BIOL10000 Year 1 Student Tutorial Handbook

The School of Biological Sciences Tutorial Programme

All Year 1 SBS students are enrolled in the tutorial unit BIOL10000. Tutorials will provide you with knowledge and expertise related to your degree programme as well as transferable skills. The tutorial programme includes small group tutorials and plenary sessions. In the first semester, tutorials are also linked an online unit (Writing and Referencing Skills (WRS); BIOL10741) that will help you to improve your written communication skills. Figure 1 shows the components of the Year 1 Tutorial Unit.

Figure 1. Tutorials in Year 1 include small group and plenary sessions. The Writing and Referencing Skills (WRS; BIOL10741) unit complements tutorial activities and must be passed in order to pass the tutorial unit.

Small group tutorials will take place with other students from your degree programme and your Academic Tutor. Please note that, although times for your small group tutorials should show on your personal timetable, there may be a delay at the start of each semester before they appear. Tutorial dates and times are arranged by your Academic Tutor and are subject to change. Please check with your Tutor if you are in any doubt about the scheduling of your small group tutorials.

Plenary sessions will be delivered by specialists to larger groups of students from multiple degree programmes. This format ensures consistent delivery of information to students, and the plenary sessions cover topics that are relevant to all SBS students. Some plenary sessions have associated pre-session work, which should be completed in advance of the session. Table 1 lists the Year 1 plenaries, which will show on your personal timetable. They will be delivered in hybrid format so that you can attend live on campus or remotely via Zoom. Each plenary has a folder on the tutorial Blackboard site (BIOL10000), where you can find Zoom codes and supporting information.

Table 1. Year 1 plenary sessions.

Plenary title Teaching


Pre-session work Who should attend/complete
Semester 1
Understanding University Assessments 2 YES All Year 1 students
Frontiers of Science 3 No All Year 1 students
How to Write a Scientific Essay [online resource] 5 (recommended completion date) No; online resource All Year 1 students
Year 1 Poster 7  YES All Year 1 students
MCQ Q&A Session 10 No All Year 1 students
Semester 2
How to Write a Mini Lab Report [online resource] 4 (recommended completion date) No; online resource Students enrolled in BIOL10412 or BIOL10422
Employability: Make the most of your First Year 7 No All Year 1 students
Experimental Reporting: Field Course 8 No Students enrolled in a Field Course Unit

Table 1. Year 1 plenary sessions.  You will find descriptions of the sessions, instructions for pre-session work, and information about attending via Zoom in the relevant folder in the ‘Plenary Sessions’ area of the BIOL10000 Blackboard site. Semester 1 teaching week 1 begins on Monday 23rd September 2024; Semester 2 teaching week 1 begins on Monday January 27th, 2025. 

The tutorial programme builds year-on-year and focuses on four major strands of skills: communication (written and oral); professional skills; experimental reporting; and employability, as shown in Figure 2.  Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) for the Year 1 tutorials are available here. The activities in Years 2 and 3 build on the skills that you acquire in Year 1.

Figure 2. Summary of the topics you can expect to cover in small group tutorials (top) and plenary sessions (bottom). There are variations between programmes, and your Tutor and Programme Director may, at their discretion, alter the content of your tutorials. 

Tips for success

To supplement your small group tutorials and plenary sessions, there is a curated list of resources available on the BIOL10000 Blackboard site to guide you through the academic year. These ‘Tips for Success’. are organised by week for each Semester, and they link you to supporting resources at the time that they are likely to be most useful and relevant to your tutorial activities and other major assignments. Completion of the resources is optional but you can keep track of your progress for your own purposes by marking each week as ‘reviewed’. The Semester 1 tips for success can be accessed here. The Semester 2 tips for success can be accessed here.

What are the roles of your Academic Tutor and Academic Advisor?

