. Every attempt will be made to notify you of such changes as soon as possible in advance either verbally or by written notice, or both.
You will be split into groups for certain classes and this information will be uploaded to the timetable folder on Blackboard.
You will also have timetabled classes separately for the Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) programme students on occasion, which will also be marked on your timetable on Blackboard.
You will have classes in lots of different building across the campus so please familiarise yourself with the locations using our interactive Campus Map.
The following lecture theatres, laboratories and tutorial rooms are located within the Stopford Building. Please note that you will need your student ID card to gain entry to the Stopford Building:
Lecture Theatres 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Interprofessional Education Suite (IPE Suite) (Room G.183)
Clinical Skills Suite (Room G.123)
Pharmacy Skills Suite (Room G.229/G.226)
The Training Room (G.223)
The Project Room (G.382)
Teaching labs: 1SUGT (1st Floor) and 2SUGT (2nd floor)
1.4 Religious Observance
The University’s Policy on Religious Observance can be found here: http://www.regulations.manchester.ac.uk/academic/policy-on-religious-observance/
The Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health has produced guidance for healthcare students on fasting and caring: Fasting and Caring – Looking after yourself and your patients during Ramadan: guidance for health care students.
1.5 Learning Resources
1.5.1 Library
The University of Manchester Library provides you with the resources and support you need throughout your MPharm programme. The Main Library and Stopford Library house all of the essential text books whilst the Alan Gilbert Learning Commons provide a 24/7 learning environment in addition to study skills workshops. The Library also has an extensive collection of eBooks, databases and journals available online.
You can check the service availability here: https://www.library.manchester.ac.uk/help-and-support/service-availability/
The My Learning Essentials page of the Library website has links to all of the Library’s resources and services available to students: https://www.library.manchester.ac.uk/training/my-learning-essentials/
Getting Started You will need your student card to access all library sites around campus. Many of our services and resources also require you to confirm that you are a registered student. This authentication can be your student card, the ID number on the card, your Library PIN, the central username and password you use to log on, or a combination of these.
There is a library guide for Pharmacy students giving all of the latest information on resources and learning and research services available. This is a good starting point if you are looking for any library resources or information related to your course.
Each course module in Blackboard includes an online reading list, so you can quickly check availability and directly access e-books, digitised chapters and e-journals or articles.
The Main Library
The Main Library holds the principal collection of Pharmacy books and journals. Pharmacy textbooks are located on Floor 2 of the Blue Area, together with books in other related subjects such as Biology, Chemistry and Social Sciences. Pharmacy journals held in print are on Floor 1 of the Green Area in the Clinical Sciences sequence; further relevant periodicals are shelved in other areas of the Main Library. The library search facility will let you know what items are available and where to find them, including eBooks and online journals.
The Main Library offers group study rooms, individual study space options and computer clusters. Wi-Fi is available throughout the building and a cafe lounge can be found on the ground floor. The Library has long opening hours and extends these during exam periods. Please check Locations and Opening Hours for full details on opening hours and facilities.
The Stopford Library
The Stopford Library is a smaller site library for Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Biological Sciences and holds multiple copies of all new editions of core and useful texts. Full details of what is available can be found using library search or asking a member of customer service staff. In addition to books, Stopford Library also has half skeletons and iPads available for loan.
The Stopford Library also has a computer suite, Wi-Fi and 6 group study rooms with a large table and 14 chairs, a 32 inch LCD monitor and a large “sqwiggle” board. Bookings can be made at the customer service desk in the Stopford Library.
Please check Locations and Opening Hours for full details on opening hours and facilities.
1.5.2 The Alan Gilbert Learning Commons
The Alan Gilbert Learning Commons is a state-of-the-art learning environment with 24/7 opening hours throughout term-time. The Learning Commons has flexible open learning spaces with multimedia facilities, computer clusters and 30 bookable group study rooms with whiteboards and media screens.
There is a series of training workshops covering a variety of academic and transferable skills hosted in the training room at the Learning Commons. These workshops include training on revision/study skills, note-taking and other topics and have been developed by Learning Commons staff in partnership with other teams across the University. Full details of training sessions are available in the My Learning Essentials Calendar.
1.5.3. The Stopford Common Room
There is a shared Common Room in Stopford Building that is available to members of the Division of Pharmacy and Optometry, which provides a place where you can relax between classes. This is based on the first floor of the Stopford Building.
Pharmacy Student Space
On the ground floor of the Stopford Building there is a dedicated pharmacy student space where you can socialise, relax or study. You can also access kitchen facilities here. This space is located next to the Clinical Skills Suite (CSS).
1.5.4 Email
Information is sent to students via e-mail, so please check your university e-mail account daily.
When sending emails to members of staff please bear in mind that your e-mails may need a different style and tone to those you would address to a friend. Always quote your student ID in your email. The following tips are intended to ensure your e-mails are positively received:
- Use a formal tone when you initially contact a member of staff, if they respond informally you can assume that your future e-mails to them can match this tone.
- Include your full name and what year of the programme you are on.
- Pay attention to the spelling of the recipient’s name and their title (e.g. Prof, Dr, Mr, Miss / Ms; Mrs).
- Don’t address someone by their first name unless you are on quite familiar terms with them. If they sign off with just their first name in their reply, they are probably inviting you to call them by their first name, but if in any doubt, use the more formal form of address.
- Open with a polite address, i.e. ‘Dear Dr. Smith’, ‘Dear John’, etc. and avoid overly familiar or bizarre-sounding openers, e.g. ‘Hey John’, ‘Hiya’, etc.
- Similarly, don’t sign off in an overly familiar way, e.g. ‘Laters!, Jonno’, ‘Jonno xx’, etc.
- Be polite and respectful in your communications.
- Don’t send e-mails that sound curt, abusive, or demanding, or make unnecessarily personal remarks.
- Please allow at least 3 working days for staff to reply to your email. If they are not available they will have an automatic reply. If your query is urgent attempt to see/contact another member of staff. Alternatively you can visit or email the SHS Student Hub (ground floor, Jean McFarlane Building) or email: shs.hub@manchester.ac.uk.
1.5.5 IT Services and eLearning
IT Services Support Centre online
Details of what IT support is available and how to access it can be found on the FBMH eLearning Support page.
Login to the Support Centre online to log a request, book an appointment for an IT visit, or search the Knowledge Base.
Telephone: +44 (0)161 306 5544 (or extension 65544). Telephone support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
In person: Walk-up help and support is available at the Joule Library, Main Library or Alan Gilbert Learning Commons:
Use Support Centre online for support with eLearning, from where you may make a request or search the Knowledge Base.
For IT and eLearning support visit: https://elearning.bmh.manchester.ac.uk/student/technical-support/
Blackboard, the University’s ‘virtual learning environment’, will be used for online teaching.
What is Blackboard?
Blackboard is a web-based system that complements and builds upon traditional learning methods used at The University of Manchester. By using Blackboard you can:
- view course materials and learning resources
- communicate with lectures and other students
- collaborate in groups
- get feedback
- submit assignments
- monitor your own progress at a time and place of your own convenience
There is also a UG Pharmacy Community Space that contains general information relevant to all four years of the Pharmacy programme, such as the programme handbook, timetables, groups etc.
You can access Blackboard via: https://online.manchester.ac.uk/
Training in the use of software
The Faculty eLearning team have produced a short introduction to Blackboard for new students. The recording is hosted in two places: the VLS and on YouTube:
The recording is just over seven minutes long and covers most of the commonly used tools in Blackboard.
1.5.6 Social Media
Please follow us on social media:
Twitter handle is @UoMMPharm
Instagram is @manchester_mpharm
1.6 Brief History of Pharmacy at the University of Manchester
Although classes in Pharmaceutical Chemistry were being conducted in the Medical School at Manchester by John Dalton as early as 1824, and courses in pharmaceutical subjects were for a time available to Owens College around 1869, the present Pharmacy School of the University was not established until 1883[1]. In that year a pharmacist, W. Elborne, was appointed Assistant Lecturer in Materia Medica and Pharmacy, working under D.J Leech, then Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. The prospectus for 1884 offered full-time day courses extending over two academic years in addition to part-time evening courses in preparation for the examinations of the Pharmaceutical Society. In 1904, Pharmacy was added to the list of subjects which could be presented for both honours and ordinary degrees, and the July 2004 graduation celebrated 100 years of Pharmacy graduates from Manchester.
During the period from 1904 up to the Second World War, the number of students taking the degree was small, the majority registering for the shorter courses for the qualifying examinations of the Pharmaceutical Society. In 1928 the University purchased the Manchester College of Pharmacy, a very successful privately owned Division of Pharmacy and Optometry, and amalgamated it within the University. Mr. Harry Brindle, who had been the Principal of that private school, became in 1946 the first Professor of Pharmacy at Manchester. This appointment was co-incident with the recognition of an independent Department of Pharmacy.
The growth in the proportion of degree students increased, and by 1959 all undergraduates were reading for a Pharmacy Degree. In 1962, the Pharmacy Department transferred from the Faculty of Medicine to the Faculty of Science. In 1970, a thorough review of the undergraduate syllabus was undertaken, and a three-year honours BSc programme introduced with the cessation of the four-year programme. The first year group of students to take the new BSc programme graduated in 1974. New laboratories for Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacognosy, and some areas of Pharmaceutics were provided, together with seminar rooms, and a common room.
Further developments in the undergraduate curriculum and the refurbishment of lecture theatres and laboratories have taken place in the period since 1974. In 1997 the 4-year MPharm programme started with the first group graduating in July 2001. In 2000 the School transferred back to the Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences (formerly the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Pharmacy). In October 2004 the Victoria University of Manchester and UMIST merged to form The University of Manchester.
In 2006/07, the School moved into a refurbished part of the Stopford Building. In August 2016 the Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences merged with the Faculty of Life Sciences to form the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, which you are now a member of. Constant change is required if the School is to maintain its place as a leader in the field of undergraduate and postgraduate pharmaceutical education.
In 2021, the first students enrolled on a historic joint 5-year BSc in Clinical Pharmacy programme based on an exciting collaboration between the China Pharmaceutical University (CPU) and the University of Manchester. Students like you who enter this programme complete years 1, 2 and 5 with CPU and join the Division of Pharmacy and Optometry at the University of Manchester for years 3 and 4. After successfully completing the programme, students leave with a BSc in Clinical Pharmacy degree from the University of Manchester and a BSc degree from CPU.
[1] 1. Robinson, B. The History of Pharmaceutical Education in Manchester, Robinson (1986)
1.7 Health and Safety in the Division of Pharmacy and Optometry
Health and Safety at the University of Manchester is subject to the provisions of the “Health and Safety at Work Act.” As a responsible body, the University actively promotes good practice in all areas relating to health and safety and it is a policy to do all that is reasonably practicable to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for staff, students and any other person who may visit. All schools in the University must conform to the University’s arrangements to implement its health and safety policy which is approved by the University’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee. The policy and arrangements chapters are published on the Safety Services webpages (https://www.healthandsafety.manchester.ac.uk/policy/arrangementschapters/).
Many issues of health and safety are specific to a school or an area of the University. Responsibility for ensuring that proper procedures are in place to provide a safe and healthy working environment for staff and students is devolved to the Head of the Division who has appointed a Divisional Health and Safety Committee, and safety advisors to manage this responsibility and formulate local policy on all health and safety matters.
Your Obligation
By Law, it is the duty of every student whilst on University premises to:
- Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of all other people whose health and safety may be affected by their actions or omissions.
- Co-operate with members of staff who have responsibility for specific safety duties so the University can meet its obligation to comply with health and safety legislation and implement health and safety policies.
- Not interfere with or misuse, intentionally or recklessly, anything provided in the interest of health, safety and welfare.
- Use any protective equipment issued to you which will reduce the risk of an accident and promote a safer environment.
Division of Pharmacy and Optometry
It is the policy of the Division of Pharmacy and Optometry to promote awareness of health and safety issues for all activities related your course and student experience. Information relating to safety will be given to you in a lecture at the start of the semester. You will also be required to complete satisfactorily an online health and safety course and will receive a sheet titled “Statement to all undergraduate students from the Divisional Health and Safety Committee.” This gives general guidelines on health and safety together with other related information. You will be asked to sign a return slip stating that you have read and understood this information, undertake to work within these guidelines and comply with any safety instructions given to you. Some key safety points are given below for reference and to act as a reminder that health and safety issues must be given the highest priority at all times during the programme.
There is a need for continuous safety awareness and the importance of implementing health and safety measures (e.g. the wearing of safety glasses) must be stressed at all times. At the commencement of each undergraduate practical class, information about the particular hazards associated with the exercises will be made available to students together with the appropriate preventative measures. Some classes are exempted from the need to wear safety glasses and the class organiser will inform you of this fact.
Timetabled practical classes are arranged as part of the BSc Clinical Pharmacy degree programme. To ensure that a safe working environment is maintained, undergraduate students are not allowed to work in laboratories outside timetabled class hours unless they have permission from the class organiser.
During their programme, undergraduate students may be expected to carry out project work in recognised research laboratories. This work will be supervised by a named member of staff who will discuss with the student all aspects of safety relating to the project. At the commencement of the project and at all stages of the work, the particular safety hazards and appropriate preventative measures must be the subject of discussion between the student and the supervisor.
During laboratory-based practical work students must ensure that they:
- Are aware of the known properties of material and /or equipment being used.
- Know what to do in case of an accident.
- Are compliant with safety rules and regulations.
- Provide clear information about the action to be taken if equipment is left in operation unattended.
- Have taken all possible precautions to reduce hazards to a minimum.
If you fail to comply with any health and safety instructions you will not be allowed to enter laboratories to continue with your laboratory work until you undertake to comply consistently with all health and safety requirements.
Points of Information
Students should be appropriately dressed to be in the laboratory (No shorts, open-toe shoes, baseball caps or low-necked tops) and laboratory coats must be worn at all times during practical classes. They should NOT be worn outside the laboratory or in the common room.
Outdoor coats, large bags etc. are not allowed in laboratories. They should be stored in a locker. In the interest of safety and security, any items left unattended will be removed.
Eating and drinking is strictly forbidden in all laboratory areas, lecture theatres, tutorial rooms and CAL laboratories.
The use of mobile phones is not allowed during most classes – please turn them off before entering a class. On occasion a tutor may ask students to use their mobile device as part of the teaching and learning, on these occasions use to aid learning is permitted.
First Aid
Staff trained in First Aid are available and will respond in the case of an accident. On every occasion, an accident form must be filled in and sent to the University’s Safety Services.
