1. Welcome

Welcome to the School of Medical Sciences

The University has a worldwide reputation based on high quality teaching and research, and I am sure that your programme will provide a solid foundation for your future career success.

Within the School and the wider Faculty, our goal is to create an environment that allows you to excel and reach your full potential. Offering access to first-class facilities and strong links with regional health-service providers, our programmes are designed to meet the diverse needs of all our students. The curriculum of our programmes provides the knowledge and skills you will need in your subject area and all our programmes include an opportunity to carry out an independent research project on topics spanning all areas of biomedical research from molecular to experimental biology and clinical medicine. While subject areas cover a broad range, all our programmes have two common aims:

  • To develop your skills in your chosen field of study
  • To enhance your knowledge within the field you have chosen. Whether you are a graduate, professional or have a clinical background, the programmes have been tailored to meet your specific needs

As a student of the School of Medical Sciences, you will be expected to take responsibility for your degree, within a supportive environment that fosters your development and helps prepare you for your future career. This handbook will be a useful resource as you progress through your programme. It provides programme-specific information that I am sure that you will find helpful throughout your study. If however, you have questions or would like some further advice, please do not hesitate to contact the people listed in this handbook for further information and assistance.

I wish you every success as you embark upon your programme, and in your future career.

Dr Helen Jopling
Director of Education

 Welcome to the Programme

Welcome to the University of Manchester, and to our MSc programme in Science and Health Communication. The MSc is one of the degrees hosted by CHSTM (pronounced ‘chis-tem’), the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, which is a world-leading centre for research and teaching in the history and social dimensions of science-based knowledges and practices. For this MSc programme, we benefit from our collaboration with the Innovation and Policy team in the University’s Business School. CHSTM is a centre within the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, from which it draws its formal procedures and regulations. This online Handbook is the primary authoritative resource on the matters it contains.

CHSTM staff have been key members of the academic community that has emerged around science communication, and most are engaged in science communication practice, either as policy advisors, journalists, authors, curators or lecturers.

Science communication is evolving as a professional practice. Science communicators are now part of a wide range of workplaces, and their roles are many. The technologies and skills of science communication are also developing. This dynamic environment presents a challenge for teaching and learning science communication at university: how do we keep up, and stay connected to the real world? We believe that to be ‘educated’ in contemporary society requires not the absorption of a detailed and fixed curriculum, but broad understandings and the creativity and skills to apply them in a shifting world. An overview of academic resources, analytical and critical skills, some basic professional competencies, and personal and intellectual adaptability can provide you with a solid platform on which to build or develop your career.

There are many ways in which our society values science communication. It can be fun and entertaining, and it is also important in many spheres. Science communication is now established as an essential dimension of good scientific research and development. As well as contributing to the cultural capital of the communities it serves, science communication also furthers the recruitment and training of entrants to science-based professions, as well as linking researchers in to new multidisciplinary collaborations, locally and globally. It contributes to establishing a social mandate for responsible scientific research and development, and provides a means for engagement between the scientific community and civil society more broadly.

Science communication informs and challenges policy-making, both about science and in areas where science can make a difference, such as in health, energy and the environment. It facilitates interaction with individuals and institutions in the financial sector, particularly in attracting venture capital to innovative technologies. It also supports the work of scientists who contribute as experts and as citizens in other domains such as the law, human rights, and environmental and health activism.

As a graduate of the programme, you will have a unique combination of practical insight into the challenges of communicating science and a grounding in key scholarly perspectives on science, science communication, and the place of science in the wider society. You will be better equipped to work not only in old and new media but also in science organisations, healthcare settings, health promotion organisations, government/policy and civil society/NGO roles where you will help build understandings among between scientists, decision makers and other citizens. As societies seek to tackle grand environmental, societal and economic challenges, you can apply your knowledge and skills to the promotion of mutual understanding between scientists, policy makers, civil society actors and citizens, and to create innovative new spaces where citizens and scientists can work together to tackle important questions.

The course should challenge you. It will make you think in new ways about science communication, and should make you confront strongly held views. It will give you new intellectual tools for thinking about important contemporary issues in an atmosphere of open and critical debate. It will improve and add to your practical skills, enabling you effectively to deploy your learning in ways that make a difference. It will demand considerable self-motivation and energy as you engage with other students and your teachers. We hope you will also find it a richly rewarding and enjoyable experience.

You will find CHSTM a friendly and supportive environment, and we encourage you to take a full part in the intellectual and social life of the department. More details of CHSTM will be provided once you start your course.

With our best wishes for a challenging and exciting year ahead

Dr Elizabeth Toon, Programme Director

Lecturer in HSTM and Science and Health Communication

Introduction to CHSTM

Your programme is developed and largely run by members of the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHSTM). CHSTM was founded in 1986, and is the largest research and teaching group of its kind in the UK. Based in the Simon Building on Brunswick Street, CHSTM is home to around 15 lecturers and research associates, a PhD student research community, the MSc programmes  in History of Science, technology, and Medicine  Science and Health Communication and Medical Humanities and  an undergraduate programme in Biology with Science and Society, and option teaching across the University.

CHSTM’s research and teaching ranges broadly across the sciences, technology, engineering, medicine and healthcare, with a focus on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and on the relevance of recent history to present-day policy and understanding. This approach is integrated with our work in science communication studies, looking at how science is described and understood by, and for, non-expert audiences.

All CHSTM staff and students are members of the School of Medical Sciences (SMS), one of three Schools within the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health (FBMH). Our subject coverage ranges significantly beyond these fields, but we benefit from connections with medical colleagues through projects such as the University’s Museum of Medicine and Health.

Who’s who at CHSTM

The Director of CHSTM is Professor Carsten Timmermann.

The composition of the staff and student body changes frequently. An up-to-date staff list is available on our website, showing contact details and research profiles for all the teaching staff, and for several researchers who do not teach (but may be available to advise on dissertations and other projects). You’re welcome to contact any member of staff whose research area you’re interested in.

The list of research students is also on our website. As an MSc student, you’ll be assigned a PhD student mentor on arrival. It’s worth getting to know the other PhD students and finding out more about their work, particularly if you think you might be interested in going on to PhD study yourself.

2. Points of Contact

Programme Contacts

Programme Director Dr Elizabeth Toon
2.30 Simon Building
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL
Tel. 0161 275 5861
e-mail: elizabeth.toon@manchester.ac.uk
MSc Science and Health Communication Student Representative To be appointed by students after registration. The student rep will be nominated from the selection of the students who would like to volunteer for the position. The student rep is required to feedback to the programme directors and administrator on any issues or queries that the students have. They will be required to attend 2-3 official programme committees throughout the year.