Your Academic Tutor will arrange your small group tutorials and mark your tutorial assessments. Your Academic Tutor will help you to:

  • Develop skills and knowledge relevant to your degree subject during tutorials. Although not directly linked to the content of other units, tutorials will help you to put the information given in lectures and practicals into the context of your degree programme.
  • Enhance your employability by helping you acquire a range of transferable skills. These include skills in written and oral communication, organisation of information, personal interaction, teamwork, and the use of information technology. Employers value these ‘transferable skills’. Tutorials will also help you learn to manage your time during your degree course and improve your revision and examination techniques.

Every student in the School is assigned an Academic Advisor. In Year 1, your Academic Tutor will also be your Academic Advisor. Your Academic Advisor is normally the same person throughout your course and is your main link to the School and the University. They can advise you on academic matters, personal problems (if needed), and can provide references when you are applying for jobs. Further information about Academic Advisors and One-to-One Academic Advisor Meetings is in the First Year Handbook.

How to pass the tutorial unit

You must fulfil three separate requirements to pass BIOL10000:

  1. you must have satisfactory attendance at small-group tutorials AND
  2. you have to obtain a mark of at least 40% for your tutorial assignments AND
  3. you must pass the Writing and Referencing Skills unit (BIOL10741).

Therefore, you will fail BIOL1000 if:

  1. you have more than one unexcused absence from small-group tutorials, OR
  2. your overall mark for BIOL1000 assignments is <40%, OR
  3. you fail the Writing and Referencing Skills unit (BIOL10741).

Consequences of failing the Tutorial Unit

Tutorials are an important part of the attendance requirements for your degree course and compensation for partial failure of unit examinations is available only to students who have passed their tutorial unit. In addition, students who fail the tutorial unit will be removed from Four Year Programmes and required to complete a re-sit essay during the summer vacation. For further details see the First Year Handbook.

Tutorial Attendance

Small group tutorials

Attendance at ALL small group tutorials (tutor-led and student-led) is compulsory and will be monitored by your Academic Tutor.  If you will be absent from a tutorial, or unable to complete a tutorial assignment due to illness, make sure that you follow the relevant guidelines in the First Year Handbook and email your Academic Tutor and before the start time of a missed tutorial. More than one unexcused absence over the academic year will result in failure of the tutorial unit, with the consequences listed above. Additional unexcused absences from tutorials may lead to the issuing of a formal warning letter. Unexcused absences may have detrimental effects on decisions on progression to subsequent years of your degree programme, or even lead to exclusion from study in the Faculty. For further information on this and other related matters, please read the relevant sections of the First Year Handbook.

Plenary sessions

Attendance at all plenary titles is recommended. Their content relates to assignments that you need to complete this year and they support the development of transferable skills. Most sessions will be delivered in hybrid format so that you can attend in person or live on Zoom. A few plenaries are online resources, as noted in Table 1.

Tutorial Assignments

You should consult the Assignment Brief for each assignment, available from the Assessments folder of the BIOL10000 Blackboard site.

Tutorial Assignment Deadlines

Table 2 summarises Year 1 tutorial assignments common to all degree programmes and lists their deadlines. Note that you may have additional, program specific, deadlines for assignments that will be set by your Academic Tutor. Late submission of assignments (i.e., after the deadline without an agreed extension) of tutorial assessments will be penalised by mark deduction every day (or part thereof, including weekends and holidays) beyond the deadline. DASS-related automatic extensions, if applicable to you, can be used for the Semester 1 and Semester 2 Essays, the CV assignment, and may apply to the Programme-Specific Assignment, depending on its nature. Group work or presentations don’t qualify for these extensions, nor do formative tutorial assignments. You may want to remind your tutor if you qualify for a DASS-related extension.

Table 2. Year 1 tutorial assignments.