Fire Alarm
If the fire alarm sounds YOU MUST evacuate the building as quickly as possible. DO NOT re-enter the building until told to do so by a University Security or Fire Evacuation Marshall. DO NOT re-enter a practical class until told to do so by a class supervisor.
Fire alarm systems in the Stopford Building are tested every Tuesday at 8.30am. Fire alarm test times are different in other University buildings and information relating to these can be found on fire notices which are usually posted next to fire extinguishers. These notices also contain information about designated assembly points outside the building in the event of an alarm. You are advised to familiarise yourself with the escape route and assembly points for each building in which you attend lectures, tutorials and practical classes.
The purpose of these guidelines is to provide general information so that students work in as safe an environment as possible and the risk of an accident is reduced to a minimum. However, it should be stressed that no system is foolproof and students must assure themselves that they are aware of the likely risks involved in any practical work and gain the necessary proficiency to minimise the possibility of an accident. There is no substitute for common sense, care and attention.
Pregnancy and Maternity
If you become pregnant during your studies it is vital that you speak to your Academic Advisor as soon as possible. The purpose of the discussion is a) to provide you with appropriate support and guidance and b) consider any health & safety risk assessments. After your discussion with your Academic Advisor, they will approach the relevant person to arrange a risk assessment.
1.8 Communication and Dress Code for Pharmacy Students
All health and social care professionals in the United Kingdom are bound by the guidance and rules of conduct set out by the Department of Health and the relevant regulatory or representative body, e.g. the General Dental Council (GDC), General Medical Council (GMC), Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC), the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and the British Psychological Society (BPS). These in turn, define the standards for health and social care education in the UK in settings where a student interacts with patients, clients or service users.
The Faculty has produced guidance on the standards of professional conduct and dress code deemed appropriate for all health and social care students while in a learning environment (https://documents.manchester.ac.uk/DocuInfo.aspx?DocID=63640). Students should be aware that during placements, they must seek out and comply with the standards defined by the respective Trusts where they are based.
Verbal and non-verbal communication, including dress code, is an essential element in ensuring that professional standards are maintained. The following sections are from the Faculty guidance described above. For more information, please refer to the guidance document found at: https://documents.manchester.ac.uk/DocuInfo.aspx?DocID=63640.
1.8.1 Communication
All health and social care students should adhere to the following principles (similarly defined within the General Medical Council’s, ‘Good Medical Practice’ document) when communicating and in other skills training, discussion and assessment:
- listening to patients, clients and service users, taking account of their views, and responding honestly to their questions;
- giving patients the information they want or need to know in a way they can understand, ensuring that arrangements are made, wherever possible, to meet patients’ language and communication needs;
- being considerate to those close to the patient and sensitive and responsive in giving them information and support;
- being readily accessible to patients and colleagues seeking information, advice or support when you are on duty.
1.8.2 Professional Conduct
What does being professional mean and why is this relevant to you?
Keeping professionalism at the heart of your practice is essential to ensure the trust of individuals and the wider society. Professionalism is often defined as a set of values and behaviours that influence what you do and how you do it, and relates specifically to awareness, attitude, and behaviours. Irrespective of the specific profession to which you will or do belong, behaving in a professional way means demonstrating the following values:
- honesty and integrity (trustworthiness)
- a sense of decency
- a sense of duty
- transparency.
This concept of professionalism seeks to underpin the trust that the public have in all professionals.
As a student within the UoM (FBMH) it is highly likely that you will be aligned to a professional regulatory body. Therefore, it is essential that you are able to develop a good understanding of what professionalism entails in order to ensure you are able to apply sufficient professional judgement, attitude and appropriate behaviour within a variety of contexts. You should be aware that professional regulators expect professional behaviour to be demonstrated from the beginning of your studies.
Throughout your studies here, you should acquire the necessary knowledge and understanding about what is considered acceptable professional behaviour (for example, related knowledge, attitude, and skills) to help you to develop your professional identity. You will be required to apply this knowledge and understanding in and around campus whilst at university, whilst on clinical placement and of course in your future professional careers. You must also be mindful of upholding the public trust beyond these environments including within various social settings.
Having an early and clear understanding of what professionalism entails and what may be considered as ‘poor professional practice’ can empower you to identify unprofessional behaviour and seek to address this before it becomes a cause for concern.
What is considered to be poor professional behaviour?
The following behaviours are examples of poor professional behaviour, likely to trigger professionalism concerns (GMC, 2016; GDC, 2020; GPhC, 2021; NMC, 2021; HCPC, 2021; SWE, 2021):
- lack of commitment (for example, uncommitted to work or engagement with training, programme of study or placement);
- lack of competence;
- neglect of administrative tasks;
- poor time management;
- non-attendance;
- poor communication skills;
- providing false or misleading information;
- dishonesty (for example, *lying, cheating or plagiarising in assessments)
- forgery (for example, signing peers into taught sessions from which they are absent);
- failure to accept and/or follow educational advice;
- unwillingness to learn from feedback given by others;
- being rude to patients, colleagues or others;
- unwillingness to learn from constructive feedback given by others;
- being disruptive in teaching sessions or other learning environments;
- challenging behaviour towards others or not accepting criticism;
- failing to answer or respond to communications; • failing to demonstrate good health care practice;
- misuse of social media, such as criticising placement providers, sharing (without permission) photographs taken in placement areas, bullying others, or sharing abusive or offensive materials;
- breaching patient, colleague, or organisational confidentiality.
*NB academic malpractice is a specific type of misconduct which is subject to University disciplinary processes. For more information see: http://www.regulations.manchester.ac.uk/academic/academic-malpractice/
1.8.3 Dress Code
Why are dress codes important?
There are general dress code expectations for learners undertaking programmes leading to a professional qualification. In any situation where you interact with patients, clients, or staff, as a student at UoM (for example, face-to-face situations, telephone consultations or communication via electronic devices) you are representing the University and should take care to ensure that your attire projects a professional image and inspires confidence. It has been shown that non-verbal communication is just as important as verbal communication, so how you appear to your patients, clients, service users, relatives or colleagues may communicate just as much as what is said or written. Extremes of dress can compromise communication channels with patients and healthcare colleagues, regardless of either party’s gender, or cultural, or ethnic background. Subject to the overriding requirements of safety and public confidence, you should feel comfortable in your work wear. However, styles of dress or articles of clothing that introduce barriers to communication, or that compromise, or could potentially compromise hygiene must be avoided. The following additional guidance applies to all simulated clinical environments, laboratories and clinical placement areas since we consider this is one way to uphold professional and public confidence whilst also recognising and respecting inclusivity, equality and diversity. Individual Schools within the Faculty may also produce further guidance relating to specific programmes and settings. The infection prevention and uniform/dress code policies of our relevant partner organisations and placement providers have to be strictly adhered to whilst attending your placement or wearing your professional uniform.
Infection prevention
Healthcare often involves delivering care to vulnerable individuals in an environment where infection prevention is required to prevent transmission of disease. Therefore, you need to be aware of and comply with any infection prevention measures required.
Dress code requirements
Uniforms and provided work wear
If a uniform or other work wear is provided, then you must wear it. If you are working in a laboratory or in a clinical setting, there may be certain dress code and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements (for example, uniform, lab coats, protective goggles). Please follow any instructions provided for the specific session or placement you are attending. You should put on a clean uniform or work wear at the start of every shift and ensure it is washed appropriately.
Washing uniforms and work wear
Scientific observations and tests, literature reviews and expert opinion suggest that there is little effective difference between domestic and commercial laundering in terms of removing micro-organisms from uniforms and work wear (NHS England, 2020). Therefore, washing with detergents at 30ºC will remove most Gram-positive microorganisms, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). A ten-minute wash at 60ºC is considered sufficient to remove almost all contaminating microorganisms
Other clothes
If uniform is not provided, you should not wear revealing clothing (for example exposing the midriff or underwear) or clothing that is at risk of becoming revealing when in certain positions such as bending over. Clothing should be clean, well maintained and practical. Very long, and/or floaty/dangling clothing should also be avoided for hygiene and safety issues. Items such as neck ties should be avoided due to infection control risk and safety risks to yourself of someone else potentially grabbing it. Clothes with offensive slogans, unprofessional images or logos are not considered acceptable in any setting.
Identification badges and lanyards
Where applicable, it is important that patients, relatives and colleagues can identify who you are therefore identification badges are important. However, you must ensure that lanyards do not come in to contact with patients if they are allowed within an organisation.
Hair/facial hair
Hair should be fastened back or tied up above the collar so that it does not interfere with or add risk to a clinical interaction. Beards and moustaches should be neat and tidy and not come into contact with patients or clients.
Well fitted, closed around and over the foot shoes or trainers which are non-porous, clean, and cleanable and in a good state of repair should be worn. Heels that would impede you getting to and assisting in an emergency should not be worn. A soft non-slip soled shoe will be safer and cause less disturbance whilst on placement.
Jewellery if worn, should be discreet. Stud piercing(s) in the nose and ears are acceptable but large jewellery can detract from effective communication or be considered an injury or infection control risk. In clinical or laboratory settings, all jewellery should be removed including wristwatches (exceptions are small studs, a single ring that is a smooth, plain metallic band and religious/cultural items as outlined below). Earrings are restricted to one pair of plain stud earrings (with no stones). If you have ear stretching or gauging (where someone may have a larger than average hole in the ear lobe), the tunnel or plug if worn must be as close to natural skin tone for the individual and will count as the equivalent of one pair of plain earrings. Recognised medi-alerts may be permitted providing staff have discussed this with their supervisor and occupational health.
Bare below the elbow policy
When attending laboratory, simulated clinical sessions or clinical placements you will be required in almost all circumstances to be bare below the elbow for handwashing and when providing direct care to patients and clients. Where, for religious reasons, you may wish to cover your forearms or wear a bracelet when not engaged in patient care, you will need to ensure that sleeves or bracelets can be pushed up the arm and secured in place for hand washing and direct patient care activity. Any full/three-quarter length sleeves and/or ties etc must not be loose or dangling; they must be able to be rolled-up or pulled back and kept securely in place during hand-washing and direct patient care activity.
Visible tattoos should not be offensive or derogatory to patients, visitors, colleagues or members of staff. Where they are deemed to be offensive (for example, containing explicit, discriminatory, religious, sexual, political or football related images or slogans) they should be appropriately covered using a covering considered suitable and appropriate to the area of work. Local departmental managers can make a judgement as to what is acceptable. New tattoos should be covered until they are healed so you should always consider the bare below the elbow requirement when planning a new tattoo.
Nails should be kept short (for example, should not extend beyond the fingertip) to avoid scratching others, clean and free from nail varnish and artificial nails.
Strong odours
Strong odours including natural body odour, strong perfume/aftershave should be avoided.
Cultural and religious considerations
The wearing of items of cultural and religious significance may be permitted, provided the health, safety and security of others is not compromised. However, you must always adhere to placement provider policies when attending placement.
Headwear (for example, turbans, kippots, Christian or niqab veils and headscarves) should be permitted on religious grounds. However, if religious headwear is worn, it should be secured in place so that it does not dangle. If you choose to wear a face covering, you may be expected to remove this whilst in clinical or educational environments. When required for identity or communication purposes (for example, related to security, assessment or enhanced communication requirements), the removal of the veil or face covering 13 | P a g e 2 4 – 7 – 2 0 2 3 can be requested in private. Following the removal of headwear, you should be given the opportunity to use a mirror, and to be allowed privacy and time to put it back on.
Disposable over-sleeves
Disposable over-sleeves may be made available to students who are required (due to their religious beliefs or other specific reasons) to cover their forearms. Disposable over-sleeves should be worn in the same way as disposable gloves (worn in the patient area and immediately disposed of after each patient interaction). The arm sleeves are elasticated at the elbow and wrist and are put on and discarded (donned and doffed) in exactly the same way as disposable gloves. Strict procedures for washing hands and wrists must still be observed. Please check with relevant placement provider in advance.
Wearing of work wear out of work
It is not good practice to remain in work wear on leaving clinical placements. Please refrain from going to the shops and engaging in other activities out of work or the wearing work wear in social settings, for example at parties or at the pub. Additionally, you should not appear in work wear on social media unless in official campaigns.
Should you have any concerns about any aspect of the dress code, you are advised to speak to your academic or clinical adviser/supervisor. If you have a disability which could impact upon your own ability to meet professional dress code standards you can also contact the following for further advice:
- University Disability Advisory Support (http://www.dso.manchester.ac.uk/contact-and-see-us/);
- Occupational Health services (http://www.occhealth.manchester.ac.uk/).
1.9 Health clearance
As part of the admissions process you were required to complete a health questionnaire. The details from this will determine whether you need to attend an appointment with our Student Occupational Health Service. To participate in hospital placements you need to receive Occupational Health clearance which includes Hepatitis B vaccination. If an appointment is required, this will be arranged for you either by the Division of Pharmacy and Optometry or directly by Occupational Health. A certificate of health clearance will be sent to the Division as soon as you have passed these checks and this will be kept on your student file. Without this clearance you will NOT be permitted to attend the compulsory hospital placements.
1.10 Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Criminal Records Check
In addition to signing a Division of Pharmacy and Optometry Code of Conduct Declaration during the application process, during your first year in Manchester (Dual Degree BSc year 3), you must submit a criminal records check at the start of the first semester. This takes the form of an Enhanced Level search by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). The Division will assist students in the completion of this check, however it is your responsibility to ensure that this is completed on time and that you complete all the actions requested of you within the timeframe allocated.
You are required to provide the Division with information relating to any reprimands, cautions or convictions which you may have received either in this country or in other countries. Any information provided is treated in the strictest confidence and may not necessarily lead to a reconsideration of your position on the programme. However, failure to disclose any information at this stage, which may be provided to us at a later date by the Disclosure and Barring Service through its enhanced disclosure, will be viewed most seriously and will result in a reconsideration of your suitability to continue on the programme. You should declare all reprimands, cautions or convictions, including any that will be filtered from the Police National Computer, even if they have already been declared earlier forms.
Failure to complete the DBS check will prevent you from attending the compulsory hospital placements and will affect your progression on the BSc Clinical Pharmacy programme.
1.11 Annual GPhC Standards and Criminal Record Declaration
Students are required to complete an annual declaration stating they are aware that they must meet the General Pharmaceutical Council’s Standards for pharmacy professionals at all times. All students must complete this satisfactorily at the start of each year to commence placements. The declaration will be via an online survey on Blackboard. Students MUST declare any ongoing investigations, reprimands, cautions or convictions (including any that will be filtered from the Police National Computer) to the Programme Team within ten working days. It is inappropriate to wait for the annual declaration to disclose these matters.