School Contacts

Information, Advice & Guidance: sms.hub@manchester.ac.uk
Student Support and Wellbeing: sms.wellbeing@manchester.ac.uk
Curriculum and Programmes: sms.programmes-pgt@manchester.ac.uk
Assessment and Progression: assessments.smspgt@manchester.ac.uk

3.  Overview of the Programme

Programme and course unit specifications can be accessed via Blackboard.

4.  General Information

Health and Safety

Before you visit the University campus, please take time to read the University’s Health and Safety Policy.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the research staff and students for whom you have responsibility are provided with an environment that is safe and healthy and all research is conducted within the requirements of health and safety legislation:

  • That necessary risk assessments have been undertaken (Never assume that because your research is not lab-based or using hazardous substances that it would not require a risk assessment).
  • That staff are adequately informed, trained and monitored regarding safe practices to ensure they do not endanger themselves, others, or the environment.
  • That your research complies with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health regulations as appropriate.

The Student Charter

Our Student Charter, developed jointly by the University and the Student's Union, is an important part of how we establish and maintain clear mutual expectations for the experience of all undergraduate and taught postgraduates. It sets out what we can expect from each other as partners in a learning community.

Online Skills Training Resource

The Faculty has developed a skills training resource to support you through your postgraduate taught programme. This online material should supplement the assessed learning material and activities undertaken in your taught programme.

Accessing the online skills resource
You can access Blackboard through the My Manchester portal (https://my.manchester.ac.uk). The skills training resource is available in an academic community space available to all registered PGT students in the Faculty through Blackboard.

If you cannot see these units in your Blackboard, please contact your Curriculum & Programmes team.

Full details of all these resources can be found in the introduction to each unit. These resources have been designed to give you formative feedback on your progress through them. If you experience any problems and would like to talk to someone, please contact your Programme Director. If you have questions about referencing and how it applies to your own work, please contact your Programme Director or dissertation supervisor/course unit lead.

Research Methods* This course is spilt into 2 units that cover introductions to study design and dissertation skills. It has a number of online quizzes where you can test your knowledge.
Introduction to Statistics* The course provides a valuable foundation for understanding and interpreting biostatistics. It aims to provide you with the fundamentals of quantitative analysis.
Presentation Skills This short interactive unit is designed to help you to enhance your presentation skills. Regardless of whether you are presenting in public, preparing for conferences, an oral examination or more informal settings this unit will give you the tops tips to improve your delivery. The course also includes a unit on influencing effectively, alongside the presentation and poster information.
Qualitative Research Methods* This unit has been designed to give you an introduction to Qualitative Research.

 * NOTE: the material in this online resource is for reference and formative learning purposes only. In some of your taught programme you may be required to undertake assessed course units for Research Methods, Qualitative Research or Statistics. If your programme involves taught units then you should refer to the Blackboard material relating to that course unit. Please contact the Curriculum and Programmes Team  if you are unsure which material relates to your assessed work. You will still be able to refer to the online skills resource in later years.

Mandatory Introductory Courses

All students are automatically enrolled onto the Blackboard introductory unit that provides information on Health and Safety and Academic Malpractice.

Completion instructions for each of these sections are clearly defined within the course.  All assessments must be completed within a month of you starting your programme, with the academic malpractice driving test completed before the first piece of summative assessment is submitted.

You must achieve 70% in each of the Health and Safety elements and 100% in each of the Academic Malpractice Driving Test elements to pass.

Sharing Information

The University may share appropriate information relating to your health and/or conduct with external organisations such as your professional employer(s) (for example, relevant NHS Trust, Professional and Statutory Regulatory Bodies (PSRB)), placement and training providers and/or regulator. This may occur where concerns in relation to your health and/or conduct arise and the University considers it necessary for them to be disclosed to one or more of the above organisations. The University’s Privacy Notice for Registered Students (which is accessible via this link) includes further information about how the University may use and process your personal data, including the legal basis and conditions which may be relevant to such processing (see section 6 of the Privacy Notice). The University will only disclose special category data (such as data relating to your health) to a third party organisation where one of the additional conditions are satisfied (see section 9 of the Privacy Notice), including where processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest.

Communication with Students

Please note that only the University e-learning platform (Blackboard) and your student university email address will be used as official communication by University staff. It is your responsibility to ensure that you can access and read emails from this source.

Students are required to keep the University informed of any change to their personal circumstances such as change of name or address. Changes can be recorded by the student via their own personal online record. It is also essential to inform your programme team if you do not intend to return to the next session of the course, if, for example, you are moving away.

5.  Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Postgraduate Taught Degree Regulations

Students should familiarise themselves with the degree regulations for Postgraduate Taught Degrees by clicking on this link http://www.regulations.manchester.ac.uk/postgraduate-degree-regulations/ or reading the University document here: Introduction to the Postgraduate Degree Regulations for Students.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Guidance

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI tools have the potential to enhance learning, and can support inclusivity and accessibility when used appropriately. It is important that you understand the potential risks and benefits of these tools if you plan to use them during your studies.

You may use AI tools like any other resource to help you generate ideas, key themes, and plan your assessment, and you may also cite or quote content generated by AI systems. However, passing off work generated by AI as your own is plagiarism, and will be treated as seriously as plagiarism of another person.

Some Course Units or assignments may vary this position. In these cases you will be given detailed instructions on what is and isn’t allowed, and may be asked to sign a code of conduct. If you are unclear about what is permissible, contact the course unit lead.

For more detail on the University’s position on the use of AI in teaching and learning, see Artificial Intelligence (AI) Teaching Guidance.

For advice on how to acknowledge and cite content generated by AI see https://manchester-uk.libanswers.com/teaching-and-learning/faq/264824

Mitigating Circumstances and Short Extensions to Coursework

Short Extensions to coursework
If personal circumstances affect your ability to submit an assessment (not including exams or presentations), you may be eligible to request a short extension (5 working days) to your submission date (on top of any DASS automatic extension you may be entitled to).

Requests for short extensions must be received at least 2 days before the submission due date. If your request is being made less than 2 working days before the published submission date, you should complete a Mitigating Circumstances request – see below.

For further information, including the link to apply please refer to Assessment Extensions.

Mitigating Circumstances
Mitigating circumstances are personal or medical circumstances which are unforeseeable and unpreventable that could have a significant adverse effect on your academic performance. You should only submit a mitigating circumstances application if you consider it serious enough, and the timing critical, to have affected your performance in your assessed work and examinations.

You should submit your mitigating circumstances application form before your exam or assessment deadline. You have up to five working days after your deadline to submit mitigating circumstances. Requests after this date will only be considered by the Mitigating Circumstances Panel if there is a credible and compelling reason for the late submission.