Submission Deadlines (usually Tuesdays at 14:00) Contribution to BIOL10000 mark How to submit Eligible for DASS auto-extension
Semester 1

Scientist Summary

08/10/2024 Formative Assessments area BIOL10000 Blackboard site No

Semester 1 Essay – Draft

5/11/2024 Plagiarism report only Assessments area BIOL10000 Blackboard site No

Semester 1 Essay – Final

19/11/2024 10% Assessments area BIOL10000 Blackboard site Yes

Year 1 Poster

3/12/2024 30% Assessments area BIOL10000 Blackboard site and presentation in tutorial No
Semester 2

Programme-specific assignment

TBA with Academic Tutor 25% TBA with Academic Tutor Maybe*

CV assignment

25/02/2025 10% Assessments area BIOL10000 Blackboard site  Yes

Semester 2 Essay

4/3/2025 25% Assessments area BIOL10000 Blackboard site Yes
Mini Lab Report Q & A TBA with Academic Tutor (week 11 or 12) Contributes to BIOL10412 or BIOL10422 mark** TBA with Academic Tutor No


Table 2. Year 1 tutorial assignments. Additional assignments may be specified by your Tutor. TBA = to be arranged. The BIOL10000 Blackboard site can be accessed here. Further information about each tutorial assignment is provided in the description of activities for each Semester. *Maybe: depends on the nature of the assignment for your group. **Students not taking these unite, i.e. enrolled in a Field course unit, will be given instructions for alternative experimental reporting activities by their Tutors.

Formatting of Tutorial Assignments

Mark penalties will be applied where assignments are formatted incorrectly or exceed the specified page or word limit.

  • All written tutorial assessments should be formatted in the following way unless you are told otherwise: Arial 10pt font, A4 page with 2.5cm margins, 1.5 line spacing.
  • Page limit and referencing style for each assignment will be specified by your Academic Tutor if not stated in the assignment brief.
  • You should add a completed copy of the tutorial feedback coversheet as the first page of your assignment before you convert to PDF format. The coversheet does not count towards the page limit.
  • PDFs should be named using the standard naming convention: your Academic Tutor’s surname followed by your university ID, and the course code BIOL10000, e.g. SMITH12345678BIOL10000. This name should be used as your ‘Submission title’ during submission.

How to submit tutorial assignments

Most assignments (see Table 2) should be submitted via the Assessments area of the BIOL10000 unit Blackboard site, where you can also find instructions for uploading an assignment. If you have technical difficulties during submission, you should submit an eLearning enquiry through Blackboard (‘Technical Support’ link in the left-hand menu). Your Academic Tutor will advise you how to submit any other tutorial assignments.

Marking and Feedback

Your assignments will be marked by your Academic Tutor and returned to you with feedback that will allow you to improve your work for the next assignment. It is important that you view and save your feedback as soon as possible once it is available. Instructions for doing so are here. Ahead of your next assignment, review this feedback and use the tutorial assignment coversheet to reflect on it and incorporate changes. If you don’t understand some of the feedback, you should ask your Academic Tutor about it.

Semester 1: Developing Communication Skills

Introduction and Semester 1 Tutorial Schedule

Your small group tutorials, the Writing and Referencing Skills Unit and the tutorial plenary sessions all work together in semester 1 to develop your skills in communicating science. An outline schedule for Semester 1 is shown in Table 3 but note that the exact schedule for your group may vary slightly.Tutorial activities and assignments, including plenaries, are described by week number (e.g., Semester 1 week 3). These refer to teaching weeks, with week 1 of teaching starting on Monday September 23rd  2024 for Semester 1. The exact content of small group tutorials is not described as this will depend on your degree programme and your Academic Tutor.

Table 3. Semester 1 Outline Tutorial Schedule. 

Teaching Week Small-group Tutorials Plenary Sessions BIOL10000 submission DEADLINES (Tuesdays 14:00)
1  1 Tutor-led tutorial
2  1 Tutor-led tutorial Understanding University Assessments  
3 Frontiers of Science (FoS) Scientist summary
4 1 Student-led tutorial
5  1 Tutor-led tutorial  How to write a Scientific Essay [Online]
6 Reading week: no tutorial
7  3 Tutor-led and 1 student-led tutorial(s) Year 1 Poster Semester 1 Essay – Draft
9 Semester 1 Essay – Final. 
10 MCQ Q&A Session
11 1 Tutor-led tutorial (Poster Presentations) Year 1 Poster 

Table 3. Semester 1 Outline Tutorial Schedule. Your Tutor or Programme Director may provide an alternative schedule at their discretion. MCQ = multiple choice question. 