1.12 Additional costs
The Division works hard to ensure that this programme can be completed without significant additional study costs over and above the tuition fee for the programme. The two areas where additional costs can be incurred are travel and reading. In both of these situations the Division seek to ensure that additional costs are kept as low as possible. The University defines low cost as an annual cost which is no more than 1% of the annual home undergraduate fee.
Where possible the Division will attempt to make core readings accessible to students via the Library, either digitally or for loan. There are a limited number of core texts that may be required by students. The Division have attempted to keep this list to a minimum including only those texts which are used extensively in more than one unit or in more than one academic year and that are not available electronically. This list is reviewed annually by the Teaching Governance Committee.
A great strength of the Manchester programme is the number of placements that are provided and we believe this invaluable experience in community and hospital pharmacy will benefit students in the long term. Students will have to travel to placements in Greater Manchester and occasionally further than this, as part of this programme and students will be responsible for meeting these travel costs.
Students experiencing financial hardship (in excess of that expected of a typical student, supported by evidence), may apply in confidence. A small level of financial support may be available towards placement travel costs (with receipts), on a case by case basis.
1.13 Whistle blowing
The Standards for Pharmacy Professionals directs students to ‘speak up where we have concerns or when things go wrong’. Whistle blowing involves informing others if you believe poor practice could impact on the safety or care of others. All health care professionals have a duty to take action if they believe the safety of others could be comprised as a result of poor practice. If you believe you have witnessed poor practice of a healthcare team or a student, which could impact on the safety of others then you should follow the flowchart below.
Have you witnessed bad or poor practice with the potential to lead to harm to a patient, a member of the public, a fellow student or a member of staff? If you have, you should present the information to the appropriate person depending on where it happened (see below).
- Suppose it occurred in a hospital (e.g., Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust). In that case, you should report to the clinical tutor and the Division Clinical Placement Lead.
- Suppose it occurred in the University or another setting. In that case, you should report it to either the Head of Division, the BSc Clinical Pharmacy Programme Director or Manager, or the Practice Placement Lead.
This is an articulated dual degree Bachelor of Clinical Pharmacy programme (2+2+1) involving a collaboration between the University of Manchester (UoM) and China Pharmaceutical University (CPU). Students will benefit from studying both in China and in the UK.
The first two years of the 5-year programme are taught in China by the CPU and UoM staff. After successfully completing these first two years, students will then study at the UoM in years three and four. In year five, students will return to China, where they will get the opportunity to put their skills into practice in Chinese healthcare settings. After completing the programme, students will receive two BSc degrees, one from the University of Manchester and one from China Pharmaceutical University.
Students completing this dual degree will benefit from a world-class pharmacy programme at UoM driven by our research and teaching excellence. This programme integrates science, practice and Inter-professional Education. We also offer clinical placements each semester for students to get hands-on clinical practice skills and learn from different healthcare professionals in the UK.
2.1 Dual degree BSc Clinical Pharmacy Programme Aims and Objectives
This programme aims to produce pharmacy graduates committed to life-long learning who will have sufficient understanding of the principles and techniques of pharmaceutical sciences and clinical therapeutics from expertise in the UK and China and can communicate and deliver pharmaceutical care as part of a patient-centred approach to medicines optimisation.
The Dual Degree BSc Clinical Pharmacy Programme aims to fulfil a range of objectives listed below:
- To cultivate talents by utilizing the excellent educational resources from both parties,
- To develop internationally recognised talents with innovative high-level abilities,
- To support the delivery of high-quality pharmaceutical care,
- To promote the development of Clinical Pharmacy at both parties,
- To improve student’s:
- Solid professional foundation,
- Advanced academic knowledge and
- Strong professional capabilities.
2.2 Dual Degree BSc Clinical Pharmacy Programme Specification
The BSc Clinical Pharmacy programme specification in the UG Pharmacy Community space on Blackboard focuses on Years 3 and 4, which are held at UoM. This is updated annually.
2.3 Dual Degree Programme Structure
The University of Manchester components (Years 3 and 4) of the Dual degree BSc Clinical Pharmacy degree are organised modularly following the principles for modular degree programmes approved by the Senate. Each course unit has a credit rating, and students are expected to study and pass 120 credits each year of the programme. The credit rating system and assessment procedure are detailed in Section 4 of this document.
2.4 Changes in Curriculum
To ensure that we deliver an up-to-date curriculum during years 3 and 4 of the dual degree programme that reflects current knowledge in scientific and therapeutic principles and prepares students for current pharmacy practice, the Division of Pharmacy and Optometry occasionally has to change the programme content and structure. These changes can be minor or major.
Students who interrupt their studies or cannot progress from one academic year to the next within the same calendar year may face consequences if there have been curriculum changes. There may be occasions where students are required to complete units or parts of a unit in a different order than others or to complete units or parts of a unit from an earlier academic year if teaching content has moved. The Division of Pharmacy and Optometry will deal with these situations on a case-by-case basis when they affect study during years 3 and 4 of the BSc Clinical Pharmacy programme.
2.5 Dual Degree BSc Clinical Pharmacy Course Units taught at UoM/by UoM staff
Below is a list of the current course units for the 3rd and 4th year of the BSc Clinical Pharmacy programme. For 1st and 2nd year course units, please refer to your documentation from CPU – brief descriptions only for those units delivered by UoM staff are provided here. Course unit outlines for units studied at UoM during years 3 and 4 will be available in Blackboard’s relevant course unit space at the start of the academic year.
Year 1 (study at CPU)
PHAR10900 Introduction to the Pharmacist
PHAR10800 Introduction to Public Health and Research Skills
Year 2 (study at CPU)
PHAR20170 Medical Biochemistry
PHAR20180 Pharmaceutics
PHAR20190 Introduction to Communication Skills and Clinical Pharmacy Practice
PHAR20160 Introduction to Basic Pharmacokinetics
PHAR20700 International Student Experience Programme
Year 3 Summer (study at CPU, but marks contribute toward Year 3 UoM BSc)
PHAR30701 Medical Ethics
PHAR30702 Clinical Problem Solving
Year 3 (study at UoM)
PHAR20010 SWAPS Academic Advisor Tutorials
PHAR22001 Immunity, Infection and Respiratory Systems
PHAR22002 Cardiovascular System
Year 4 (study at UoM)
PHAR33001 Endocrine and Musculoskeletal Systems
PHAR33002 Brain and Neurotransmission
PHAR30270 SWAPS Academic Advisor Tutorials
Year 5 Summer (study at CPU and marks contribute to year 5 BSc at CPU)
Healthcare Leadership
2.6 Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
What is CPD?
The aim of CPD at undergraduate level is to improve your capacity to understand what and how you are learning and to review, plan and take responsibility for your own learning. This will help you to:
- Become a more effective, independent and confident self-directed learner
- Understand how you are learning and relate your learning to a wider context
- Improve your general skills for study and career management
- Articulate your personal goals and evaluate progress towards their achievement
- Develop a positive attitude to lifelong learning
How will the CPD scheme operate?
At least one assessment per year throughout years 3 and 4 of the BSc programme at UoM will be devoted to your professional development where you will be able to receive feedback on your work. You will be prompted to reflect upon your own progress and development, identify your own strengths, pinpoint areas for improvement and decide upon a plan of action which can achieve those improvements. There are three professional development activities used in the BSc Clinical Pharmacy; CPD records, reflective account of practice and peer discussion, which you will be able to discuss with your academic advisor. Over the period of your degree you will be building up a portfolio of your development which will be very useful in helping you develop your CV for job applications and for the interview itself. As it is a requirement of the GPhC that you make at least four CPD records, one reflective account and one peer discussion per year as a pharmacist, you need to be able to confidently record CPD during the MPharm programme.
For each CPD activity, you should follow the guidance on Blackboard and record your learning using the standardised forms. Use the example CPD records provided and discuss with your academic advisor and your peers to help you become familiar with the process of recording your professional development.
2.7 Book Lists
The books required for each year of the programme are listed in the course unit outlines on Blackboard.
Reading matter is classified as either directed reading and it is deemed essential that you read those texts to gain a full understanding of the subject, or recommended texts which contain additional information that you will find useful in your studies.
Directed reading material listed for each course unit is potentially examinable. Students should therefore endeavour to make sure that they read and familiarise themselves with the selected material. Recommended reading is for additional information only and will not be examined unless specifically stated.
We do not expect students to purchase all books listed in the directed reading lists. All of these books are available in the University Library and many of the books are available electronically via the library. We would advise students to consider purchasing those books not available electronically that are either used extensively in a single unit or are used in more than one unit.
The PASS Scheme holds a second-hand book sale in semester 1 although care should be taken to ensure that the edition being sold is appropriate.
2.8 Integrated Assessment
When pharmacists are practising it is vital that they can apply their knowledge and skills from the different units of their studies. The Division have introduced integrated examinations in Years 3 and 4 of the BSc to promote the integration of material within the taught units. To support students mastering the integration of material the Division have introduced Enquiry Based Learning (EBL) into years 1-3 and Team Based Learning (TBL) into year 4. The EBL and TBL sessions provide students with the opportunity to work in teams to integrate and apply knowledge and skills and to receive feedback on their performance.
What is EBL?
EBL offers many advantages over traditional didactic teaching. There is some evidence that it encourages greater student participation in learning at a much earlier stage in the process and encourages the application of concepts.
EBL involves students learning together in small groups and is an approach based on self-directed enquiry. Students use a ‘trigger case’ to identify a number of lines of enquiry, for which they are responsible for exploring. The use of lectures, practical classes and clinical placements can support students as they explore their topics. Students can draw on their existing knowledge and identify new learning needs.
The ‘trigger case’ could be presented to students in lots of ways. For example, a clinical patient scenario, or a drug development meeting. Students might even run a teaching session for their class and tutors! How students deliver the findings of their enquiry to the class can be creative. For example, a group presentation, video or poster.
2.9 Pharmaceutical Calculations
During each stage of the BSc Clinical Pharmacy programme, you will be introduced to various calculations that pharmacists regularly undertake linked to the units you are studying. The overall aim of calculations in the BSc is that by the time you graduate, you will be able to deal with calculations you may encounter in practice competently. You will have seen similar examples during the BSc in most of the calculations you will come across in practice. However, this may not always be the case. So, it is vital that you also develop your numeracy skills to confidently deal with any new types of calculations you may have to perform.
Although most students enrolled on the BSc will already have excellent mathematical skills, we recognise that there will be quite a wide variation in ability. Therefore, your existing skills will be assessed regularly throughout the programme. You will receive pharmaceutical calculations self-study materials each year with an associated self-test on Blackboard. This is in addition to all the unit-specific calculations you will be undertaking.
You will also undertake a calculations assessment each year, in which you will be required to achieve a minimum mark of 80%. There will be one opportunity to re-sit the calculations assessment each year; any subsequent attempts will be at the discretion of the Board of Examiners.
3.1 Interruptions
If at any point in your studies you feel that you need to take some time away from your degree, you can interrupt your studies and return once you are ready. You need to be aware of the below implications when considering taking an interruption, so it is best to discuss any queries you may have with the Student Support and Wellbeing Team/Programme Director/Year Tutor/Academic Advisor.
There are a few important things to think about when deciding to interrupt:
- Primarily, your wellbeing. If an interruption is the best decision for you, it should benefit your present and future wellbeing and support you completing your degree to the best of your abilities.
- Tuition Fees
- Accommodation (if living in UoM halls)
- Possible changes to course content on return
- Tier 4 students MUST be referred to the Student Immigration Team in SSC to discuss consequences of interruption (3.2 Policy on Interruptions to UG and PGT Programmes of Study)
If you then wish to request an interruption to study, either via email, during a welfare meeting, or following a meeting with an AA, you would need to complete an SHS Interruption Request Form, which can be obtained by contacting the Student Support and Wellbeing team on shs.wellbeing@manchester.ac.uk. It is helpful to know at this stage how long you expect to interrupt for and when you might return.
You need to complete and sign the form, returning it back to the shs.wellbeing@manchester.ac.uk email address with any appropriate supporting evidence. The form will then be sent to the relevant member of academic staff for approval (this may be the Programme Director, Year Tutor or Academic Advisor).
*Please note that students will be contacted by the Student Support and Wellbeing Team prior to their return to study/return from interruption*
3.2 Withdrawal from the Programme
If you decide that you are unable to continue your programme, you can withdraw from your studies. You will need to be aware of the below implications when considering withdrawing from the programme, so we would always advise discussing any queries you may have with the Student Support and Wellbeing Team/Programme Director/Year Tutor/Academic Advisor.
- Tuition Fees
- Accommodation (if living in UoM halls)
- Future career prospects
If you then wish to withdraw from the programme, either via email, during a welfare meeting, or following a meeting with an AA, you will need to complete a SHS Withdrawal Request Form, which can be obtained by contacting the Student Support and Wellbeing team on shs.wellbeing@manchester.ac.uk
Students need to complete and sign the form, returning it back to the shs.wellbeing@manchester.ac.uk email address. No supporting evidence is required for a request to withdraw. The form will then be sent to the relevant member of academic staff for approval (this may be the Programme Director, Year Tutor or Academic Advisor)
Once the Student Support and Wellbeing Team has received the form which has been approved by the relevant member of staff, a standard confirmation letter will be sent to you confirming the details of the withdrawal.
3.3 Submission of Coursework
3.3.1 Submission
Coursework may only be submitted once the annual academic malpractice online learning and declaration have been completed. The deadline for completion of the online learning is week 6, semester 1.
All assessed work must be submitted by the deadline given. You are strongly advised not to leave submission until the last few minutes before the deadline in case uploading times are slowed. Material submitted at 12.01 for a 12.00 deadline will be classed as late.
3.3.2 Deadlines
A summary of deadlines for each year will be placed on Blackboard.
You should be aware that submission deadlines are in UK local time and it is your responsibility to ensure that you check relevant time zones.
3.3.3 Extending deadlines
If you experience difficulties that will prevent you from submitting assessed coursework on time, you can request an extension of up to one week. You need to provide a credible reason for your extension, in line with the extension policy, but you do not need to submit evidence to support your request.
Please think carefully about whether one-week is enough time to submit and how this will impact the rest of your workload before requesting an extension.