All mitigating circumstances applications must be supported by independent third party evidence. For further guidance regarding acceptable evidence please refer to the Evidence guidance section of the SMS Student Information Hub.

Please note that not informing the University of circumstances due to personal feelings of embarrassment and pride or having concerns over the confidential treatment of requests for mitigation, are not considered to be credible and compelling explanations.

For further information please refer to the Mitigation Circumstances section of the SMS Student Information Hub.

Turnitin and Plagiarism

Plagiarism and Other Forms of Academic Malpractice
Academic malpractice is any activity - intentional or otherwise - that is likely to undermine the integrity essential to scholarship and research. It includes plagiarism, collusion, fabrication or falsification of results, and anything else that could result in unearned or undeserved credit for those committing it. Academic malpractice can result from a deliberate act of cheating or may be committed unintentionally. Whether intended or not, all incidents of academic malpractice will be treated seriously by the University.

The Faculty of Biology Medicine and Health have designed a learning module to raise your awareness of academic malpractice and how it can occur in general writing during your studies. This resource can be accessed via Blackboard - SMS Introductory Course and must be completed before you submit your first piece of academic writing for assessment.

The University provides workshops and online training via My Learning Essentials

Please refer to the University of Manchester guidance to students on plagiarism and other forms of academic malpractice

The full guidance document can be viewed here: http://documents.manchester.ac.uk/display.aspx?DocID=2870

Academic Malpractice: Procedure for the Handling of Cases can be found at: http://documents.manchester.ac.uk/DocuInfo.aspx?DocID=639

The University uses electronic systems for the purposes of detecting plagiarism and other forms of academic malpractice and for marking.  Such systems include TurnitinUK, the plagiarism detection service used by the University.

As part of the formative and/or summative assessment process, you may be asked to submit electronic versions of your work to TurnitinUK and/or other electronic systems used by the University (this requirement may be in addition to a requirement to submit a paper copy of your work).  If you are asked to do this, you must do so within the required timescales.
The School also reserves the right to submit work handed in by you for formative or summative assessment to TurnitinUK and/or other electronic systems used by the University.
Please note that when work is submitted to the relevant electronic systems, it may be copied and then stored in a database to allow appropriate checks to be made.

Academic Appeals, Complaints, Conduct and Discipline

Academic Appeals
You can submit an appeal about an academic outcome based on one or more of the following grounds:

a. Circumstances exist (or existed) affecting your performance of which, for a good reason, the relevant decision-making body may not have been made aware when its decision was taken, and which might have had a material effect on its decision.
b. A material administrative error or procedural irregularity has taken place in the assessment process (or in putting into effect the regulations for your programme of study) of such a nature as to cause significant doubt whether the decision you are appealing might have been different if the error or irregularity had not occurred.
c. You have evidence of prejudice or bias by one or more of your examiners.
d. Your supervision or training in respect of research for a dissertation or thesis (or equivalent work) was unsatisfactory to the point that your performance was seriously affected.

An appeal cannot challenge academic judgement, including challenges to examiners’ scores and feedback.

STAGE ONE – Early Resolution
Stage One Academic Appeals must be submitted within 20 working days of being notified of the decision you are appealing against.

Complete the Stage One Academic Appeal form: Stage One Academic Appeal form (manchester.ac.uk)

The School will conduct an initial assessment to check the appeal:

  • is on time, within 20 working days of the publication of confirmed results or the decision being appealed.
  • meets one or more of the grounds to appeal.
  • is not a challenge to academic judgement.
  • is supported by relevant evidence where necessary.

If your appeal does not meet all of the above, the School will write to you within 10 working days to explain why.

If your appeal is considered eligible, it will be reviewed by the School and you will receive an outcome letter.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can choose to progress to Stage Two.

All evidence and reasoning relating to your appeal must be included with the Stage One application. Any new evidence or reasoning presented at Stage Two or Three will not be considered if there is not a clear and credible reason why this was not submitted or declared in the Stage One application.

STAGE TWO – Formal Consideration
Stage Two Academic Appeals must be submitted within 10 working days of receiving the Stage One outcome.

A Faculty Officer will review your appeal and the response from the School. The Faculty Officer may decide that your appeal is not eligible for consideration at Stage Two because the School has already made a decision at Stage One that the Faculty Officer thinks is reasonable.

If the Faculty Officer decides to review your appeal at Stage Two, they may request further documents and evidence from you. Please note that you are usually expected to provide all the evidence that you wish to be considered in an appeal at Stage One.

Your appeal will be considered and you will receive a Stage Two outcome letter. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can choose to progress to Stage Three.

STAGE THREE – Review Request
If you do not agree with the decision to dismiss your appeal after it has been considered by your Faculty, you can request that the decision is reviewed.

A Stage Three review is not a reconsideration of the appeal. A review is to check that the appeals procedure has been properly followed, and that the Faculty Officer’s decision was reasonable based on all available evidence.

You can request a review up to 10 working days after receiving your Stage Two outcome.

More information about the three stages of the appeal process can be found here: Quick Guide to Academic Appeals and Academic Appeals Procedure Regulation XIX

Information about the support available to you during the appeals process can be found here: Available support - factsheet for students who are accessing the University's appeals process

Student Complaints

  • The University's Student Complaints Procedure (Regulation XVIII) and associate documents, including a basic guide to students, can be found here.
  • The University has separate procedures to address complaints of bullying, harassment, discrimination and/or victimisation - see Report + Support
  • Students thinking of submitting a formal complaint should, in most instances, attempt informal resolution first (see the procedure). Formal complaints should be submitted on the relevant form to Faculty Appeals and Complaints Team

Conduct and Discipline of Students

The University Library has produced online resources to help students in avoiding plagiarism and academic malpractice, they can be found here.

Assessment Information

Please refer to the Blackboard unit spaces for more information regarding coursework and assessment, including submission deadlines: https://my.manchester.ac.uk/

Assignment Word Count (Including Dissertation)

Each written assignment has a word limit which you must state at the top of your first page. It is acceptable, without penalty, for you to submit an assignment within a range that is plus 10% of this limit. If you present an assignment with a word count exceeding the specified limit+10%, the assignment will be marked but 1% will be deducted from this mark for every 100 words over the limit given.

For an original word limit that is 1000 words and an assignment that is marked out of 100.  If a submission is made that is 1101 words, then it exceeded the 10% leeway, and is more than 100 words over the original limit and should receive a 1-mark deduction.