This schedule doesn’t contain the dates and times of your small group tutorial sessions, which will be arranged by your Academic Tutor and may be subject to change. You should ensure that you record times of your tutorials and the assignment deadlines. More information about each plenary session, including details of pre-session work, will be available on the BIOL10000 Blackboard site in advance of each plenary.

BIOL10741 Writing and Referencing Skills (WRS) Unit

This compulsory online unit provides resources to help you with written communication, scientific referencing, and avoiding academic malpractice. These skills are essential for the year 1 tutorial assessments, including essays and lab reports, and will form the basis for written assessments during your time at University.

Please ensure that you read the BIOL10741 course content pages on Blackboard for information on how the course is run. You MUST achieve 100% in the Academic Malpractice module AND achieve an average score of 70% or above for the seven WRS modules to pass BIOL10741 and therefore the tutorial unit. You will receive a mark for the WRS unit from the seven WRS assessments.

The ‘Academic Malpractice’ module will be available from Welcome Week and must be completed, including passing the associated ‘Driving Test’ by 2 pm on Thursday 3rd October (week 2). The ‘Academic Malpractice’ module must be passed with a score of 100% to pass and gain access to the rest of the WRS course. The remaining WRS modules and assessments can then be completed at any time before their respective deadlines (Table 4). Extensions are not permitted.

Table 4. Writing and Referencing Skills unit (BIOL10741) deadlines.

Learning module Available from: Suggested completion (week) Final Assessment deadlines
Academic Malpractice 16/9/24 1 Week 2: Thursday 03 Oct 2024 14:00
1: Essential Language Skills Once Academic Malpractice module has been passed with a score of 100% 2
Week 5: Thursday 24 Oct 2024 14:00
This is the deadline for three assessments: modules 1-3 inclusive
2: Academic Style 3
3: Text Handling 4
4: Referencing the right way 5
Week 10: Thursday 28 Nov 2024 14:00
This is the deadline for four assessments: modules 4-7 inclusive
5: Planning your search 7
6: Performing your search 8
7: Managing your references with Endnote Online 9

Table 4. Writing and Referencing Skills unit (BIOL10741) deadlines. Weeks correspond to Semester 1 teaching weeks, where week 1 begins on Monday 23/9/2024.

Queries about the BIOL10741 WRS unit should be directed to the Unit Coordinator, Dr Catherine Millar. Technical queries, including problems accessing the course, need to be reported to the eLearning team via the dedicated link on Blackboard (a tab, marked technical support, can be found in the menu on the left-hand side of the BIOL10741 Blackboard unit site). Queries relating to modules 5-7 should be addressed to (for technical queries) or (for queries on content).

Academic Malpractice

Understanding what academic malpractice is, and how to avoid it, is fundamental to your studies. As well completing the ‘Academic Malpractice’ module in the Writing and Referencing Skills unit, you will do an activity with your tutorial group in Semester 1 on how to recognise and avoid plagiarism. Later in Semester 1 you will have to opportunity to use the University’s plagiarism detection software on an essay that you will submit.

Supporting resources to help you learn about academic malpractice:

  • The first module in the Writing and Referencing Skills unit
  • First Year Handbook
  • University of Manchester guidance on academic malpractice
  • Resource on ‘Avoiding Plagiarism’ in Week 2 of Tips for Success

Any first-year student suspected of plagiarism or other forms of academic malpractice will have to attend an interview with a panel of academic staff. The panel will determine a suitable penalty, which may include a mark of zero for the assignment or for the course unit. Penalties for academic malpractice are increasingly severe in later years of the programme!

Semester 1 Tutorial Assignments

BIOL10000-1 Scientist Summary Assignment (weeks 0-3)

This is a formative assignment and DASS auto-extensions do not apply.

Assignment brief and marking scheme: download from the Assignment Information folder of the BIOL10000 Blackboard site.

Skills being developed: written and oral communication.

Related plenary sessions: Understanding University Assessments: pre-session work uses the same assignment brief and marking scheme; discussed during the plenary.