To apply for an extension, you will need to complete this form:
Extensions should be applied for by 15:00pm on the day of your original assessment submission date. Any applications after this time will not be considered and you will need to apply for mitigating circumstances.
If mitigating circumstances prevent you from submitting an extension request in advance, or mean that you miss the extended deadline that has been awarded, you should submit mitigating circumstances following the procedures outlined in the mitigating circumstances procedure. Please note, such requests for mitigation will only be considered where students provide a clear justification (including evidence) for failing to follow the normal extension request procedure.
Some DASS students are entitled to an automatic one-week extension, which does not need to be applied for. If you are a DASS student with this automatic extension and require longer than one-week, please complete the form above by 15:00pm on the day of your DASS submission date.
3.3.4 Penalty for late submission
Definition of late submission
Work submitted after the deadline without prior approval will be subject to a late penalty in accordance with the University Policy on Submission of Work for Summative Assessment on Taught Programmes. The penalty applied is 10% of available marks deducted per day/24 hours (from the time of the original or extended deadline), until the assignment is submitted, or no marks remain.
Penalties for late submission relate to 24 hours/calendar days, so include weekends and weekdays, as well as bank holidays and University closure days.
The mark awarded for the piece of work will be reduced by:
10% of the available marks deducted if up to 24 hours (1 day) late
20% of the available marks deducted if up to 48 hours (2 days) late
30% of the available marks deducted if up to 72 hours (3 days) late
40% of the available marks deducted if up to 96 hours (4 days) late
50% of the available marks deducted if up to 120 hours (5 days) late
60% of the available marks deducted if up to 144 hours (6 days) late
70% of the available marks deducted if up to 168 hours (7 days) late
80% of the available marks deducted if up to 192 hours (8 days) late
90% of the available marks deducted if up to 216 hours (9 days) late
100% of the available marks deducted if up to 240 hours (10 days) late
If the assessment is submitted within 10 days of the deadline the assessment should be marked and feedback to the student provided. If this mark before the penalty is applied reaches the appropriate pass mark but the applied penalty results in a fail of the assessment, the student should not be required to resit the assessment as the original mark can be taken as the resit mark. Further information and examples can be found in the Policy and associated Guidance documents.
For work submitted more than 10 days late, it is regarded as a non-submission and need not be marked. In this case a mark of zero will be awarded and normal resit regulations will apply.
The sliding scale should only be applied to first-sit submissions. For all referred (resit) assessment, any late submission will automatically receive a mark of zero.
For further information:
Policy on the Submission of Work for Summative Assessment on Taught Programmes
3.4 Attendance monitoring and Student Ill Health
Students are expected to attend all scheduled teaching and learning sessions in every year of study, unless alternative arrangements or flexibility in attendance has been agreed for individual students, if unavoidable circumstances such as illness prevents you from attending or if absence has been authorised. This includes both on-campus teaching as well as online/blended, distance or remote learning modes of delivery.
If you are unable to attend a teaching session you should inform the lecturer/instructor in the first instance to catch up on missed learning and for support with teaching materials. For absences of 1-2 days, you do not need to tell the Student Support and Wellbeing Team.
If you expect to miss one or more full weeks of teaching, you must notify the Student Support and Wellbeing team on shs.attendance@manchester.ac.uk, as well as your Academic Advisor. Please provide a reason for this to help the team provide appropriate guidance and signposting as required.
If your attendance is deemed to be too low, someone from the Student Support and Wellbeing team will be in touch to check in with you and make sure that you are ok. If the poor attendance continues without a valid reason, your Academic Advisor will be informed. If there is still no improvement in your attendance, you will be asked to a meeting with your Programme Director. This is in line with the university policy on monitoring attendance.
3.5 Mitigating Circumstances
Sometimes, factors beyond your control may interfere with your ability to attend to your academic studies. The University’s mitigating circumstances procedures exist to try to mitigate against the impact that this could have on your grades.
The full mitigating circumstances policy and guidance can be accessed via the following link: https://www.studentsupport.manchester.ac.uk/study-support/mitigating-circumstances/
We strongly recommend that you seek advice from a member of the Wellbeing team before submitting any claim for mitigating circumstances. You can contact them via shs.mitcircs@manchester.ac.uk or shs.wellbeing@manchester.ac.uk
Grounds for mitigation
Grounds for mitigation are unforeseeable or unpreventable circumstances that could have, or did have, a significant adverse effect on your academic performance.
Possible mitigating circumstances include:
- significant illness or injury
- the death or critical/significant illness of a close family member/dependant
- significant family crises or major financial problems leading to acute stress
- absence for public service e.g., jury service
Circumstances that will not normally be regarded as grounds for mitigation include:
- holidays, moving house and events that were planned or could reasonably have been expected
- assessments that are scheduled close together
- misreading the timetable or misunderstanding the requirements for assessments
- inadequate planning and time management
- consequences of paid employment
- exam stress or panic attacks not diagnosed as illness or supported by medical evidence
- disruption in an examination room during the course of an assessment which has not been recorded by the invigilators
Applying for mitigation
You should inform us if you experience difficulties that may negatively affect your performance on assessed work. You can inform us of such difficulties by submitting an online Mitigating Circumstances Form. The form must be completed by you. It will ask you to provide details of your difficult circumstances and to list the assessments affected. It is important that you list each separate assessment, giving details of the course unit and the nature of the assessment (e.g. PSYC10711 Essay or PSYC10100 Week 4 Quiz). Your form should also be supported with evidence, which is independent and time-specific (for example, a doctor’s note which confirms that you were ill and indicates the period affected). Our Student Support and Wellbeing team can advise you on the information required on the form.
You should inform us of mitigating circumstances as soon as you become aware that they might affect your performance. Typically, mitigating circumstances must be submitted prior to the assessment taking place. In exceptional circumstances, where it is not possible to inform us in advance, you should submit your Mitigating Circumstances application as soon as possible after deadline or scheduled examination, supported by a credible and compelling explanation of why your claim could not be submitted in advance.
Please note, not informing the University of circumstances due to personal feelings, e.g., shame, embarrassment and pride, or having concerns over the confidential treatment of requests for mitigation, are not considered to be credible and compelling explanations as to why the circumstances could not be made known or shown by these deadlines. If the details of the mitigating circumstances are considered to be highly confidential, you can discuss with the wellbeing team shs.wellbeing@manchester.ac.uk the best way to submit an application. The committee handle all requests for mitigation with sensitivity and due regard for confidentiality.
How mitigation is considered and applied
Evidence for personal and medical mitigating circumstances is considered by a mitigating circumstances committee. It is this committee’s role to determine whether there is evidence of mitigating circumstances, whether those circumstances could have had an effect on your performance, and the likely impact. The committee will consider all submissions and, where there is evidence that circumstances have been serious enough to have an effect on one or more elements of assessment, the committee will make recommendations to the exam board.
The exam board, at the recommendation of the mitigating circumstances committee, can take a limited number of actions to apply mitigation. In most cases, acceptance of the mitigation will involve revoking any late submission penalties or allowing for the missed or failed coursework/exam to be taken again as a first sit.
A claim for mitigating circumstances may be turned down for several reasons:
- The circumstances detailed by the student are not regarded as grounds for mitigation under the Policy on Mitigating Circumstances
- The supporting evidence does not cover the relevant period
- The supporting evidence is not supplied by an appropriate (independent) source
- The supporting evidence is deemed insufficient to support the student’s claim of the seriousness of impact on their assessment performance
- The wording of the evidence supplied does not support the student’s claim e.g. the material does not provide a medical diagnosis
- No evidence is provided, and the student has not given any explanation as to the reasons why nor indicated when evidence could be available
- The evidence relates to a chronic condition which the student is already in receipt of support from the Disability Advisory and Support Service (DASS). This does not include instances where the student has an acute flare up of a pre-existing condition which may be accepted if properly evidenced and confirmed by DASS
- The deadline for submitting mitigating circumstances has been missed, without a credible and compelling reason
- The claim relates to an ongoing condition or circumstance previously used to claim mitigation where the Panel, on the earlier occasion, instructed the student that this mitigation could not be used again and may have instructed the student to access support from the Disability Advisory and Support Service
3.6 Progress Committee and Fitness to Practise Committee
The Progress Committee considers the progression of all students. Students that are in danger of not satisfying the BSc Clinical Pharmacy assessment regulations, as detailed in Section 4 of this handbook, may be called up for interview following the January examination period.
The student may choose to be accompanied by a current member of the University, which includes staff, fellow students or a member of the students union. The purpose of the Committee is to provide a fair and transparent mechanism for considering such matters, to provide support and to reach a decision based upon evidence presented to it.
The School of Health Sciences and the Faculty Fitness to Practise Committees consider matters of health and/or conduct for students registered on professional undergraduate programmes (see https://documents.manchester.ac.uk/DocuInfo.aspx?DocID=64361). The purpose of these Committees is to provide a fair and transparent mechanism for considering such matters and to reach a decision based on the evidence presented. The membership of the Committee will be drawn from staff within the Faculty. For each meeting, the Committee will comprise at least three staff (with at least one from the student’s programme or someone with the appropriate relevant professional registration) and an administrator. The Concern Review Panel will consider initial referrals and decide if a formal referral to the School or Faculty Fitness to Practise Committee is required. The Concern Review Panel (CRP) will inform students if any concerns have been raised about them. The CRP may wish to meet with the student to clarify matters before reaching a decision. The School Fitness to Practise Committee considers less serious concerns, while the Faculty Committee considers more serious ones.
Students referred to a Fitness to Practise Meeting will generally be given at least ten working days’ notice of the date and time of any formal meeting. The invitation letter will clearly state the reason(s) for the referral and inform students that they can submit a written statement beforehand. Before the Fitness to Practise meeting, the student will receive a set of papers, including a summary of the case, highlighting any previous relevant matters and any additional documentary evidence. The papers sent to the student will be identical to those sent to the committee members.
3.7 Sharing your information
The University may share appropriate information relating to your health and/or conduct with external organisations such as China Pharmaceutical University, placement and training providers and/or regulator (such as [Note – ideally this should be tailored for each programme handbook, with the name of the relevant regulator included]).
This may occur where concerns in relation to your health and/or conduct arise and the University considers it necessary for them to be disclosed to one or more of the above organisations. The University’s Privacy Notice for Registered Students (which is accessible via this link: www.regulations.manchester.ac.uk/data-collection-notice/) includes further information about how the University may use and process your personal data, including the legal basis and conditions which may be relevant to such processing (see section 6 of the Privacy Notice).
The University will only disclose special category data (such as data relating to your health) to a third party organisation where one of the additional conditions are satisfied (see section 9 of the Privacy Notice), including where processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest.
3.8 Paid or Voluntary Employment
How many hours can I work each week?
It is important that work experience does not affect your academic study. We recommend that you work for no more than 15 hours a week during term-time. The weekend usually provides a good time to undertake work experience that does not affect your coursework.
3.9 Obtaining a Reference
Students will require references when seeking vacation employment and when seeking pre-registration training positions. Students should approach their academic adviser in the first instance to request a reference. Other University staff should only be approached for a reference after approaching their academic adviser (e.g. if a position required two academic referees). Academic advisers are normally very happy to act as referees for students applying for work experience relevant to their future careers and for students seeking appropriate further training.
It is University policy that staff do not provide references unless students have requested that they do. This is because unauthorised third parties (credit-rating agencies etc.) may seek information about students. Students must approach staff before giving their names as referees.
3.10 Professional Behaviour/Fitness to Practise/Standards for Pharmacy Professionals
The Standards for Pharmacy Professionals published by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) applies to pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacy students in Great Britain. These standards apply to you as a student in the BSc in Clinical Pharmacy programme, even though your future professional practice as a pharmacists is in China, where you will also be subject to the standards from professional bodies or other organisations.
You should be aware that the GPhC Standards cover behaviour on the course and in your personal life during your years of study at UoM. Your behaviour on and off the BSc course could have an impact on your fitness to practise as a pharmacist. This means, for example, that you have a duty to report to the University any criminal convictions, cautions or penalty notices for disorder. Criminal offences, particularly those involving dishonesty, or the use of drugs or alcohol, are likely to raise questions about an individual’s fitness to practise as a healthcare professional.
You should note that the Standards cover not just behaviour, but also your own health. This means that you have a duty to seek and follow advice from a suitably qualified professional about your health, and you should not rely on your own or another student’s assessment of the risk posed to patients (in particular, but also staff and fellow students) by your poor health. This is particularly important if you have, or suspect you have, a serious condition that could be passed on, or if you are receiving treatment that could affect your judgement or performance. Students should be willing to seek medical or occupational health advice, or both, and be referred for treatment and to engage in any recommended treatment programmes.
If you have any concerns about the Standards or your fitness to practise you should either discuss this with your academic advisor or access one of the support mechanisms listed in this handbook (see section 5).
The GPhC Standards are reproduced below. They are also available on Blackboard and the General Pharmaceutical Council website:
General Pharmaceutical Council Standards for pharmacy professionals, May 2017
1.‘ Pharmacy professionals’ (pharmacists and pharmacy technicians) play a vital role in delivering care and helping people to maintain and improve their health, safety and wellbeing. The professionalism they demonstrate is central to maintaining trust and confidence in pharmacy.
2. Patients and the public have a right to expect safe and effective care from pharmacy professionals. We believe it is the attitudes and behaviours of pharmacy professionals in their day-to-day work which make the most significant contributions to the quality of care, of which safety is a vital part.
3. The standards for pharmacy professionals describe how safe and effective care
is delivered through ‘person-centred’ professionalism. The standards are a statement of what people expect from pharmacy professionals, and also reflect what pharmacy professionals have told us they expect of themselves and their colleagues.
4. At the heart of the standards is the principle that every person must be treated as an individual. Pharmacy professionals have an important role in involving, supporting and enabling people to make decisions about their health, safety and wellbeing. For example, what is important to one person managing their short or long-term condition may not be important to another.
The standards for pharmacy professionals
5. There are nine standards that every pharmacy professional is accountable
for meeting. The standards apply to all pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. We know that pharmacy professionals practise in a number of sectors and settings and may use different ways to communicate with the people they provide care to. The standards apply whatever their form of practice. And even when pharmacy professionals do not provide care directly to patients and the public, their practice can indirectly have an impact on the safe and effective care that patients and the public receive, and on the confidence of members of the public in pharmacy as a whole.
6. The standards need to be met at all times, not only during working hours. This is because the attitudes and behaviours of professionals outside of work can affect the trust and confidence of patients and the public in pharmacy professionals.