In accordance with accepted academic practice, when submitting any written assignment for summative assessment, the notion of a word count includes the following without exception:

  • All titles or headings that form part of the actual text. This does not include the fly page or reference list
  • All words that form the actual essay
  • All words forming the titles for figures, tables and boxes, are included but this does not include boxes or tables or figures themselves
  • All in-text (that is bracketed) references
  • All directly quoted material

Certain assessments may require different penalties for word limits to be applied. For example, if part of the requirement for the assessment is conciseness of presentation of facts and arguments. In such cases it may be that no 10% leeway is allowed, and penalties applied may be stricter than described above. In such cases the rules for word count limits and the penalties to be applied will be clearly stated in the assessment brief and in the submission details for that assessment.

Word Count Guide
What is and what is not included in the word count. Please note: Depending on the type of assessment, not all sections will be applicable.

Title page No
Contents No
List of tables, figures No
Glossary of Terms No
Page numbers No
Abstract No
Declaration No
Intellectual Property No
Acknowledgements No
Introduction Yes
Background, Critical Review of Existing Literature Yes
Aims Yes
Methods Yes
Results Yes
Discussions Yes
Conclusions Yes
Recommendations Yes
Citations in the main text Yes
Directly quoted material in the main text Yes
List of references No
Appendices No
Tables and Figures The titles, footnotes and citations for Tables and Figures are included but the actual text within them is not.

Guidance for Presentation of Taught Master's Dissertations

The University of Manchester guidance on presentation of taught Masters Dissertations is available at: Guidance for the presentation of Taught Masters dissertations.  The guidance explains the required presentation of the dissertation, and failure to follow the instructions in the guidance may result in the dissertation being rejected by the examiners.

Submission of Assessments

All course paperwork must also be submitted via Blackboard as instructed. Do not submit laboratory reports, tutorial work or other items of work to your MSc/ MRes Programme Director or other members of staff unless specifically asked to do so – they should be submitted electronically as explained below. Please be aware that all electronically submitted work will be assessed for plagiarism using Turnitin software as described below.

Please refer to your Blackboard unit spaces for more information regarding coursework and assessment, including submission deadlines.

Late Submission Penalty (Including Dissertation)

Work submitted after the deadline without prior approval will be subject to a late penalty in accordance with the University Policy on Submission of Work for Summative Assessment on Taught Programmes.  The penalty applied is 10% of available marks deducted per day/24 hours (from the time of the original or extended deadline), until the assignment is submitted, or no marks remain.

Penalties for late submission relate to 24 hours/calendar days, so include weekends and weekdays, as well as bank holidays and University closure days.

The mark awarded for the piece of work will be reduced by:

10% of the available marks deducted if up to 24 hours (1 day) late
20% of the available marks deducted if up to 48 hours (2 days) late
30% of the available marks deducted if up to 72 hours (3 days) late
40% of the available marks deducted if up to 96 hours (4 days) late
50% of the available marks deducted if up to 120 hours (5 days) late
60% of the available marks deducted if up to 144 hours (6 days) late
70% of the available marks deducted if up to 168 hours (7 days) late
80% of the available marks deducted if up to 192 hours (8 days) late
90% of the available marks deducted if up to 216 hours (9 days) late
100% of the available marks deducted if up to 240 hours (10 days) late

If the assessment is submitted within 10 days of the deadline the assessment should be marked and feedback to the student provided. If this mark before the penalty is applied reaches the appropriate pass mark but the applied penalty results in a fail of the assessment, the student should not be required to resit the assessment as the original mark can be taken as the resit mark. Further information and examples can be found in the Policy and associated Guidance documents.

For work submitted more than 10 days late, it is regarded as a non-submission and need not be marked. In this case a mark of zero will be awarded and normal resit regulations will apply.

The sliding scale should only be applied to first-sit submissions. For all referred (resit) assessment, any late submission will automatically receive a mark of zero.

For further information see Guidance on Late Submission and Policy on the Submission of Work for Summative Assessment on Taught Programmes.

Marking and Feedback

Summative assessments for the taught units will be marked by the primary assessor (and secondary assessor where specified) and feedback given to help you understand the mark you have received for the work submitted and how your performance might be improved in future. A sample of the assignments will be assessed by an internal moderator. Where appropriate, the primary assessor and secondary assessor/moderator will meet to agree a final mark, accompanied by written feedback where necessary. The agreed mark may be an average of the two marks; if not the assessors will provide written justification of the agreed mark. If the assessors cannot agree a final mark then a third marker will assess the work. The agreed mark and feedback will be available for you to view on Blackboard, within 15 working days of the submission date.

The research project/dissertation will be independently double marked by two assessors. Both will provide feedback and will meet to agree a final mark. This may be an average of the two marks; if not the assessors will provide written justification of the agreed mark. If the assessors cannot agree a final mark, then a third marker will assess the work. The external examiner will moderate the research project reports. Marks and feedback will be available for you to view on Blackboard, within 20 working days of the submission date for Research Project 1 and following the Final Examination Board for the Research Project 2/Dissertation.

Assignments will be marked anonymously wherever possible and therefore should be identified by your ID number rather than your name. The only exceptions to this rule are oral presentations and pieces of work, which are required to bear a name (e.g. laboratory notebooks).

For further information see Policy on Marking and Policy on feedback to Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Students.

Special Permissions

It is the expectation of the University that postgraduate taught students pursue their studies on a continuous basis for the stipulated duration of their programme.  However, it is recognised that students may encounter personal difficulties or situations which may seriously disrupt or delay their studies.  In some cases, an interruption/programme extension/change mode of study or an extension to writing up may be the most sensible option.

Should you wish to apply for special permission, in the first instance, please discuss your circumstances with your Programme Director/Academic Advisor/Dissertation Supervisor.  Alternatively, you can contact the Student Support and Wellbeing team via sms.wellbing@manchester.ac.uk.

Withdrawal from the Programme

Students who are considering withdrawing from the programme should discuss this in the first instance with their Programme Director.  If arrangements for withdrawal needs to be made, this will be handled by the relevant TLSE Team within the School.


All students who successfully complete the Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma and MSc/MRes programmes are invited, along with their guests, to attend a graduation ceremony. Further details can be accessed via the Graduation page on the University's website.

The University of Manchester degree ceremonies are broadcast live online, and are also stored on the University website.

Your progress and feedback given is monitored by a series of Progress Forms that have to be completed during the programme at set dates during meetings with your supervisory team and Academic Advisor. A copy of these forms is provided in a Logbook available on the Programme Blackboard page. You should keep the completed forms for your records and self-reflection and also upload a copy via the submission link in Blackboard. It is your responsibility to arrange meetings with your supervisor(s) and Academic Advisor. Please be aware that academics have enormous demands on their time so it is advisable to arrange meetings well in advance of the deadline. The PDP is a process to plan, reflect and record aspects of your progress, development and feedback during your programme. There are 5 components to the PDP: meetings, careers, research, time management and action planning. At the beginning of the course, you will be assigned an Academic Advisor. It is your responsibility to arrange to meet your Academic Advisor and complete the 3 Personal Development Plan forms during the programme. A copy of these forms is provided in the Logbook available on the Programme Blackboard page.