BIOL10000-2 & BIOL10000-3 Semester 1 Essay Assignment (weeks 5-9)

The final submission is worth 10% of the marks for BIOL100000 and qualifies for a DASS-related automatic extension. No extensions, including DASS-related, are possible for the draft submission.

Assignment brief and marking scheme: download the assignment brief and the marking rubric from the Assignment Information folder of the BIOL10000 Blackboard site.

This assignment is submitted in two stages so that you have an opportunity to see the output of the University’s plagiarism detection software TurnItIn.

  1. Draft Essay submission (week 7). Once the draft essay submission deadline has passed, you will be able to see the plagiarism report on your essay, which you should save as a PDF for future reference. You then have the opportunity to edit your essay if you like. Even if no edits are needed, a separate submission must be made for the final essay ahead of the deadline in week 9.
  2. Final Semester 1 essay submission (week 9). If you do not submit a draft of the essay in week 7 you may still submit a final version for assessment, but you will not be allowed to see the plagiarism report on your final version.

Skills being developed: research, written communication, professional skills (referencing).

Related plenary sessions: How to Write a Scientific Essay.

Other supporting resources:

  • BIOL10471 Writing and Referencing Skills modules
  • Tutorial sessions on aspects of essay writing, essay plans, referencing (exact content will vary by programme and group)
  • Resources highlighted in Semester 1 tips for success (weeks 3 – 7).

You will get feedback from your Tutor on the Final Semester 1 Essay. You should read and save the feedback so that you can improve your writing for future assignments. You should populate a new tutorial feedback coversheet with the points you will focus on, and use this as the first page for your Semester 2 Essay.

BIOL10000-4 Year 1 Poster Assignment (weeks 7-12)

The Year 1 poster is worth 30% of the marks for BIOL100000. As it is group work, it does NOT qualify for a DASS-related automatic extension.

Assignment brief and marking scheme: download the assignment brief and the marking scheme from the Assignment Information folder of the BIOL10000 Blackboard site.

Skills being developed: group work, written and oral communication.

Related plenary sessions: Year 1 Poster.

Other supporting resources and activities: Year 1 Poster Information Resource, available from the BIOL10000-4 Year 1 Poster folder).

Semester 2: Developing Programme-specific Skills

Introduction and Semester 2 Tutorial Schedule

As in Semester 1, this schedule is a guide and doesn’t contain the dates and times of your small group tutorial sessions, which will be arranged by your Academic Tutor. Week 1 of teaching starts on Monday 27th January 2025 for Semester 2.

Table 5. Semester 2 Suggested Tutorial Schedule.

Teaching Week Small-group Tutorials Plenary Sessions BIOL10000 submission DEADLINES (Tuesdays 14:00) Related submission DEADLINES (not BIOL10000)
1  1 Tutor-led tutorial

3 tutor-led and 1 student-led tutorials before the end of week 7

4 How to Write a Mini Lab Report [ONLINE] (BIOL10412/22 students only.)
5 CV assignment
6 Semester 2 Essay 
7 Employability: Make the most of your First Year

1 Tutor-led tutorial (or week 9)

Experimental Reporting: field course. (Field Course students only.)

1 Student-led tutorial

Submit individual lab reports on BIOL10412/22 Bb sites. (TBC) BIOL10412/22 students only.
10 Submit group reports on BIOL10412/22 Bb sites. (TBC) BIOL10412/22 students only.
11 1 Tutor-led tutorial


Table 5. Semester 2 Suggested Tutorial Schedule. Your Tutor or Programme Director may provide an alternative schedule at their discretion. TBC = to be confirmed; Bb = Blackboard. Teaching week 1 of Semester 2 begins Monday 29th January 2024.

Semester 2 Tutorial Activities and Plenary Sessions

BIOL10000-5 Programme-specific Assignment

There is a programme-specific assignment worth 25% of the marks for BIOL10000. In addition to this, your group may also have other formative assignments. Details of these, including assignment briefs and deadlines, will be provided by your Academic Tutor. The programme-specific assignment may be one of the following types:

Data analysis/Problem Solving

These activities are designed to complement skills acquired in the Practical Module BIOL10401 and will focus on quantitative and analytical problem-solving tasks relevant to your degree programme.

Group-based learning (GBL) sessions

GBL provides a means of developing team-working skills while exploring a topical issue relevant to your degree subject. See Appendix 1 for guidelines on running a GBL activity, and week 8 of Semester 1 Tips for success for further support with group work. Your group will choose or be allocated a subject for investigation, in consultation with your Academic Tutor. As a group, you then research the subject, deciding amongst yourselves who should do what and the approach that should be taken. On completion of your research, all members of the group should contribute to the final outcome, which could be an oral presentation, written article, or poster. The performance of the group will be assessed by your Academic Tutor, and this will contribute to your overall tutorial mark.

BIOL10000-6 CV Assignment

The CV assignment is worth 10% of the marks for BIOL10000 and qualifies for a DASS-related automatic extension. Guidance to help you get your CV ready for submission is provided in the ‘CV Assignment-resources’ folder on the BIOL10000 Blackboard site. Week 7 of Semester 2 Tips for Success also has relevant resources.

Assignment brief: download from the Assignment Information folder of the BIOL10000 Blackboard site.

Skills being developed: employability skills

Related plenary session: Employability: Make the most of your First Year.

BIOL10000-7 Semester 2 Essay Assignment

Worth 25% of the marks for BIOL100000 and qualifies for a DASS-related automatic extension.

Assignment brief and marking scheme: download the assignment brief and the marking rubric from the Assignment Information folder of the BIOL10000 Blackboard site.

Skills being developed: research, written communication, professional skills (referencing).

Related plenary session: How to Write a Scientific Essay.

Other supporting resources and activities:

  • BIOL10471 Writing and Referencing Skills modules
  • Tutorial sessions on aspects of essay writing, essay plans, referencing (exact content will vary by programme and group)
  • Feedback from your tutor on your Semester 1 Essay can be used to improve this essay. Use the tutorial feedback coversheet to summarise the feedback you were given and how you will act on it.

Mini Lab Report or Field Course Report Assignment and Plenaries

Note that these assignments count towards the practical or field course units, not BIOL1000.

In Semester 2, students enrolled on lab-based practical units (BIOL10412/10422) will produce a mini lab report, while students enrolled on field course units will prepare to produce a field course report. Although these assignments are not identical, the underlying experimental reporting skills are the same and will be covered in tutorials whether you are enrolled in a lab or field course unit. Your tutor will specify the activities that your group will do.

Students enrolled on lab-based practical units (BIOL10412/10422) will work individually and in small groups to produce a mini-lab report that describes an experiment from their practical unit. Students will then answer questions about the content of their report during a question-and-answer tutorial session.

Related plenary session: Experimental Reporting: Mini Lab Report

Field course students will be provided with information regarding the format and length of their field course report in the assessment area on the Blackboard of their field course unit.

Related plenary session: Experimental Reporting: Field Course Report

Skills being developed: experimental reporting, written communication, professional skills.



What are Employability Skills?

Employability skills are the skills needed in working environments. Employability skills can be very specific and technical, like understanding HPLC or how to run a PCR; or they can be general, such as demonstrating effective communication skills.

Why are employability skills important in year 1?

Employability skills are always important, and you will already have developed a range of skills from your experiences that have led you to The University of Manchester. If in year 1 you’re looking for a part-time job or summer internship, or plan to go on placement later in your course, you will be asked to write about and discuss your employability skills during application and interview. The sooner you have the chance to build your range of skills and reflect on these – the better.

What skills will I get this year?

In year 1 the employability focus is about settling in and trying new things. You will experience a lot of new subjects, people, and activities. We want to help you make the most of your time here and getting off to a good start is a key part of that. To help with this, there will be an Employability plenary session entitled ‘Make the most of your First Year’ in Week 7 of Semester 2. There is also some Careers and Employability information on the BIOL10000 Blackboard site, in the General Resources folder.

The Careers Service: Get Career Ready

From day one, the Careers Service can help you with all your career needs.

Common queries from first-year students are:

  • How can I get work experience or a part-time job?
  • I don’t like my course, what else can I do?
  • How can I find out about career options?
  • I don’t know what I want to do.

Make a start by logging into the CareerConnect portal where you can search for opportunities including jobs and internships, sign up for events, book careers appointments, and explore our e-learning career ‘pathways’.

The Biology, Medicine and Health Careers Consultants are Suzanne Creeber (Biological Sciences) and Emma Brewin-Caddy (Health and Medical Sciences, including Psychology), supported by Careers Advisers who support employability activities in the faculty. We offer a personalised service with booked appointments with specialist advisers, an application advice service, a specialist information service, and 24-hour access to careers information and vacancies through the website. In addition, we run an extensive programme of events and online workshops throughout the year.

For full details of how the Careers Service can support you, visit the website or explore our Linktree for direct links to our key services and social media sites.

Royal Literary Fund Writing Fellows

The Royal Literary Fund Writing Fellows are professional, published authors whose role is to help you strengthen your writing.

Sign up for a one-to-one tutorial to help you:

  • Plan your study time.
  • Focus your reading for essay writing.
  • Express your ideas more clearly.
  • Answer grammar and punctuation questions.
  • Discover reading to improve your writing and editing skills.
  • Increase your writing skills with the aim of improving your grades.
  • Improve any academic writing.

Further information about the writers’ expertise, and instructions for appointment booking are available on the BIOL10000 Blackboard site in the Writing Resources folder..

Help with English Language Skills

Should you need help with English language skills, you can contact the University Language Centre.

Student Feedback

In order to help us maximise the benefits that you gain from tutorials, we need feedback from you, both on the tutorial activities and on your Academic Tutor’s performance. For this purpose, you will be asked to complete unit surveys at the end of each semester. There will be a general survey for BIOL10000 to give feedback on the tutorial plenaries, and a separate survey run via Blackboard to give feedback on your small group tutorials.  It is important for us to have your opinion, as these surveys will be used to determine how plenaries and tutorials are conducted in future years. Details of how to access and complete the surveys will be emailed to you each semester.


Appendix 1: Group Based Learning (GBL) Tutorials

What happens in a GBL tutorial?

These are general guidelines for GBL tutorials, which may be modified at the discretion of your Academic Tutor. GBL tutorials are run by students and the Academic Tutor is the facilitator and does not take part, other than to provide guidance if needed. Further guidance on group work is available in week 8 of Semester 1 ‘Tips for Success‘.

A specific topic, short article from a journal or a research paper is chosen. In the first session students decide on the primary learning objectives of the topic and how they are going to go about researching these. This should be done using a wide variety of information resources focused on the primary literature.

At the second session (usually student-led; the Academic Tutor is not present) the group have a full detailed discussion of the topic, focusing on the primary learning objectives. During this session one of the students should act as chairperson. Students should also decide on how the material will be presented the following week to their Tutor. The final session is either a formal presentation of the topic to the Academic Tutor or a discussion of the topic between the Academic Tutor and students.

Attendance at all sessions is compulsory as a primary aim of GBL is to develop an awareness of teamwork skills and increase the knowledge base of the whole group. Non-attendance jeopardises the learning of all other group members as individuals. For this reason, recordings of attendance and minutes of meetings in the absence of the Academic Tutor must be taken and be open to review by the Academic Tutor at any time.

Guidelines for the running of GBL tutorials

  • A chairperson must be appointed at the beginning of each GBL to control the running of the discussion. Attendance must also be recorded.
  • Another student is appointed as secretary and should record the agreed learning objectives and email these to all members of the group.
  • All students should make a record of the agreed topics to be researched.
  • Group communication is essential and everyone in the group should have input (this is strongly dependent on the chairperson).
  • The sessions should cover set one-hour time periods. This helps to focus the group and develops time and resource management.
  • The research information should come from a range of sources (for example, primary literature, textbooks, internet, reviews, personal experience etc.).