7. The meaning of each of the standards is explained, and there are examples of the types of attitudes and behaviours that pharmacy professionals should demonstrate. The examples may not apply in all situations.
8. The standards include the term ‘person- centred care’ and refer to a ‘person’ throughout. This means ‘the person receiving care’. The term may also apply to carers or patients’ representatives depending on the situation.
The standards and pharmacy students and trainees
9. The standards for pharmacy professionals are relevant to all pharmacy students and trainees while they are on their journey towards registration and practice. The standards explain the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours that will be expected of students and trainees if they apply to join the register.
10. They should be interpreted in the context of education and training and used as a tool to prepare students and trainees for registration as a pharmacy professional.
11. Pharmacy students and trainees should consider the standards as they move closer to registration and professional practice, and should read them alongside other relevant documents that are provided by initial education and training providers.
The standards and registration
12. The standards are designed to reflect what it means to be a pharmacy professional. They are also at the heart of initial education and training, registration and renewal as a pharmacy professional, and continuing fitness to remain registered.
Applying the standards
13. Pharmacy professionals are personally accountable for meeting the standards and must be able to justify the decisions they make.
14. We expect pharmacy professionals to consider these standards, their legal duties and any relevant guidance when making decisions.
15. The standards and supporting explanations do not list the legal duties pharmacy professionals have, as all pharmacy professionals must keep to the relevant laws. Relevant guidance is published by a number of organisations, including professional leadership bodies, other regulators, the NHS, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, as well as by the GPhC.
16. There will be times when pharmacy professionals are faced with conflicting legal and professional responsibilities. Or they may be faced with complex situations that mean they have to balance competing priorities. The standards provide a framework to help them when making professional judgements. Pharmacy professionals must work in partnership with everyone involved, and make sure the person they are providing care to is their first priority.
Standards for pharmacy professionals
All pharmacy professionals contribute to delivering and improving the health, safety and wellbeing of patients and the public. Professionalism and safe and effective practice are central to that role.
Pharmacy professionals must:
1 provide person-centred care
2 work in partnership with others
3 communicate effectively
4 maintain, develop and use their professional knowledge and skills
5 use professional judgement
6 behave in a professional manner
7 respect and maintain the person’s confidentiality and privacy
8 speak up when they have concerns or when things go wrong
9 demonstrate leadership
1 Provide person-centred care
Applying the standard
- Every person is an individual with their own values, needs and concerns. Person-centred care
is delivered when pharmacy professionals understand what is important to the individual and then adapt the care to meet their needs – making the care of the person their first priority. All pharmacy professionals can demonstrate ‘person-centredness’, whether or not they provide care directly, by thinking about the impact their decisions have on people. There are a number of ways to meet this standard, and below are examples of the attitudes and behaviours expected.
People receive safe and effective care when pharmacy professionals:
- obtain consent to provide care and pharmacy services
- involve, support and enable every person when making decisions about their health, care and wellbeing
- listen to the person and understand their needs and what matters to them
- give the person all relevant information in a way they can understand, so they can make informed decisions and choices
- consider the impact of their practice whether or not they provide care directly
- respect and safeguard the person’s dignity
- recognise and value diversity, and respect cultural differences – making sure that every person is treated fairly whatever their values and beliefs
- recognise their own values and beliefs but do not impose them on other people
- take responsibility for ensuring that person-centred care is not compromised because of personal values and beliefs
- make the best use of the resources available
2 Work in partnership with others
Applying the standard
- A person’s health, safety and wellbeing are dependent on pharmacy professionals working in partnership with others, where everyone is contributing towards providing the person with the care they need. This includes the person and will also include other healthcare professionals and teams. It may also include carers, relatives and professionals in other settings – such as social workers and public health officials. There are a number of ways to meet this standard and below are examples of the attitudes and behaviours expected.
People receive safe and effective care when pharmacy professionals:
- work with the person receiving care
- identify and work with the individuals and teams who are involved in the person’s care
- contact, involve and work with the relevant local and national organisations
- demonstrate effective team working
- adapt their communication to bring about effective partnership working
- take action to safeguard people, particularly children and vulnerable adults
- make and use records of the care provided
- work with others to make sure there is continuity of care for the person concerned
3 Communicate effectively
Applying the standard
- Communication can take many forms and happens in different ways. Effective communication is essential to the delivery of person-centred care and to working in partnership with others. It helps people to be involved in decisions about their health, safety and wellbeing. Communication is more than giving a person information, asking questions and listening. It is the exchange of information between people. Body language, tone of voice and the words pharmacy professionals use all contribute to effective communication. There are a number of ways to meet this standard and below are examples of the attitudes and behaviours expected.
People receive safe and effective care when pharmacy professionals:
- adapt their communication to meet the needs of the person they are communicating with
- overcome barriers to communication
- ask questions and listen carefully to the responses, to understand the person’s needs and come to a shared decision about the care they provide
- listen actively and respond to the information they receive in a timely manner
- check the person has understood the information they have been given
- communicate effectively with others involved in the care of the person
4 Maintain, develop and use their professional knowledge and skills
Applying the standard
- People receive safe and effective care when pharmacy professionals reflect on the application of their knowledge and skills and keep them up-to-date, including using evidence in their decision making. A pharmacy professional’s knowledge and skills must develop over the course of their career to reflect the changing nature of healthcare, the population they provide care to and the roles they carry out. There are a number of ways to meet this standard and below are examples of the attitudes and behaviours expected.
People receive safe and effective care when pharmacy professionals:
- recognise and work within the limits of their knowledge and skills, and refer to others when needed
- use their skills and knowledge, including up-to-date evidence, to deliver care and improve the quality of care they provide
- carry out a range of continuing professional development (CPD) activities relevant to their practice
- record their development activities to demonstrate that their knowledge and skills are up to date
- use a variety of methods to regularly monitor and reflect on their practice, skills and knowledge
5 Use professional judgement
Applying the standard
- People expect pharmacy professionals to use their professional judgement so that they deliver safe and effective care. Professional judgement may include balancing the needs of individuals with the needs of society as a whole. It can also include managing complex legal and professional responsibilities and working with the person to understand and decide together what the right thing is for them – particularly if those responsibilities appear to conflict. There are a number of ways to meet this standard and below are examples of the attitudes and behaviours expected.
People receive safe and effective care when pharmacy professionals:
- make the care of the person their first concern and act in their best interests
- use their judgement to make clinical and professional decisions with the person or others
- have the information they need to provide appropriate care
- declare any personal or professional interests and manage these professionally
- practise only when t to do so
- recognise the limits of their competence
- consider and manage appropriately any personal or organisational goals, incentives or targets and make sure the care they provide reflects the needs of the person
6 Behave in a professional manner
Applying the standard
- People expect pharmacy professionals to behave professionally. This is essential to maintaining trust and confidence in pharmacy. Behaving professionally is not limited to the working day, or face-to-face interactions. The privilege of being a pharmacist or pharmacy technician, and the importance of maintaining confidence in the professions, call for appropriate behaviour at all times. There are a number of ways to meet this standard and below are examples of the attitudes and behaviours expected.
People receive safe and effective care when pharmacy professionals:
- are polite and considerate
- are trustworthy and act with honesty and integrity
- show empathy and compassion
- treat people with respect and safeguard their dignity
- maintain appropriate personal and professional boundaries with the people they provide care to and with others
7 Respect and maintain the person’s confidentiality and privacy
Applying the standard
- People trust that their confidentiality and privacy will be maintained by pharmacy professionals, whether in a healthcare setting – such as a hospital, primary care or community pharmacy setting – in person, or online. Maintaining confidentiality is a vital part of the relationship between a pharmacy professional and the person seeking care. People may be reluctant to ask for care if they believe their information may not be kept confidential. The principles of confidentiality still apply after a person’s death. There are a number of ways to meet this standard and below are examples of the attitudes and behaviours expected.
People receive safe and effective care when pharmacy professionals:
- understand the importance of managing information responsibly and securely, and apply this to their practice
- reflect on their environment and take steps to maintain the person’s privacy and confidentiality
- do not discuss information that can identify the person when the discussions can be overheard or seen by others not involved in their care
- ensure that everyone in the team understands the need to maintain a person’s privacy and confidentiality
- work in partnership with the person when considering whether to share their information, except where this would not be appropriate
8 Speak up when they have concerns or when things go wrong
Applying the standard
- The quality of care that people receive is improved when pharmacy professionals learn from feedback and incidents, and challenge poor practice and behaviours. This includes speaking up when they have concerns. At the heart of this standard is the requirement to be candid with the person concerned and with colleagues and employers. This is usually called the ‘duty of candour’ – which means being honest when things go wrong. There are a number of ways to meet this standard and below are examples of the attitudes and behaviours expected.
People receive safe and effective care when pharmacy professionals:
- promote and encourage a culture of learning and improvement
- challenge poor practice and behaviours
- raise a concern, even when it is not easy to do so
- promptly tell their employer and all relevant authorities (including the GPhC) about concerns they may have
- support people who raise concerns and provide feedback
- are open and honest when things go wrong
- say sorry, provide an explanation and put things right when things go wrong
- reflect on feedback or concerns, taking action as appropriate and thinking about what can be done to prevent the same thing happening again
- improve the quality of care and pharmacy practice by learning from feedback and when things go wrong
9 Demonstrate leadership
Applying the standard
- Every pharmacy professional can demonstrate leadership, whatever their role. Leadership includes taking responsibility for their actions and leading by example. Wherever a pharmacy professional practises, they must provide leadership to the people they work with and to others. There are
a number of ways to meet this standard and below are some examples of the attitudes and behaviours expected.
People receive safe and effective care when pharmacy professionals:
- take responsibility for their practice and demonstrate leadership to the people they work with
- assess the risks in the care they provide and do everything they can to keep these risks as low as possible
- contribute to the education, training and development of the team or of others
- delegate tasks only to people who are competent and appropriately trained or are in training, and exercise proper oversight
- do not abuse their position or set out to influence others to abuse theirs
- lead by example, in particular to those who are working towards registration as a pharmacy professional
Useful contacts and further reading
General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC)
General Pharmaceutical Council
25 Canada Square
E14 5LQ
0203 713 8000
British Pharmaceutical Students’ Association (BPSA), http://www.bpsa.co.uk/
Council of University Heads of Pharmacy (CUHOP), http://www.cuhop.ac.uk/
MPharm Student Code of Conduct: a Literature Review (Schafheutle et al on behalf of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 2009)
Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIAHE), http://www.oiahe.org.uk/ (Higher Education complaints in England and Wales)
Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (PSNI), http://www.psni.org.uk/
Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPharmS) http://www.rpharms.com
Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, http://www.spso.org.uk/ (Higher Education complaints in Scotland)
Standards of conduct, ethics and performance (General Pharmaceutical Council, 2010)
Student Fitness to Practise Procedures in Schools of Pharmacy (General Pharmaceutical Council, 2010)
Further information on fitness to practise can be found:
David T, Schafheutle E, Hall J. What ‘fitness to practise’ means for schools and students’ behaviour? Pharmaceutical Journal 2009; 282: 623-624
3.11 Pharmacy Education Standards
As part of the education standards for registration as a pharmacist, the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has identified outcomes that all pharmacy graduates must achieve. The BSc Clinical Pharmacy programme is based on the Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) programme, which assesses these outcomes throughout. The BSc programme assesses these same outcomes but with modifications to account for the two-year period of study here at UoM (compared to four years of study on the MPharm) and differences in pharmacy practice between the UK and China.
The GPhC outcomes are assessed at four increasingly challenging competence levels, starting at “knows”, where students must demonstrate their underpinning knowledge. They then progress through “knows how” and “shows how” to “does”, where students need to demonstrate they can perform a skill in practice repeatedly.
The list of GPhC outcomes for their most recent 2021 standards for the initial education and training of pharmacists can be found via the following link: https://www.pharmacyregulation.org/initial-training
3.12 Social Networking
Guidance on social media for students can be found via the following link, and is reproduced below: https://documents.manchester.ac.uk/DocuInfo.aspx?DocID=63640.
This section provides information about the benefits and potential dangers of social networking, suggesting ways in which your own personal and professional interests, and those of others, can be protected while in the online environment.
3.13.1. What do we mean by social media?
The term social media refers to computer-based technology and online platforms that encourage interaction and exchange of user-generated content; allowing people to share information, posts, opinions, knowledge and interests through the building of virtual networks and communities. Social media outlets differ from traditional media such as print, magazines and newspapers, TV and radio broadcasting in a variety of ways, including quality, reach, frequency, usability, usability, immediacy, and permanence.
3.13.2. Using social media safely and effectively
The use of social media will no doubt play a vital part of your time at UoM. Social networking is a popular online activity; millions of people of all ages and backgrounds use social networking sites every day. If used effectively, the way you conduct yourself online can enhance your learning experiences and expand your professional networks and collaboration opportunities, potentially making you more employable when you graduate. Online social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube, Wikipedia, Instagram and Snapchat can be used to:
- keep in touch with friends, both in words and through sharing music, video and other types of files;
- forge new relationships based on common interests;
- make your views and opinions known by publicly commenting in blogs, posting in discussion forums blogs or instant messaging on virtually any subject.
There is also growing evidence that social media can be used effectively for educational and professional benefit, for example through sharing of information about the latest developments in treatments and practice, problem-solving, encouraging participation and community building (Irvine-Bell et al, 2020).
We want to ensure that all of our students can use this outlet, while also maintaining the standards set by relevant professional bodies and UoM. If you wish to engage with the faculty and our partners via social media, then you can find the relevant links here: https://www.bmh.manchester.ac.uk/connect/social/
On the other hand, if you use social media poorly, it could have a negative impact on your own wellbeing. Some people often interact with social networking sites over long periods of time and occasionally, excessive activity of this nature may have detrimental effects on your work or study. Furthermore, you could damage your reputation and potentially harm others or the reputation of UoM as well as leaving yourself open to formal disciplinary and even legal proceedings. Therefore, it is important that you are aware of these risks and adhere to this guidance both on and off the University campus at all times. The aim of this guidance is not intended to limit freedom of speech within the law or academic freedom, but it is important to remember that online communications are often instantaneous and far-reaching.