Monitoring Attendance and Engagement of Students

The programme director and teaching staff will monitor the work and attendance of students on the programme via the SEAtS application. This is for your benefit and helps to ensure you are coping with the work. Regular or a pattern of non-attendance and/or engagement will result in you being contacted by the School to meet with your programme director. Following this, further action will be taken if there isn’t a significant improvement in attendance.  For further information see: Regulation XX Monitoring Attendance and Wellbeing of Students

You are expected to attend all timetabled sessions. We also expect that students will be available to be on campus during published semester dates.

The University offers a range of advice and support to students experiencing problems with attendance. The A-Z of Services can be found on the MyManchester website, where you can find a information on a wide range of topics such as library services, disability support and careers advice.

You can also speak to your Programme Director, Academic Advisor of the Student Support and Wellbeing team.

Logging Your Attendance: A Quick Guide to SEAtS

From September 2024, the University is introducing a new Student Engagement and Attendance System called SEAtS, enabling students and staff to log attendance at teaching sessions (such as lectures and seminars).

 Your attendance will be logged in one of two ways:

  1. The academic will take a digital register (usually for small group teaching sessions, or
  2. You will mark yourself as having attended via a QR code or PIN code provided by the teaching colleague leading your session.

This system will actively support your engagement and wellbeing, allowing us to offer you further support should you need it.

Using the new system will involve a few simple steps, which we have outlined below. This will be compulsory for all Undergraduate and Postgraduate students taught on campus.  Other students will begin to use this system at a later date; they will be provided with further information on this nearer the time.

How to use SEAtS
SEAtS is a powerful tool that helps you manage your attendance and stay on top of your schedule. As a student, logging in to SEAtS for the first time is a straightforward process that involves a few simple steps. Here's how to get started:

Step 1: Download the SEAtS App
To begin, download the SEAtS App on your smartphone. It's available on both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store, so whether you're using an iPhone or an Android device, you can easily access it. Simply search for "SEAtS 2024" in your app store, download, and install the app.

If you do not have access to a working smartphone, it will be possible to use a web-based version that you can access from a laptop or a desktop computer. More information on this will be available via our SEAtS information hub.

Step 2: Log in using your University Email
You will only be able to log onto SEAtS once you have completed registration and signed up for your University IT account. Once the app is installed, open it and log in using your university email address and password. It's important to note that you must use your official university email for this initial login. This ensures that your account is correctly linked to your student profile and schedule.

Step 3: Logging your attendance
If your attendance is being logged via a digital register the teaching colleague leading your session will do this.

If your attendance is being logged via a QR or PIN code, once you have logged in you'll be directed to the home screen of the SEAtS app. Here, you'll see a list of your upcoming teaching events. Select the relevant event to check into from the list, and you'll be prompted to confirm your attendance. You can do this by either scanning the QR code displayed in your classroom or entering the PIN code provided by the teaching colleague leading your session.

These steps are essential for tracking your attendance accurately.

What happens after the first login?
Following your first login, accessing SEAtS becomes even easier. You can simply open the app, choose the teaching event you’re attending, and scan the QR code or enter the PIN code, just like before. The app remembers your login details, so you won't need to re-enter your email each time you use it.

What to do if you are absent
You should record all absences in the SEAtS app. Additionally, in the case of illness that will result in you being absent for more than 7 calendar days or if you are absent for other reasons then you should email the Programme Director and sms.attendance@manchester.ac.uk explaining the circumstances. Whatever your reason for being away, you should inform your Programme Director or Supervisor and make any necessary arrangements to catch up with work you have missed.

For further information see: Regulation XX Monitoring Attendance and Wellbeing of Students

Wellbeing Support

If your physical/mental health or any other issues are having an impact on your ability to attend your studies please do reach out to the Student Support and Wellbeing team.

Student Visa Attendance Requirements

If you are a student sponsored by the University of Manchester for a Student (formerly Tier 4) Visa, there are certain responsibilities that you need to understand and comply with in order to protect your status. This includes co-operating with the University in fulfilling our shared Student route duties to UK Visas & Immigration. Any breaches to your responsibilities can have serious implications on your studies and eligibility to stay in the UK. There are some responsibilities associated with academic attendance.

Please ensure you are fully aware of all your responsibilities: https://www.studentsupport.manchester.ac.uk/immigration-and-visas/responsibilities/

6.  Student Support and Guidance

Support within the Programme

Academic support and advice is available to all students both formally and informally from the Programme Director, Academic Advisors and Research project Supervisors.

The School also have a dedicated Student Support and Wellbeing team who can help with a wide range of issues whether they are personal, health or financial. The team can help you with wellbeing advice, Mitigating Circumstances, Disability Support and anything you experience that may affect your engagement with course.

The SMS Student Information Hub has lots of helpful guidance to support you throughout your time with us here at the University of Manchester.

The Student Support and Wellbeing team offer one-to-one appointments to any challenges you are facing, offer personalised guidance and signpost to the relevant support. These meetings can take place either on campus or online.

Academic Success Programme

You’re studying at the University of Manchester – congratulations!  Writing and speaking Academic English can be challenging, even for native speakers.  Our team of experienced tutors are here to support you, and will help boost your confidence to work independently in English through a series of interactive workshops - freely available to all University of Manchester students.

To find out more, and to register, please go to www.manchester.ac.uk/academicsuccessprogramme

The Academic Writing workshops are delivered via live synchronous video sessions, and offer faculty-specific support covering both the basics and the finer points of good academic writing. The sessions are interactive and encourage small group work to solve problems and edit texts. Our Academic Grammar workshops are also online and open to students from all faculties. They include the fundamentals of good sentence structure as well as more subtle ways of showing nuance and emphasis.

There are also self-study resources available via our Blackboard community – details, and registration, is via the “Online Resources” link.

Should you have further queries, please email academicsuccess@manchester.ac.uk

Disability Advisory and Support Service (DASS)

The University of Manchester welcomes students with a disability or specific learning difficulties. The University has a Disability Advisory and Support Service, who can supply further information and DASS advisors will be pleased to meet you to discuss you needs. DASS will liaise with your School through the Disability Coordinator to make the necessary arrangements for your support during your time in Manchester.