Anyone can visit social networking sites and gain access to the information that is uploaded to them. These people include:
- your intended audience, such as your friends, colleagues and others, to share information and to keep in touch;
- potential employers, who are, increasingly using social networking sites to gather information about people who have applied for positions within their organisations;
- criminals, including sexual predators who could use information about you to compromise your safety or wellbeing, and fraudsters, who could steal information about you and impersonate you online, to your potential cost;
- the police, as part of investigations into illegal activities;
- professional healthcare bodies such as the General Dental Council, General Medical Council, General Pharmaceutical Council, General Social Care Council, Health Professions Council, and Nursing & Midwifery Council, who may access information directly or be asked to investigate material referred on to them by other people;
- patients, clients and other service users, who may be looking for healthcare information in general, or for your views and comments in particular. Your professional relationship with your patients, and your career, could be compromised at any time through one indiscriminate posting of details about patients or inappropriate information about yourself.
Social networking activities can promote a sense of anonymity because you do not always see, hear or know the person with whom you are communicating. Comments posted, liked or re-tweeted online can also be misunderstood. Furthermore, you cannot expect that your posts will stay private (even when posted in closed groups) and may remain permanent. Once something is published online it is difficult to remove, delete or control how widely used your publication or material will be shared through other forms of social media (even without your knowledge or consent) and may have serious unexpected and long-term consequences.
As someone registered on a programme within FBMH at UoM, the behaviour expected from you applies both in and out of professional settings and this includes your activity online. Violations on social media are viewed as equal to anything published in print or said in person. In this respect, netiquette plays an important role. Netiquette is a term used to define the correct or acceptable way of using the internet and relates to a code of good, lawful behaviour which seeks to maintain a culture of mutual respect and consideration. This features in aspects such as email, social media platforms, online chat, web forums, website comments and other types of online communication. In summary, good netiquette benefits both you and others using online platforms and social media.
Communicating appropriately
Consider the language and terminology that you use whenever you are online and make sure that it is appropriate. It is important to remember that comments may both be taken out of context, or your post may be viewed by more people than anticipated. Do not post, like or endorse, re-post or retweet material or messages that could be considered offensive, defamatory or derogatory or cause anyone to feel harassed, bullied or discriminated against.
Furthermore, giving constructive feedback is an essential skill that will required during both your academic journey, and future employment. During your time at UoM providing feedback can take many forms. This might include unit evaluations, online feedback platforms, consultative committees, 360-degree evaluations, or face to face feedback to peers.
You will need to ensure that any feedback is delivered in a professional, courteous, and respectful manner. It is important that feedback is not personal and adheres to our dignity policies. We have a zero-tolerance approach to abuse.
Reasonable precautions
You must take reasonable precautions to ensure that the information you upload cannot be used in a way which could place yourself or others, at a disadvantage (either personally or professionally) now or at any time in the future. It is imperative that if you post anything about somebody else, including any images of them, it is done with their knowledge and consent. It might seem inoffensive to post images of friends, relatives, staff or other colleagues, but it might easily cause offence that you had not intended or could not have foreseen. If you feel that a post, a picture, or a video that you are about to upload might have repercussions for you later or might not be in good taste, for example, it relates to sexual activity or inappropriate behaviour, or it expresses inappropriate views, then simply do not post it. Once it is online it is there for good. Make sure you are thinking clearly before you go online. If for any reason, for example, the effects of medication, stress or inebriation your judgement might temporarily be impaired, you may be tempted to post something that you otherwise would not. Also, try to make sure that the people to whom you give access to your information use it sensibly, and also that they themselves do not upload potentially incriminating material about you, which can be just as damaging.
Demonstrating professional integrity
Ensure that the public can maintain their trust in healthcare professionals by thinking before you post, like/endorse or re-tweet anything on social media. Even a personal account with private settings may be viewed by colleagues, patients and your future employer. Assume that every post you make can be viewed by everyone. Furthermore, the internet environment is not a suitable place to voice a concern or complaint related to your studies. In this instance you should follow the appropriate reporting processes within your School, FBMH or UoM. If you wouldn’t walk down the street wearing a t-shirt stating what you’ve posted on social media, you probably shouldn’t post it!
Respecting privacy and confidentiality
You must ensure that you respect all those you come in contact with, taking care not to share personal or confidential information about yourself or others, including your peer learners and University Staff or photos of healthcare areas, without prior consent. Become familiar with UoM Data Protection Policy (https://documents.manchester.ac.uk/display.aspx?DocID=14914) and UK Data Protection law outlined in the Data Protection Act 2018 (https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2018/12/contents/enacted). Remember to maintain appropriate boundaries and be careful not to blur personal and professional boundaries including when issuing advice or accepting contact online.
Intellectual property
Always check with your academic advisor/supervisor and/or programme team if you need permission to reproduce, publish or share information including photographs, lecture notes, presentations, slides or your academic work. Remember to check the terms and conditions of the social media platform you are using to ensure sure you are clear how your information is going to be used once uploaded.
Your digital footprint
Even stringent privacy settings are subject to update and change, so it is important to remember posts may stay in the public domain for longer and spread more widely than anticipated. Do everything that you can to limit access to your posts to those for whom they are intended. Change security settings if possible, to restrict unwanted access. Your use of social media and browser trends can also be tracked by the different platforms, which could be used too in certain circumstances such as judicial or police matters. Understanding your digital footprint, meaning traceable digital activities that are left whenever you use networked technologies (such as a smartphone, computer or tablet), including your communications, personal and financial information and location is vital. It is a term used to describe the entirety of information that you post on digital services, including shopping networks, photos and status updates and can have a potential impact on your personal and professional reputation. Criminals can also use this publicly available information to use and steal your identity or use it to make phishing messages appear more convincing.
Therefore, you should always:
- familiarise yourself with the platform and rules of engagement before joining;
- consider carefully who has access to the online information (for example, what is private and what is openly available? Who is your audience?) before you post online yourself or like or endorse and re-tweet the posts of others;
- consider what information is necessary and what detail is unnecessary but could be useful for criminals;
- maintain an idea about what your friends, colleagues or other contacts say about you online;
- consider the regularity of your activities, for example, how often are you sharing on social media? How is this affecting your wellbeing?
Acting responsibly on social media
Remember that the professional behaviour expected from you at UoM applies both online and offline and violations on social media or online environments are equal to anything published in print or said in person. Whilst social media is an excellent platform for you to network, communicate and share ideas with others, maintaining a respectful approach when using it is vital. As a student at UoM, it is important for you to recognise that you are personally responsible for what you publish. You have agreed to abide by our laws and act in accordance with our policies, which include treating all staff, fellow students and associated education providers with mutual dignity and respect. In addition, as you are undertaking a programme that leads to professional registration, the standards of behaviour set by your designated professional body expect you to uphold the reputation of that chosen profession. Any breach of these standards could negatively impact on your own future career progression. Therefore, you should avoid joining any groups that could be seen as discriminatory or judgemental in nature.
Maintain your cyber security
Cyber Aware is the UK Government’s advice on how to stay secure online and improve your online security. It is important to protect your devices and accounts from cyber-attack on your IT devices, social media, bank accounts, financial details etc. Hackers often target their intended victims using email and website scams, malware – software that can damage your device or let a hacker in. If hackers get into your device or accounts, they could access your personal information or your finances. Further Government information from the UK National Cyber Security Centre can be found here: https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/cyberaware/home
Our recommendations include:
- creating strong passwords using three random words;
- using a strong and separate password for your email;
- saving your passwords in your browser (only on private computers);
- turning on two-factor authentication (2FA);
- updating your devices;
- backing up your data;
- avoid posting personal information such as phone numbers or personal addresses, of you or anybody else, since these may fall into the hands of criminals. Ensure that you protect your personal information and that of others that could be misused (e.g., home address, telephone number, date of birth);
- click links with caution. Social media accounts are regularly hacked. Look out for language or content that does not sound like something your friend would post;
- be careful about what you share. Do not reveal sensitive personal information, for example, your home address, financial information, phone number. The more you post the easier it is to have your identity stolen. Check your online privacy settings using the UK Safer Internet Centre social media checklist: https://saferinternet.org.uk/guide-and-resource/social-media-checklists
- protect your computer by installing antivirus software to safeguard. Also ensure that your browser, operating system, and software are kept up to date;
- remember to log off when you are finished.
Fraud, copyright and libel issues.
What you share online can cause issues with copyright and fraud. These difficulties are more common when photographs of personal information, such as assignment or student ID are shared with third parties. Please make sure your personal details are not included and check the copyright guidance on the use of any materials before you use or reproduce them. On social platforms, including YouTube, please also remember that you must seek prior written permission from your programme director before publishing material that uses UoM logo and branding. This includes imagery where students are shown wearing UoM issued uniforms (such as scrubs or I.D badges). To do so without this advance permission is in breach of the University’s legal rights and, in addition to being unlawful, could also result in the potentially false impression of advocacy and endorsement of the content by the University.
Whilst social media has many benefits, it is an unregulated space where online harassment and abuse is widespread. To ensure you maintain a positive relationship with social media, it is best to regulate your use of it. Do not say or write anything that could have a negative impact on the reputation of anyone or any company. Any statement which could have a negative impact on a person (or business) reputation could lead to accusations of libel/defamation and lawsuits.
3.12.1. Professional body guidance for the use of social media
All regulatory bodies provide specific social media guidance and highlight the potential consequences of social networking activity for healthcare students. For those who are studying Pharmacy: https://www.pharmacyregulation.org/sites/default/files/document/demonstrating-professionalism-online-february-2020.pdf
3.12.2. University of Manchester IT regulations and Acceptable use Policy
You can read more about our University guidance on social media here: http://www.regulations.manchester.ac.uk/non-academic/guidance-on-social-media-for-students/
Students accessing social media using the University of Manchester’s IT facilities must also abide by IT Regulations and Acceptable Use Policy https://documents.manchester.ac.uk/display.aspx?DocID=16220
3.12.3 NHS Trust and partner organisation policies
Please also be aware that each of our NHS Trust or Partner Organisations may have their own specific guidance in relation to using social media – so take note of this important information and ensure that you abide by local policy and guidance during your clinical placements. Should you have any concerns about any aspect of the social media guidance provided above you are advised to speak to your academic adviser/supervisor.
3.13 Conduct and Discipline of Students
General University information on the conduct and discipline of students can be found at https://documents.manchester.ac.uk/display.aspx?DocID=63640
Faculty policies for students on Professionalism can be found at: documents.manchester.ac.uk/display.aspx?DocID=63640
The University Library has produced online resources to help students in avoiding plagiarism and academic malpractice at:https://www.library.manchester.ac.uk/using-the-library/students/training-and-skills-support/my-learning-essentials/online-resources
Information on Academic Malpractice and how to avoid it can be found at http://www.regulations.manchester.ac.uk/guidance-to-students-on-plagiarism-and-other-forms-of-academic-malpractice/
In accordance with the Policy on Submission of Work for Summative Assessment on Taught Programmes, ‘All typed summative assessment, including dissertations, should be submitted online and subjected to plagiarism detection software, where appropriate’.
The Faculty policy for students on drugs and alcohol can be found at: http://documents.manchester.ac.uk/display.aspx?DocID=29039
3.14 Student Complaints Procedure
The University’s Student Complaints Procedure (Regulation XVIII) and associated documents, including a complaints form, can be found at www.regulations.manchester.ac.uk/academic
The University has separate procedures to address complaints of bullying, harassment, discrimination and/or victimisation – see https://www.reportandsupport.manchester.ac.uk/
If you are thinking of submitting a formal complaint should, in most instances, attempt informal resolution first (see the procedure). Formal complaints should be submitted on the relevant form to Faculty Appeals and Complaints Team electronically by e-mail: FBMHappealsandcomplaints@manchester.ac.uk
3.15 Reporting bullying, harassment, discrimination
The University believes that bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, and discrimination are never ok. All staff, students, and visitors to our campus can report something anonymously or get support from an advisor. Full details can be found at: https://www.reportandsupport.manchester.ac.uk/
3.16 Academic Appeals
For the most up to date information regarding appeals, students should refer to the University’s general support pages, since the pages are updated to reflect changes in policy and guidelines.
You have a right of appeal against a final decision of an Examination Board, or a progress committee, or a graduate committee or equivalent body which affects their academic status or progress in the University.
If you are thinking of appealing should first discuss the matter informally with an appropriate member of staff, in order to better understand the reason for the result or decision and to determine whether the matter can be resolved informally by the School prior to making a formal appeal.
Should you wish to proceed to a formal appeal, this must be submitted within the timeframe outlined in the Academic Appeals Procedure to the Faculty Appeals and Complaints Team electronically by email: FBMHappealsandcomplaints@manchester.ac.uk.
The Academic Appeals Procedure (Regulation XIX) and associated documents, including the form on which formal appeals should be submitted, can be found at www.regulations.manchester.ac.uk/academic
3.17 Academic Malpractice
Academic malpractice is a form of cheating and can be defined as any activity that is likely to undermine the integrity essential to scholarship and research.
Types of academic malpractice include:
- Plagiarism: the presentation, intentionally or unwittingly, of the ideas, work or words of other people without proper, clear and unambiguous acknowledgement. It includes the copying of the work of any other person, including another student. Plagiarism may include the close paraphrasing, or minimal adaption of another person’s words, illustrations, computer code, graph, diagrams etc. Sources can be any available material, such as websites, articles, books and lecture slides.
- Self-plagiarism: the submission, in whole or in part, of a student’s own work, where that work has been submitted for a different assessment, either at the University or at a different institution. Students who use a previous piece of work or publication in a future piece of work should ensure that they properly reference themselves and the extent of such use should not be excessive.
- Collusion: when a student or students permit or condone another student or students, to share a piece of work subject to assessment in order to gain a mark or grade to which they are not entitled. Students who allow another student to copy their work are also committing collusion and both the copier and the provider of the work are liable to be penalised.
- Fabrication or falsification of results, figures or data: the presentation or inclusion in a piece of work, by individual students or groups of students, of figures or any data (quantitative or qualitative) which have been made up or altered and which have no basis in verifiable sources; this may or may not involve other instances of academic malpractice.
- Possession of unauthorised material in an examination: when a student intentionally or unwittingly possesses unauthorised material in an examination. The material need not be used during the examination or pertinent to an examination for this definition to be met.
- Contract cheating: the commissioning of a piece of work by a third party, beyond basic proofreading (https://www.staffnet.manchester.ac.uk/tlso/policy-guidance/teaching-and-learning/learning/proofreading/). This may be where a student engages an essay mill to request that the essay mill produces a piece of assessed work for the student. This may also include the use of crowdsourcing, where a student obtains content from, or allows editing by, others and fails to acknowledge the contribution.
The Academic Malpractice Panel will follow the University of Manchester’s ‘Academic Malpractice: Procedure for the Handling of Cases’, which can be found here.
Information on Academic Malpractice and how to avoid it can be found at http://www.regulations.manchester.ac.uk/guidance-to-students-on-plagiarism-and-other-forms-of-academic-malpractice/
The University uses electronic systems for the purposes of detecting plagiarism and other forms of academic malpractice and for marking. Such systems include TurnitinUK, the plagiarism detection service used by the University.
As part of the formative and/or summative assessment process, you may be asked to submit electronic versions of your work to TurnitinUK and/or other electronic systems used by the University (this requirement may be in addition to a requirement to submit a paper copy of your work). If you are asked to do this, you must do so within the required timescales.
The Division also reserves the right to submit work handed in by you for formative or summative assessment to TurnitinUK and/or other electronic systems used by the University.
Please note that when work is submitted to the relevant electronic systems, it may be copied and then stored in a database to allow appropriate checks to be made.
Artificial Intelligence
The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) We urge students to be cautious when using a chatbot or AI tool within their learning. Chatbots and AI tools can be useful, but there are a number of risks associated with using them. Please ensure that you are aware of what is permissible use of AI for each assignment. You can utilise AI to generate ideas, key themes, and plan your assessment but not to write your assessment. Do not use AI to generate text, or partial text for use in your assessment unless the assignment brief explicitly states that this is permitted, otherwise use will be deemed academic malpractice. This is academic malpractice because the words and ideas generated are not your own and not an accurate reflection of your learning. Further to this, the words and ideas generated by the chatbot or AI tool may make use of other, human authors’ ideas without referencing them, which is plagiarism. Where a chatbot or other form of AI has been used, make sure you acknowledge that use. Information on how to cite can be found here: https://manchester-uk.libanswers.com/teaching-and-learning/faq/264824 Some units, for example those on AI and technology, permit the use of AI. However, they require you to sign a code of conduct which must be adhered to. Make sure you understand and follow these codes. If you are unclear on what is permissible, speak to the unit lead.
3.18 University Charter
Student Charter
One of the University’s three core goals is “To provide a superb higher education and learning experience to outstanding students, irrespective of their backgrounds, and to produce graduates distinguished by their intellectual capabilities, employability, leadership qualities, and their ability and ambition to contribute to society” (from the University of Manchester Strategic Vision 2020). Our Student Charter, developed jointly by the University and the Students’ Union, is an important part of how we establish and maintain clear mutual expectations for the experience of all undergraduate and taught postgraduates. It sets out what we can expect from each other as partners in a learning community.
The Charter provides an overview of the Manchester experience and refers to regulations, policies and procedures; it is not a detailed personal agreement or contract.
The content and implementation of the Charter are reviewed annually. If you would like to make any comments or suggestions on the Charter then please e-mail: studentcharter@manchester.ac.uk.
Full details can be found at the following link:
3.19 Tier 4 Visa Students
As a part of your visa requirement, your attendance needs to be monitored with regular in-person check ins on campus. You will need to attend the SHS Hub (Ground Floor, Jean McFarland building) twice a week on your assigned days to scan your student ID card.
The University of Manchester Undergraduate Taught Degree Regulations (October 2020) will apply to years 3 and 4 of the BSc Clinical Pharmacy unless otherwise stated. Examples of deviations from University Regulations include compensation, carry forward of fails, resit rules and units considered ‘special regulation’. A summary of the regulations that apply are as follows:
4.1. Basic Principles
The basic principles agreed for the degree structure are as follows:
(1) Bachelor’s Honours degree and Ordinary Bachelors degree programmes last for three years and entail an accumulation of 360 and 300 credits, respectively.
(2) A normal workload in one year for a full-time student involves completing course units totalling 120 credits, usually distributed equally as 60 credits per semester (though students may take units in any given semester amounting to 70 credits).
(3) Candidates are required to have attended satisfactorily in each of the two years (years 3 and 4 of the Dual-degree) a programme of approved course units including lectures, tutorials, workshops, and laboratory classes selected in consultation with the Programme Director of the BSc Clinical Pharmacy.
(4) Candidates must present themselves for assessment, which may, if required by the Examiners, include a practical and/or oral examination, as follows:
- During the third year of the BSc Clinical Pharmacy, examinations in the course units studied in Semesters 1 & 2
- During the fourth year of the BSc Clinical Pharmacy, examinations in the course units studied in Semesters 1 & 2.
4.2. Award Framework
- Award of the Diploma of Higher Education requires 240 credits (with 120 credits via AP(E)L from Dual-degree Programme Years 1-2 (CPU) plus 120 credits from UoM during Year 3), with at least 90 credits at FHEQ level 5 (Dual-degree Programme Year 3) or above.
- Award of the Ordinary Degree of Bachelor for a programme of standard length (three years full-time study or its part-time equivalent) requires 300 credits, with at least 60 credits at FHEQ level 6 (Dual-degree Programme Year 4) or above.
- Award of the Degree of Bachelor with honours for a programme of standard length (three years full-time study or its part-time equivalent) requires 360 credits, with at least 90 credits at FHEQ level 6 (Dual-degree Programme Year 4) or above.
- For further information concerning the award of the CPU BSc degree, please see the relevant CPU regulations.
4.3. Assessment and progression at the University of Manchester
4.3.1. Transition rules for students from CPU to UoM (BSc Clinical Pharmacy Dual-degree Programme Year 2 to Year 3)
According to the agreement signed by CPU and UoM (Entry Requirements), students entering the BSc Clinical Pharmacy Dual Degree Programme must meet the requirements below:
Entry Requirements for University of Manchester (Dual-degree programme Year 3)
Students entering the Dual Degree BSc Clinical Pharmacy Programme must meet the requirements below:
(1) Obtain qualifying scores for entry into CPU on the national or provincial college entrance exam of the People’s Republic of China.
(2) Before entering UoM for study in Year 3 of the dual-degree programme:
- Students must complete the first two years of the jointly recognised curriculum at CPU (all courses must be completed with a passing grade of 60%).
- Students must submit certificates of proficiency in English: certificates of IELTS or other equivalent English language tests. Students must achieve an overall IELTS score of 6.5 or above with a minimum score in each of the sub-tests of 6.0.
4.3.2. Accreditation of Prior and Experiential Learning – AP(E)L
Following the successful completion of Years 1 and 2 of this Dual-degree programme at CPU, this will be considered equivalent by the University of Manchester toward 120 credits, which can be considered for AP(E)L for the University of Manchester BSc degree. These AP(E)L credits may then be used in contribution to the University of Manchester BSc Clinical Pharmacy award (360 credits total, of which UoM awards at least 240 credits). Students may also receive a Diploma of Higher Education award (240 credits) if they exit the programme following Year 3, provided they have been awarded at least 120 credits from UoM. A maximum time limit of 5 years should apply between the BSc in Clinical Pharmacy award and consideration of AP(E)L.
4.4 Compensation for Failure at the University of Manchester
The pass mark for assessments in the BSc Clinical Pharmacy is 40% unless otherwise stated for individual units or assessments. Compensation can be applied to units or credit bearing components other than e-Portfolio assessments, which are assessed as pass/fail, provided the following criteria have been met.
Year 3 of the Dual-degree
The lowest compensatable mark is 30% in year 3 of the Dual-degree Programme at UoM. A maximum of 40 credits can be compensated if scores for credit-bearing components fall between 30-39% other than e-Portfolio assessments (which are assessed as pass/fail). As this programme consists of 2 x 60 credit units, the credit rating of the individual components will be used to determine eligibility for compensation. Compensated units/assessments will keep the original mark, which is used in the weighted average of the final classification /award calculation.
Special compensation
No resit assessments are normally allowed in year 4 of the BSc Clinical Pharmacy Dual-degree programme held at UoM, with the exception of e-Portfolio assessments, which are considered as pass/fail. Instead, ‘special compensation’ may be applied whereby the following considerations may be made for degree classifications:
- When considering classifications for classes 1st, 2:1 or 2:2, an Examination Board may award special compensation* for up to 40 credits at level 6 of a Bachelors degree programme for any failed unit, providing they meet the following criteria:
- Has passed at least 80 credits at the level of the award.
- When considering classifications for classes 1st, 2:1 or 2:2, an Examination Board may award special compensation for up to 60 credits at level 6 of a Bachelors degree programme or across levels 6 or 7 of an Integrated Masters, for any failed unit, providing they meet the following criteria:
- Has passed at least 60 credits at the level of the award. However, there is a penalty applied due to the failure of more than 40 and up to 60 credits and the student will have the classification reduced to the classification below that which would have been awarded on the basis of the weighted average for the programme.
- When considering classifications for a third-class degree, an Examination Board may award special compensation for up to 60 credits at level 6 of a Bachelors degree programme for any failed unit, providing they meet the following criteria:
- Has passed at least 60 credits at the level of the award.
Where special compensation is given, this is for credit only and the original unit marks are recorded and used to calculate the degree classification. If ‘special compensation’ is applied, the original marks obtained in the first attempt will be used for the degree classification.
Ordinary Degrees can be awarded at the end of the programme of study where a student has obtained 300 credits, 60 of which must be at the level of the qualification (FHEQ level 6). Special compensation does not apply to Ordinary degrees. Students on BSc Clinical Pharmacy programme have 120 credits from years 1 and 2 at China Pharmaceutical University which count towards the UoM degree.
4.5. Resit Regulations at The University of Manchester
The pass mark for assessments in the BSc Clinical Pharmacy is 40% unless otherwise stated for individual units.
Resits are not an automatic right. Examination Boards have the right to refuse an individual student a resit opportunity if there is documented evidence that work and/or attendance have been unsatisfactory and if the student has received a formal warning and has not shown significant improvement. An Examination Board may allow a student one attempt per unit at the referred (resit) assessment (two attempts in total). This principle does not apply to attempts with approved and verified mitigating circumstances. Additional attempts at assessment due to mitigating circumstances, known as ‘Deferrals’, are considered a first attempt and no cap is applied.
Resit assessments are capped at the lowest compensable pass mark (usually 30%) unless the first attempt mark was between 30-39%, in which case the original mark is taken forward (if the resit assessment is passed).
Students must pass at least 40 credits on the first attempt in Year 3 of the Dual-degree Programme at UoM, including any compulsory units as specified by the Division of Pharmacy and Optometry, to be eligible for resit attempts. As this programme consists of 2 x 60 credit units, the credit rating of the individual components will be used to determine eligibility for resits. Where a student has failed more than the required credits on the first attempt or fails to meet progression requirements after compensation or reassessment, the Examination Board has the following options:
- Exit the candidate from the degree programme.
- Allow the opportunity for the student to apply to re-take the academic level (year)*
*Examination Boards are permitted to decide on academic grounds when deciding whether or not a student is academically suitable to repeat the entire level of study. The outcome of this decision is also subject to insufficient teaching capacity.
The Examination Board will not permit students to carry any credits from year 3 to year 4 of the dual-degree programme due to the added burden this places upon students and staff.
Students who cannot attempt one or more examinations because of illness or other good cause may be provided a later opportunity to sit the examinations as a first attempt, provided that strong third-party supporting evidence has been submitted (see section 3.5 on Mitigating Circumstances). This will normally be at the next scheduled sitting of the exam. Students who fail at a delayed first attempt may be provided with a resit opportunity at the discretion of the Board of Examiners.
Compensation can be applied to resit examinations in year 3 provided students meet the requirements for compensation described in Section 4.4 (other than e-Portfolio assessments which are assessed as pass/fail).
A student in year 3 of the BSc dual degree programme who fails a course unit examination in January and is permitted a resit will have to do it the following August when the resit of the second semester is also held. The marks obtained initially will be used to calculate the overall mean for the year.
Resits are not permitted in Year 4 of the Dual-Degree Programme at UoM except for failed e-Porfolio assessments (classed as Pass/Fail).
4.6. Carry Forward Marks and Degree Classification
The UoM Bachelor’s degree classification will be decided using weighted Years average based on the following contributions (carry forward):
- 120 credits via AP(E)L for Dual Degree BSc Clinical Pharmacy Years 1+2 (based at CPU). This is for credit only; the marks obtained do not count towards the UoM BSc degree classification.
- 33% for the Dual Degree BSc Clinical Pharmacy Year 3 and
- 67% for the Dual Degree BSc Clinical Pharmacy Year 4.
Marks for individual course units that are carried forward will be the marks gained at the first attempt (carry forward marks from resit assessments will be capped at 30% unless first attempt marks were in the compensation zone).
The normal honours classification thresholds and boundary zones will apply in the determination of the degree awarded, i.e.,
Threshold | Classification | Boundary Zone |
70% | 1st Class Honours | 68.0 – 69.9 |
60% | 2:1 Honours | 58.0 – 59.9 |
50% | 2:2 Honours | 48.0 – 49.9 |
40% | 3rd Class Honours | 37.0 – 39.9 |
After allowances have been made for mitigating circumstances, a student whose weighted average at the first assessment is within the boundary zone specified above must be considered for the higher award as long as the following are satisfied.
Consideration of bachelor degree students within the boundary zone by mark distribution: a student with an overall mark which is within 2% below of the 2:2, 2:1 and 1st classification boundaries (i.e. 48.0 to 49.9, 58.0 to 59.9 and 68.0 to 69.9) will be considered for promotion to the upper classification. To be promoted to the upper classification, at least 80 credits in the final year must be in the upper classification.
Exit Awards
A third-year BSc Clinical Pharmacy student who fails after reassessment to achieve 120 credits and pass all compulsory professional components at UoM will be unable to progress to the fourth year of the BSc programme and will be excluded.
A fourth-year BSc Clinical Pharmacy student who fails to achieve the required credits to obtain a degree classification according to section 4.4 above will be awarded an appropriate exit award. Exit awards will be considered in line with University Undergraduate Degree Regulations (Sept 2012): https://www.staffnet.manchester.ac.uk/tlso/policy-guidance/degree-regulations/
4.7 Use of Calculators in Examinations
Examinations may require students to perform simple calculations for which normal practice would be to use a calculator. It is necessary to ensure that students do not bring into the examination room any device that would enable them to obtain an unfair advantage.
The following rules are designed to regulate the type of calculator that may be used and to do so in a way that is enforceable in practice by invigilators.
Assessments that require complicated calculations may well be better conducted by means other than formal examinations.
Guidance can be found at the following link:
4.8 Timing of Examinations
Examinations usually take place in January and May/June. Resit examinations take place in August (see Key Dates Section).