The DASS office can also provide a copy of the University’s Disability Statement, ‘Opportunities for Students with Additional Support Needs at the University of Manchester’ which sets out the policy and provision for students with a disability.

School Disability Coordinator (Karen Ross) Contact Details: sms.dc@manchester.ac.uk
DASS Contact Details: https://www.dass.manchester.ac.uk/contact-and-see-us/

Religious Observance and Looking after yourself and your patients during Ramadan 

Policy on Religious Observance:

7.  Student Representation and Feedback

Student Representation
A Student Representative is a student leader and works in partnership with the University staff and Students’ Union to represent the views and experiences of student peers.

The programme’s Student Rep is expected to:

  • Complete general SU training & specific school or programme training
  • Contact your cohort (other students on your course) to introduce yourself & gather feedback
  • Work with staff, the SU and other reps to act on feedback and enact change
  • Use existing data to suggest improvements to student experience
  • Attend regular staff-student meetings to deliver feedback & propose change
  • Attend Faculty level feedback meetings (i.e. Faculty Forum)

There is a dedicated team in the Students’ Union available to support reps with each aspect of the role, along with staff contacts in each programme who help to facilitate the staff-student meetings.  Further details of training will be provided for reps once elected and information about additional support/activities for student representatives can be found on the Students’ Union website http://manchesterstudentsunion.com/reps.

You can find more information by visiting the SMS PGT Student Support Hub.

Course Unit Evaluations
The quality of teaching on the programme is monitored in part by student feedback. Thus it is very important that you make your views, good and bad, known. At the end of each course unit, and at the end of the programme, you will be asked to complete an anonymous course unit evaluation form. In addition, please let the course unit leader or the programme director know at any time if you feel there is a problem with a particular area of the programme.

8.  Programme Management


Programme Management and Committee Structure

Programme Management
The programme is managed and operated in accordance with the policies, principles, regulations and procedures of the University of Manchester.
Programme Directors relate to the School and Faculty Postgraduate Teaching Committees on matters relating to admissions, exams, reviews and approval of new programmes and units, quality assurance etc. and policy issues of broad relevance to the Graduate School.
The Programme Committee will meet each semester and consist of the Programme Director, Programme Administrator, Programme Committee members and the unit co-ordinators.

The remit of the committee will be to:

  • Oversee the teaching, assessment and examining arrangements;
  • Monitor cohort progression including failure rate, withdrawal rate;
  • Evaluate the extent to which the learning outcomes are achieved by students;
  • Monitor, maintain and enhance standards of all aspects of the programme;
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum and of assessment in relation to programme learning outcomes;
  • Evaluate the effectiveness and relevance of the teaching and learning methods employed;
  • Review and revise the programme in the light of any relevant Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) benchmarks, any other relevant external and/or professional requirements and developing knowledge in the subject area;
  • Receive, consider and respond to feedback from students, employers and external examiners;
  • Where the need for change is identified, effect the changes quickly and efficiently;
  • Produce an annual action plan via annual monitoring;
  • Produce reports for periodic review
  • Produce relevant information for an Institutional Audit;
  • Review programme documentation, e.g., programme handbooks, programme specifications, promotional literature and programme website;
  • Ensure suitable and efficient arrangements are in place for recruitment, admission and induction.

Committee Structure

The Programme Committee acts as a curriculum development team for the Programme. The Programme Committee will report to a School, or Department, or Faculty level committee. The Programme Director is responsible for the management of the programme, and the Programme Committee is established to support the Programme Director in the carrying out of their responsibilities.

External Examiner
The External Examiner for this programme is Dr Jean-Baptiste Gouyon, University College London.

The role of the External Examiner
External Examiners are individuals from another institution or organisation who monitor the assessment processes of the University to ensure fairness and academic standards. They ensure that assessment and examination procedures have been fairly and properly implemented and that decisions have been made after appropriate deliberation. They also ensure that standards of awards and levels of student performance are at least comparable with those in equivalent higher education institutions.

External Examiner Reports
External Examiner reports relating to this programme will be shared with student representatives and details of any actions carried out by the programme team/School in response to the External Examiner’s comments will be discussed. Students should contact their student representatives if they require any further information about External Examiner reports or the process for considering them.

Please note that it is inappropriate for students to make direct contact with External Examiners under any circumstances, in particular with regards to a student’s individual performance in assessments.  Other appropriate mechanisms are available for students, including the University’s appeals or complaints procedures and the UMSU Advice Centre. In cases where a student does contact an External Examiner directly, External Examiners have been requested not to respond to direct queries. Instead, External Examiners should report the matter to their School contact who will then contact the student to remind them of the other methods available for students. If students have any queries concerning this, they should contact the Assessment & Progression Team.

9.  Student Privacy Notice

The University of Manchester needs to collect, maintain and use personal data relating to you to allow us to process your application for study, register you as a student, to administer your course and to provide facilities during your time as a student. We will also use your data to keep in touch with you after you have graduated, and contact you to complete a graduate outcomes survey.

We share this data within the University in order to deliver a high standard of service to you, so it is important that you regularly check to see that we have up to date information about you in the Student System. We are occasionally required to share your information with external agencies who have need for it, such as the Higher Education Statistics Agency, or Student Loans Company. We may also ask other agencies for the information they have about you, in order to verify the personal details you provide.

Please read the full Privacy Notice - Registered Students here.

10.  Learning Resources

Learning Resources within the School

Library Facilities

The University of Manchester Library
The University of Manchester Library provides you with the resources and support you need throughout your programme. The Main Library houses all of the essential text books whilst the Alan Gilbert Learning Commons provides a 24/7 learning environment in addition to study skills workshops. The Library also has an extensive collection of eBooks, databases and journals available online.

The My Library tab in My Manchester has quick links to all of the Library’s resources and services available to students.

Getting Started
You will need your student card to access all library sites around campus. Many of our services and resources also require you to confirm that you are a registered student. This authentication can be your student card, the ID number on the card, your Library PIN, the central username and password you use to log on, or a combination of these.

Each course unit in Blackboard includes an online reading list, so you can quickly check availability and directly access e-books, digitised chapters and e-journals or articles.

The Main Library
The University Library has an extensive collection of printed books relevant to members of the Division of Dentistry. These are housed in the Main Library and the Stopford Library.

The main collection of books on dental topics, along with those for other health related subjects such as Medicine, Nursing and Pharmacy, are located in Blue 2 of the Main Library.

The Main Library offers group study rooms, individual study space options and computer clusters. Wi-Fi is available throughout the building and a cafe lounge can be found on the ground floor. The Library has long opening hours and extends these during exam periods. Please check Locations and Opening Hours for full details on opening hours and facilities.

The Alan Gilbert Learning Commons
The Alan Gilbert Learning Commons is a state-of-the-art learning environment with 24/7 opening hours throughout term-time. The Learning Commons has flexible open learning spaces with multimedia facilities, computer clusters and 30 bookable group study rooms with whiteboards and media screens.

There is a series of training workshops covering a variety of academic and transferable skills hosted in the training room at the Learning Commons.  These workshops include training on revision/study skills, note-taking and other topics and have been developed by the Learning Commons staff in partnership with other teams across the University.  Full details of training sessions are available in the My Learning Essentials Calendar.

IT Services Support Centre online

Details of what IT support is available and how to access it can be found on the IT Services Support page.
Login to the Support Portal online to log a request, book an appointment for an IT visit, or search the Knowledge Base.
Telephone: +44 (0)161 306 5544 (or extension 65544).  Telephone support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
In person:  Walk-up help and support is available at the Joule Library, Main Library or Alan Gilbert Learning Commons:
Use Support Centre online for support with eLearning, from where you may make a request, or search the Knowledge Base.

For IT and eLearning support visit: https://handbooks.bmh.manchester.ac.uk/student/technical-support/

Blackboard, the University's 'virtual learning environment', will be used for online teaching.

What is Blackboard?
Blackboard is a web-based system that complements and builds upon traditional learning methods used at The University of Manchester. By using Blackboard you can

  • view course materials and learning resources,
  • communicate with lectures and other students,
  • collaborate in groups,
  • get feedback
  • submit assignments
  • monitoring your own progress at a time and place of your own convenience.

Training in the use of software
The Faculty eLearning team has produced an online induction package to help you understand our online services, software, and facilities. You can access this at https://elearning.bmh.manchester.ac.uk/student/study-support/online-induction/.

Centre for Academic and Researcher Development (CARD)


The Centre for Academic and Researcher Development team creates an environment that supports you through every stage of your career, allowing you to excel and reach your full potential. They deliver face to face training programmes and continual online resources that are tailored to meet your needs.

Good Research Conduct

The University of Manchester’s Code of Good Research Conduct sets out our commitment to research integrity and our expectations of those who conduct research in our name.

General principles
This code is written to preserve the highest professional standards, while striving to maintain an environment that values creativity and flexibility.

  • All work must be carried out in accordance with the highest standards of scientific practice.
  • Policies on safeguarding good scientific practice are available from the BBSRC

Recording, Storing and Archiving
Research Data/Materials
As leader of a research project, you are responsible for ensuring that there are clear protocols for the collection, recording, storage and archiving of research data/materials generated as part of your project. These protocols should fit within any professional guidance available, guidance from funding bodies, your school and the University’s Code of Good Research Conduct.

Health and Safety
It is your responsibility to ensure that the research staff and students for whom you have responsibility are provided with an environment that is safe and healthy and all research is conducted within the requirements of health and safety legislation:

  • That necessary risk assessments have been undertaken (Never assume that because your research is not lab-based or using hazardous substances that it would not require a risk assessment).
  • That staff are adequately informed, trained and monitored regarding safe practices to ensure they do not endanger themselves, others or the environment.
  • That your research complies with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health regulations as appropriate.


Learning Resources within CHSTM

CHSTM Learning Facilities

Office space
When determined to be safe, and following any applicable social distancing guidelines, hot desks and networked PCs for MSc students are provided in the CHSTM Postgraduate Room (Simon 2.54), which also houses the PhD students’ desks. The keycode for the office door is available from the Programme Administrator.

Computer facilities, wifi and printing
There is a large PC cluster on the sixth floor (Simon 6.004) which contains 140 PC terminals and is open Monday to Friday, 08.30 to 17.30.

Terminals are also available in the School of Medical Sciences’ main student facilities in the Stopford Building, and in other locations including the University of Manchester Library Main Building.

For real-time information on cluster PC availability around the University, see http://www.itservices.manchester.ac.uk/clusteravailability/avail.php?html

Free wifi for student use is provided across the campus. See Wireless service on the IT Services website for more details. The eduroam service is generally more convenient than the University-specific wifi, and you can also use it at many other higher education institutions, in the UK and internationally, with the same login details.

The university has a pull-print system allowing you to send documents to be printed from any networked computer, or your own device, and collect them from any of the Xerox printers in the PC clusters and other locations: see Student printing for details. More specialised printing services are available from the University Print Shop in the Humanities Bridgeford Street building.

CHSTM Library
The CHSTM Library is based in Simon 2.48. It has a large subject-specific collection, and is reserved for the use of CHSTM staff, postgraduates and selected undergraduates. The keycode for the Library door is available from the Programme Administrator.

To make sure that everyone has access to the books they need, the CHSTM Library is reference-only. MSc students must not remove books from the Library at any time. Always remember to re-shelve books correctly after use.

Unfortunately, we can’t provide copying facilities for students within CHSTM. A bank of photocopiers is available at the University of Manchester Library Main Building.

The kitchen (Simon 2.59) is open to students at all times during the day, and contains a kettle and microwave. Please bring your own mug and supply of teabags, coffee, etc. If you use milk, don’t steal other people’s! There is a CHSTM milk-buying rota which you can join.

Nobody is paid to clean this area for us, so make sure you wash up and put away all mugs, dishes etc, and wipe down the surfaces after you use the kitchen.

Receiving mail
Internal correspondence from the University will in most cases be sent electronically, except for a occasional official communications which will be sent on paper to your home address. If you need to use a University mail address for external correspondence (for instance, in relation to research projects), then please give the CHSTM postgraduate office as the mail point – “2.54 Simon Building, Brunswick Street, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PS” – with your own name clearly included, to make sure that the replies are delivered correctly.

Libraries, museums and research culture

Libraries in Manchester

The chief local resource is the University of Manchester Library, whose main site is a short walk away on the other side of Oxford Road. The UML is the UK’s largest non-legal-deposit library, with more than 4 million printed books and manuscripts. It’s also home to the University Archives.

Apart from the main site, there are ten satellite libraries on various parts of the University campus. You will probably need to use several of these at some point, so it’s worth finding out where they’re located. There’s a map on the University Library website:


The John Rylands Library, Deansgate is the associated Special Collections/Rare Books and Manuscripts facility: it’s in the city centre, some distance from the main site. Deansgate holds many unique archive collections which past students have used for dissertation research. Full details are available at


Other local libraries worth knowing about:

  • Manchester Central Library (“Central Ref”). Main City Council facility, and also home to the main archive services to the city. Important local history collections. http://www.manchester.gov.uk/centrallibrary
  • Chetham’s Library. Oldest surviving public library in the English-speaking world, founded 1653. Important early book and manuscript holdings: https://library.chethams.com/
  • Portico Library. Historic private subscription library (John Dalton was an early member) with a large nineteenth-century collection: http://www.theportico.org.uk/

Museumsn this course you should, of course, familiarise yourself with all the local museums with an HSTM dimension – not only to learn more about the history, but to see how those museums present it to public audiences.

  • Manchester Museum, Oxford Road. Part of the University. Natural history (botany, zoology, geology); anthropology and ethnology; biosciences; local artefacts. Famous collections from excavations in Egypt. http://www.museum.manchester.ac.uk/
  • Science and Industry Museum, Liverpool Road, Castlefield. Close research links with CHSTM. Mainly engineering, physical sciences and communications; strong on transport history, working engines, textiles and the industrial city. Museum site has an interesting history as the former terminus of the world’s first passenger railway. http://msimanchester.org.uk
  • People’s History Museum, Left Bank (off Quay Street), Spinningfields. Mainly history of the organised labour movement. Important social dimension for understanding industrial change. http://www.phm.org.uk/
  • Imperial War Museum North, Salford Quays. One gallery dedicated to “science, technology and war”. http://north.iwm.org.uk/

CHSTM research seminars
A research seminar is a session at which a researcher gives a lecture-style presentation on his or her current work and takes questions from the audience.

Unlike your course lectures and taught seminars, which will (usually) concentrate on the older and more established research that shapes the field, research seminars feature brand-new and sometimes unfinished (often unfinished) research, and will give you more of an insight into the life of a life of a working researcher. You are welcome to attend any scheduled research seminars.  The programme director will frequently pass along notices of upcoming events and seminars that may be of interest.

CHSTM runs two main seminar series during the teaching semester:

  • CHSTM Seminar (fortnightly; Tuesdays, 16.00-17.30, Room 2.57).  Our main formal series featuring invited speakers from institutions across Britain and the world, ranging from well-known senior figures to promising younger members of the profession. This is also CHSTM’s main regular social gathering. We usually adjourn for drinks somewhere after the seminar: you are encouraged to come along and meet other students, staff and the speaker.
  • Lunchtime Seminar (scheduling to be announced). Organised by PhD students, this is a less formal series featuring shorter work-in-progress reports from CHSTM staff and students, and occasionally grad students from other institutions.  You are particularly encouraged to attend these sessions since they will give you not only an overview of the research going on in CHSTM, but also a sense of how to formulate a research question and then answer it. Bring a sandwich, or stay afterwards for lunch with PhD students and the speaker.

CHSTM also runs several more specialised monthly or annual seminars and speaker events. For full details, see the Seminars page on the CHSTM website.

The wider world of HSTM, Medical Humanities and Science Communication

If you’re serious about working in a relevant field – for example, as an academic historian, a museum curator, or a science journalist – you need to find out as much as you can, as early as possible, about the community you will be dealing with. Teaching staff can advise on your individual needs, but here are some starting-points you should know about.

E-mail lists
Still the most common means for circulating information about jobs, studentships, conferences and public events in some fields.

X and Facebook
Is often useful to find out what’s going on in your field at the moment.

The CHSTM Facebook group rarely carries academic announcements, but is used by some staff, students and alumni to keep in touch. Contact Rob Kirk for access. Follow CHSTM on X @MANCHSTM

The hashtags #histSTM (for the integrated HSTM field), #histsci#scicomm and #scipolicy are all popular; #histmed also gets some use.

Professional societies and networks
Most academic disciplines have one or more organisations (“learned societies”) which publish journals, organise conferences, and otherwise promote the field. Some specialist trades, such as science writing, have professional bodies to give advice and support, or more loosely organised networks. A few suggestions:

  • The British Society for the History of Science is the largest body for HSTM in the UK, and welcomes involvement by enthusiastic grad students. The annual Postgraduate Conference provides an excellent way to involve yourself in the community. http://www.bshs.org.uk/
  • The Society for the Social History of Medicine is the main history of medicine society in the UK, and likewise organises postgrad-specific as well as general conferences. http://www.sshm.org/
  • The Association of British Science Writers has various resources on its website which may be useful to anyone thinking of a career in science journalism. http://www.absw.org.uk/
  • The PCST Network operates internationally, providing information useful to anyone studying or practising science communication. http://www.upf.edu/pcstacademy/PCST_Network/network.html
  • The Science in Public Network is a UK-based society for practitioners and academics to discuss the broad field of science communication. https://scienceinpublic.org/
  • The British Science Association is a learned society founded in 1831 to aid in the promotion and development of science, and was known until 2009 as the British Association for the Advancement of Science. It runs the British Science Festival. https://www.britishscienceassociation.org/
  • Stempra is a network for people involved in public relations, communications and media work focusing on science and related fields. https://stempra.org.uk/
  • The Association for Medical Humanities sponsors an annual conference bringing together academics and practitioners from the UK and Ireland. http://amh.ac.uk/
  • The Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research is an interdisciplinary group which acts as a hub for academic researchers in the medical humanities as well as practitioners, artists and others who may wish to collaboratehttp://nnmh.org.uk/
  • Various student societies at Manchester, including the Medicine in Arts Society, the Psychiatry Society and the Manchester Global Health Society have regular events incorporating the arts and humanities into healthcare and are open to new ideas and suggestions. Please ask the teaching staff and we will put you in touch.

11. Useful Links

Academic Support Policies

A full list of University Policies and documents
Academic Appeals (Regulation XIX)
Academic Malpractice: Procedure for the Handling of Cases
Basic Guide to Student Complaints
Conduct and Discipline of Students (Regulations XVII)
General University information on the Conduct and Discipline of Students
Faculty policies for students on Communication and Dress Code, Social Networking and Drugs & Alcohol
Information on Academic Malpractice and how to avoid it
Data Protection
Guidance for the Presentation of Taught Masters Dissertations
Guidance to Students on Plagiarism and Other Forms of Academic Malpractice
Policy on Submission of Work for Summative Assessment on Taught Programmes
Policy on Mitigating Circumstances
Mitigating Circumstances Guidance for Students
PGT Degree Regulations
Policy on Feedback to Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Students
Student Complaints Procedure
Student Charter
Work and Attendance of Students (Regulation XX)

Student Support
A-Z of Student Services
Blackboard via My Manchester
Careers Service
Counselling Service
Disability Advisory and Support Service
University Language Centre – Study English - Tel: 0161 306 3397
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for Staff and Students
Health & Fitness
Health & Safety Policy
International Advice Team
IT and eLearning Support
Mature Students Guide
Occupational Health Services for Students
Personal Development Planning
A Personal Safety Guide for International Students
Students Union