4.9 Writing up Practical Reports
It is vital that you learn to present your practical reports in a logical and comprehensive fashion. The official record of your experimental work is your laboratory notebook. It must be complete and dated. Similarly, if you work in a hospital or community pharmacy you need to keep your paperwork up to date and in one place and you must never use information which could identify a patient, such as name, hospital or NHS number, or date of birth. Bits of paper and odd notes are not acceptable. In this series of practical classes you must therefore:
- Include all your rough notes in your report. Make sure that your name is written clearly on the cover. Index and number the pages
- Write the name of the experiment and the date on a new page at the beginning of the class. Write all your rough notes (observations, results, and rough graphs) here.
- Think about what you are doing. If a result seems unreasonable (for example, if you have four points on a straight line and one a long way off) repeat that point. Write all results (good and bad) in your notebook.
- At the end of the class, write up the experiment neatly on the next few pages and put a single fine like though your rough notes. Index the neat write-up and put a bookmark at the beginning of the write-up to help the demonstrator find it.
- Remember that your report is a practical write-up, not a textbook. It should be brief, but not obscure. Imagine that you are writing for a graduate-level scientist.
- In the method section, state what you did. Consider sticking the methods part of the schedule into your book, but if you have to modify the protocol, note it carefully.
- Tabulate results where appropriate. Write down the result you got, not the results of your friends, or the result the textbook says you should get. Plagiarism and/or the falsification of results are treated as a serious violation of scientific principles and ethics. If you do make a mistake, you should note this and aim to repeat the experiment (if time permits). You will not lose marks by doing this.
- Keep the discussion brief and do not forget to answer the questions listed in the practical schedule. You are expected to take about 2 hours to complete the report.
- Make sure your work is handed in on time. Late work will be penalised.
- An average mark of 40% must be achieved to obtain credits for a practical course.
4.10 External Examiners
External Examiners are individuals from another institution or organisation who monitor the assessment processes of the University to ensure fairness and academic standards. They ensure that assessment and examination procedures have been fairly and properly implemented and that decisions have been made after appropriate deliberation. They also ensure that standards of awards and levels of student performance are at least comparable with those in equivalent higher education institutions.
External Examiners’ reports relating to this programme will be shared with student representatives at the Staff Student Liaison Committee (SSLC), where details of any actions carried out by the programme team/School in response to the External Examiners’ comments will be discussed. Students should contact their student representatives if they require any further information about External Examiners’ reports or the process for considering them.
The External Examiners for this programme are
Programme External Examiner:
Professor Snow Stolnik-Trenkic
University of Nottingham
Subject External Examiners:
Professor Anja Mueller
University of East Anglia
Professor Louise Brown
University College London
Professor Snow Stolnik-Trenkic
University of Nottingham
Professor Helen Osbourne
University of Reading
Please note that it is inappropriate for students to make direct contact with External Examiners under any circumstances, in particular with regards to a student’s individual performance in assessments. Other appropriate mechanisms are available for students, including the University’s appeals or complaints procedures and the UMSU Advice Centre. In cases where a student does contact an External Examiner directly, External Examiners have been requested not to respond to direct queries. Instead, External Examiners should report the matter to their School contact who will then contact the student to remind them of the other methods available for students. If students have any queries concerning this, they should contact their Programme Office (or equivalent).
5.1 Student Support and Wellbeing Team
The Student Support and Wellbeing Team can support your wellbeing needs through the year. The team is here to support you when you wish to discuss circumstances such as interrupting your studies, financial issues, the submission of details of mitigating circumstances and any personal concerns that are affecting your ability to study and engage fully with your course. It is important to point out that Student Support is not a counselling service; it is a practical support service.
5.2 Support from the University
As a student at the University of Manchester, you have access to a huge range of support services and resources. This includes, but is not limited to, support relating to your studies, finances, health and wellbeing, settling in and making friends, personal safety and planning for your future beyond University.
The A-Z of Services at the University can be found on the MyManchester website. Here you can find information on a wide range of topics such as accommodation, careers, library services, disability support and sport.
5.3 Students’ Union Advice Centre
The Students’ Union has advisers who can help with any matter ranging from finances to housing and beyond. The Advice Centre is on the first floor in the Student Union Building, and is open Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4.30pm, term time and vacation. See http://manchesterstudentsunion.com/.
5.4 Support of care experienced and estranged students
The University of Manchester recognises that care experienced students, and those that become estranged from their families often require additional support. This may take the form of, amongst other things, financial support, help with accommodation, provision of quiet study are as and general support. Please contact shs.wellbeing@manchester.ac.uk for further details on how to access support.
5.5 Support for Students with Disability and Long-Term Health Problems
If you have a disability, or have learning support needs, we advise that you register with the Disability Advisory and Support Service (DASS). They can offer a range of services to help you make the most of your University experience. Where appropriate, they will work with you to develop a support plan which will put in place any support you require for exams, from the library or from teaching staff.
Registering with DASS is particularly important for students where ongoing or recurring difficulties may impact their academic performance. The University’s Policy on Mitigating Circumstances (see section 6) does not allow students to make repeated claims for the same condition, because to qualify for mitigation, the circumstance must be ‘unforeseeable’. However, the Mitigating Circumstances Committee can award further mitigation where DASS support your claim; for example, by advising the committee that your condition is associated with ‘flare-ups’ (which are unforeseeable).
You find more information and how to register with DASS here: http://www.dass.manchester.ac.uk/
5.6 Support for International Students
Manchester has a thriving International student community and you will have lots of opportunities to engage with students from all over the world. The International Society (http://www.internationalsociety.org.uk), based on Oxford Road, organises trips, events, activities and community projects which are open to both International and British students. The Language Centre also provides support to International students who have concerns about their English skills (http://www.languagecentre.manchester.ac.uk/).
5.7 UoM Counselling Service
The Counselling & Mental Health Service works in partnership with other support services within the university and are here to provide support for you should you feel you need help with your mental health.
The Counselling & Mental Health Service offer a range of workshops, groups, 1-1 appointments and other resources to help you. For more information and to book an appointment click here: Get Help
You can also phone for advice on 0161 275 2864 between 9.00am – 4.30pm (Monday – Friday)
5.8 Student Support and Wellbeing Contact Details
The Information, Advice & Guidance (IAG) team are your first point of contact for any non-academic queries you may have relating to your studies, such as what support is available to you, how to access it, and where to direct any queries which you’re not sure about. The IAG team can be contacted via email at shs.hub@manchester.ac.uk, over the phone at 0161 306 7811, or in person at the student hub which is located on the ground floor of the Jean McFarlane building.
shs.mitcircs@manchester.ac.uk – for information and guidance on mitigating circumstances and extensions, including sending evidence and receiving outcomes of applications.
shs.attendance@manchester.ac.uk – for queries related to attendance monitoring.
shs.wellbeing@manchester.ac.uk – for support and signposting to university wellbeing resources, as well as making a wellbeing appointment with an advisor.
shs.dc@manchester.ac.uk – for Disability Advisory and Support Service (DASS) enquiries.
5.9 Academic Advisors
Each student is assigned an Academic Advisor at the beginning of their degree. This will be a member of the academic staff in your department who can offer support and advice on academic and pastoral matters, and are key to the School’s student support structure.
You will meet with your Academic Advisor during Welcome Week, and will then have one-to-one meetings throughout the semester to discuss academic progress, steps taken towards career planning, and professional and personal development.
5.10 Student Reps
Each programme will choose a number of student representatives at the start of each academic year. You will be able to apply for this role, and will be informed of who is chosen so that you can feed back any issues or areas for improvement you may have identified within your programme.
The representatives are invited to the Staff Student Liaison Committee, where they can feedback anything which they have heard from their fellow students. The Programme Team then respond to these, and these responses and any action taken are fed back to staff and students via a newsletter.
5.11 NSS
In the final year of any undergraduate programme, you will be invited to complete the National Student Survey (NSS). This independently administered survey asks for your feedback on your whole degree, as well as your broader University experience. The results are published to help prospective students make informed decisions about where and what to study. The NSS also provides us with useful data for benchmarking ourselves against other universities.
5.12 Student Welfare and Professionalism Support (SWAPS)
Student welfare and professionalism support is of utmost importance to help you succeed in your learning journey. To support this aspect of your development, you have all been allocated an Academic Advisor within the Division who you will meet during your first week. In the majority of cases, this member of the academic staff will be your Advisor throughout the four years of your programme. If required, he or she will be able to offer information and advice, and should be your first point of contact. The Year Tutor and the Programme Lead are available to deal with any problems if at any time you are unable to contact your Academic Advisor.
In addition to his/her advisory role, you will maintain contact with your Advisor during the four years of the programme in connection with timetabled Advisor tutorial meetings. As well as providing a forum to build a good understanding between yourself and your Academic Advisor, these tutorials aim to develop your grasp of pharmacy, to improve your skills in managing your education and career and to encourage a confident and reflective approach to your learning. You are expected to attend all advisor tutorials. If you are unable to do so, please advise your Advisor in advance. When you come to apply for vacation and foundation training posts, the necessary references would normally be provided by your Academic Advisor.
Students who experience problems that are unforeseen and/or unpreventable and have the potential to impact on assessments should consider submitting an application for mitigating circumstances (see section 3.7). However, mitigating circumstances are not always the most appropriate way to deal with ongoing problems unless there is an acute exacerbation.
Students with a serious ongoing problem which has the potential to impact on their progression should discuss the matter with their academic adviser or their year tutor or a member of the SWAPS team. In such circumstances we may be able to offer additional support. It is important to do this as soon as possible so that appropriate support can be put in place. It is much easier to deal with potential problems before they become impediments to student progression and the SWAPS team provides an alternative support route to your academic advisor. Such support could include deferring an assessment, offering an extension to submission deadlines or in certain circumstances making adjustments to the format of an assessment. In any adjustment of an assessment it is vital that the competence standards are assessed to the same standard as the rest of the cohort. Support could also include referring to occupation health, DASS, or counselling.
5.13 Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)
Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) is a scheme whereby trained PASS Coordinators (current 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students within the Division of Pharmacy and Optometry) oversee small-group sessions dealing with basic maths skills and pharmaceutical calculations.
PASS complements the formal teaching within the Division of Pharmacy and Optometry and provides and an informal, relaxed, student-led environment in which to study. The scheme is advantageous to Year 1 students wanting to improve their basic maths and pharmaceutical calculations skills.
2nd, 3rd and 4th year students interested in becoming a PASS Leader and overseeing small-group sessions should contact the Student Hub (shs.hub@manchester.ac.uk).
5.14 Recording Lectures
The Recording of Lectures at The University of Manchester (podcasting)
Over the course of the last few years, The University has been trialing a variety of mechanisms to allow the content of lectures and other group-based teaching and learning activities to be recorded and to be made available to students registered on units associated with such activities. Lecture capture (sometimes called ‘Podcasting’) is specifically designed to provide a useful resource for students that can be used to, amongst other things:
- provide a study aid for review and revision;
- help accommodate different learning styles; and
- assist students who have particular educational needs.
5.15 Assessment feedback
Feedback following assessments can help to enhance learning. In some units we will provide feedback via email to every student and in some units the unit leader will provide face to face feedback upon request. The aim of the face to face feedback is to allow students to learn and to improve their performance. It is not about challenging the marks awarded. We will endeavour to provide feedback in a timely manner following publication of the exam results but it may take the unit leader up to two working days to obtain an individual examination script. Students should normally attempt to obtain feedback within a month of the publication of the exam results. Students should be aware that academic staff may be on annual leave during the University vacation periods and should not delay requesting feedback.
5.16 The University Language Centre
The University Language Centre provides courses and language learning resources for students from a wide variety of disciplines wishing to include a modern languages element within their studies. It also offers a wide range of courses and services for international students for whom English is not a first language.
Language courses
Offered as part of the University Language Centre’s institution-wide language programme (LEAP), these courses are available to students from across the University and may be studied on a credit or on a non-credit basis to complement your degree. Currently there are 20 languages offered, ranging from the main international languages to a number of less-widely taught languages.
English Language Programmes and Advice
If English is not your native language, you may wish to enquire about the wide range of credit bearing and non-credit bearing English courses available through the University Language Centre.
International students who would like advice on how they can improve their academic writing are encouraged to make use of the one-to-one writing consultation service. Around 500 individual sessions are held per year and these are free of charge.
Timetabled in-sessional courses for international students, covering areas such as academic writing, academic speaking, pronunciation and grammar are also available at no cost to students. Writing is delivered on a broad disciplinary specific basis: Engineering and Physical Sciences, Life sciences, Medical and Human Sciences, Business-related disciplines, Humanities.
Please refer to the Academic Support Programmes section of the ULC webpage via the link given below.
A full guide to the University Language Centre’s courses, services and its language learning resources is available at: http://www.ulc.manchester.ac.uk.
6.1 Student representatives on Division/university committees
Student participation in University affairs is encouraged and in addition to involvement within the Division, there is student representation at Faculty and Senate level. From time to time during the programme, you will be asked to nominate students from your year of study to serve on committees within the Division. These include the Staff Student Liaison Committee (SSLC) which acts as a forum for the exchange of ideas on any problems which relate to the programme or general arrangements in the Division; the Division Board which is concerned with all aspects of Division affairs; the UG Teaching Governance Committee and the School Safety Committee. In the absence of nominations, a direct approach may be made to individual students to serve on these various committees.
6.2 Student Surveys
During all all the years of the BSc degree programme at UoM, you will be asked to complete unit surveys designed to help us assess the quality of individual course units. The data obtained from the completed surveys is used by the academic staff to assess both course content and structure. This enables us to make improvements, if and where required. We would ask for your co-operation in completing these surveys, as the more data we receive, the more meaningful will be the conclusions. You will not be asked to identify yourself when completing the questionnaire. Some unit leads will also conduct their own questionnaires mid-semester to obtain student feedback.
The University also participates in a number of sector wide student experience surveys each year. These demonstrate our commitment to listening to the student voice and the results are used to promote quality enhancement, thus ensuring we deliver the best possible experience for our students. In your final year you will be asked to take part in the National Student Survey.
Membership of the Manchester University Pharmaceutical Society (MUPS) will give you the opportunity to meet pharmacy students from other years of the BSc and MPharm programmes. The varied activities of the society will be explained to you during registration week.
On a national basis, pharmacy students are represented by the British Pharmaceutical Students Association (BPSA). All students are strongly encouraged to become members.The BPSA organises inter-college sporting events, and all BPSA members are also members of the European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association and the International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation.