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MSc Clinical Science
(Neurosensory Sciences)

University of Manchester

Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health

School of Health Sciences



Note: this Programme Handbook should be read in conjunction with the Dissertation Handbook (MSc only), the Practical Handbook, and the Clinical Handbook

Revised August 2022


Welcome from the Director of Postgraduate Taught Education

I am delighted to welcome you to the School of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health. We are extremely pleased you have chosen the University of Manchester to commence or continue your postgraduate study journey; whether you are progressing straight from your undergraduate studies, seeking to develop your knowledge/skills in your chosen career or, are bravely, taking a completely different direction in life.

In the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and humanity, we will place you at the centre of a transformational learning process to support you to achieve your individual goals and aspirations. Our challenge to you is to embrace all of the opportunities available to you; be bold, think differently and realise your potential. We want your postgraduate journey with us to be intellectually stretching, rewarding and fun.

We are aware that most of you will need to juggle a number of competing priorities during your postgraduate taught studies. Some of you will already be in full time employment, while others will need to secure part time employment to fund your studies. We know that many of you will have family and caring responsibilities that will have to be prioritised before your own learning. We hope the information detailed in this programme handbook will help you in managing these competing commitments. Whether you are joining us on campus, or studying at a distance, you are an integral part of our School and University, and we are here to support you.

We are extremely proud of our postgraduate student community and alumni who are making a difference, both locally and globally. We look forward to working with you, confident that you too will play a role in transforming the lives of people who use health and social care services, whether during your studies or upon graduation.

I wish you every success in your postgraduate studies here at the University of Manchester.

Mr Andrew Mawdsley
Director of Post Graduate Taught Education
School of Health Sciences


Where to find further information

In addition to this handbook you are required to familiarise yourself with the information contained within the A-Z of Student Services and IT Services handbook.  New students are given access to copy of the appropriate handbooks at the beginning of their programme of study; alternatively the information is available on our website.

We will be happy to provide this handbook in large print if required.

Student Services Centre, Burlington Street or Sackville Street

Tel: +44(0)161 275 5000

The Student Services Centre can offer all sorts of help and advice about tuition fee assessments or payments, Council Tax, examinations, graduation ceremonies and all sorts of documents.

The A-Z of Student Services

The Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations that are applicable to all students across the University are referred to in the University A-Z of Services and detailed in full within the University Calendar.

A-Z of Student Services

Essential advice, information and guidance for students at The University of Manchester; packed with up-to-the-minute information.

The University website contains a comprehensive and definitive listing of University policies and procedures relevant to both students and members of staff. It covers the full-range of our activities and is continually updated to ensure that you have immediate access to the latest versions of documents as soon as they are approved. It is also equipped with a search engine that enables you to find relevant documents using key words or phrases.

Click Here to visit the website

Academic Structure

Overview of the Structure of the School of Health Sciences:

The School of Health Sciences comprises six divisions: i) Psychology and Mental Health Psychology; ii) Population Health, iii) Human Communication and Deafness; iv) Pharmacy & Optometry; v.) Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work; and vi.) Information, Imaging & Data Science. The School delivers a large number of UG and PG teaching programmes.

The School also runs the Clinical Psychology professional doctorate training programme. There is also a large community of students studying for MPhil and PhDs.

Our School is one of three comprising the Faculty of Biology Medicine and Health (FBMH), the others being School of Biological Sciences and School of Medical Sciences. All the Schools work together at a Faculty level to continually improve provision for our postgraduate students by up-dating existing schemes and devising innovative ones.

The School is run by an Executive Committee comprising the Head of School (Chair), the leads for each of the divisions, and staff with key leadership roles within the school (e.g. directors of research, undergraduate, and graduate matters). It is important that there is a healthy bi-directional flow of information between student, staff, School, and Faculty levels. As a student, you can express issues and concerns to your student representatives who will ensure that these issues are addressed by the School Postgraduate committee which is chaired by the Director of Graduate Matters. Hence, the concerns of postgraduate students are taken seriously at School and Faculty levels.

Division of Human Communication, Development and Hearing

(HCDH) founded as the Department of Education of the Deaf in 1919 by Sir James E Jones in memory of his deaf son, Ellis Llywd Jones, and was one of the first such departments in the world. Since that time it has played a major role in the development of audiology and deaf education both nationally and internationally.

We boast a leading national and international reputation in the education and training of audiologists and healthcare scientists, speech and language therapists, psychologists and teachers of the deaf, and have a commitment to broadening our portfolio of taught programmes. We make basic research discoveries, translate these discoveries into real world applications and improve the quality of life for individuals across the lifespan. We have strong research and teaching networks across the Faculty and beyond. We aim to build these areas further to foster research collaborations, so that psychological approaches to language, communication and hearing are infused into many areas of activity.

The Division houses two research Centres: Manchester Centre for Audiology and Deafness (ManCAD, http://research.bmh.manchester.ac.uk/manCad) and the ESRC International Centre for Language and Communicative Development (LuCiD, www.lucid.ac.uk).

The Division runs regular meetings and research discussion forums both at Divisional level and in the Research Centres. Our resources include access to an impressive suite of research labs and clinical research facilities (including EEG, eye tracking) located on campus.

Research in the Division is organised into the following main themes:
– Audiology
– Early language development
– Language impairment
– Social communication and pragmatics intervention

Further information can be found on:
– ManCAD pages for audiology and the teaching of the deaf http://research.bmh.manchester.ac.uk/manCad
– LuCiD website (www.lucid.ac.uk)
– Division research pages for language development and disorders http://research.bmh.manchester.ac.uk/ldd/people

Our teaching is organised into the following main discipline areas:

  • Audiology and Healthcare Science: both pre-registration programmes and post-registration CPD and specialist qualifications
  • Deaf Education: PGT programmes preparing teachers of the deaf
  • Speech and Language Therapy: both pre-registration programmes and post-registration CPD qualifications
  • Psychology: BSc Psychology

HCDH staff members contribute to the delivery of twelve programmes. These are as follows:

  • BSc (Hons) in Speech and Language Therapy
  • BSc in Healthcare Science (Audiology)
  • MSc in Clinical Science (Neurosensory Sciences)
  • MSc Audiology
  • Certificate of Clinical Competence UK & Irish Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology (ICCCA)
  • MSc in Advanced Audiological Studies
  • MSc in Advanced Audiological Studies (Paediatric Pathway)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Deaf Education
  • MSc in Deaf Education
  • Continued Professional Development
  • Higher Specialist Scientist Training (Audiological Sciences)
  • PhD studentships in Audiology

Introduction to MSc Clinical Science (Neurosensory Sciences

Welcome to the University of Manchester and to the field of Audiology. We expect you will have high expectations of this postgraduate programme and high expectations of yourself. Success on a demanding, postgraduate degree programme involves a great deal of commitment and sustained effort on the part of you as a student. You should already be familiar with the terms ‘independent learner’ and ‘enquiry-based learning’ whereby you are expected to be the driving force behind your own learning experience. If you are to be a respected clinician and/or researcher at the end of your training and throughout your career, able to work autonomously and keep up to date, then you need to be clear from the outset that you need to take responsibility for your own learning.

An induction day with all students is arranged during registration week to explain in more detail the expectations and the responsibility for learning that students will have to take.

All students are allocated an academic member of staff as Academic advisor, under the Academic advisory system of the University. Personal development planning is supported by meetings with Academic advisors, dissertation supervisor and Clinical Director. Additionally, academic staff post ‘office hours’ during which students may call for discussion about any matter pertaining to the programmes or curriculum content without an appointment.

Students are strongly encouraged to make use of the extensive practical facilities in their spare time to secure their practical skills, and equipment is made as accessible as possible within the limits of security.

From the first day of the programme, you need to recognise that you will have a fulltime workload. Direct contact time with staff must be supplemented with your own independent study if you are to complete the programme successfully.

Each credit of the 180 credit MSc or the 120 credit Postgraduate Diploma represents ten hours of student work and effort.

What you achieve while you are a student here will depend upon how much you make of the excellent facilities available to you—the library, the IT clusters, helpful staff, and practical and laboratory facilities which you can and should use frequently (available between the hours of 8am and 8pm).

Finally, please note that by accepting a place on this programme, you have entered into a contract with the University. You are expected to adopt a professional attitude to your studies, adhere to the School of Health Code of Conduct and attend all lectures, practicals and timetabled activities.

This programme handbook is absolutely central to your studies. You should endeavour to carry it with you, as you will need to refer to it frequently. It provides you with key information about the degree content, what the intended learning outcomes are and how we assess whether you have achieved them, what is expected of you as a student and what you can expect from staff. It directs you to other useful sources of information. It is, in part, a record that you keep of exactly what you studied in the programme. If there are changes to course content, you will be given additional sections. It is important for you to have an accurate record of exactly what your cohort has studied: apart from your transcript of marks, future employers, particularly in other countries, may like more detail of your course content.

Student Charter: http://www.studentnet.manchester.ac.uk/enhancing-my-experience/charter/

Manchester Academy for Healthcare Scientist Education (MAHSE)

Supporting the delivery of Healthcare Scientist education

What is MAHSE?

MAHSE is a partnership between the University of Manchester (UoM), Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) and the University of Salford (UoS), as well as leading Healthcare Scientists (HCS) from partner Trusts.  MAHSE was formally established on 1 January 2012 under the directorship of Dr Philip Padfield and is supported by full time co-ordinators, Sarah Williams and Louisa-Jane Smith.  It is overseen by a Board with representatives from Universities, regional HCS networks, patient groups and the NHS.

What is the purpose of MAHSE?

  • To support the development and delivery of HCS education and training at all levels of the MSC framework in line with local and national requirements
  • To promote continuing professional development opportunities for the current HCS workforce
  • To facilitate effective communication and knowledge transfer between principal stakeholders, share good practice and stimulate innovation in HCS education and training.

Which programmes have been accredited within the MAHSE partnership?

 Practitioner Training Programmes (PTP)

  • Life Sciences including Blood diagnostics, Infection diagnostics, Tissue & Cellular diagnostics (all MMU)
  • Physiological Sciences including Cardiac Physiology (MMU), Respiratory Physiology & sleep (MMU), Neurophysiology (MMU) and Audiology (UoM)


Scientist Training Programmes (STP)

Life Sciences:

  • Blood Sciences including Clinical Biochemistry (UoM), Clinical Immunology (UoM), Haematology and Transfusion Sciences (MMU) and Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics (UoM)
  • Cellular Sciences including Histopathology (MMU), Cytopathology (MMU) and Reproductive Science (MMU)

Physiological Sciences:

  • Neurosensory Sciences including Audiology (UoM), and Neurophysiology (MMU)
  • Cardiac, Critical Care Vascular, Respiratory and Sleep Sciences including Cardiac Science (MMU), Critical Care Science (UoS), Vascular Science (UoS), and Respiratory and Sleep Science (MMU)

Physical Sciences:

  • Reconstructive Science (MMU and King’s College London)
  • Clinical Pharmaceutical Science (UoM)

All Themes:

  • Clinical Bioinformatics (UoM)


Higher Specialist Scientist Training (HSST)

Life Sciences:

  • Analytical Toxicology (UoM), Clinical Biochemistry (UoM), Clinical Immunology (UoM),Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics (UoM), Genetics (UoM), Microbiology (UoM), Virology (UoM), Molecular Pathology of Acquired Disease (UoM), Molecular Pathology of Infection (UoM), Haematology (MMU), Reproductive Science (MMU)

Physiological Sciences:

  • Audiological Science (UoM), Gastrointestinal and Urological Sciences (UoM), Ophthalmic and Vision Science (Aston University), Reproductive science (MMU), Cardiac science (MMU), Respiratory and sleep physiology (MMU), Vascular science (MMU),

Physical Sciences:

  • Clinical Biomedical Engineering (University of Liverpool), Medical Physics (University of Liverpool), Clinical Biomedical Engineering (KCL)


Kate Smith | MAHSE Manager | University of Manchester | 1.903, Stopford Building | Oxford Road | Manchester M13 9PL | Tel: +44 (0) 161 306 4580 |

Email: kate.smith-3@manchester.ac.uk

MAHSE STP Administrator | University of Manchester | 1.903, Stopford Building | Oxford Road | Manchester M13 9PL | Tel: +44 (0) 161 306 4552 |

Email: admin@mahse.co.uk

Key People

Members of the PDT team and ManCAD staff who contribute to the teaching and/or dissertation supervision are:



Name Office Phone E-mail
Dr Richard Baker B2.14 275 3388 richard.baker@manchester.ac.uk
Dr Siobhan Brennan B1.2A 275 8677 siobhan.brennan@manchester.ac.uk
Debbie Cane B2.13 275 8679 debbie.cane@manchester.ac.uk
Amelia Clark G15 Zochonis 275 8581 PGT_HCDH@manchester.ac.uk
Alice Crutchley A4.12 alice.crutchley@manchester.ac.uk
Bridget Goodier B2.16 275 3434 bridget.goodier@manchester.ac.uk
Dr Antje Heinrich B2.13 275 8679 antje.heinrich@manchester.ac.uk
Dr Reza Hoseinabadi B2.7 306 1757 reza.hoseinabadi@manchester.ac.uk
Dr Karolina Kluk B2.15 275 3371 karolina.kluk@manchester.ac.uk
Dr Rebecca Millman B2.8 275 3387 rebecca.millman@manchester.ac.uk
Prof Kevin Munro A3.11 275 3360 kevin.munro@manchester.ac.uk
Dr Garreth Prendergast A3.16 275 8586 garreth.prendergast@manchester.ac.uk
Prof Chris Plack B1.23 275 3373 chris.plack@manchester.ac.uk
Caroline Spivey B1.15 275 3370 caroline.spivey@manchester.ac.uk
Dr Michael Stone A3.16 275 8583 michael.stone@manchester.ac.uk
Dr Kai Uus B2.1 275 8282 kai.uus@manchester.ac.uk
Dr Tim Wilding B2.10 275 8286 timothy.wilding@manchester.ac.uk


Important information with regards to this course will be put on Blackboard. If you have any queries or concerns at any time during your period of study in Manchester, there is a range of people you can approach. Your MSc Administrator, will be your first port of call. Alternatively, you may wish to contact your Academic Advisor or Programme Director.

Responsibility for overall management of the Programme lies with the Programme Director. The Programme Director has assembled a Programme Committee, which meets regularly, to advise on content, structure, management, student supervision, and regulatory matters such as Programme improvement and refinement. The Committee also has two MSc student representatives. Each representative is democratically elected by MSc students in the year cohort they represent. Issues which you wish to feed back to the Programme Committee can be done by your student representative.

Staff who have a specific administrative role linked to the MSc in Clinical Science programme are:

Programme Director: Dr Kai Uus
School of Health
Ellen Wilkinson Building
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL
Email: kai.uus@manchester.ac.uk
Tel: 0161 275 8282

Dissertation Lead – Dr Kai Uus
Email: kai.uus@manchester.ac.uk
Tel: 0161 275 8282

Programme Administrator:  Amelia Clark
PGT Assessment Administrator
School of Health
G15 Zochonis Building
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL
Email: PGT_HCDH@manchester.ac.uk
Tel: 0161 275 8581 

Two lecturers who contribute significantly to the Neurophysiology and Vision and Ophthalmic Sciences curriculum in year 1 are:

Michael Pridgeon michael.pridgeon@thewaltoncentre.nhs.uk Specialist Healthcare Scientist / Chartered Scientist (Neurophysiology)
Dr Mania Horani Mania.Horani@cmft.nhs.uk Fellow Ophthalmologist

Faculty Webpages


SECTION A : Programme Structure

Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health PGT Graduate School Online Skills Training Resource

The Faculty has developed a skills training resource to support you through your postgraduate taught programme. This online material should supplement the assessed learning material and activities undertaken in your taught programme.

Accessing the Online Skills Resource

You can access Blackboard through the My Manchester portal (http://my.manchester.ac.uk). The skills training resource is available in an academic community space available to all registered PGT students in the Faculty through Blackboard.

If you cannot see these units in your Blackboard please contact your Programme Administrator.


Full details of all these resources can be found in the introduction to each unit. These resources have been designed to give you formative feedback on your progress through them. If you experience any problems and would like to talk to someone please contact your Programme Director. If you have questions about referencing and how it applies to your own work, please contact your Programme Director or dissertation supervisor/module lead.

Academic Writing This is an excellent resource that supports you to write your assignments and dissertation. It is split into units that focus on key areas that previous students have found difficult and aims to enhance your academic writing style.
Research Methods* This course is spilt into 3 units that cover introductions to study design, statistics and dissertation skills. It has a number of online quizzes where you can test your knowledge.
Statistics* The course provides a valuable foundation for understanding and interpreting biostatistics. It aims to provide you with the fundamentals of quantitative analysis.
Presentation Skills This short interactive unit is designed to help you to enhance your presentation skills. Regardless of whether you are presenting in public, preparing for conferences, an oral examination or more informal settings this unit will give you the tops tips to improve your delivery.
Qualitative Research Methods* This unit has been designed to give you an introduction to Qualitative Research.
SPSS* This is an introduction to statistics, using SPSS, a popular and comprehensive data analysis software package containing a multitude of features designed to facilitate the execution of a wide range of statistical analyses.
Intellectual Property Awareness Resource This Intellectual Property (IP) awareness resource has been created in order to improve your understanding of IP. Topics include: Types of intellectual property • Copyright and IP clearance • University policy on IP • IP commercialisation • IP in research or consultancy • IP issues to be aware when dealing with academic materials

* NOTE: the material in this online resource is for reference and formative learning purposes only. In some of your taught programme you may be required to undertake assessed course units for Research Methods, Qualitative Research or Statistics. If your programme involves taught units then you should refer to the Blackboard material relating to that course unit. Please contact your Programme Administrator if you are unsure which material relates to your assessed work. You will still be able to refer to the online skills resource in later years.

Introductory Courses

MANDATORY Non Credit Bearing Introductory Courses SHSS60001

All students are automatically enrolled onto an introductory unit that provides information on health and safety, academic malpractice and academic literacy. Completion instructions for each of these sections are clearly defined within the course. Completion of the academic malpractice and health and safety sections is mandatory for all students. All assessments must be completed as soon as possible after the programme begins, with the academic malpractice assessment completed before the first piece of coursework is submitted. Completion of these assessments is monitored by the School. All students are also strongly advised to complete the academic literacy section

Academic Malpractice

As further support, the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health Graduate School has developed a unit entitled “Understanding Academic Malpractice”. This unit should be completed by all postgraduate taught students and will allow you to test your understanding of what constitutes plagiarism and academic malpractice.

The Academic Malpractice unit must be completed by 12 noon, Monday 3rd October 2022 before your first assignment is submitted. You must achieve 100% in this unit to pass.

Health & Safety

As part of the University’s responsibility to help keep you safe and well during your studies, you will need to complete a short online health and safety course.

This short course provides you with basic information about how health and safety

is managed on campus and also includes some simple tests to assess your learning outcomes. It will take you approximately one hour to complete.

There are 4 modules within the Health and Safety unit with a short test for each. You must achieve at least 70% in each module to pass the unit. This must be completed by 12 noon, Monday 3rd October 2022.

Academic Literacy

The Academic Literacy pre-assessment has been designed to assess your level of competency in academic writing. This assessment is compulsory for all new students in the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health and consists of one short test (30 minutes) which must be completed by 12 noon, Monday 3rd October 2022.

Aims of the Programme

The Masters programme aims to (dependent on pathway taken):


Equip students with knowledge and understanding of the theory and practice of either audiology, neurophysiology or ophthalmic & vision sciences.
02. Produce graduates with a critical understanding of how neurosensory science services are employed to develop a clinical diagnosis, and how this information can be logically and systematically employed to deliver effective day to day management of the relevant conditions of the neurosensory system.
03. Contribute to innovation, change and service developments in clinical science by equipping students with a systematic and critical understanding of relevant knowledge, theoretical frameworks and advanced skills.
04. Enhance career-long development and promote lifelong learning in students in order to meet the requirements of potential employers in the NHS; support and enhance best practice in clinical audiology, neurophysiology or ophthalmic & vision sciences.
05. Develop the students’ experimental, analytical and interpretative skills through the undertaking of a comprehensive piece of original research project.

Learning Outcomes of the Programme

Knowledge and Understanding

At the end of the programme students should be able to:

For the Masters (depending on pathway)
A1. (All pathways) Demonstrate knowledge of the normal anatomy and physiology of the neurosensory system
A2. (All pathways) Display a critical understanding of the regulatory processes and practices involved in conducting research in a health service or academic setting.
A3. (All pathways) Demonstrate systematic understanding of the pathological processes which affect the neurosensory system, and their effects on individuals and families
A4. (All pathways) Display knowledge of the theory and critical understanding of the use of the investigation techniques employed within the neurosensory science disciplines. (All pathways)
A5. (Audiology pathway only) Exhibit knowledge of the scientific basis and practice of clinical audiology, and a critical understanding the role the discipline plays in the investigation, diagnosis and management of disability and disease.
A6. (Neurophysiology pathway only) Exhibit knowledge of the scientific basis and practice of clinical neurophysiology, and a critical understanding the role the discipline plays in the investigation, diagnosis and management of disability and disease.
A7. (Ophthalmic and Vision Science pathway only) Exhibit knowledge of the scientific basis and practice of ophthalmic and vision science, and a critical understanding the role the discipline plays in the investigation, diagnosis and management of disability and disease.
A8. (All pathways) To systematically and critically employ the knowledge and understanding obtained during the taught component of the programme to address an original research question through the design and undertaking of a comprehensive research project and production of a dissertation.


Teaching and Learning offering these ILOs Assessment of achievement of ILOs
Lectures A1 – A7 Closed book exams A1 – A7
Seminars A1 – A7 Course work A1 – A7
Workshops/PBL A1 – A7 Student presentations A1 – A7
Self-directed learning A1 – A7 On-line MCQ tests A1 – A7
Student Presentations A1 – A7 Research Project Dissertation A1 – A8
Research Project A1 – A8


Intellectual Skills

At the end of the programme students should be able to:

B1. Critically reflect on and challenge their own practice, the practice of others and the organisation and delivery of neurosensory services in order to ensure use of appropriate values and best evidence in delivering patient care and management.
B2. Appraise and interpret information from different sources in order to develop a coherent critical analysis of issues relating to the practice and delivery of clinical neurosensory services.
B3. Systematically and objectively evaluate what diagnostic criteria need to be established to develop a valid diagnosis of a patient displaying specific clinical disability or disease.
B4. Critically evaluate the performance of new diagnostic techniques in the context of the specific requirements of the health service.
B5. Critically analyse and objectively evaluate data from different diagnostic platforms.
B6. Interpret diagnostic data and then systematically develop a clinical diagnosis and clear therapeutic strategy.
B7. To synthesis, analyse and systematically combine information obtained from different sources to develop a defined original research question and then to address it through the development of a coherent research project.
B8. Interpretation and statistical interrogation of scientific data leading to the generation of valid and defensible scientific conclusions.


Teaching and Learning offering these ILOs Assessment of achievement of ILOs
Lectures B1 – B6 Closed book exams B1 – B6
Seminars B1 – B6 Course work B1 – B6
Workshops/PBL B2, B3, B6 Student presentations B1 – B6
Self-directed learning B2, B3, B5, B7 On-line MCQ tests B3, B4, B5, B6
Student Presentations B1, B2, B3, B4 Research Project Dissertation B3 – B8
Research Project B2, B4, B5, B7, B8


Practical Skills

Students should be able to:

C1. Effectively communicate with colleagues within the neurosensory service staff through the presentation of verbal and written reports
C2. Collect, collate and record scientific data according to established health service practices.
C3. Draw on their knowledge and understanding of different diagnostic approaches to formulate appropriate strategies to develop patient care pathways.
C4. Contribute to the advancement of effective and timely patient diagnosis through a knowledge and understanding of the multidisciplinary environment of the neurosensory service within the modern health service.
C5. Utilise appropriate theoretical frameworks and evidence-based constructs to formulate proposals to advance clinical science practice that is responsive to the diverse needs of service users and carers.
C6. Contribute to the strategies for practice development and change at both a team and organisational level to enhance access to and effectiveness of clinical science services.
C7. Design a scientifically valid experimental strategy to address a specific research question relevant to modern clinical science practice.
C8. Produce a cogent dissertation that contains a critical analysis and evaluation of data generated during research project, and a concise and scientifically valid interpretation of the experimental findings.


Teaching and Learning offering these ILOs Assessment of achievement of ILOs
Lectures C2 – C6 Closed book exams C1 — C6
Seminars C1 – C6 Course work C1 – C6
Workshops/PBL C1 – C6 Student presentations C1, C3, C4, C6
Self-directed learning C2 – C6 On-line MCQ tests C2, C3 ,C4 ,C6
Student Presentations C1, C3, C5, C6 Research Project Dissertation C2, C7, C8
Research Project C2 – C8

Transferable Skills and Personal Qualities

Students should be able to:

D1. Communicate effectively in a variety of settings with a range of individuals.
D2 Effectively utilise information technology/health informatics.
D3 Demonstrate research and enquiry skills by accessing and analysing literature in order to inform and develop practice.
D4 Work co-operatively and effectively with others as a member of a team.
D5 Reflect on their own academic and clinical performance and utilise strategies to improve these.
D6 Use logical and systematic approaches to problem-solving and decision-making.


Teaching and Learning offering these ILOs Assessment of achievement of ILOs
Lectures D1 – D6 Closed book exams D2, D3, D5, D6
Seminars D1 – D6 Course work D1, D2, D3, D5, D6
Workshops/PBL D1 – D6 Student presentations D1 – D6
Self-directed learning D2 – D6 On-line MCQ tests D3, D6
Student Presentations D1 – D6 Research Project Dissertation D1 – D6
Research Project D1 – D6

Programme Delivery

The MSc Clinical Science (Neurosensory Sciences) programme is delivered on a part-time block release basis over three years. The programme uses a blended approach to learning with blocks of teaching delivered in Manchester being supported by distance learning and self-directed learning involving on-line materials accessed via the Universities’ virtual learning environment Blackboard.

 The delivery of the taught components of the programme have been timetabled to fit around the placement requirements of the scientist training programme in that the blocks of face to face teaching undertaken in Manchester are scheduled to precede the work-based rotations. The goal being to ensure trainees always have the necessary knowledge and understanding and professional, intellectual and analytical skills to support their work-based training rotations.

In year 1 trainees will attend UoM for seven weeks. The first two weeks will focus on division specific knowledge.  Many of the lectures will be shared with other students studying for other degree programmes.  Vision and Ophthalmic science and Neurophysiology lectures will be only taught to post graduate students, whereas those lectures covering the specialism of Audiology, will be taught with other post graduate and undergraduate students studying Audiology at UoM.  In week 2, trainees will join the other STP students in studying the generic Professional Practice unit.  More details on the content and structure of this unit will be covered during induction.

As a response to feedback from trainees and supervisors, there will be introductory Vestibular Assessment & Management week in the beginning of July.

In year 2 all Audiology trainees will attend UoM for 10 days in November to complete the face to face elements of Research Methods and Adult Auditory Assessment and Management unit. Trainees will return for a week in April  to complete Paediatric Audiology and one week in July  to complete Vestibular Assessment & Management.

The summer unit was a change in programme structure introduced in 2013-14 at the request of supervisors and trainees.

The research project is started in year 2, after students have completed their Research Methods unit, and finished in year 3. 

Programme Structure

The programme is composed of a 120 credit taught component, which consists of 30 credits of generic material and 90 credits of divisional material (Neurosensory, including specialism).  The research project which is undertaken in year 2 and 3 is a total of 60 credits.  See below for a summary of each specialism’s programme structure:


  Module Titles
Year 3 Research Project

(45 credits)

Year 2 Research Methods

(15 credits generic)

Adult Auditory Assessment & Management

(15 credits)

Paediatric Audiology

(15 credits)

Vestibular Assessment & Management (15 credits) Research Project

(15 credits)

Year 1 Professional Practice

(15 credits)

Neurosensory Science

(15 credits)

Clinical Applications to Neurosensory Science

 (30 credits)


Vision Science/Ophthalmic Science

  Module Titles
Year 3 Corneal Physiology (15 credits) Glaucoma

 (15 credits)

Research Project

(30 credits)

Year 2 Research Methods

(15 credits generic)

Investigative Technology

(15 credits)

Research Project

(30 credits)

Year 1 Professional Practice

(15 credits)

Neurosensory Science

(15 credits)

Clinical Applications to Neurosensory Science

 (30 credits)



  Module Titles
Year 3 Sleep & long term monitoring,; Paediatric Electroencephalogram (EEG), & EEG on intensive care unit

(30 credits)

Research Project

(30 credits)

Year 2 Research Methods

(10 credits generic)

Nerve Conduction Studies, Electromyography and Evoked Potentials

(20 credits)

Research Project

(30 credits)

Year 1 Professional Practice

(15 credits)

Neurosensory Science

(15 credits)

Clinical Applications to Neurosensory Science

 (30 credits)



Generic units- common to all divisions of Healthcare Science Divisional/theme specific units- Common to a division or theme Specialist units- specific to a specialism

University of Manchester Taught Units (Year 1)

The units within this section of the programme are compulsory and will be taken by all students registered on the MSc Clinical Science (Neurosensory Sciences). Below are the credit ratings for UoM units (except for Neurophysiology specialism that is fully taught in MMU). 

Professional Practice (15 credits)

This unit will provide students an introduction to professional practice within a health service setting. The unit will introduce and critically review the frameworks and academic literature underpinning professional practice and enable trainees to gain the knowledge, skills, experience and tools to develop, improve and maintain high standards of professional practice at all times. It will also provide an overview of key areas such as public health, the psychosocial aspects of health and disease, clinical pharmacology and therapeutics and bioinformatics. 

Neurosensory Science (15 credits)

This 15 credit unit focuses on the structure and function of neurosensory systems. Students will gain an appreciation of how the function of auditory, visual and neurophysiological systems is dependent on the underlying anatomical structure and physiological mechanisms.  The majority of the unit will be taught on campus.

Clinical Applications to Neurosensory Science (30 credits)

This 30 credit unit focuses on pathologies and assessment techniques within the specialisms of Audiology, Neurophysiology, Ophthalmic and Vision Science.  Students will also gain an appreciation of how imaging is used to identify pathologies and the different patient pathways for patients referred into all three specialisms.  The unit will utilise different teaching methodologies, with some topics being taught on campus via lectures, practical classes and tutorials while others will be delivered via Blackboard once students have returned to their host Trusts. 

University of Manchester Taught Units – Audiology Pathway (Year 2)

 Research methods (15 credits)

The overall aim of this module is to ensure that the trainee has the underpinning knowledge of the importance of research, development and innovation across the NHS and in healthcare science in particular and to provide the underpinning knowledge for the research project. 

Adult Auditory Assessment & Management (15 credits)

This unit builds upon audiology knowledge obtained in Understanding Neurosensory Systems (now called Clinical Applications of Neurosensory Science), and aims to provide trainees with the conceptual scientific and clinical basis necessary for entry level as a healthcare scientist in Audiology. The unit covers more advanced assessment techniques as well as the rehabilitation of hearing loss.  It is delivered via a blended learning approach where students will complete both on-line learning activities as well as attend face-to-face lectures, tutorials and practicals. 

Paediatric Audiology (15 credits)

Provides knowledge and understanding of paediatric audiology in order to meet the requirements for employment in hearing health care service or research, taking into account the wider developmental, psychosocial and medical domains.

Vestibular Assessment & Management (15 credits)

This unit develops knowledge of vestibular pathologies, types of dysfunction, aetiology and prevalence, and the basic principles and practice of vestibular assessment and rehabilitation, in order to meet the requirements for employment in hearing health care service or research

Research Project and Dissertation (60 credits)

The research project allows students to develop and refine core research and transferable skills in addition to expanding their knowledge and understanding of either audiology, neurophysiology or ophthalmic & vision sciences. The research project will be started after the completion of Research Methods, in year 2 and will run through the summer and be completed in year 3.  This configuration is required to make the programme compatible with the DoH MSC curriculum for the Neurosensory Sciences.

Please contact MMU and Aston University programme leads for more information on the two specialisms not delivered by The University of Manchester in years 2 and 3.

Manchester Metropolitan University (Neurophysiology)
Dr Llwyd Ortont           l.orton@mmu.ac.uk

Aston University (Ophthalmic and Vision Science)
Professor James Wolffsohn J.S.W.Wolffsohn@aston.ac.uk

Award of MSc and PG Diploma

The PG Diploma will be awarded to candidates who have satisfied the examiners in all the taught units of the programme (120 credits).

The MSc will be awarded to candidates who have satisfied the examiners in all the taught units and the dissertation (180 credits).

Exiting the Programme after Year 1 or Year 2

Students may exit the programme after completion of year 1 (i.e. after core taught units) with a Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Science, or after completion of year 2 (i.e. after core taught units, 30 credits of subject-specific teaching and completion of a reduced, 30-credit research project) with Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Science. 

Assessment and Regulations

Postgraduate Taught Degree Regulations for Students

Postgraduate Taught degrees at the University of Manchester are based on the National Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ). This framework requires students to achieve credit at masters’ level in order to get an award. For a standard postgraduate taught Masters programme this will normally mean passing 180 credits. A standard postgraduate diploma will normally have 120 credits and a postgraduate certificate 60 credits. The way in which you study these credits will be defined later in the programme handbook and the programme specification.

The University sets standards relating to your performance on every unit but also on your progression through the programme. Your programme and course unit specifications will set out the requirements for passing the credit on individual units.

The full PGT Degree Regulations can be accessed at:



Please be aware that the MSc Clinical Science (Neurosensory Science) has some higher requirements to the University degree regulations and details of these are outlined below.

  • This programme has a 50% pass mark across all levels and pathways (ie stand-alone units, PGCert, PGDp and MSc)
  • No compensation to be allowed on any course unit.
  • Resit marks will be recorded as 50R instead of 40-49R But capped mark will be used for calculation of mean average.

For operational and administrative purposes the MSc is divided into three parts:

Part 1: Year 1 Core taught units + examiners meeting  

Part 2: Year 2 Taught units + interim examiners meeting

Part 3: Year 3 Taught units and Research Project + final examiners meeting

Students who wish to leave the Programme may do so at the end of year 1 (i.e. after core taught units) with a Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Science, or after completion of year 2 with a Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Science (i.e after 30/45 core taught units, and completion of the 15/30 credit, depending on specialism research project) subject to fulfilling the requirements detailed in the PGT regulations.

Progression Requirements: Part 1 to Part 2

Participation in Part 2 of the MSc programme can only be undertaken once the criteria noted below have been met and approved at the June Board of Examiners meeting. If achievements do not meet the minimum criteria the student will normally be excluded from the programme. To progress onto Part 2 and therefore stay within the MSc programme, the student must achieve a mark of at least 50% for each of the 3 Taught Units.

Interim Examiners’ Meeting

After completion of the Part 2 Taught units the marks will be collated and an examiners’ meeting held in June to determine which students should progress through to year 3. 

Progression Requirements: Part 2 to Part 3

Participation in part 3 of the MSc programme can only be undertaken if a student has achieved a mark of at least 50% for each of the taught units in Part 2. If achievements do not meet the minimum criteria the student will normally be excluded from the programme.

What happens if I fail some units?

First of all don’t panic, but the first thing to do is sit down with your academic adviser who will take you through your options.

The regulations allow you further attempts of up to half the taught credits, for a standard masters programme as defined by your programme specification, so you can still get back on track. In addition you may also resubmit your Dissertation on one further occasion, subject to the Examination Board’s decision.

This is known as ‘referred assessment’ and these reassessments will normally take place in the same academic year as the original assessment. The Examination Board will then make decisions on your progress and advise you accordingly of the decisions and next steps. Referred assessment at Masters level will be capped at 40% and this is the mark that will be shown on a transcript of results as a 40R. (the capped mark is applied to the unit level mark, not just the failed element). It is this mark that will be used to calculate your final degree classification.

Some programmes, particularly those which are externally accredited or linked to professional practice may set a higher pass rate than stated in the regulations. These programme exemptions will be clearly detailed in your handbook.


Please be aware that the MSc Clinical Science (Neurosensory Science) has some higher requirements to the University degree regulations and details of these are outlined below.

  • This programme has a 50% pass mark across all levels and pathways (ie stand-alone units, PGCert, PGDp and MSc)
  • No compensation to be allowed on any course unit.
  • Resit marks will be recorded as 50R instead of 40-49R. But capped mark will be used for calculation of mean average.

What happens if I fail my resits?

Upon taking the referred assessment, if you fail again the Examination Board will make a decision with regards to your progress. The possible options available may, in exceptional circumstances, include repeating the unit or being awarded an exit award once you’ve exhausted all the opportunities to retrieve failed assessment.

What happens is I fail my dissertation?

If you fail your dissertations at the first attempt but your mark is above 30% you will be given the opportunity to resubmit a revised version of the dissertation. You will normally be given up to six months in which to make the requested revisions or undertaken additional work. You will be provided with feedback from your examiners and guidance on the revisions required to bring the work to the appropriate standard for the Masters award. If your mark is below 30% you will not be permitted  to resubmit.

How is my degree calculated?

To be considered for a Masters Degree you must have achieved 180 credits at the appropriate level. Don’t worry if you have had a referral as these still count towards your credit total for a Pass or Merit. If, however, you have undertaken any referred assessment you will not be eligible for a Distinction.

The award of masters is based upon gaining the required number of credits, normally 180. Classifications for merit or distinctions will be calculated on the basis of an average mark, based on the weighted programme as a whole. If you are completing a postgraduate diploma or certificate programme then these degrees are only awarded as a pass.

When and how are decisions made about my results and my progress?

There are normally three available assessment opportunities: January, May/June and August/September within each academic year. It is expected that all your attempts at referral assessment will take place in the same academic year in which the assessment was first taken. After each assessment period there is an ‘Examination Board’.

Members of the Examination Board normally include your unit tutors, programme directors and overseen by an external examiner from another university. It is the job of the Examination Board to review all the results anonymously and make decisions on the award of credit and who can resit exams / assessment or gain compensation. It is also the role of the Examination Board to decide who cannot continue and will leave the University with an exit award. Some students will narrowly miss the threshold for a degree classification and so we look at their pattern of marks (Mark Distribution) and may look at their examined work (Mark Review).

What do I do if I disagree with the Examination Board’s decision?

The University has clear and fair procedures which set out the course of action should you wish to appeal against an Examination Board decision or make a complaint. There are a number of grounds on which an appeal may be made, however an appeal which questions the academic or professional judgement of those charged with assessing your academic performance or professional competence will not be permitted.

In the first instance, we would urge you to contact your Academic Advisor who will be able to talk you through the decision making process.

Please note the MSc Programme Director, MSc Programme Committee or the Graduate Office are not permitted to disclose the recommendations made at the Final Examiners’ meetings.

Students have a right of appeal against a final decision of an Examination Board, or a progress committee, or a graduate committee or equivalent body which affects their academic status or progress in the University.

Students thinking of appealing should first discuss the matter informally with an appropriate member of staff, in order to better understand the reason for the result or decision.

Should you wish to proceed to a formal appeal, this must be submitted within the timeframe outlined in the Academic Appeals Procedure to the Faculty Appeals and Complaints Team, Room 3.21, Simon Building, University of Manchester, M13 9PL

(e-mail: FBMHappealsandcomplaints@manchester.ac.uk).

The Academic Appeals Procedure (Regulation XIX) and associated documents, including the form on which formal appeals should be submitted, can be found at www.regulations.manchester.ac.uk/academic

The University’s Student Complaints Procedure (Regulation XVIII) and associated documents, including a complaints form, can be found at www.regulations.manchester.ac.uk/academic

University has separate procedures to address complaints of bullying, harassment, discrimination and/or victimisation – see https://www.reportandsupport.manchester.ac.uk/ 

Students thinking of submitting a formal complaint should, in most instances, attempt informal resolution first (see the procedure). Formal complaints should be submitted on the relevant form to Faculty Appeals and Complaints Team, Room 3.21, Simon Building, University of Manchester, M13 9PL (e-mail: FBMHappealsandcomplaints@manchester.ac.uk).

Mitigating Circumstances

Mitigation describes the process by which a student may be compensated for poor assessment performance, or when they are not able to complete an exam/assessment, as a consequence of unforeseen or unpreventable circumstances.

A student must submit a request for mitigation to their Programme Administrator, in advance of their assessment submission deadline or exam. Retrospective mitigation requests will only be considered if:

  • Presented by the deadlines below
  • The Mit Circs Panel is provided with compelling reasons as to why the circumstances could not be made known or presented prior to the original assessment submission deadline/exam.

Mitigating circumstances forms must be submitted before the submission date or Exam. All supporting evidence and any applications for retrospective mitigation (as above), must be submitted no later than the following:

Semester 1 assignments and Exams: 31st January 2023

Semester 2 assignments and Exams: 13th June 2023

Semester 2 exam resits: 5th September  2023

Please complete the following form to submit a Mitigating Circumstances Request : https://www.qualtrics.manchester.ac.uk/jfe/form/SV_e5Sam2dTXGxp9bw

Any requests for mitigation will be considered confidentially by a mitigating circumstances panel. The panel will normally comprise of the Programme Director, a Programme Administrator and a senior member of School staff. The mitigating circumstances panel meets after the dates outlined above, just prior to Exam Board, to discuss any requests for mitigation. The panel will determine whether there is substantiated evidence of circumstances eligible for mitigation. It will then decide whether the circumstances will have had or could have had an adverse effect on the student’s performance, and, if so, it will judge how significant the effect was likely to have been. If the Mitigating Circumstances Panel judges that the effect was or would have been significant, the mitigation request will be approved. Mitigation requests may be approved for a specific assessment  or more general impairment over a number of assessments, or for both. If a mitigation request is approved, recommendations will be made to the Exam Board who will determine how to apply it, given the student’s assessment results.

Following the Exam Board, students will receive confirmation of the outcome of their mitigation request. If a mitigation request is successful, work submitted late or a re-take of an assessment/examination as a first attempt, may be offered (without penalty). However, should the Mitigating Circumstances Panel feel that you do not have sufficient and appropriately evidenced reasons, your mark would be reduced in line with the late submission penalties above, or a re-take of an assessment/exam may be considered as a re-sit attempt (providing you have a resit opportunity available).


Requests must be accompanied by appropriate, independent, third-party supporting or collaborative documentation, which will be subject to verification. Valid reasons must be evidenced with the length of the delay appropriate to the circumstances. Providing you submit a mitigating circumstances form and supporting documentation, before the appropriate deadline (as outlined above), the Mitigating Circumstances Panel will then consider this.

Grounds for mitigation can be found in the Policy on Mitigating Circumstances. Available at


If the information, and details of the mitigating circumstances, is considered to be highly confidential, students should submit these in a sealed envelope attached to the Notification of Mitigating Circumstances Form, together with the supporting documentary evidence. Mitigating Circumstances Panels should have due regard for the confidentiality of any application they receive.

If a student has medical or personal circumstances which they feel may adversely affect their studies and/or their performance on an assessment/examination, they should inform their Academic Advisor or Programme Director as soon as possible. If a student attends an exam, or submits on time, BUT feels that their studies have been adversely affected, they should still complete a mitigating circumstances form before the deadline, as this would only be applied to their record if it was required. Please note: retrospective mitigation requests will NOT be considered once marks have been ratified, under any circumstances.

For dissertations: To ensure students can complete the dissertation to the best of their ability, mitigating circumstances will not normally be considered after submission. Instead, we recommend that students with mitigating circumstances request a deadline extension (with support from your supervisor or Programme Director, which will then be submitted for approval to the School Graduate Education Manager – See Extension to Dissertation Submission section below for further details.

Students are advised to consult the following guidance, which directs them to seek advice and support before and whilst submitting a request for mitigation. The University form and guidance for students, is available at:


Mitigating circumstances forms are available on Blackboard, or from your programme administrator PGT_HCDH@manchester.ac.uk

It is your responsibility to submit this form and you must do so by the advertised deadline that applies to the period of time / piece of work of work you are claiming mitigating circumstances for.

It is your responsibility to make sure your request has been received.

In the event that your programme administrator is not available, we recommend that you copy in the programme directors or ring the Student Support office (0161 275 8581) and another member of the team may be able to deal with your request.

Grounds for mitigation are unforeseeable or unpreventable circumstances that could have, or did have, a significant adverse effect on the academic performance of a student. Possible mitigating circumstances include:

  • significant illness or injury;
  • the death or critical/significant illness of a close family member/dependant;
  • significant family crises or major financial problems leading to acute stress; and
  • absence for public service e.g., jury service.

Circumstances that will not normally be regarded as grounds for mitigation include:

  • holidays, moving house and events that were planned or could reasonably have been expected;
  • assessments that are scheduled close together;
  • misreading the timetable or misunderstanding the requirements for assessments;
  • inadequate planning and time management;
  • failure, loss or theft of a computer or printer that prevents submission of work on time; students should back up work regularly and not leave completion so late that they cannot find another computer or printer;
  • consequences of paid employment (except in some special cases for part-time students);
  • exam stress or panic attacks not diagnosed as illness or supported by medical evidence; and
  • disruption in an examination room during the course of an assessment which has not been recorded by the invigilators.

Extensions to Assignment Deadlines

On rare occasions students may need to request an extension to a coursework deadline and we would not expect students to wait for a mitigating circumstances panel to grant an extension. If you need to request an extension to your assignment submission deadline then you must submit an extension request form which must be accompanied by supporting evidence (medical letters, certificates or other appropriate evidence).  The supporting evidence must justify the length of the requested extension. In normal circumstances extensions will only be allowed for up to two weeks.

The extension request form is available to download from your Programme Space on Blackboard or can be obtained from PGT_HCDH@manchester.ac.uk

The form should then be submitted minimum of 24 hours before the coursework deadline and should be submitted to pgt_hcdh@manchester.ac.uk or G15, Zochonis Building, Brunswick Street.

It is your responsibility to make sure the request has been received. In the event that your programme administrator is not available, we recommend that you copy in the programme directors or ring the Student Support office (0161 275 2585) another member of the team may be able to deal with your request.

You will be notified of the outcome of your request via email as soon as possible.

Please note that an extension to a deadline is classed as mitigation. Mitigation can only be applied once to a piece of work. i.e. you cannot have an deadline extension and also apply for mitigation for poor performance due to the same circumstances.

Late submission (including dissertation)

If unforeseen circumstances mean that you are unable to submit your work on time without applying for an extension previously then you must let the course unit leader and/or your Programme Director know as soon as possible. This process then falls under the standard Mitigating Circumstances procedure as detailed above. You must submit a mitigating circumstances form and supporting documentation, before the appropriate deadline to explain the lateness of your submission. This will then be considered at the next Mitigating Circumstances Panel.

The work will then be assessed without regard to its lateness and you will be given a provisional mark in the usual way, so that you can have feedback about what you have done.

If you have a valid reason for the late submission, and this is documented, and the length of the delay is appropriate to the circumstances, then the provisional mark awarded will stand. Alternatively, should the Mitigating Circumstances panel feel that you do not have sufficient reason for late submission, the provisional mark will be reduced to zero.

Work submitted after the deadline without prior approval will be subject to a late penalty in accordance with the University Policy on Submission of Work for Summative Assessment on Taught Programmes. The penalty applied is 10% of available marks deducted per 24 hours, until the assignment is submitted or no marks remain.

The mark awarded for the piece of work will be reduced by:

10% of the available marks deducted if up to 24 hours late (1 day)

20% of the available marks deducted if up to 48 hours late (2 days)

30% of the available marks deducted if up to 72 hours late (3 days)

40% of the available marks deducted if up to 96 hours late (4 days)

50% of the available marks deducted if up to 120 hours late (5 days)

60% of the available marks deducted if up to 144 hours late (6 days)

70% of the available marks deducted if up to 168 hours late (7 days)

80% of the available marks deducted if up to 192 hours late (8 days)

90% of the available marks deducted if up to 216 hours late (9 days)

A zero mark will be awarded if the piece of work is more than 9 days late.

The sliding scale does not apply to referred assessment, where late submission will automatically receive a mark of zero.

For further information see: Policy on Submission of Work for Summative Assessment on Taught Programmes

Similarly, if you are unable to attend an exam then you must submit a mitigating circumstances form and supporting evidence to explain your non-attendance.  This will then be considered at the appropriate Mitigating Circumstances Panel and following exam board.

Unauthorised absence from examinations will result in a mark of Zero being recorded for that examination.

Mitigating Circumstances: Guidance for Students; A Guide to Mitigating Circumstances

Requests to Interrupt Your Studies

Students normally study for their degree over a period of one year (or two consecutive years part-time). However the University recognises that it is sometimes necessary, in unfortunate circumstances, for people to interrupt their attendance. The regulations refer to this as “interruption”. An interruption allows students the chance to recover from such things as ill health it is NOT a device to allow students to take a time off because they fancy a break.

If approved, interruption would normally be granted for a maximum period of 12 months. Thus a student would leave the University on a certain date and resume their studies on the anniversary of that date. Shorter periods of interruption are possible, but since they inevitably involve repeating some of the programme it is unusual for the University to allow them.

A student who wishes to interrupt has to submit an Interruption Application Form, this should be after having an informal discussion with your programme director. Please contact the PG Administrator in the first instance for an application form: Tel 0161 275 8581; email PGT_HCDH@manchester.ac.uk

Word Limits for Assessed Work

Assignment Word Count (including the dissertation)
In accordance with the University Policy on Marking:

Each written assignment has a word limit which you must state at the top of your first page.

It is acceptable, without penalty, for you to submit an assignment within a range that is plus 10% of this limit. If you present an assignment with a word limit substantially exceeding the upper banding, the assignment will be marked but 1% will be deducted from this mark for every 100 words over the limit given.

For an original word limit that is 1000 words and an assignment that is marked out of 100.  If a submission is made that is 1101 words then it exceeded the 10% leeway, and is more than 100 words over the original limit and should receive a 1 mark deduction

In accordance with accepted academic practice, when submitting any written assignment for summative assessment, the notion of a word count includes the following without exception:

· All titles or headings that form part of the actual text. This does not include the fly page or reference list.

· All words that form the actual essay.

· All words forming the titles for figures, tables and boxes, are included but this does not include boxes or tables or figures themselves.

· All in-text (that is bracketed) references.

· All directly quoted material..

Certain assessments may require different penalties for word limits to be applied. For example, if part of the requirement for the assessment is conciseness of presentation of facts and arguments. In such cases it may be that no 10% leeway is allowed and penalties applied may be stricter than described above. In such cases the rules for word count limits and the penalties to be applied will be clearly stated in the assessment brief and in the submission details for that assessment.

Please use Arial and font style 12 for your work. Also please follow the Harvard referencing style – you can find helpful information and guidance about referencing at the following link:



The written examinations take place in the January examination period for units delivered in Semester 1, and in the May/June examination period for units delivered in Semester 2 or in both Semesters.

You will receive a personalised exam timetable to your university email account so you must ensure you check your email account regularly throughout the year.

Further information about exams can be found here:


Where ‘seen’ questions are used, these will be available for students in December for the January exams, and in early May for May/June exams.

Verbal feedback on written examinations may be obtained by request from the Unit Tutor. Unit Tutors may be approached by the student to give guidance in the event of failure on that Unit.

Students are reminded that legibility of scripts is of the utmost importance and marks cannot be awarded for illegible material.

Examination of Dissertations

Details are to be found in the Dissertation Handbook. As for all forms of written assessment for the MSc, the pass mark for dissertations is 50%.

Submission of Assessed Work


What is Blackboard?

Blackboard is an on-line learning and information environment available to all students. All course-related content, materials, reading and activities will be placed on Blackboard so it is essential that you familiarise yourself with the system as soon as possible. Blackboard also offers discussion forums which you may find a useful resource to share information about assignments and other course-related queries. Electronic versions of the programme handbook and relevant forms can also be viewed and downloaded via Blackboard.

How do I access Blackboard?

Students should access Blackboard via My Manchester at: https://www.portal.manchester.ac.uk/

• Queries (technical related) should be directed to: elearning@manchester.ac.uk

Please see the following link for essential information about using Blackboard and refer to the ‘Student Guide to Blackboard’ document:


You will also have a University e-mail address, which will be available to you for the duration of the course. It is important that you check this email amount on a regular basis as all University related correspondence will be sent here and not to your personal email address.

IT Support

IT Services Support Centre and FBMH eLearning Support

If you experience problems with Blackboard please refer to the Blackboard support pages at: http://www.studentnet.manchester.ac.uk/blackboard/

If you require further assistance or you are having difficulties with any IT facilities you can contact the IT service desk:

Tel: 0161 306 5544

Use the IT Services Knowledge Base: http://www.itservices.manchester.ac.uk/contacts/

Sometimes the links to access materials within external websites fail. This can be for numerous reasons, it maybe that the website is undergoing maintenance, or it maybe that the web address to access the materials has changed. The Phonak materials have been particularly problematic in the past. We have made every attempt to update these links, but the Phonak webmaster may change the navigation paths again which would make the links in Blackboard redundant. Please alert your course tutor as soon as possible if a link does not work. Cut and paste the link into an e-mail stating which unit and where the problem occurred.

All work submitted must be typed or word processed. All pages should contain the student number at the top, be numbered, and any appendices should be clearly labelled and numbered.

Students must ensure that the assignments follow the correct format for bibliography and references.

The majority of coursework will require online submission through Blackboard via a function called Turnitin. The deadline for submission will be 12pm. You are able to submit before the date if you wish and can go back and change your submission up until the final deadline.

Please allow adequate time before your deadline to upload your submission. Do not leave your submission to the last minute: work submitted past 12pm will be subject to late penalties.

Submitting an electronic copy of the work:

Please remember you can only upload one document so you cannot save your references/appendices as a separate document.

IMPORTANT – For online Blackboard submissions, you MUST put your ID number first in your assignment title and save and submit your document using your ID Number e.g. 7123456 Paediatric Audiology Assignment.

DO NOT save the work as ‘Essay’ or as the title of the work as we cannot tell who the work belongs to! Please note that failure to follow this guideline may result in work being deleted.

If you have any problems submitting work on Turnitin please contact the elearning helpdesk on 0161 306 5544 or via elearning@manchester.ac.uk

Policy on Submission of Work for Summative Assessment on Taught Programmes:


The Use of Turnitin

The University uses electronic systems for the purposes of detecting plagiarism and other forms of academic malpractice and for marking.  Such systems include TurnitinUK, the plagiarism detection service used by the University.

As part of the formative and/or summative assessment process, you will be asked to submit electronic versions of your work to TurnitinUK and/or other electronic systems used by the University. The School also reserves the right to submit work handed in by you for formative or summative assessment to TurnitinUK and/or other electronic systems used by the University.
Please note that when work is submitted to the relevant electronic systems, it may be copied and then stored in a database to allow appropriate checks to be made.

In accordance with the Policy on Submission of Work for Summative Assessment on Taught Programmes, ‘all typed summative assessment, including dissertations, should be submitted online and subjected to plagiarism detection software, where appropriate’.

Understanding Academic Malpractice

The University does not tolerate plagiarism or other forms of academic malpractice under any circumstances, and individuals found to have committed such an incident can expect a harsh penalty, which in some cases results in exclusion from the University. To ensure that you are fully informed about University expectations and understand your responsibilities with regard to academic malpractice please ensure you have read the guidance provided by the University to students on this topic. This is available at:

http://documents.manchester.ac.uk/display.aspx?DocID=2870 If you have any doubts or further questions, please contact your programme director.

As further support for students, the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health has developed a module entitled “Understanding Academic Malpractice”. This unit should be completed by all postgraduate taught students and will allow you to test your understanding of what constitutes plagiarism and academic malpractice. You can access the resource via Blackboard. Log in to My Manchester and click on the Blackboard tab. The online skills training resource will be listed under the My Communities heading (below your course units). The module should be completed as soon as possible after you begin your programme, but must be completed before you submit your first piece of academic writing for assessment.

Feedback for Assessments

Formative Feedback to Students

Formative feedback is provided during dissertation work (MSc only), during lectures via quizzes and problem solving exercises, from a member of the team following a student’s presentation, following the January exams as necessary, and via the clinical tutorials following placements.

Summative Feedback for Students

Students will be notified by email once the work has been marked and feedback is available to view on Blackboard. We will endeavour to return marked work and feedback to students 15 working days after the hand-in date. However, occasionally there may be delays as a result of staff illness or other unforeseeable factors which you will be notified about if necessary.

Formal feedback on written assignments is given, but please note that grades are subject to external moderation and the views of the Board of Examiners. Therefore all marks are provisional until ratified at the Examination Board.

All written examinations and assignments are marked anonymously; with a sample moderated internally and by the external examiner.

To view feedback via Turnitin follow these instructions


Please note that release of grades in Turnitin on post date may be delayed by up to 30 minutes at peak usage times. If your grades have not appeared after 30 minutes please report this to elearning@manchester.ac.uk

Policy on Feedback to Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Students



The maximum allowable cumulative failure of course units at the first attempt is 60 credits of the taught component of the programme. A student whose failures at the first attempt exceed 60 credits will be deemed to have failed the programme and (further) referrals will not be allowed.

After the relevant Exam Board students will be notified via email of any resits they are required to take, along with details of the new submission date and the format of the resit.

For those Units having a formal written examination, the resit paper will normally take the form of having to complete questions based on the original examination (or new questions) on a seen basis, with consequent appropriate raised expectations with regard to detail in the answers.  Students requiring advice on a particular Unit they have failed may seek help from the Unit Tutor.

PLEASE NOTE: Candidates are permitted no more than one resit for each examination / assessment and MUST ACHIEVE the PASS MARK of 50% for EACH INDIVIDUAL ELEMENT THAT IS RETAKEN.

Successfully re-sat units will be recorded with a mark of 50R. Please note that this recording of 50R is not in line with the University PGT Regulations. Your transcript of marks will show 50R but the capped mark you would have received under the PGT regulations will be used in the calculation of your final mean average of marks.

Any student not successfully completing resit attempts will be deemed to have failed the programme and will be awarded an exit award, if applicable – please see the PGT Regulations document for information regarding Exit Awards requirements.

All examinations and assessed coursework must be successfully completed before a dissertation may be presented for examination.

Please refer to the PGT Regulations for further detail regarding reassessment.

Viewing Ratified Marks and Final Classifications

Marks awarded for your assessments (i.e. everything that contributes to your final degree classification) are subject to moderation by the examination board and the external examiner at the June examination meeting. Consequently all marks given to students before the final examiners’ meeting has taken place must be regarded as provisional. Shortly after the Exam Board we will publish ratified results and you will be able to view these via your My Manchester Student Portal. Please see appendix 10 for instructions.

When you have graduated you may obtain a detailed official written account of all your examination results (called a transcript) from the Student Services Centre on payment of a small fee. This carries the University stamp and is recognised for such purposes as admission to a further course of study at another institution (in the UK or abroad), membership of professional bodies, exemption from sections of professional examinations and so on. If you need a transcript go to the following lnk http://www.studentnet.manchester.ac.uk/crucial-guide/academic-life/award-confirmation/transcripts/

You can also obtain an electronic transcript via Edocs:


How to Access Your Results on the Student System

1. Log into MyManchester:https://login.manchester.ac.uk/cas/login .Go to the ‘My Services’ tab along the top and click on ‘Student System’. In Campus Solutions, from the home page select Student Centre.

2. You should then click on Grades in the scroll-down menu and click the button to the right of the menu

3. You will then see a list of all your course units and grades for your chosen academic year. You can change the academic year if necessary using the ‘change term’ button.

4. If you scroll down, under ‘term statistics’ you will be able to view your final average and classification (if applicable).

5. To see individual component marks for a course choose Assignments in the drop down menu rather than Grades.

6. You will then see another list of all your courses. To view individual marks click on the title of the course.

7. On the next page you will see the mark you were awarded for each assignment.



Graduation ceremonies for MSc students are held in the Whitworth Hall in December and July. Details are sent to students by the Student Services Centre or you can find further information here http://www.studentnet.manchester.ac.uk/crucial-guide/academic-life/graduation/

External Examiners

The The MSc Clinical Science Programme has two External Examiners who moderate the examining of units and dissertations. Normally, External Examiners attend the Exam Board meeting at the end of Semester 2 each year, and will wish to meet students (usually as a group) during their visit. If the External Examiner cannot attend the Exam Board then a skype meeting will be set up with students.

Role of the External Examiner

External Examiners are individuals from another institution or organisation who monitor the assessment processes of the University to ensure fairness and academic standards. They ensure that assessment and examination procedures have been fairly and properly implemented and that decisions have been made after appropriate deliberation. They also ensure that standards of awards and levels of student performance are at least comparable with those in equivalent higher education institutions.

External Examiner Reports

External Examiners’ reports relating to this programme will be shared with student representatives at the PDT Meetings where details of any actions carried out by the programme team/School in response to the External Examiners’ comments will be discussed. Students should contact their student representatives if they require any further information about External Examiners’ reports or the process for considering them.

External Examiner Details

The External Examiners for this programme are Emma MacKenzie and TBA

Please note that it is inappropriate for students to make direct contact with External Examiners under any circumstances, in particular with regards to a student’s individual performance in assessments. Other appropriate mechanisms are available for students, including the University’s appeals or complaints procedures and the UMSU Advice Centre. In cases where a student does contact an External Examiner directly, External Examiners have been requested not to respond to direct queries. Instead, External Examiners should report the matter to their School contact who will then contact the student to remind them of the other methods available for students. If students have any queries concerning this, they should contact their Programme Office (or equivalent).


Your programme uses a new online student attendance system, ‘My Attendance’.

From September you will have to ‘check in’ at the start of each timetabled activity to confirm your attendance – you can do this via My Manchester on a mobile, tablet, laptop or desktop. There is also a simple dashboard showing your attendance record, so you can see how you’re doing.

This short video shows how to check in and view your attendance record. Check-in will close after each activity has ended, so don’t forget! We’ve asked your lecturers to remind you to check in, but you may also want to write yourself a note or set reminders until you get used to checking in.

If you do forget to check in, or you have a planned absence, or there is an error in your attendance record, you should contact PGT_HCDH@manchester.ac.uk.

This new system does not change any attendance requirements for your programme or course units. My Attendance is much more effective than older systems like paper registers. Recording attendance consistently will help us see when you might need support, and save resource to better support you elsewhere.

You can find out more about My Attendance here.

If you know you are going to miss a session in advance, please contact the Unit Lead at least 24 hours BEFORE the session.

Students are required to attend ALL lectures, supervisions, seminars and lab classes held in connection with the programme on which they are studying.

Attendance monitoring will take place during ALL sessions. It is your responsibility to make sure you have signed the register.

Students who miss more than three of these sessions will receive informal warning letters from staff in the Schools’ Student Administration Office.

Absences supported by medical or other appropriate information will not normally be counted towards the assessment of unsatisfactory attendance.

Postgraduates in the School of Health Sciences are also expected to sit ALL examinations and coursework tests for their degree programme and to submit ALL coursework assignments by the deadline specified. Any absences should be supported by Special Circumstances Form and supporting evidence (see Handbook).

In the case of persistent unsatisfactory work and attendance the following action will be applied:

  • After 3 recorded absences (within the same module*), a formal warning letter will be sent stating the actions required to take in order to improve their attendance. Letter will state that unless the student complies with the actions specified, and any further absence is recorded (for the same module) a decision may be taken to refuse the student permission to take examinations or assessments, with the consequence that the student may be excluded from the programme.
  • If any further absence (for the same module) is recorded following the formal warning letter. Students will be required to attend a compulsory interview by a senior member of Academic staff or a senior member of the Student Administration staff.
  • Final warning letter stating unless the student takes action agreed in the Interview, the student will be notified of a withdrawal date and consequently withdrawn from the University.**
  • Students who are absent from a continuous period of 30 days or miss an entire end-of-semester set of examinations without good reason will be assumed to have withdrawn. Students will be notified of a withdrawal date and will be withdrawn from the University.***
  • Students who achieve a weighted average of 45% or less in their first semester examinations will be required to attend a compulsory interview with a senior member of Academic staff.

*For Double modules (30 Credits) taking place within one semester, trigger points are doubled i.e. Formal letter sent after 6 absences, student called in for interview following a further 2 absences.

**Students with approved previous experience, or AP(E)L may have agreed absence have prior approval from programme directors to be absent from specific lectures. These absences will not be counted towards the assessment of unsatisfactory attendance.

***Students studying under a Tier 4 visa permission should note that once a withdrawal has been completed on the University’s Student System, students will be reported to the UKBA and and will be required to leave the UK within 60 days of their withdrawal date.

Further information about work and attendance of students is given in Regulation XX – Work and Attendance of Students, which is available from the following website:

Regulation XX Monitoring Attendance and Wellbeing of Students.

Conduct and Discipline of Students (Regulations XVII):


If you are studying for a degree full-time, you should be devoting around 35 hours per week to your studies throughout the year (approx. 17 hours per week for part-time students). If you don’t put in the hours, you will not make the most of your time here, and may have to leave before gaining a degree, or get a lower class degree than you are capable of. You will also notice from your syllabus booklets that there are no lectures in the week 6 of the first semester. This is because this is a ‘reading week’ and no lectures take place. You should use this week to catch up on reading around your taught courses, work on coursework assignments, and for Master’s students to do some reading for your dissertation.

Research seminars organised by the Audiology and Deafness Research Group are held at on Thursdays 1-2 pm (please refer to your Timetable for the venue). Students are expected to attend the seminars to pass the Research Methods unit.

Dissertation presentations: those students undertaking a dissertation will present an outline of their proposal at a meeting for all dissertation students, and some staff, in semester 2 of 2015 (see timetable).

Attendance at the two block clinic placements is part of HCDI60060 (Professional Practice). Students should be prepared to travel to their assigned clinic on a daily basis during those weeks. Note that this may incur travel and/or accommodation costs.

If any attendance, health or conduct matters cannot be resolved satisfactorily at the level of the Programme Committee, then the case may be referred to the School level Health and Conduct Committee or may be referred to Faculty Fitness to Practise Committee.

On-line attendance

Student engagement with Blackboard will be monitored weekly. Students who have not engaged to a satisfactory level within a module will be classed as absent.

You should consider accessing e-learning material, engaging in discussion boards, completing on-line tasks and participating in teleconferences in much the same way as if you were attending a lecture or participating in a tutorial. For your blended learning units, you will be expected to access and complete each topic in the timeframe suggested, and hence engage in discussions and tasks as part of the class.

Fitness to Practise

Where a programme of study requires the student to undertake practical training in a quasi-professional role in relation to patients, clients or service-users or where the qualification provides a direct license to practise, the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health has a duty to ensure that the student is fit to practise. In order to protect present or future patients, clients or service users and to comply with the requirements of professional/regulatory bodies, the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health has established a procedure for dealing with student-related fitness to practise issues.

Fitness to Practise issues are initially investigated and considered locally within the School (e.g. by a Health and Conduct Committee) and if necessary referred to the Faculty Fitness to Practise Committee.

A student may appeal against the decision of a Fitness to Practise Committee within twenty days of the decision but only on one or more of the following grounds:

a) procedural irregularity;

b) availability of new evidence which could not reasonably have been expected to be presented to the original hearing;

c) the disproportionate nature of the penalty.

The TLSO facilitates the arrangements for Fitness to Practise Appeals Committees. An Appeals Committee has the power to confirm or alter the original decision, and the outcome is confirmed to students in a Completion of Procedures letter. A student may then decide to pursue a complaint with the OIA.

Student Ill-Health

The guidelines for non-attendance due to ill health must be followed as described in this handbook. You must notify the Programme Administrator no later than the first day of absence if you are absent due to illness. A Faculty self-certification form should be submitted to the Programme Administrator if you are absent for between 1-7 days. Thereafter, a medical note should be obtained from your GP or a hospital consultant. This applies to on-campus and on-line teaching and learning activities.

All medical certificates or other documentary evidence explaining absence from tutorials, lectures and other course work must be submitted to the Programme Administrator within one week of the illness or as soon as possible due to other circumstances. A failure to submit a medical certificate or other appropriate documentation to explain absence may result in loss of any claim that mitigating circumstances be taken into consideration when academic performance is assessed.

Study leave

It is important that you are provided with study leave whilst you are completing your work based training.  Guidance from the Modernising Scientific Careers team indicates that you should work to a 80/20 ratio, and hence expect to be given 1 day a week to study.  In addition 5 days extra study leave will be allocated for every exam (which includes travel and the day of the exam) and half a day a month for work related to OLAT activity.  Placement supervisors also agreed an additional 5 days of study leave in year 3 to assist in the writing up of the final dissertation.


If you find that you are struggling to keep up with academic work, then you need to speak with your placement supervisor in the first instance, if you are unable to resolve the problem then you need to inform the unit tutor and/or academic advisor/programme director.

Teleconferences/Virtual meetings

It is important that you feel supported by both academic staff and fellow students while you are studying in the practice setting.  One way to achieve this is to hold teleconference or virtual meetings.  This will allow you to feedback on your experiences, raise any queries and seek advice and support from the programme director.  Attendance at these meetings is not compulsory, but it would be polite to inform the programme director if you cannot make the meeting.  Minutes will be taken and circulated to the student cohort.  Where ever possible the National School of Healthcare Science Neurosensory Science board lead will be invited to participate in these teleconferences.  This is a recent addition and has been considered due to numerous queries during past teleconferences pertaining to OLAT and clinical work-based issues.

Please ensure the following dates are recorded in your diary (available from Key Dates in this Handbook)

Wellbeing of Students

The support available for MS Clinical Science students from tutors is detailed below.  Most tutors and support staff are happy to answer queries by email, or telephone.  

You should also notify the Programme Director, your Academic advisor and a member of the School Graduate Team of any change to your personal details.

The MSc Clinical Science (Neurosensory Science) Programme Director: Dr Kai Uus, ManCAD, B2.1 Ellen Wilkinson Building, School of Health, Faculty of Biological, Medical & Health Sciences, the University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL

Phone: +44 (0) 161 275 8282 E-mail: kai.uus@manchester.ac.uk

The Programme Director has an administrative responsibility for the programme, with an overview of organisational issues.

Academic Advisors

Each student will be allocated an academic advisor whose responsibility will include pastoral care in addition to mentoring and monitoring the student’s academic and personal development progress during the programme. Students should contact their advisor at least every 3-4 months to discuss progress and highlight any areas of concern regarding their academic work.

Academic Advisor

Dr Josef Schlittenlacher, A3.09 Ellen Wilkinson Building, School of Health, Faculty of Biological, Medical & Health Sciences, the University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL

Phone: +44 (0) 161 306 1758 Email: josef.schlittenlacher@manchester.ac.uk 

For support in your academic progress (e.g. if you fall behind with your work, miss parts of the course due to illness or bereavement, need advice regarding resits, need extensions to deadlines or have other relevant personal issues), then your Academic advisor is the appropriate person to approach. The Academic advisor should be informed of any circumstances (e.g. illness, bereavement, disability or other) affecting attendance or performance on the programme. The Academic advisor will arrange group meetings with students. The first of these meetings is the induction meeting which takes place during the registration week.

For queries regarding individual lectures, or online topics, the student should first of all seek help from the tutor/lecturer delivering the lecture, or online topic.  The Tutor for that Unit is responsible for the overall content, structure, organisation, compilation of the Unit reading list, and setting of examinations for that particular Unit; s/he will be willing to receive comments on or questions about these organisational issues.  The Unit Tutor may also be contacted if a student fails a particular Unit.  Feedback about each Unit is sought from all students through standard feedback questionnaires.

A Dissertation Supervisor will be chosen from HCDH staff to support students and their own local supervisors with their Research Dissertation.  The member of staff allocated will depend on the topic of the dissertation and the distribution of topics; see the Dissertation Handbook for details of the arrangements for Dissertations.  Prof Kevin Munro is the member of staff who coordinates the dissertation arrangements.

The teaching timetables are supervised by Dr Kai Uus to whom timetable enquiries should be addressed.

Examination matters are managed by the PGT Administrator, to whom examination enquiries should be addressed.

Student Support Officer

The Student Support Officer provides advice and guidance to students and staff in the school. Student Support offer assistance which complements and underpins the support provided by academic departments and can work with you to explore what options are available to you within the School and the wider University.

Student Support can talk through with you issues such as interrupting your studies and progression, financial issues, the submission of details of mitigating circumstances, work and attendance problems and any personal concerns that are affecting your ability to study and engage fully with your course. It is important to point out that Student Support is not a counselling service; it is a practical problem solving service.

You can come to the Student Support Office in Room G15 Zochonis at the following times:

Monday – Thursday 09.00–16.30

Alternatively, or outside of office hours, you can call 0161 275 7332 or email Ryan.Hurst-2@manchester.ac.uk

Student Services Centre

The Student Services Centre (SSC) at the University is a central point for information and advice for all students, both home and overseas.

The SSC provides a wide range of services including those related to:

  • Immigration
  • Examinations
  • Certificates
  • Transcripts
  • Sources of funding
  • Fee payment
  • Registration and student cards

Tel: +44 (0)161 275 5000

Email: ssc@manchester.ac.uk

Location: Burlington Street, Oxford Road campus, building no. 57 on the campus map.

Web page: http://www.manchester.ac.uk/international/support/studentservices/

Disability Advisory and Support Services

The University of Manchester welcomes students with a disability or specific learning difficulties. The University has a Disability Advisory and Support Service, who can supply further information, and staff will be pleased to meet you, by prior arrangement, to discuss your needs. Staff will liaise with your School to make the necessary arrangements for your support during your time in Manchester. The office can also provide a copy of the University’s Disability Statement, ‘Opportunities for Students with Additional Support Needs at the University of Manchester’ which sets out the policy and provision for students with a disability.

The Disability Advisory and Support Service is located on the 2nd Floor of University Place, Block 2.

E-mail: disability@manchester.ac.uk

Phone 0161 275 7512/8518; Text 07899 658 790; Minicom 0161 275 2794;

Fax: 0161 275 7018; Website: www.manchester.ac.uk/disability

In addition, the School has a Disability Support Officer, Ryan Hurst who co-ordinates support arrangements for all students. Ryan is available to discuss support needs with individual students. His contact details are 0161 275 7332; email: Ryan.Hurst-2@manchester.ac.uk

Academic Tutorial Writing Service

Full information on how to access the service is available at:


Student Guidance Service

The Student Guidance Service is a student-centered service open to all Undergraduates and Postgraduates, from all departments across the whole University. The service provides confidential advice on any academic matter, from information regarding course transfers, for example, to referrals for study skills courses, or guidance in Appeals procedures or advice on complex issues where a student’s work is being affected in any way.


Counselling Service

The counselling service is available for all students. It is free and consists of a team of professional counsellors. The service provides confidential counselling for anyone who wants help with personal problems affecting their work or well-being.

The service is open 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday all year round except public holidays.


Occupational Health

Occupational Health is a specialised area of medicine concerned with the way in which an individual’s health can affect his or her ability to do a job and to study and conversely how the work environment can affect an individual’s health. Their aim is to promote the physical, mental and social well-being of students and to reduce the incidence of ill-health arising from exposure to work place hazards.


Students Union Advice Centre

The Students Union has advisers who can help with any matter ranging from finances to housing and beyond. On the South Campus, the Advice Centre is on the first floor in the Student Union Building, and is open Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4.30pm, term time and vacation. There is no need to make an appointment. Their email address is advice.umsu@manchester.ac.uk

University Careers Service

As a postgraduate the demands on your time can seem overwhelming. The University careers service can make your life easier by offering a range of services designed to help you. Advice and support for Postgraduates include:

Where to find us: the careers service has three offices on campus and you are welcome to use whichever office is convenient.

Central – a large centre offering a full range of services (open 9-5 Monday-Friday, Crawford House, Booth Street East Tel: 275 2829)

Metro – located on campus north and offers full guidance facilities (open 9-5 Monday-Friday, C Floor Renold Building, Sackville Street Tel: 306 4330)

Express – ideal for quick queries and help with applications (open 9-5 Monday-Friday (term time only), Staffed Daily 12-2 Ground Floor, Students Union, Oxford Rd)


International Students

Overseas students may wish to join the University’s International Society which offers a social programme for overseas students and their families. The Society is situatedin the Students Union , email int.soc@manchester.ac.uk, website http://orgs.man.ac.uk/intsoc/

Membership if free for International MSc Audiology students (contact Rachael Barker in the first instance)

International Student Census

The University operates attendance monitoring census points within the academic year in order to confirm the attendance of students holding a Tier 4 Student Visa. This is to ensure the University meets the UKVI statutory requirements as a sponsor of Tier 4 students and its responsibilities in accordance with its Highly Trusted Sponsor status.

If you are a Tier 4 visa holder, you must attend these census points, in addition to complying with your programme’s attendance requirements. You will receive an e-mail from your Programme Administrator to confirm when and where you should go to have your attendance confirmed. You must check your University e-mail account regularly. Failure to check your e-mail account is not a valid reason to be absent from a census point.

What if a Tier 4 student cannot attend a census point?

If you cannot attend in person due to a valid reason which includes: illness; study placement; field studies; on year abroad; research work; or any other reason connected to your programme of study, you must email your Programme Administrator to inform us of your absence and your inability to attend in person. In the case of illness, you must provide a copy of a medical certificate. If you are in this position you should report in person to the School as soon as possible after you return to campus.

Students who are recorded as interrupting their studies are not expected to attend during their period of interruption.

What happens if a student does not attend a census point?

The School must be able to confirm your presence to the UKVI by the end of each census point in the academic year. If you do not attend a census point when required by your School and you do not provide a valid explanation for your absence you will be deemed to be “not in attendance”.

Those students identified as “not in attendance” will be reported to the UKVI and the University will cease to sponsor the student’s Tier 4 visa. The Tier 4 visa will then be curtailed and the student must leave the UK within 60 days.

Further information

For more information on Tier 4 visas: https://www.gov.uk/tier-4-general-visa

If you have any concerns about the attendance monitoring census points, or your Tier 4 visa

status, please contact visa@manchester.ac.uk

Facilities for students

Please note that these facilities are subject to change according to demand. If a facility is required for a specific purpose it is advisable to check availability in advance.

Library facilities

The University of Manchester Library provides you with the resources and support you need throughout your Psychology programme. The Main Library houses all of the essential text books whilst the Alan Gilbert Learning Commons provides a 24/7 learning environment in addition to study skills workshops. The Library also has an extensive collection of eBooks, databases and journals available online.

The My Library tab in My Manchester has quick links to all of the Library’s resources and services available to students.

Getting Started

You will need your student card to access all library sites around campus. Many of our services and resources also require you to confirm that you are a registered student. This authentication can be your student card, the ID number on the card, your Library PIN, the central username and password you use to log on, or a combination of these.

There is a library guide for Psychology students giving all of the latest information on resources and learning and research services available. This is a good starting point if you are looking for any library resources or information related to your course.

Each course module in Blackboard includes an online reading list, so you can quickly check availability and directly access e-books, digitised chapters and e-journals or articles.

The Main Library

The Main Library holds the principal collection of Psychological Sciences books and journals. Psychology textbooks are located on Floor 2 of the Blue Area, together with books in other related subjects. Psychology journals held in print are on Floor 1 of the Green Area in the Clinical Sciences sequence; further relevant periodicals are shelved in other areas of the Main Library. The library search facility will let you know what items are available and where to find them, including eBooks and online journals.

The Main Library offers group study rooms, individual study space options and computer clusters. Wi-Fi is available throughout the building and a cafe lounge can be found on the ground floor. The Library has long opening hours and extends these during exam periods. Please check Locations and Opening Hours for full details on opening hours and facilities.

The Alan Gilbert Learning Commons

The Alan Gilbert Learning Commons is a state-of-the-art learning environment with 24/7 opening hours throughout term-time. The Learning Commons has flexible open learning spaces with multimedia facilities, computer clusters and 30 bookable group study rooms with whiteboards and media screens.

There is a series of training workshops covering a variety of academic and transferable skills hosted in the training room at the Learning Commons.  These workshops include training on revision/study skills, note-taking and other topics and have been developed by Learning Commons staff in partnership with other teams across the University.  Full details of training sessions are available at www.manchester.ac.uk/my-learning-essentials

HCD Laboratory

The HCD Laboratory is located on the 4th floor of A Block (A4.12), and students may request access to equipment and calibration facilities, from the Laboratory staff. There are several laboratory working rooms, where students carry out practical workshops and practical examinations. There are also rooms set up with equipment for developing practical skills on the Ground Floor of B Block (see below); students are strongly encouraged to make use of them early in the course (they may become fully booked later).

Laboratory staff are Keith Wilbraham (Experimental Officer) and Paul Bardsley (Audiology Technician).

BG.20: Audiometric booths

4 x stand-alone audiometers

1 x GSi Tympstar tympanometer

A4.7: 4 x Aurical hearing aid fitting stations.

BG.16: Vestibular Test equipment

A4.11: Speech tests (parrot, FAAF etc)

A check list is available for each room listing the equipment and consumables.

A key aspect of clinical professionalism is taking responsibility for leaving rooms and equipment clean and tidy, ready for the next user. This includes reporting faulty equipment and re-stocking used materials (or reporting the need for replenishment to the appropriate person).

At the University of Manchester we expect the highest standards from all audiology students, undergraduate and postgraduate, in this respect. We do not expect any materials or equipment to go missing from these rooms, and we will take a very severe view of any such losses.

BG 20 has four audiometry booths, associated equipment, and a cupboard to keep material such as earplugs and insert earphone tips. A4.7has four computer stations with hearing aid test boxes.

The Cubicles on the 4th Floor have Aurical Systems equipped for hearing aid measurements, REMs and audiometry.


The University has photocopiers in Alan Gilbert Learning Commons and the Students Union Building.

IT computer cluster

Located in room B3.3 in the Ellen Wilkinson Building. There are also clusters in Coupland 1 Building (ground floor) Further information about computer cluster in the university can be found on the IT Services website: http://www.itservices.manchester.ac.uk/pcclusters/pcclusterlocations/

Reading lists

Reading lists are available for each course Unit and can be accessed from the library website: http://www.library.manchester.ac.uk/

Materials Online

Online support for the MSc/PG Diploma Audiology programme is provided via Blackboard. This allows registered students access to materials and handouts for all units by simply using an internet connection from any location (on or off campus) and using standard browsing software to access the World Wide Web.

From September 2007 as an example of best practice in moving towards electronic paperless delivery of our programmes, lecture handouts will only be available on Blackboard. At the lecturers’ discretion some handouts will be provided during the lecture as deemed appropriate, otherwise all handouts will be available at least 7 days before the lecture. It is the students own responsibility to access these handouts in preparation for each lecture.  

Student Representatives

Election of a Student Rep

At the start of the academic year students will be asked to select one or two individuals to represent their interests to the MSc Programme Development Team (PDT). The student representatives will be required to attend some compulsory training, attend all MSc PDT meetings throughout the year and also attend the External Examiner meeting in June.

Student Representation on the Programme Development Team (PDT)

Issues affecting more than one student should be brought to the attention of the Programme Development Team (PDT) which monitors the MSc/Dip Programme, via the Student Representatives. The PDT meets at least twice each semester and welcomes all feedback from students about the programme. Wherever possible this feedback is taken on board to develop and improve the programme. Feedback, and action taken by the Team, will be disseminated to students via the representatives.

Student reps also help with the practical skills practice rooms on the ground floor.

Student Representation, Feedback, and Programme Development

The student experience is an important source of information to help guide change and improvement in the programme. It is therefore essential that students are aware both of the routes by which their views may be passed to the programme team and of the ways in which they are made aware of any consequent discussions and changes.

How students can pass comments to the programme team:
End of semester course unit questionnaires
Individual or collective (via student rep) approach to course unit tutors
Individual approach or collective (via student rep) to Programme Director
Individual approach or collective (via student rep) to Academic advisor
Student rep membership of the Programme Development Committee
he annual meeting with the Programme’s external examiner(s)
Tutorials, e.g. clinic placement feedback meetings

How students are informed of consequent discussions or changes:
Verbal report from Unit tutor, academic advisor, or Programme Director
Verbal report from student reps
Documented changes to subsequent programme handbooks
Programme Development Committee minutes, via student reps

Outcome of Previous Student Feedback

Below are some of the issues that have been raised in the past academic year and the actions we have taken:

  • More information on hand in dates of assessments. Action:  Assessment matrix developed and included in the programme handbook
  • Clearer identification of which lectures below to which unit. Action:  For the large 30 credit unit an individualised timetable has been included within Blackboard, with topics for each lecture included.  In addition all lectures will be uploaded into the Blackboard space.  This should allow easy identification of lectures
  • More balance between vision, ophthalmology and audiology specialisms. Action:  Lecture contact hours have been increased for ophthalmology and neurophysiology specialisms.
  • More input from practicing vision professionals. Action:  An optometrist, ophthalmologist and vision scientist have been bought in to deliver material relevant to the ophthalmic/vision science specialism
  • Clarification of study leave requirements and discussion with supervisors about protecting study leave time. Action:  Supervisor teleconference agenda item where student concerns were raised and study leave requirements were agreed with supervisors
  • More guidance on reflective practice in order to help support activities within OLAT. Action:  OLAT training website provided to lecturer who teaches reflective practice so they can gain an understanding of OLAT requirements.  Reflective practice resources also provided to National School of Healthcare Science so they can disseminate and provide more guidance
  • More careful consideration of hours required for on-line work as the hours were often under estimated. Action:  some activities reviewed and tasks taken out to reduce student input.  New model of delivery trialled for one unit.  Campus work for learning of new material, on-line work primarily used as consolidation and expansion of campus work. 
  • Students without a clinical background would appreciate some introduction to clinical work and working with patients.  Action:  Patient perspective day organised for allstudents .
  • Students appreciated the Neurophysiology practical class held at MMU but requested that the practical session focus on nerve conduction testing.  Action:  Practical class organised at UoM to focus on nerve conduction testing
  • Some Professional Practice elements were too intensive and genetics lectures were rather disjointed.  Action:  Genetics lectures have been revised, with more appropriate introductory material introduced.
  • Students would like additional study time in year 3 to complete the final dissertation.  Action:  Supervisors agreed and additional 5 days
  • Students would like Paediatric Audiology material released earlier.  Action:  Material will be available from the beginning of semester 2.
  • Students would like to be able to access previous years units.  Action:  Blackboard material from previous years can be archived and made available to students.
  • Vestibular Assessment & Management unit comes too late in the programme.  It needs to be earlier so trainees can start participating in vestibular clinics.  Action:  National School of HCS approved programme re-structure and this unit now falls into the summer of year 2.
  • Vestibular campus teaching was too intense when delivered in 1 week, and the programme should consider running it over 2 weeks.  Action:  Vestibular Assessment and Management face to face teaching is now run over 2 weeks.

Roles and Responsibilities of Supervisors & Students

Please also refer to the MSc Dissertation handbook for specific information

The responsibilities of Supervisors include:

a) giving guidance about the nature of research and the standard expected, the planning of the research programme, literature and sources, attendance at taught classes where, appropriate and about requisite techniques (including arranging for instruction where necessary);

b) maintaining contact through regular meetings (the frequency of meetings being appropriate to the research being undertaken and agreed in advance);

c) being accessible to the student at other appropriate times for advice and responding to difficulties raised by the student;

d) giving detailed advice on the necessary completion dates of successive stages of the work so that the thesis may be submitted within the agreed timescale;

e) requesting written work or reports as appropriate and returning written material with constructive criticism and in reasonable time;

f) ensuring that for degrees where an oral examination is required the student is adequately prepared by arranging for the student to present his or her work to staff and graduate seminars.

g) ensuring that the student is made aware when progress is not satisfactory and facilitating improvement with advice and guidance;

h) establishing at an early stage the Supervisor’s responsibilities in relation to the student’s written work, including the nature of the guidance and comments to be offered as the work proceeds and on the draft of the thesis before it is submitted. It must be made clear to the student that research for a higher degree is undertaken within the general principle that a thesis must be the student’s own work;

i) ensuring that at the end of each year of the course the student produces a research report, to which the Supervisor should add comments on progress. The Supervisor’s comments on progress should be signed by the student to confirm that they have been seen, before the annotated report is submitted by the Supervisor to the appropriate Supervisory body in accordance with established Graduate School procedures;

j) making students aware of other researchers and research work in the department and Graduate School;

k) encouraging the student to publish the research;

l) providing pastoral support and advising students, where appropriate, of University support services;

m) bringing to the attention of the students the health and safety regulations and academic rules, regulations and codes of practice of the University. More detailed guidance on Health and Safety is available in the University’s Health and Safety Policy Notice UMHSP 33, available from Health and Safety Services, which interprets and applies the CVCP Note of Guidance N/93/111, “Health and Safety Responsibilities of Supervisors towards Graduate and Undergraduate students”. Guidance on specific situations is available from the staff of Health and Safety Services.

n) to recommend examiners for the student’s thesis after discussion with the student to ensure that the proposed examiners have not had a significant input into the project, a significant personal, financial or professional relationship with the student, or that there is not other good reason to doubt the suitability of the recommendation

The responsibilities of the student include:

a) pursuing the programme with a positive commitment, taking full advantage of the resources and facilities offered by the academic environment and, in particular, contact with the Supervisor, other staff and research students;

b) discussing with the Supervisor the type of guidance and comment believed to be most helpful, and agreeing a schedule of meetings;

c) ensuring that he/she is aware of the health and safety regulations and academic rules and regulations and codes of practice of the University;

d) successfully completing any training programme arranged within the prescribed time period;

e) taking the initiative in raising problems or difficulties, however elementary they may seem, bearing in mind that prompt discussion and resolution of problems can prevent difficulties and disagreements at a later stage;

f) maintaining the progress of the work in accordance with the stages agreed with the Supervisor, including in particular the presentation of written material as required, in sufficient time to allow for comments and discussion before proceeding to the next stage. Where possible, students will be given details of the work programme for the academic year at the beginning of the year;

g) providing at the end of each year a report on progress to the Supervisor for submission to the appropriate Supervisory body in accordance with established Graduate School procedures. The report at the end of the first year will normally be a substantial piece of work in accordance with Graduate School procedures. Reports at the ends of subsequent years, occurring before the completion of the thesis, should adequately describe the progress made during the preceding year. If industrial research contract reports are being written on a regular basis, the Supervisor might judge these to be a satisfactory alternative to progress reports

h) agreeing with the Supervisor the amount of time to be devoted to the research and the timing and duration of holiday periods;

i) deciding when to submit the thesis. The student should take due account of the Supervisor’s opinion but must recognise that it is only Advisory. The student must ensure that appropriate notice of intent to submit a thesis is given, in accordance with the published University procedures;

checking the completeness and accuracy of the text of the thesis submitted; failure to check the thesis carefully may result in the thesis being failed or cause a delay in the award of a degree.

to disclose, in discussion with Supervisors concerning potential examiners for the thesis, any information that could significantly affect the suitability of the proposed examiner (s).  Such information may concern a significant input from the examiner(s) into the project or a significant personal, financial or professional relationship they may have had, with the student.

Marking Schedules

90% – 100% Truly exceptional work reflecting excellent scholarship, way beyond what an examiner would expect.

80% – 89% Outstanding work – elegantly written and shows evidence of wide-ranging interest, reading and thought.

70% – 79% Clearly outstanding work showing independence of mind expressed with a clear grasp of the facts and issues, obvious signs of breadth of reading and depth of understanding.

60% – 69% Clear grasp of facts and issues but with some limitations; signs of originality and breadth of reading where appropriate; accurate and fresh in approach and expression.

50% – 59% Orthodox work of reasonable scope and understanding; material quite well organised and expressed with no obvious failings but without much inspiration or originality; solid, sound work. Some evidence of wider reading.

40% – 49% Material with some merits; an orthodox approach to the subject matter but lacking in imagination and/or scope, originality and expression; uncertain handling of issues with some errors. Limited evidence of wider reading.

30% – 39% Material contains some information which is relevant but there are serious factual errors/ a lot of irrelevance/ the topic is treated in a trivial or superficial manner.

Up to 30% Vague, fragmented, irrelevant, errors in understanding and expression with clear limitations in insight and range of comprehension. Material contains some ideas if you read between the lines but the written expression is extremely poor. Candidate offers some correct information but has completely and unjustifiably misinterpreted the question asked. Marks awarded within this range depend on the quality of what is actually written.

Up to 20% Work contains minimal amount of correct or relevant information. Answer may be very brief or may be long but is mostly irrelevant/incorrect. Candidate shows evidence of attending the course but has very poor grasp of information and/or very poor expression.

Up to 10% Candidate writes no more than a few lines or makes no more than two points which could be regarded as relevant.

0% Candidate writes nothing at all or nothing that is in any way relevant/coherent

Examined Coursework Assignments

M Level 70 – 100 %


Demonstration of extensive knowledge and depth of critical understanding of all issues and concepts.

Extensive evidence of creative thinking and problem solving.

Application of theory and concepts to practice is evident across all issues.

Excellent evidence of broad and appropriate critical reading which is used to support and challenge discussion.

Arguments are elegant, made logically, succinctly and coherently.

Shows evidence of independence of mind and originality and imagination.

Critical use of research findings with clear demonstration of their significance.


Content is exceptionally well organised, accurate and shows extensive evidence of structure and planning.


Good, formal, academic style of work

Correct and complete bibliography

Generally accessible to scientists not specializing in the area that is being discussed.


Outstanding work.

Excellent presentation.

M Level 60 – 69 %

Demonstration of clear knowledge and critical understanding of main issues and concepts with

Evidence of creative thinking and problem identifying and/or solving.

Application of theory and concepts to practice is evident across most issues.

Clear evidence of broad and appropriate critical evaluation of reading which is used to support discussion.

Arguments are clear logical and well supported.

Shows signs of originality and imagination: accurate and fresh in approach and expression.

Clear critical evaluation of research findings (where appropriate).


Content well organised and accurate and shows clear evidence of structure and planning.


Use of appropriate formal writing style.

Minor referencing errors, but attempt made to cite all sources discussed.


Good work.

Good presentation.

M Level 50 – 59 %

Demonstrates knowledge and critical understanding of main issues and concepts

Some evidence of creative thinking and problem identifying and/or solving.

Application of theory and concept, to practice is evident across some issues.

Some evidence of critical evaluation of reading which is used to support discussion.

Arguments are generally clear, logical and well supported.

There is some evidence of critical evaluation and analysis.

Little evidence of imagination and/or scope, inspiration, originality and expression

Some critical evaluation of research findings.


Content quite well organised and accurate and shows evidence of structure and planning.


Formal writing style with some inappropriate, colloquial terms.

Some referencing errors.


Orthodox work.

Acceptable presentation.

M Level Fail 40 – 49 %

Uncertain handling of issues with some errors

Limited evidence of creative thinking and problem identifying and/or solving.

Limited application of theory and concepts to practice is evident across some issues.

Limited evidence of appropriate wider and critical reading which is used to support discussion.

Limited evidence of clear, logical and well-supported arguments.

Lacks imagination and/or scope, originality and expression.

Limited evaluation of research findings.


Insufficient evidence of planning and structure.


Inappropriate informal style

Referencing and bibliography incorrectly presented.


Material with some merits.

Inadequate presentation.

M Level Fail 33 – 39%

Presents limited, but inadequate, knowledge and understanding of the topic/concepts/issues

Insufficient evidence of creative thinking and problem identifying and/or solving.

Insufficient demonstration of how theory is linked to practice.

Limited evidence of reading which is sometimes inappropriate.

Arguments presented are incoherent or illogical.

No imagination and/or scope, originality and expression.

Limited inclusion of research findings


Insufficient structure or evidence of planning/illegible presentation


Reference list limited or inappropriate.

Inappropriate, informal writing style.


A piece of work which does not meet the aims of the assessment.

Poor presentation.

M Level Fail 0 – 32%


Presents no knowledge and understanding of the topic/concepts/issues

No evidence of creative thinking or problem identifying.

No demonstration of how theory is linked to practice.

Evidence of reading is absent or totally inappropriate

Incoherent or illogical arguments are presented.

Personal opinions are unsupported.

No imagination and/or scope, originality and expression.

Little or no inclusion of research findings


Very little or no structure or evidence of planning/illegible presentation


Inappropriate, informal style

Reference list absent/inappropriate.


A piece of work which falls a long way short of meeting the aims of the assessment.

Completely unacceptable presentation.

SECTION B : Course Units

HCDI60070- Professional Practice

School of Health Sciences, Division of Human Communication, Development and Hearing

Title Professional Foundations of Healthcare and Clinical Science
Unit code HCDI60070
Credit rating 15
Level 7
Contact hours 30
Other Scheduled teaching and learning activities* Lecturers, seminars, interactive workshops, scenario based role playing
Pre-requisite units None
Co-requisite units None
School responsible FMHS
Member of staff responsible Dr Phil Macdonald
ECTS** 7.5
Notional hours of Learning*** 150


This module will provide trainees with context and foundations to their practice in healthcare as a Clinical Scientist. Central to this module is the provision of safe, effective, high quality patient centred care. Trainees will develop a framework of skills and knowledge to evaluate and evolve practice in the context of the wider healthcare landscape. Throughout this module trainees will have opportunities to develop their professional skills.


 Professional and personal standards as a practicing healthcare professional:

  • Governance and standards of practice
  • Role of the Health and Care Professions Council and Academy for Healthcare Science
  • Regulatory and statutory bodies
  • Legislation and guidance
  • Equality


  • Health and safety standards
  • Patient safety
  • Safeguarding
  • NHS values and constitution
  • Duty of care
  • Duty of candour

 Personal responsibility for your practice

  • Personal judgement
  • Challenging inappropriate behaviour and practice
  • Scope of practice
  • Knowledge of limitations
  • Fitness to practice
  • Continued professional development

 Confidentiality and information governance

  • Principles
  • Application
  • Limitations

 Informed Consent

  • Principles
  • Application
  • Limitations

 Personal Professional Practice:

  • Managing your own health and well being
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Reflective practice
  • Principles of problem solving

 Inclusive culture:

  • Unconscious bias
  • Protected characteristics
  • Respecting differences
  • Patient autonomy

 Patient pathways:

  • The contribution of Healthcare Science
  • Multi-professional working

 Effective communication:

  • Negotiation and influencing
  • Engaging constructive feedback
  • Difficult conversations
  • Adapting methods of communication appropriately for the audience
  • Social media
  • Principles of taking and presenting patient histories
  • Sharing knowledge and learning styles

 Leadership and followership:

  • Principles and styles
  • Culture and values
  • Effective teams
  • Change and resilience

 Patient centred care:

  • Principles
  • Culture and values
  • Personalised medicine
  • Social, psychological and emotional context of care

 Introduction to the structure of the NHS and health services:

  • NHS constitution and values
  • Governance
  • Accountability
  • Principles of health economics

 Introduction to population health:

  • Public health
  • Social care
  • Access to healthcare and health inequalities
  • Public health interventions and outcomes
  • Environmental impact

Intended Learning Outcomes


Category of outcome Students should/will (please delete as appropriate) be able to:
Knowledge and understanding  

1.      Critically evaluate your personal responsibilities, challenges and limitations of your practice as a healthcare scientist in respect to the standards and ethical boundaries including confidentiality, informed consent and safeguarding.

2.      Critically appraise the contribution of healthcare science and multi-professional working in the provision of patient care within the structure and function of health and social care including effective communication and leadership.

3.      Critically evaluate the principles of methodologies which ensure the quality of practice in healthcare science.

4.      Critically evaluate the principles of patient centred care applied to healthcare in the NHS including approaches to managing health which aim to promote wellbeing and reduce health inequalities.

5.      Critically appraise the requirements for continuous development, evolution and improvement of services and standards in healthcare and innovations which impact healthcare science and healthcare.

Intellectual skills 1.      Critically analyse scientific and clinical data

2.      Present scientific and clinical data appropriately

3.      Formulate a critical argument

4.      Evaluate scientific and clinical literature

5.      Compare and contrast a range of leadership models

6.      Appraise the ethical foundations of professionalism, including critical reflection, and how these relate to the clinical scientist, the patient, the practice of healthcare science and the wider healthcare environment.

Practical skills 1.      Present information clearly in the form of verbal and written reports.

2.      Communicate complex ideas and arguments in a clear and concise and effective manner to both clinical professional and lay individuals

3.      Work effectively as an individual or part of a team.

4.      Demonstrate Leadership

5.      Team a patient history


Transferable skills and personal qualities 1.      Be able to communicate effectively with professional colleagues and service users.

2.      Consistently operate within sphere of personal competence and level of authority.

3.      Manage personal workload and objectives to achieve quality of care.

4.      Work in partnership with colleagues, other professionals, patients and their carers to maximise patient care.


Teaching and learning methods

Seminars, tutorials and workshops

E-learning:  evidence-based learning supported by course notes, audio lectures    

Assessment methods

Assessment task Length How and when feedback is provided Weighting within unit (if relevant)




Reflective written assignment




3000 words


Written feedback will be provided online




Recommended reading

Donaldson, Liam J. and Paul Rutter, 2017. Donaldsons’ essential public health. (4TH Edition)

Tony Hope; Medical Ethics A Very Short Introduction: Oxford University Press 2004

Chloe Baxter, Mark G Brennan, Yvette Coldicott, Maaike Moller; the practical guide to Medical Ethics & Law 2nd Edition: PasTest (2005)

Barr J and Dowding L (2019) Leadership in Health Care Sage Publications (London) (4th Edition)




HCDI60080- Clinical Applications

School of Health Sciences, Division of Human Communication, Development and Hearing

Title Clinical Applications in Neurosensory Sciences
Unit code HCDI60080
Credit rating 30
Level M-level
Contact hours 80 hours (lectures)
Other Scheduled teaching and learning activities* Directed and independent online learning
Pre-requisite units N/A
Co-requisite units N/A
School responsible SHS
Member of staff responsible Dr Kai Uus
ECTS** 15
Notional hours of Learning*** 300 hours


The unit aims to provide a theoretical and scientific foundation in the major academic areas in neurosensory science relevant to physiological healthcare scientists.

Brief Description of the Unit

This 15-credit unit focuses on the structure and function of neurosensory systems. Students will gain an appreciation of how the function of auditory, visual and neurophysiological systems is dependent on the underlying anatomical structure and physiological mechanisms.

The unit will utilise different teaching methodologies, with some topics being taught on synchronous lectures and tutorials, while others will be delivered via Blackboard independent and/or asynchronous learning.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Category of outcome Students should/will (please delete as appropriate) be able to:
Knowledge and understanding Critically evaluate the evidence base for different diagnostic tests and management approaches for routine adult patients and patients from special populations and with special needs.

Critically analyse the application of methods and equipment used for the routine assessment of patients with a range of pathologies

Demonstrate integrative and extended understanding of the electrophysiological assessment

Contextualise the evidence for patient-centred care within a specialist clinic

Critically reflect upon integration of novel technologies and inventive approaches to drive innovation and transformation in service delivery

Critically reflect on the evidence for trans-disciplinary working

Apply integrative knowledge and clinical and scientific judgement to inform decision making with regard to assessment, investigation and transdisciplinary patient-centred care in pathologies and conditions in your specialism

Contextualise health, illness and disability relevant to your specialism from socio-psychological perspective

Critically evaluate the evidence for public health provision in the wider context of the NHS and its wide range of different organisations as well as non-NHS organisations

Reflect on the evidence for trans-disciplinary working in your specialism.


Intellectual skills Be able to critically appraise scientific literature.

Be able to critically analyse and objectively interpret information/data.

Practical skills Present information clearly in the form of verbal and written reports.

Communicate complex ideas and arguments in a clear and concise and effective manner.

Work effectively as an individual or part of a team.

Use conventional and electronic resources to collect, select and organise complex scientific information.

Transferable skills and personal qualities Communicate complex ideas and arguments in a clear and concise and effective manner.

Work effectively as an individual or part of a team.

Use conventional and electronic resources to collect, select and organise complex scientific information.

Effectively utilise a range of information sources including information technology / health informatics.

Demonstrate capacity for self-learning and independent thinking and to utilise problem solving skills.

Demonstrate effective communication skills (verbal and written).

Be able to set priorities and link these with effective time management.

Critically evaluate their personal performance both as an individual and within a team.

Demonstrate skills in working collegiately and effectively with others as a member of a team.


Teaching and learning methods

Students’ learning for this unit is a combination of face-to-face workshops, lectures and practicals and independent and directed online resources

Assessment methods

Assessment task Length How and when feedback is provided Weighting within unit (if relevant)



Assignment of electrophysiology



2,500 words


via Turnitin




Reverse Case Study 2,500 words Via Turnitin 50%

Recommended reading

Essential reading:

  • British Society of Audiology (BSA). Recommended procedures.
  • Katz J (Ed). (2009). Handbook of Clinical Audiology. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia.
  • Galfand, S (2009) Essentials of Audiology (3rd Ed), Thieme Medical Publishers, New York.
  • Root, T. OphthoBook. CreateSpace, 2009. Free on-line version: http://www.ophthobook.com/.
  • Creel, D. Part XI Electrophysiology, Visually Evoked Potentials, In Kolb, H et al Webvision The Organization of the Retina and Visual System, http://webvision.med.utah.edu/.
  • Blum, A, Rutkove, S (2007) The Clinical Neurophysiology Primer, Humana Press Inc, Totowa (available as e Springer Link through UoM library).
  • Fuller, G and Manford, M (2010) Neurology an Illustrated Colour Text (3rd Ed), Churchill Livingstone Elsevier.


HCDI62010- Neurosensory Science

School of Health Sciences, Division of Human Communication, Development and Hearing


Title Neurosensory Sciences
Unit code HCDI62010
Credit rating 15
Level M-level
Contact hours 40 hours (lectures)
Other Scheduled teaching and learning activities* Directed and independent online learning
Pre-requisite units N/A
Co-requisite units N/A
School responsible SHS
Member of staff responsible Dr Kai Uus
ECTS** 10
Notional hours of Learning*** 150 hours


The unit aims to provide a theoretical and scientific foundation in the major academic areas in neurosensory science relevant to physiological healthcare scientists.

Brief Description of the Unit

This 15-credit unit focuses on the structure and function of neurosensory systems. Students will gain an appreciation of how the function of auditory, visual and neurophysiological systems is dependent on the underlying anatomical structure and physiological mechanisms.

The unit will utilise different teaching methodologies, with some topics being taught on synchronous lectures and tutorials, while others will be delivered via Blackboard independent and/or asynchronous learning.

Intended Learning Outcomes


Category of outcome Students should/will (please delete as appropriate) be able to:
Knowledge and understanding Audiology theme:

Describe basic mathematics & physics relevant to introductory acoustics and the use of appropriate units

Demonstrate extended understanding of the essential structures and functions of auditory pathways and how these relate to perceptual abilities

Demonstrate integrative understanding of key aspects of the perception of sound and how these relate both to speech perception and to the underlying anatomy and physiology.

Demonstrate integrative understanding to the basic principles and function of the audiology equipment and calibration

Neurophysiology theme:

Demonstrate integrative understanding of the essential structures and functions of neural pathways.

Demonstrate extended understanding of the essential structures and functions of peripheral, central and autonomic nervous system

Ophthalmic and Vision Science theme:

Describe the nature of light and concepts of optics

including refraction, focal length, optic power, and the effects of convex and concave lenses.

Demonstrate extended understanding of the essential structures and functions of visual pathways.

Understand key aspects of the perception of visual stimuli and how these relate to the underlying anatomy and physiology.


Intellectual skills Be able to critically appraise scientific literature.

Be able to critically analyse and objectively interpret information/data.

Practical skills Present information clearly in the form of verbal and written reports.

Communicate complex ideas and arguments in a clear and concise and effective manner.

Work effectively as an individual or part of a team.

Use conventional and electronic resources to collect, select and organise complex scientific information.

Transferable skills and personal qualities Effectively utilise a range of information sources including information technology / health informatics.

Demonstrate capacity for self-learning and independent thinking and to utilise problem solving skills.

Demonstrate effective communication skills (verbal and written).

Be able to set priorities and link these with effective time management.

Critically evaluate their personal performance both as an individual and within a team.

Demonstrate skills in working collegiately and effectively with others as a member of a team.

Teaching and learning methods

Students’ learning for this unit is a combination of face-to-face workshops, lectures and practicals and independent and directed online resources

Assessment methods


Assessment task Length How and when feedback is provided Weighting within unit (if relevant)



Open Book Exam



3 x 1,000 words


via Turnitin




Recommended reading

    • Lenz, J.L. (2020) Psychoacoustics: Perception of Normal and Impaired Hearing with Audiological Applications. Plural Publishing, 2020. ISBN: 9781597569897
    • Musiek, F.E., Baran, J.A. The Auditory System; Anatomy, Physiology, and Clinical Correlates (2nd Ed) Plural Publishing, 2020. ISBN: 9781944883003.
    • Gelfand, S.A. Hearing: an introduction to psychological and physiological acoustics. 6th Edition. New York, Dekker, 2018. ISBN: 9781498775427
    • Batterbury, M., Bowling, B., Murphy, C. Ophthalmology (3 Ed). Elsevier, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-7020-3059-8.
    • Root, T. OphthoBook. CreateSpace, 2009. Free online version: http://www.ophthobook.com/.
    • Kolb, H. et al. WebVision, 2009/ Free online resource on structure of visual system: http://webvision.med.utah.edu/book/.
    • Iaizzo, P (2013) Chapter 1 Introduction to Neurophysiology, in Bin He (Ed) Neural Engineering, Springer US, New York (available as e Springer Link through UoM library).


HCDI62031- Research Methods


Course ID   030524               
Research Methods
Division of Human Communication, Development and Hearing
Credit rating 15                                                        

ECTS credits 7.5
Semester 1

Postgraduate Taught
Level 6
FHEQ level ’ Masters/Integrated Masters P4’

Marketing course unit overview

The overall aim of thisunit is to ensure that the trainee hasknowledge, skills and experience of the role of research, development and innovation in the NHS in improving patient care, including prevention, diagnostics, treatment and service delivery.

On completion of this unit and the research project, trainees should be able to generate ideas, as well as assess, plan, conduct, evaluate, interpret and report research and innovation projects, including original research. They should also be able to disseminate the findings and, where appropriate, the adoption of the findings. Trainees should also be able to use research to improve practice.

Course unit overview

The majority of materials will be accessed together with other MSc in Healthcare Science students, with some on-line resources dedicated to research specific to neurosensory sciences.


  • Writing a good dissertation.
  • Analysing your data.
  • Ethical consideration for Clinical Scientists.
  • Critical Appraisal.
  • Research and innovation in the NHS.
  • Grant Applications and Funding.


Knowledge and understanding

  • Discuss and critically evaluate the context within which research, development, innovation and audit are undertaken to improve patient care, promote innovation and improve service delivery.
  • Describe, compare and contrast a range of research methods/approaches, including cohort studies, qualitative, quantitative, systematic review, sampling techniques and clinical trials.
  • Explain and justify current UK ethical and governance frameworks and processes spanning the conduct of human and animal research, innovation and audit.
  • Critically evaluate the literature/evidence base to identify a research question and create a new approach or technique to improve patient care or service delivery.
  • Discuss and justify the research, audit and innovation process from idea generation to dissemination/implementation, including patient/user involvement and intellectual property.
  • Describe and evaluate a range of data analysis techniques to ensure the validity, reliability and appropriateness to the research aim, design and conclusion.
  • Describe how clinical guidelines are produced and the concept of evidence-based practice, including the role of current statutory and advisory regulatory bodies.
  • Identify potential sources of research and innovation funding for healthcare science/Clinical Scientists.

Intellectual skills

  • Critically appraise scientific literature.
  • Critically analyse and objectively interpret information/data.

Practical skills

  • Identify, discuss and critically evaluate a research, innovation or audit project that has resulted in an improvement in patient care, diagnostics or service delivery.
  • Present information clearly in the form of verbal and written reports.
  • Communicate complex ideas and arguments in a clear and concise and effective manner.

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • Demonstrate effective communication skills including the ability to present scientific data to non-scientists.
  • Demonstrate effective organisation skills.
  • Identify how innovation will have a positive impact on the practice of healthcare science.
  • Understanding of statistical principles and their appropriate application to different sorts of data.

Teaching and learning methods

Face-to-face teaching will occur in athree-day block in the middle of Semester 1.This will be supported and extended using online material that will be accessed throughout the rest of Semester 1. The online material will support the acquisition of knowledge and understanding by promoting problem-based learning through interactive material and self assessment tools.

Assessment methods

2,500-word assignment – 100%.



Academic programs

MSc Clinical Science (Neurosensory Sciences) Audiology PGDT Taught Component Mandatory

Available as free choice?    N

Recommended reading

  • Greenhalgh T. (2006). How to read a paper. The basics of evidence based medicine. 3rd Edition London: BMJ Publishing group.
  • Field, A. (2009). Discovering Statistics using SPSS. 3 Ed. London: Sage Publications.

Scheduled activity hours

 Lectures 19


Independent study hours 131  hours


HCDI60180- Vestibular Assessment and Management


Course ID   030234               
Vestibular Assessment and Management
HCDI 60180
Division of Human Communication, Development and Hearing
Credit rating 15

ECTS credits 7.5
First two weeks of July

Postgraduate Taught
Level 6
FHEQ level ’ Masters/Integrated Masters P4’

Marketing course unit overview

The unit is designed to provide students with the theoretical knowledge necessary to support clinical skills in the assessment and rehabilitation of adults with vestibular dysfunction.

Course unit overview


  • Vestibular and eye movement anatomy and physiology
  • Epidemiology and pathology of vestibular disorders
  • History taking
  • Instrumentation and recording methods
  • Routine testing:
    • Gaze and oculomotor testing
    • Tests for BPPV
    • Calorics
  • Advanced testing
    • Video head impulse testing
    • Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials
    • Posturography
    • Rotational testing
  • Vestibular rehabilitation and medical management


The unit aims to:

Develop knowledge of vestibular pathologies, types of dysfunction, aetiology and prevalence, and the

basic principles and practice of history taking, vestibular assessment and rehabilitation, in order to

meet the requirements for employment in hearing healthcare service or research.

Knowledge and understanding

  • Understand the anatomy and physiology underlying the vestibular system.
  • Detail the pathology, types, causes and prevalence of balance disorders in adults
  • Recognize the importance of and be able to list the important components of a vestibular case              history, and the way in which this is taken
  • Critically evaluate the range of vestibular assessment techniques and the situations in which they may be used
  • Critically evaluate the evidence base required to carry out vestibular assessments reliably and interpret the results obtained from them
  • Critically evaluate the evidence base and practice of vestibular rehabilitation
  • Recognise the role of integrated services for the diagnosis and rehabilitation for adults with balance disorders
  • Recognise how learning disability and communication difficulties or disorders might affect the clinical presentation, assessment and management of balance disorders in adults.

Intellectual skills

  • Critically appraise scientific literature.
  • Critically analyse and objectively interpret information/data.

Practical skills

  • Present information clearly in the form of verbal and written reports.
  • Communicate complex ideas and arguments in a clear and concise and effective manner.
  • Work effectively as an individual or part of a team.
  • Use conventional and electronic resources to collect, select and organise complex scientific information.

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • Critical thinking and analysis
  • Use of library
  • Academic reading
  • Independent learning

Teaching and learning methods

This will always be a blended approach consisting of

  • Lectures
  • Tutorials
  • Self-directed and directed study/reading
  • Practicals

 Due to the ongoing changing situation with Covid-19, the mode of delivery (face to face, online synchronous or asynchronous) will be flexible, and may change as the Covid-19 situation changes.

Assessment methods
4,000-word assignment – 100%.



Available as free choice?    N

Academic programs

MSc Audiology PGDT Taught Component Mandatory
Audiology Short Courses CPD Masters Level Modules Funded PGDT Taught Component Optional
MSc Advanced Audiology Studies FT Non Funded PGDT Taught Component Optional
MSc Advanced Audiology Studies PT Non funded PGDT Taught Component Optional

Recommended reading


Jacobson and Shepherd (2016): Balance function, assessment and management. Second Edition Plural, San Diego.


Bronstein AM and Lampert T (2007) Dizziness (with cd rom). A practical approach to diagnosis and management (Cambridge Clinical Guides)


Davies, S Vestibular diagnostic studies (Overview of testing from www.neuropt.org)http://www.neuropt.org/docs/default-source/default-document-library/vft-special-publication_winter-2015_2016.pdf?sfvrsn=0


Herdman, S & Clendaniel, R (2014) Vestibular Rehabilitation (4 Ed). Contemporary Perspectives in

Rehabilitation, FA Davis Company,

Scheduled activity hours

Lectures 36
Tutorials   8


Practicals/ demonstrations                               7 (approx.)


Independent study hours


99  hours


HCDI63032- Paediatric Audiology

School of Health Sciences, Division of Human Communication, Development and Hearing


Title Paediatric Audiology
Unit code HCDI63032
Credit rating 15
Level M-level
Contact hours 40 hours (workshops, lectures, practicals)
Other Scheduled teaching and learning activities* Directed and independent online learning, group work
Pre-requisite units HCDI60080, HCDI60091
Co-requisite units N/A
School responsible SHS
Member of staff responsible Dr Kai Uus
ECTS** 10
Notional hours of Learning*** 150 hours


The unit aims to provide knowledge and understanding of paediatric audiology in order to meet the requirements for employment in hearing healthcare service or research.

Brief Description of the Unit

The unit provides knowledge and understanding of the range of aspects of paediatric audiology, considering the wider developmental, psychosocial and medical domains.

Intended Learning Outcomes


Category of outcome Students should/will (please delete as appropriate) be able to:
Knowledge and understanding ·       Contextualise childhood hearing loss from the socio-emotional, educational and medical perspective.

·       Critically evaluate the evidence for diagnostic, management and support approaches in a variety of paediatric conditions within and related to audiology.

·       Evaluate and reflect upon the evidence and value of holistic, child- and family-centred, and transdisciplinary care in paediatric audiology.


Intellectual skills
  • Critically appraise policies and guidelines with regard to child health and hearing.


Practical skills  

·       Apply extended understanding of child maturation and development to choosing, interpreting and synthesising the results of different hearing assessment techniques in children.

·       Apply detailed understanding of the principles of family-centred and child-centred care and multidisciplinary working to the development of holistic management plans for paediatric patients

·       Devise appropriate assessment plans and synthesise test results across audiological test batteries


Transferable skills and personal qualities  

·       Effectively work with a group as leader or member

·       Use full range of learning resources

·       Reflect on own practice

·       Able to competently undertake tasks with minimum guidance; be an independent and self-critical learner, guiding the learning of others

·       Engage confidently in academic/professional communication with others, reporting on action clearly, autonomously and competently

·       Show good problem-solving skills




Teaching and learning methods

Students’ learning for this unit is a combination of face-to-face workshops, lectures and practicals and independent and directed online resources. In workshops, team-based learning will be used to reinforce engagement.

Assessment methods


Assessment task Length How and when feedback is provided Weighting within unit (if relevant)



Team-based case studies



Peer-review. Feedback from tutor




Assignment 2,000 words via Turnitin  




Recommended reading

1.     Howard, J. (2017) Mary D. Sheridan’s Play in Early Childhood: From Birth to Six Years. 4th edn. London: Routlege. ISBN: 9781138655911

2.     McCormick, B. (2004). Paediatric Audiology 0-5 Years. 3rd edn. London: Whurr. ISBN: 1861562179

3.     Northern, JL, Downs M. (2013). Hearing in Children. 6th edn. San Diego: Plural Publishing Inc. ISBN: 1597563927



HCDI60091 – Adult Auditory Assessment and Management


Course ID   029474               
Adult Auditory Assessment and Management
School of Health Sciences, Division of Human Communication, Development and Hearing
 Credit rating 15

ECTS credits 7.5
Semester 1

Postgraduate Taught
Level 6
FHEQ level ’ Masters/Integrated Masters P4’

Marketing course unit overview

This unit builds upon audiology knowledge obtained in Understanding Neurosensory Systems, and aims to provide students with the conceptual scientific and clinical basis necessary for entry level as an Audiologist or Hearing Aid Dispenser.

It is delivered via a blended learning approach where students will both complete online learning activities and attend face-to-face lectures, tutorials and practicals.

Course unit overview


  • Speech audiometry, auditory steady state response, EchoG, TEN test, PTC, OAEs, non organic HL
  • Tinnitus assessment and management
  • Speech production and acoustic phonetics
  • Therapeutic and ototoxic drugs
  • Prescription methods to select amplification characteristics
  • Acoustic transfer and transform functions
  • Real ear selection and verification procedures
  • DSP hearing aid technology
  • Cochlear dead regions
  • Evaluation of amplification in adults
  • Electrical implants
  • Bone anchored hearing aids
  • Principles of rehabilitation
  • Models of disability
  • Behaviour change theories in the context of rehabilitation
  • Standards (BS, ISO, IEC)
  • Sound measurement equipment (SLM, measurement microphones, mic calibrators, spectrum analysers, oscilloscopes
  • Measurement of sound – deterministic, transient and random signals
  • Measurement of sound – basic principles, errors


The unit aims to:

  • provide students with knowledge and understanding of the basic principles and practice of audiological assessment and management of adults with hearing impairment and tinnitus.

Knowledge and understanding

  • Understand the basic mechanisms of speech production and how it relates to speech acoustics.
  • Understanding of the range of speech sounds and their basic description in terms of acoustic phonetics.
  • Critically evaluate the evidence base required to carry out non routine audiological assessments reliably and interpret the results obtained from them.
  • Critically evaluate common approaches in the assessment and management of tinnitus.
  • Describe the basic principles of pharmacology and evaluate the evidence related to drugs affecting the auditory system.
  • Critically evaluate the current theories of amplification and signal processing in the management of hearing disorders.
  • Critically evaluate the evidence base for the selection, verification and evaluation of hearing aids.
  • Explore the role of the audiologist in the holistic management of adults with acquired hearing impairment.
  • Describe the psychosocial and communication implications of an acquired hearing impairment on the individual’s everyday life.
  • What factors that influence a successful outcome in aural rehabilitation – where’s the evidence?
  • Describe the technical, surgical and psychosocial aspects of implantable devices, including cochlear implants and bone anchored hearing aids.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and in depth understanding of the need for and processes used in calibration of audiological equipment.
  • Understand the basic mechanisms of speech production and how it relates to speech acoustics.
  • Understand the range of speech sounds and their basic description in terms of acoustic phonetics.

Intellectual skills

  • Critically appraise scientific literature.
  • Critically analyse and objectively interpret information/data.
  • Communicate complex ideas and arguments in a clear and concise and effective manner.

Practical skills

  • Utilise advanced test box measurement.
  • Record real ear measurements.
  • Measure OAEs.
  • Record evoked potentials.
  • Perform speech audiometry.

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • Effectively utilise a range of information sources including information technology/health informatics.
  • Demonstrate capacity for self-learning and independent thinking and to utilise problem solving skills.
  • Demonstrate effective communication skills (verbal and written).
  • Be able to set priorities and link these with effective time management.
  • Critically evaluate their personal performance both as an individual and within a team.
  • Demonstrate skills in working collegiately and effectively with others as a member of a team.

Teaching and learning methods

This unit employs a range of teaching and learning approaches, including:

  • lectures (online)
  • tutorials (online)
  • practicals
  • case studies/presentations
  • problem-based learning
  • wikis
  • discussion boards.

The online material will support the acquisition of knowledge and understanding by promoting problem-based learning through interactive material, exercises and self assessment tools.

Assessment methods

Formative quizzes.
4000-word written assignment – 100%.



Academic programs

MSc Clinical Science (Neurosensory Sciences) Audiology PGDT Taught Component Mandatory


Available as free choice?    N

Recommended reading

  • Dillon, H (2012) Hearing Aids (2nd ed.) Boomerang press: Sydney.
  • Katz J (Ed). (2014). Handbook of Clinical Audiology. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia.
  • Gelfand, S (2009) Essentials of Audiology (3 Ed), Thieme Medical Publishers, New York.
  • Venema, T.H. (2006) Compression for Clinicians (3rd edition). UK: Thompson Delmar Learning
  • Lawson, G. & Peterson M. (2011). Speech Audiometry, Plural
  • Moller, A, Langguth, B, DeRidder, D, Kleinjung (Eds) (2011) Textbook of Tinnitus, Springer, New York (available as e-book from the library).
  • Fan-Gang, Z, Popper, A & Fay, A (Ed). (2004) Cochlear Implants: Auditory prostheses and electrical hearing. A Springer Handbook of Auditory Research Vol. 20, Springer-Verlag, New York.
  • Haughton, P.M. (2002) Acoustics for Audiologists, Academic Press.

Scheduled activity hours

 Lectures and practicals 35 hours


Independent study hours 115 hours



HCDI64030- Dissertation


Course ID   029875               
Research Project
School of Health Sciences, Division of Human Communication, Development and Hearing
Credit rating 60                                                   

ECTS credits 30
Full year

Postgraduate Taught
Level 6
FHEQ level ’ Masters/Integrated Masters P4’

Marketing course unit overview

The trainee will present their dissertation in its entirety at the end of Year 3.This will include formatively assessed work in the Year 2 Research Project unit.

Statistics resources will be available to students via Blackboard and trainees are encouraged to access these resources in order to help them finalise a methodology and analyse the results of their research project.

Course unit overview


  • Literature searching
  • Critical analysis
  • Research ethics
  • Writing for an academic journal and presentations at scientific meetings
  • Data analysis and interpretation
  • Exploratory data analysis
  • Sampling and the bases of hypothesis testing
  • Significance testing
  • Measures of association – correlation and regression
  • Non-parametric tests
  • Power analysis and summary of statistical tests


This unit aims to develop critical faculties in research by undertaking a research project that shows originality, together with a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in audiology.

Knowledge and understanding

Understand the basic scientific principles underpinning research, including:

  • identification of a gap-in-knowledge and develop clear research questions and hypotheses;
  • ethical issues and processes involved when conducting research;
  • appropriate methodology to answer research questions;
  • collection and interpretation of data including the implications for clinical practice;
  • discuss the stages of research and innovation from conceptualization to dissemination and, if appropriate, translation into practice;
  • describe the process and requirement for publication in a peer reviewed journal and the current system of grading research publications.

Online statistics resources will allow students to:

  • summarise data numerically and prepare informative graphs;
  • understand the use of statistics in terms of prediction and inference;
  • understand a range of approaches to statistical models of data, and how to assess the goodness of fit of these models;
  • demonstrate an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of different statistical tests.

Intellectual skills

  • Critically appraise and synthesise a body of literature, in an area of neurosensory science, that is relevant to the research question.
  • Identify a gap in knowledge.
  • Generate theoretically grounded research questions and experimental hypotheses.
  • Apply appropriate research methodology that will answer the research question.
  • Critically discuss the findings in the light of published literature.

Practical skills

  • Undertake a research project from conception to completion.
  • Prepare the necessary ethical, audit and/or research and development (R&D) documents for approval.
  • Analyse data using appropriate methods and statistical techniques, and interpret, critically discuss and draw conclusions from the data.
  • Prepare a written project report that describes and critically evaluates the research project, clearly identifying strengths and weaknesses.
  • Present a summary of the research project and outcome that conforms to the format of a typical scientific presentation at a national or international scientific meeting, responding to questions appropriately.

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  • Further develop critical analytical skills.
  • Evaluate and apply evidence.
  • Work within an ethical framework.
  • Work independently or as a member of a team.
  • Demonstrate effective time management and organisation.
  • Exercise initiative and personal responsibility.
  • Reflect on performance and seek help and advice when necessary.
  • Scholarly conduct including critical thinking and analytical and persuasion through rational argument.
  • Use of library and electronic resources.
  • Application of statistical principles.
  • Writing and oral presentation skills.

Teaching and learning methods

  • Regular individual face-to-face and Skype meetings with a nominated project supervisor, guided reading and focused skills support.
  • Online access to statistics resources.
  • Progress will be monitored and regular feedback provided.

Assessment methods

12,000-15,000-word dissertation.



Academic programs

MSc Clinical Science (Neurosensory Sciences) Audiology PGDT Taught Component Mandatory

Available as free choice?    N

Recommended reading

You will be provided with a dissertation handbook during Semester 1.

For references specific to your project, you will be guided by your project supervisor.

Recommended reading for statistics:

  • Field, A. (2009). Discovering Statistics using SPSS. 3 Ed. London: Sage Publications.
  • Kinnear, PR and Gray, CD (2011) SPSS 19 Made Simple: Psychology Press.
  • Field, A.; Miles, J. and Field, Z. (2012) Discovering Statistics Using R. Sage.(while the statistics element of this unit will concentrate on using SPSS alternative free software such as R does exist and you may already have used it – this book is analogous to Field’s SPSS book but uses this R software).
  • Gonnick, L. and Smith, W. (1992) The Cartoon Guide to Statistics. Harper.
  • Jaisingh, L. (2000). Statistics for the Utterly Confused. McGraw-Hill.
Independent study hours 600  hours



SECTION C : University Regulations and Policies

Religious Events

We recognise that there may be occasions when students are unable to attend The University or clinical placement due to the observance of religious events. You are required at the beginning of the academic year to notify the Programme Director in writing of any date/s on which you intend to be absent from the University due to the observance of religious events falling within the academic year. These dates will be noted and kept on your file. You must notify The University of any absences due to religious events in the same way as for any other absences.


The Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health has produced guidance for healthcare students on fasting and caring: Fasting and Caring – Looking after yourself and your patients during Ramadan: guidance for health care students.

Communication and Dress Code for Audiology Students

It has been shown that non-verbal communication is at least as important as verbal communication, so how a student or healthcare professional appears to patients, relatives or colleagues means as much as what he or she says. As healthcare profession students in professional and Clinical Skills Development Labs, you must:

Dress in a manner that adds to, and does not detract from, effective communication. How he/she appears as a student professional is something all students and graduates must consider and respond to. In general, male and female students must be clean and smartly dressed. Thus the following are not permitted as they are deemed to be incompatible with effective, sensitive communication:

Wearing a tee-shirt with slogans

Visible body art

Large amounts of body and face jewellery

Revealing clothing that may be considered unacceptable by patients or peers

Covering most of the face. This is true not only in clinical settings but also throughout the educational elements of the programme which are built around group work with other students and tutors.

Students must be able to participate fully in communication and other skills training, discussion and assessment. As well as adhering to the dress code above, it means being able to interact fully with patients, standardised patients, teachers and examiners of any cultural or ethnic background or either gender.

Whilst individual cultural practice is respected, it is a requirement of working with the deaf and hard of hearing, that there is access to lip-reading and facial expressions. It is therefore very important that during Clinical Skills Development Labs and whilst on clinical placement, that your face be visible at these times. During some practical sessions other students may need to practice audiological procedures on you which will involve uncovering your ears.

Dress Code Whilst On Clinical Placement

In addition to the above code, individual health care organisations will have their own dress policies and these must be adhered to whilst on placement or gaining clinical experience. When accessing a healthcare organisation for a placement or clinical experience, the organisation’s policy should be discussed with your Placement Coordinator prior to commencement of the placement to ensure you know what is expected of you. Failure to comply with an organisation’s dress policy may prevent you from accessing the learning resource.

Additional Costs

Besides your course fees there are a few additional costs which you may encounter during the course. These are as follows (approximate value provided):

British Academy of Audiology annual conference (100 places free, accommodation and travel is additional; After the 100 free places have been allocated a reduced student fee of £95 has been agreed)

Lockers: Lockers for post-graduate Audiology students are provided on floor 4 of A block. There is a £5 refundable deposit payable for the key.

Printing and photocopying costs.

Exam Preparation

To help prepare students for their examinations, each unit will contain examples of typical examination questions relevant to the topic and examples of marked exam scripts. Where resits are required unit tutors will arrange a group feedback session in preparation.

Representing the University of Manchester

To help prepare students for their examinations, each unit will contain examples of typical examination questions relevant to the topic and examples of marked exam scripts. Where resits are required unit tutors will arrange a group feedback session in preparation.

Participation in Professional Organisations

All students are encouraged to join both the British Society of Audiology and the British Academy of Audiology. Student rates apply for those not in employment. Application forms are available from the Personal Tutors or in the Reading Room; membership of BSA includes subscription (at no extra cost) to the International Journal of Audiology.

Intellectual Property Policy


The University of Manchester regards the creation of intellectual property and know-how (IP) as one of its major objectives; complementary to the core objectives of knowledge creation, scholarship and learning. The central features of its IP Policy are:

Clear incentives for the creation of IP

Effective and efficient University services which can evaluate and protect IP, and then decide on the most appropriate arrangements for its transfer into use

Arrangements for sharing any commercial returns from commercialisation of IP which provides for generous rewards to its originators.

The University’s Intellectual Property Policy deals with IP created by its and its subsidiaries’ employees and students as well as the interface with others who may fund or collaborate with the University. This document is a summary of the main points in the University’s IP Policy. It is not a substitute for reading the relevant parts of the IP Policy itself.


Many people may be involved with the work that leads up to the creation of IP and the work that subsequently reduces it to practice. However many of those involved will not own any of the IP created as at law they have not been involved at the actual point of creation.

The University asserts its rights to IP created by employees in the course of his or her employment. If other IP is created by an employee or any IP is created by a student outside the course of his/her University studies with more than incidental use of University resources the employee or student will be deemed to have agreed to transfer such IP to the University.

IP created in the course of or pursuant to a sponsored research or other agreement with an outside body will initially belong to the University and then be determined according to the terms of such agreement. Students will be expected to transfer such IP to the University initially. Students will grant to the University a continuing license to use other IP created by a student in the course of his/her studies with the University, for administrative, promotional, educational and teaching purposes of the University.

The University generally waives its rights to the copyright in scholarly materials (but not teaching materials), allowing employees to commercialise the materials to their own benefit. The University does not waive its rights where any use of material might bring the University into disrepute. If there is any doubt about this the matter should be discussed with the creator’s Head of School.

Where the University has waived its rights it will have a continuing license to use such IP for its administrative, promotional, educational and teaching purposes and to sub-license. It is the responsibility of an individual employee to make any publisher, or any other party interested in the potential commercialisation of such material, aware of this license.

IP Protection & Commercialisation

The University owns and uses The University of Manchester Intellectual Property Limited (UMIP) as a management company to advise on and facilitate the protection and commercialisation of IP (other than teaching materials). Where UMIP considers there is potential for profitable commercialisation, it will try to arrange the protection of IP generated by employees and students by patenting or other means, generally at its own expense.

UMIP will have the “first rights” to commercialise IP owned by the University. If UMIP does not do so in a timely manner or decides it does not wish to do so then the originator(s) (whether employees or students) may ask for such IP to be transferred to them and will be free to pursue alternative routes. If an originator of IP believes that their best commercialisation route involves partners other than UMIP, they may make a case to that effect to the University.

Employees and students must keep secret any confidential information to which he or she has access as an employee or student of the University.

Revenue Sharing

There is no general obligation on an employer to reward employees for IP which is generated in the course of their employment. The only exception is where an invention is of ‘outstanding benefit’ to the employer. However, the University’s IP policy is designed to create strong incentives for the creation and development of IP. Hence the sharing of rewards is strongly biased in favour of employees and students.

The University will not retain more than 15% of the value of IP created by University employees and (where their IP belongs to the University) students, in cases when the University or UMIP has no involvement in the commercialisation of such IP or their only involvement is in reviewing the IP, undertaking legal due diligence on it and advising the originator on the next steps to be taken. This 15% value may be represented by shares in a spin-out company or in royalties from a licence.

If a special fee is paid for the creation of any teaching materials then this will be instead of any share of commercialisation revenue or if the originator has been employed specifically to create the IP then they will not be entitled to any share of commercialisation revenue.

The Inland Revenue treats any sharing of income by the University with employees, students and others with an honorary association with the University as if it were a bonus on salary. Income tax and national insurance contributions will generally be deducted from an individual’s share by the University before payment is made or an indemnity for such taxes will be required by the University.

Further Information

The Policy is a living document and may be subject to change by the University. Major changes will be communicated to the departments, employees and students affected by the changes. All queries arising from this document should be addressed to the Registrar and Secretary. For general advice a publication called “Intellectual Property & Confidentiality: An Academic’s Guide” is available from UMIP.

Academic Appeals

Students have a right of appeal against a final decision of an Examination Board, or a progress committee, or a graduate committee or equivalent body which affects their academic status or progress in the University.

Students thinking of appealing should first discuss the matter informally with an appropriate member of staff, in order to better understand the reason for the result or decision.

Should you wish to proceed to a formal appeal, this must be submitted within the timeframe outlined in the Academic Appeals Procedure to the Faculty Appeals and Complaints Team, Room 3.21, Simon Building, University of Manchester, M13 9PL

(Email: FBMHappealsandcomplaints@manchester.ac.uk)

The full Academic Appeals Procedure (Regulation XIX) and associated documents, including the form on which formal appeals should be submitted, can be found at: www.regulations.manchester.ac.uk/academic

  • Academic Appeals (Regulation XIX)


  • University Guide: Academic Appeals, Complaints and Misconduct


  • Basic Guide to Academic Appeals


Student Complaints

The University’s Student Complaints Procedure (Regulation XVIII) and associated documents, including a Complaints Form, can be found at www.regulations.manchester.ac.uk/academic

The University has separate procedures to address complaints of bullying, harassment, discrimination and/or victimisation – see htts://www.reportandsupport.manchester.ac.uk/

Students thinking of submitting a formal complaint should in most instances attempt informal resolution first (see the procedure).). Formal complaints should be submitted on the relevant form to Faculty Appeals and Complaints Team, Room 3.21, Simon Building, University of Manchester, M13 9PL (e-mail: FBMHappealsandcomplaints@manchester.ac.uk).

  • Student Complaints (Regulation XVIII)


  • Basic Guide to Student Complaints


Conduct and Discipline of Students


(i) any reference in this Regulation to named officers should be read also as a reference in each case to a delegated nominee;

(ii) use of the term ‘Board’ without further qualification means the Board of Governors.]

Scope and applicability

1. The essence of misconduct under this Regulation is the improper interference, in the broadest sense, with the proper functioning or activities of the University or of those who work or study in the University, or action which otherwise damages the University or its reputation. The provisions of this Regulation define that behaviour which constitutes misconduct as it relates to students studying or registered at the University and the consequences of that misconduct. This Regulation does not apply to students registered at a Partner Organisation on programmes of study approved or accredited by the University. Such students are subject to the disciplinary procedures of the Partner Organisation.

2. This Regulation does not cover action to be taken, pursuant to Statute XXI.4, against students following failure in examinations or lack of diligence in their studies or failure to meet other academic requirements.

Definition of misconduct

3. Without prejudice to the generality of Statute XXI.1, a student may be liable to disciplinary action in respect of conduct which:

(a) disrupts, or improperly interferes with, the academic, administrative, sporting, social or other activities of the University, whether on University premises or elsewhere;

(b) obstructs, or improperly interferes with, the legitimate functions, duties or activities of any student, member of staff or other employee of the University or any authorised visitor to the University;

(c) involves violent, indecent, disorderly, threatening or offensive behaviour or language (whether expressed orally or in writing, including electronically) whilst on University premises or engaged in any University activity;

(d) involves distributing or publishing a poster, notice, sign or any publication which is offensive, intimidating, threatening, indecent or illegal, including the broadcasting and electronic distribution of such material;

(e) involves fraud, deceit, deception or dishonesty in relation to the University or its staff or students or in connection with holding any office in the University, in a residents’ association or equivalent body, in the Students’ Union or the Athletic Union, or in relation to being a student of the University;

(f) involves action likely to cause injury or impair safety on University premises;

(g) constitutes a breach of the University policy on harassment of any student, member of staff or other employee of the University or any authorised visitor to the University;

(h) breaches the provisions of the University’s Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech or of any other Regulation or University rule which provides for breaches which would constitute misconduct under this Regulation, including the submission of a complaint found to be frivolous, vexatious or motivated by malice;

(i) involves the possession of unauthorised material or the use or attempted use of unauthorised or unfair means (including academic malpractice such as plagiarism or collusion with other students or fabrication or falsification of results) in connection with any examination or assessment;

(j) causes damage to or defaces University property or the property of other Members of the University caused intentionally or recklessly, and/or misappropriation of such property;

(k) constitutes the misuse or unauthorised use of University premises or items of property, including misuse of computers and the communications network or any other breach of the University policy on use of information systems;

(l) constitutes a criminal offence where that conduct or the offence:

  • takes place on University premises; or
  • affects or concerns other Members of the University; or
  • damages the good name of the University; or
  • itself constitutes misconduct within the provisions of this Regulation; or
  • is an offence of dishonesty, where the student holds an office of responsibility in the University, a residents’ association, the Students’ Union or the Athletic Union; or
  • is such as to render the student unfit to practise any particular profession or calling to which that student’s programme of study leads directly;

(m) involves failure to disclose name(s) and other relevant information to an officer or employee of the University in circumstances when it is reasonable to require that such information be given;

(n) constitutes a failure to comply with a previously-imposed penalty or reasonable instruction under this Regulation or any other University Code, rule or regulation;

(o) renders a student who is enrolled on a programme of study leading directly to a professional qualification or to the right to practise a particular profession or calling not fit to be admitted to and practise that profession or calling. This specifically applies to students on the following programmes:

BA in Community Justice

BA in Social Work




BSc in Nursing Practice

BSc in Speech and Language Therapy





MSc in Audiology

MSc in Educational Psychology

MSc in Genetic Counselling


Dip in Professional Studies in Midwifery

Dip in Professional Studies in Nursing

MA in Social Work

Dip in Social Policy and Social Work

Dip/MSc in Psychiatric Social Work

and to such other programmes as the Senate shall from time to time determine.

[Note: This relates to instances of general misconduct and not to matters of professional conduct or behaviour. Such professional matters will normally be dealt with by the appropriate authority through the Programme Regulations.]

4. The conduct covered by paragraph 3 shall constitute misconduct if it took place on University property or premises, or elsewhere if the student was involved in a University activity, was representing the University, was present at that place by virtue of his or her status as a student of the University or if the conduct raises questions about the fitness of the student on a programme leading directly to a professional qualification or calling to be admitted to and practise that profession or calling.

5. The University shall take no account of misconduct prior to enrolling as a student, which has subsequently been revealed or is still in the process of being dealt with by other authorities, unless:

(a) the conduct is of such a serious kind and character that it raises questions about the fitness of the student to remain a member of the University, for example, with regard to the safety of other students; or

(b) the conduct raises questions about the fitness of the student on a programme leading directly to a professional qualification or calling to be admitted to and practise that profession or calling.


6. If the misconduct or breach of discipline is admitted by the student or is found to be proved, one or more of the following penalties may be imposed (except for misconduct in respect of examinations and assessments as covered in paragraph 3(i), for which the penalties are set out in paragraph 7):

(a) a reprimand and warning about future behaviour;

(b) a requirement upon the student to give an undertaking as to his or her future good conduct within the University;

(c) a requirement upon the student to pay for any damage to property he or she may have caused or to recompense the University for any loss it may have suffered arising from the student’s misconduct;

(d) a requirement upon the student to pay compensation;

(e) a fine of not more than £500;

(f) a requirement upon the student to undertake specified tasks or services for the benefit of the School or hall of residence or the University community up to a maximum of forty hours;

(g) restriction of access to the University or a specified part thereof for a fixed period (‘exclusion’). A student who receives such a penalty will have restricted rights to enter University premises and/or to participate in University activities or access to University services, the terms of the restriction being notified to the student. An order of restricted access may include a requirement that the student shall have no contact with a named person or persons;

(h) suspension from the University for a fixed period. A student who is so suspended will be prohibited from entering University premises and from participating in University activities although the suspension may be subject to qualification, such as permission to take an examination. An order of suspension may include a requirement that the student shall have no contact with a named person or persons;

(g) expulsion from the University, which means that the student shall cease to be a Member of the University and will lose all rights and privileges of Membership.

7. If a breach under paragraph 3(i) has been established, the penalties imposed may be one or more of the following. When determining the penalty to be imposed, account shall be taken of the consequences which the penalty will have for the academic progress of the student concerned:

(a) a reprimand and warning about future behaviour;

(b) the Board of Examiners to be informed that the piece of work be marked, if not already marked, and the mark awarded for the piece of work or for the course unit be reduced by a specified amount;

(c) cancellation (i.e. a recorded mark of zero), with or without loss of credit, of the examination paper or other assessed work in which unfair practice occurred, or of the course units(s) in which the unfair practice occurred;

(d) cancellation (i.e. recorded marks of zero), with or without loss of credit, of all examination papers and other assessed work taken during the particular examination period (i.e. end of first semester (January); end of second semester (May/June); resit (August/September)) in which unfair practice occurred or of all examination papers and other assessed work taken during the academic year;

(e) the Board of Examiners to be required to reduce the class of degree by one or more classes from that which would have been awarded on the basis of the student’s academic progress, or to award a lesser qualification;

(f) the student being not allowed a re-assessment;

(g) the student being not allowed a re-assessment and being not allowed to substitute any other course unit(s);

(h) suspension from the University for a fixed period, up to a maximum of twelve months. A student who is so suspended will be prohibited from entering University premises and from participating in University activities although the suspension may be subject to qualification;

(i) expulsion from the University, which means that the student shall cease to be a Member of the University and will lose all rights and privileges of Membership.

8. In imposing a penalty on a student pursuing one of the programmes listed in paragraph 3(p), an officer authorised under paragraph 12 to deal summarily with alleged offences, or the Student Discipline Committee shall, if appropriate, have regard to the relevance of the misconduct in relation to the student’s fitness on graduation to be registered in the profession or calling to which the programme leads and shall in this connection seek the advice of the Dean of the appropriate Faculty or the Head of the appropriate School before deciding on the penalty to be imposed.

Disciplinary Procedures

9. Cases of alleged misconduct or breach of discipline may be dealt with either summarily as set out in paragraphs 12 to 15 below or by a Student Discipline Committee of the Senate established in accordance with paragraph 17 of this Regulation.

10. Disciplinary procedures may be adjourned at any time if it is known or suspected that the student concerned is not fit to participate in them. In such circumstances, the proceedings may be suspended or terminated subject to specified conditions.

11. The procedures to be followed where the alleged misconduct would also constitute an offence under the criminal law if proved in a court of law and for arrangements to suspend or exclude a student pending a disciplinary hearing are set out in paragraphs 35-41.

Summary Procedures

12. Pursuant to Statute XXI.3, the following University officers (or their delegated nominees) are empowered to deal summarily with alleged offences as follows:

(a) Heads of Schools or Deans of Faculties

in respect of breaches of published School, Faculty or Programme Regulations, misconduct occurring within Schools or Faculties, or misconduct occurring while on external placement as part of a programme of study;

(b) Wardens or Heads of Residence

in respect of breaches of Student Residence Regulations or Conditions of Residence or Licence Agreement, or misconduct occurring within the Residence concerned as they apply to a student of that residence;

(c) The Librarian

in respect of breaches of Library Regulations or misconduct occurring on the Library premises;

(d) The Director of Information Systems

in respect of breaches of Regulations concerning the use of the University’s information systems;

(e) The Registrar and Secretary

in respect of breaches of other published University rules and regulations and other misconduct described in paragraph 3 not covered by the above officers. The Registrar and Secretary may also act summarily in the absence of the appropriate officer in (a) to (d) above. Where an officer authorised under (a) to (d) above is of the view that an allegation of misconduct or breach of regulations made against a student is of such seriousness that the matter should be dealt with at a higher level (e.g. where it is considered that the alleged offence might warrant a greater penalty than can be imposed by the officer concerned), he or she shall refer the matter to the Registrar and Secretary and the student shall be notified accordingly. In such cases the Registrar and Secretary shall decide whether to deal with the matter summarily or to refer it to the Student Discipline Committee.

In all instances dealt with summarily, the student concerned shall be given the opportunity to state his or her case prior to any decision being made. The officer dealing with the matter shall consider written or oral evidence as he or she thinks fit. The student shall be informed in writing within five working days of the decision and of their right of appeal against such decision.

14. In the case of disorderly or improper conduct in a room being used for academic purposes, any member of the academic staff may, if he or she deems it necessary, require any student to withdraw from the class and shall bring details of the offence, in writing, to the notice of the Head of School concerned.

15. The officers listed in paragraph 12 are empowered to impose the penalties (a)-(f) of paragraph 6, or in the case of academic malpractice the penalties (a)-(c) of paragraph 7, under these summary procedures, within the scope of their respective jurisdictions. The Warden or Head of a Student Residence is also empowered to impose a penalty under (g) of paragraph 6 where this refers to exclusion from a residence, or from use of the premises or facilities of the Residence, for serious breach of the regulation applicable, or of the conditions of residence or licence agreement, or where the presence of the student constitutes a source of danger or disruption to the residential community. Such exclusion shall remain in force pending an appeal (see paragraph 29), unless the Warden or Head of Residence determines otherwise.

Student Discipline Committee of Senate

16. If the Registrar and Secretary considers it appropriate, he or she shall refer any instance of misconduct or breach of regulation to a Student Discipline Committee appointed by the Senate, pursuant to Statute XXI.2, for the purpose of investigating and hearing evidence relating to such instances. The Senate has delegated to that Committee its power to expel, suspend, exclude or impose other penalties under paragraphs 6 and 7 of this Regulation. If two or more students are involved in related misconduct or breaches of regulations, the Committee may at its discretion deal with their cases together.

17. The Student Discipline Committee shall comprise the following, except that no person who is a party to or is a potential witness at a hearing before the Committee, or who is in the same School as the student concerned shall be a member of the Committee:

A Professor (in the Chair) drawn from a panel appointed for the purpose by the Senate;

A Head of School, or a Warden or Head of Residence;

Two elected members of the Senate, drawn from a panel appointed for the purpose by the Senate;

Two members of the academic staff, drawn from a panel appointed for the purpose by the Senate;

A full-time student of the University nominated by the General Secretary of the Students’ Union.

The Committee shall have a quorum of any five members.

Any student who is the subject of disciplinary proceedings shall receive a fair hearing and shall have the opportunity to present his or her case at the hearing. The student may call witnesses and question witnesses upon whose evidence the case against him or her is based. The student may, and is encouraged to, be accompanied or represented at the hearing by a fellow student, a Students’ Union Officer or member of staff of the University of his or her own choice, who may speak on his or her behalf.

However, in particularly serious or complex cases, the student may be given permission at the discretion of the Chair of the Discipline Committee to be accompanied or represented by a legal representative. A request to permit legal representation must be submitted to the Chair of the Committee not less than five working days before the date of the hearing. Factors to be taken into account when considering such a request will include the seriousness of the alleged offence and potential penalty, capacity of the student to present his or her case, procedural complexity (e.g. in questioning witnesses), and the need for fairness between parties.

The Committee is empowered to require the attendance before it of a student who is the subject of an allegation to be considered by the Committee. If the student, having been given the opportunity to attend the hearing or being required to do so, fails to attend without good cause shown, the hearing may be conducted in his or her absence. Failure to attend when required to do so without good cause itself shall constitute a disciplinary offence.

21. The written notification to the student about the hearing shall include details of the allegations against him or her and the names of the members of the Committee, together with any documentary evidence to be made available to the Committee in advance of the hearing. Any objection to the membership of any person or persons listed shall be made in writing to the Registrar and Secretary with good cause shown not later than the fifth working day before that on which the meeting of the Committee is to be held. The Registrar and Secretary shall have power to decide upon the validity of any such objection and may appoint an alternative member or members to the Committee.

The Student Discipline Committee shall meet to hear the evidence without undue delay and the student concerned shall be given at least ten working days notice in writing to prepare for the hearing. If the student is able to show good cause, the Chair may delay the hearing for not more than five working days beyond the day on which the meeting of the Committee was to have taken place. The student may submit a written statement about the allegation for circulation to the Committee; any such statement must be received by the Registrar and Secretary no later than three working days before the meeting.

The Student Discipline Committee shall have power to require the attendance as a witness of any Member of the University who it has reason to believe is able to assist in its inquiry, and it shall be the duty of any such person to attend and give evidence accordingly. It may also request the attendance of any other person if such attendance is material to the case. The Committee may accept a witness’s written statement in evidence where the student agrees that the witness need not attend, or where it is impractical for the witness to attend, or where in the opinion of the Committee it is for some other reason in the interests of natural justice to do so.

24. The Student Discipline Committee shall conduct its hearings in accordance with the rules of natural justice. Those deciding on the issues should be satisfied on the evidence before them; findings shall normally be made on the balance of probabilities (the standard of proof “beyond all reasonable doubt” need not be observed). Decisions may be by a majority. The Chair may vote and shall have in addition a casting vote.

25. The penalty or penalties imposed by the Student Discipline Committee may be any of those specified in paragraphs 6 and 7. The student shall have the opportunity prior to the penalty being decided to present evidence in mitigation.

26. The decision of the Student Discipline Committee shall normally be announced to the student at the conclusion of the hearing. A written statement giving the findings of fact, decisions, reasons for the decisions and any recommendations of the Committee shall be sent to the student against whom the allegations have been brought within five working days of the Committee reaching its decision. Decisions of the Committee may be published although the identity of the student(s) involved shall normally be withheld.

27. The Student Discipline Committee has the power to adjourn a hearing to another date, as it thinks fit.


28. Following a finding of guilt, the student shall have the right of appeal against both the finding of guilt and any penalty imposed as a consequence on one or more of the following grounds:

(a) procedural irregularity;

(b) availability of new evidence which could not reasonably have been expected to be presented to the original hearing;

(c) the disproportionate nature of the penalty.

29. Appeals shall be submitted as follows:

(a) when any penalty has been imposed summarily by an officer authorised under paragraph 12, the appeal shall be:

(i) to the Registrar and Secretary if the penalty has been imposed by a Dean of a Faculty or the Head of a School, or the Librarian or the Director of Information Systems;

(ii) to the Registrar and Secretary, who shall convene a panel of Chairs of Residence Committees to hear the appeal, if the penalty has been imposed by the Warden or a Head of a Residence. [Note: the panel shall not include as a member the Chair of the Committee for the Residence concerned.];

(iii) to the Chair of the Student Discipline Committee if the penalty has been imposed by the Registrar and Secretary;

(b) appeals against decisions of the Student Discipline Committee of Senate shall be to an Appeal Board appointed by the Board.

30. An appeal, including a statement of the grounds on which the appeal is being made, shall be submitted by the student concerned in writing within fifteen working days of the date on which written notification of the decision is sent to the student. A request for an appeal received after this time with good cause shown for its late submission shall only be granted at the discretion of the person(s) or Appeal Board designated to hear the appeal. Any student who has failed to participate in the Student Discipline Committee hearing when invited or required to do so shall be entitled to appeal only by special permission of the Appeal Board.

31. The person(s) or Appeal Board hearing an appeal shall not re-hear the case afresh, but shall consider whether the initial hearing and outcome were fair by:

(a) reviewing the procedures followed;

(b) establishing whether the appellant has presented any new evidence that could not reasonably have been expected to be presented to the original hearing and that this evidence is material and substantial to the findings;

(c) reviewing the penalty imposed.

The person(s) or the Appeal Board hearing an appeal shall seek to deal with the case on the basis of documentary evidence and may, at their discretion, call a meeting to which the appellant is invited to present his or her appeal in person. In such an event, the appellant may be accompanied by a fellow student, a Students’ Union officer or a member of staff of the University of his or her own choice, who may speak on his or her behalf.

32. The Appeal Board shall comprise:

A Vice-President or a Dean of a Faculty (in the Chair)

A Head of School

One professorial member and one non-professorial member of the academic staff, drawn in each case from a panel appointed for the purpose by the Senate

A full-time student of the University nominated by the General Secretary of the Students’ Union.

Members of the Student Discipline Committee of Senate that has reported on the case, or any person who has in any other way been closely connected with the case, or any person who is in the same School as the student concerned, shall not be a member of the Appeal Board.

33. The Appeal Board shall conduct its business in accordance with the rules of natural justice. Findings shall normally be made on the balance of probabilities and decisions may be by a majority. The Chair may vote and shall have in addition a casting vote.

34. The person(s) or Appeal Board considering an appeal shall have the authority to confirm, set aside, reduce or increase the penalty previously imposed or, if new evidence that is material and substantial has been established by an Appeal Board, to refer the case back for consideration by a newly constituted Student Discipline Committee. The decision of the person(s) or the Board hearing the appeal shall be final and there shall be no further opportunity for appeal against that decision within the University.

Misconduct that is also a Criminal Offence

35. The following procedures shall apply where the alleged misconduct would also constitute a criminal offence if proved in a court of law:

(a) where an offence is considered by the Registrar and Secretary to be serious, no internal disciplinary action other than suspension or exclusion from the University shall normally be taken under this Regulation unless the matter has been reported to the police and either a prosecution has been completed or a decision not to prosecute has been taken, at which time the Registrar and Secretary may decide whether disciplinary action under this Regulation shall be taken. [Note: a serious offence is one that is likely to attract an immediate custodial sentence if proved in a criminal court, or one that can be tried as a criminal offence only in the Crown Court.];

(b) where such an offence is considered by the Registrar and Secretary to be not serious, action under this Regulation may be taken, but such action may subsequently be deferred pending any police investigation or prosecution;

(c) the University reserves the right to report any criminal offence allegedly committed by a student to the police. However, if a person claiming to be the victim of a serious offence committed by a student does not wish the police to be involved, the Registrar and Secretary shall normally respect such wish;

(d) where a finding of misconduct is made and the student has also been sentenced by a criminal court in respect of the same circumstances, the court’s penalty shall be taken into consideration in determining the penalty under this Regulation.

Suspension or Exclusion Pending A Hearing

36. A student who is the subject of a complaint of misconduct, or against whom a criminal charge is pending, or who is the subject of police investigation may be suspended or excluded by the President and Vice-Chancellor pending the disciplinary hearing or the trial. The President and Vice-Chancellor may delegate his or her power under this paragraph, but a full report shall be made to him or her of any suspension or exclusion under this section made by delegated authority.

37a Suspension involves a total prohibition on attendance at or access to the University and on any participation in University activities; but it may be subject to qualification, such as permission to attend for the purpose of an examination.

37b Exclusion involves either total or selective restriction on attendance at or access to the University or prohibition on exercising the functions or duties of any office or committee membership in the University or the Students’ Union, the exact details to be specified in writing by the President and Vice-Chancellor or delegated authority.

38. An order of suspension or exclusion may include a requirement that the student should have no contact of any kind with a named person or persons.

39. The powers of temporary suspension or exclusion granted to the President and Vice-Chancellor under paragraph 36 shall be exercised only where necessary to protect a member or members of the University community, or the property of the University or of a member or members of the University, or where the student’s continued presence might be a source of disruption to the University or any part thereof. Written reasons for the decision shall be recorded and made available to the student.

40. Unless the matter is deemed to be urgent by the President and Vice-Chancellor, no student shall be suspended or excluded unless he or she has been given an opportunity to make representations to the President and Vice-Chancellor or his or her delegated nominee. The representations may be made in person or in writing, as the student chooses, and may be put forward by the student or through his or her advisor, or representative. In cases deemed by the President and Vice-Chancellor to be urgent, a student may be suspended or excluded with immediate effect. In such circumstances, an opportunity will be given to the student to make representations as soon as reasonably practicable.

41. The President and Vice-Chancellor or other person who took the original decision shall review the suspension or exclusion every four weeks in the light of any developments and of any written representations made by the student either personally or through his or her representative.

A student may appeal to the Chair of the Board against an order of suspension or exclusion pending a hearing.

Annual Report

Each year, the Registrar and Secretary shall prepare a report for the Senate on the number and nature of cases referred to the Student Discipline Committee, identifying any general issues that may have arisen.

[Note: students who believe that their case has not been dealt with properly by the University or that the outcome is unreasonable, may petition the Visitor for a review. Information about the procedure for submitting a case to the Visitor can be obtained from the Office of Student Support and Services.]

Ill Health

It is a requirement of your registration with the University of Manchester that you register with a local general practitioner.

A list of GP practices can be obtained from the student Health Centre, any University hall of residence or a local Pharmacy. According to guidance issued by the General Medical Council it would not be regarded as good practice for a family member to be the registered GP or to offer treatment except in the case of an emergency.

You should always consult your GP (or for emergencies the Accident and Emergency Department of a hospital) if your illness is severe, if it persists or if you are in any doubt about your health. You should also consult your GP if illness keeps you absent from the University for more than 7 days including week-ends. If you do consult a GP and they consider that you are not fit for attendance at the University, then you should obtain a note from the doctor to that effect or ask them to complete Part III of the University form ‘Certification of student Ill Health’ copies of which are available at local GP surgeries. You should hand this certificate to your programme director, tutor, departmental office or degree programme office as appropriate at the earliest opportunity.

If your condition is not sufficiently serious to cause you to seek medical help, then the University will not require you to supply a doctor’s medical certificate unless you are absent from the University due to illness for more than 7 days (in which case see b. above). You must however contact your department or degree programme as soon as possible and self-certify your illness (that is complete and sign the “Certification of student Ill Health” form to state that you have been ill) as soon as you are able to attend your department. You should do this if your illness means you are absent from the University for any period up to 7 days (see d.i) or if you are able to attend the University but your illness is affecting your studies (see d. ii and iii).

The following sub-paragraphs explain what you should do if your illness affects your attendance at compulsory classes or if you consider that your performance in your studies/examinations has been impaired:

If you are unwell and feel unable to attend the University to take a compulsory class, assessment or examination then you must seek advice by contacting your department or degree programme immediately, in person, through a friend or family member, by telephone or by email. This is to ensure that you understand the implications of being absent and the consequences for your academic progress, which might be quite serious. You must do this as soon as possible so that all options can be considered and certainly no later than the day of your compulsory class, assessment or examination. If you do not do this then you will normally be considered have been absent from the class without good reason, or to have taken the assessment or examination in which case you will be given a mark of zero. You must also complete and hand in a “Certification of student Ill Health” form on your return.

You may be unwell but are able to proceed with an assessment or examination and yet you feel that your performance will have been impaired. If you wish this to be taken into account as an extenuating circumstance, you must inform your department or degree programme about this on the day of the assessment or examination and hand in to your department or degree programme a completed “Certification of student Ill Health” form. If you leave this until later it will not normally be possible to take your illness into account when assessing your performance.

You may be under occasional and ongoing medical attention which affects your studies. If so, you should obtain a letter from your physician which should be given to your department or degree programme before the end of the January, May/June or August/September examination period, as appropriate, if you wish your condition to be taken into account as an extenuating circumstance.

The Government Department employs 2 criteria when deciding whether to alter the mark of a student who has been ill or suffered other external interference: a. evidence of such illness or external interference and b. evidence that the student would have performed better in the absence of such external interference.


Certification of student Ill Health forms are available in all departments and halls of residence.

Your department or degree programme will give you guidance on the effect of any absence from your studies or if you consider your illness has affected your studies. If you have repeated episodes of ill health which is affecting your studies, your department or degree programme may refer you to the student Health Centre.

If you are found to have been deceitful or dishonest in completing the Certification of student Ill Health form you could be liable to disciplinary action under the University’s General Regulation XX: Conduct and Discipline of students.

The use of the “Certification of student Ill Health” forms by GPs as described above has been agreed by the Manchester Local Medical Committee. A GP may make a charge for completing the form.

Sharing Information

The University may share appropriate information relating to your health and/or conduct with external organisations such as your professional employer(s) (for example, relevant NHS Trust Professional and Statutory Regulatory Bodies (PSRB), placement and training providers and/or regulator.

This may occur where concerns in relation to your health and/or conduct arise and the University considers it necessary for them to be disclosed to one or more of the above organisations.

The University’s Privacy Notice for Registered Students (which is accessible via this link: www.regulations.manchester.ac.uk/data-collection-notice/) includes further information about how the University may use and process your personal data, including the legal basis and conditions which may be relevant to such processing (see section 6 of the Privacy Notice).

The University will only disclose special category data (such as data relating to your health) to a third party organisation where one of the additional conditions are satisfied (see section 9 of the Privacy Notice), including where processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest.

Guidance on Social Networking for Healthcare and Social Care Students

This document provides advice and guidance for healthcare and social care students about the benefits and potential dangers of social networking and suggests ways in which their personal and professional interests, and those of others, can be protected while in the online environment.

What are social networking sites used for?

Social networking is a popular online activity: millions of people of all ages and backgrounds use social networking sites every day. Online social networking sites, such as Facebook,

Twitter, MySpace and Bebo, are used:

To keep in touch with friends, both in words and through sharing music, video and other types of files (YouTube is also used for sharing videos, and Flickr for sharing images, online).

For educational and professional benefit, through sharing information about the latest developments in treatments and practice, problem-solving, encouraging participation, and community building.

To forge new relationships based on common interests.

To make their views and opinions known.

To take part in discussions on virtually any subject.

People often interact with social networking sites over long periods of time and, occasionally, excessive activity of this nature may have detrimental effects on their work or study.

What is the social networking environment?

It is important to remember that social networking sites are public and therefore, in theory, accessible to anybody. In many cases, ownership of the material posted on them belongs to the site, not the person who posted it, and so sites such as Facebook are free to use it in any way they see fit. Material posted online remains there permanently, if not as part of an active page then as part of easily-accessible ‘cached’, i.e. historical, versions of it.

Who visits social networking sites, and why?

Anybody can visit social networking sites and gain access to the information that is uploaded to them. These people include:

Your intended audience, i.e. your friends, colleagues and others, to share information and to keep in touch.

Potential employers, who are, increasingly, using social networking sites to gather information about people who have applied for positions within their organisations.

Criminals, including sexual predators who could use information about you to compromise your safety or wellbeing, and fraudsters, who could steal information about you and impersonate you online, to your potential cost.

The police, as part of investigations into illegal activities.

Professional healthcare and social care bodies such as the General Dental Council, General Medical Council, General Pharmaceutical Council, General Social Care Council, Health & Care Professions Council, and Nursing & Midwifery Council, who may access information directly or be asked to investigate material referred on to them by other people.

Patients, clients and other service users, who may be looking for healthcare or social care information in general, or for your views and comments in particular. Your professional relationship with your patients, and your career, could be compromised at any time by indiscriminate posting of details about patients or inappropriate information about yourself.

What precautions should be taken when social networking?

The same ethics, morals and penalties apply to online social networking as to any other activity. This is particularly true for healthcare students and professionals, who are expected by the University of Manchester, their professional bodies, and by the public generally, to meet the same standards of behaviour both in and out of their professional settings. Healthcare and social care students from Schools in the Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences should therefore conduct themselves appropriately online, and take reasonable precautions to ensure that the information they upload cannot be used in a way that could place them, or others, at a disadvantage, either personally or professionally, now or at any time in the future.

The following pointers may be helpful:

Do everything that you can to limit access to your posts to those for whom they are intended. Change security settings if possible to restrict unwanted access.

Consider the language and terminology that you use when you are online and make sure that it is appropriate.

Avoid posting personal information such as phone numbers or personal addresses, of you or anybody else, since these may fall into the hands of criminals.

Use your common sense. If you feel that a post, a picture, or a video that you are about to upload might have repercussions for you later, or might not be in good taste (e.g. it relates to sexual activity or inappropriate behaviour, or it expresses inappropriate views), then simply do not post it. Once it is online it is there for good.

Make sure you are thinking clearly before you go online. If, for any reason such as the effects of medication, stress or inebriation, your judgement might temporarily be impaired, you may be tempted to post something that you otherwise would not.

Do not post material that might be considered offensive and/or derogatory, that could cause somebody else to feel bullied, harassed, or that could harm somebody’s reputation. If you have a grievance about an individual related to your programme, follow it up through the recognised channels in the School, Faculty and/or the wider University.

Avoid posting confidential information about patients, clients and service users that could violate professional codes of conduct.

It is imperative that if you post anything about somebody else, including any images of them, it is done with their knowledge and consent. It might seem inoffensive to post images of friends, relatives, staff or other colleagues, but it might easily cause offence that you had not intended or could not have foreseen.

Try to make sure that the people to whom you give access to your information use it sensibly, and also that they themselves do not upload potentially incriminating material about you, which can be just as damaging.

Avoid joining any groups that could be seen as discriminatory or judgemental in nature.

Are there any related policies and guidance in the University?

The University’s Conduct and Discipline of Students (Regulation XVII) document states that a student may be liable to disciplinary action in respect of conduct which, amongst others: “involves violent, indecent, disorderly, threatening or offensive behaviour or language (whether expressed orally or in writing, including electronically) whilst on University premises or engaged in any University activity” and “involves distributing or publishing a poster, notice, sign or any publication which is offensive, intimidating, threatening, indecent or illegal, including the broadcasting and electronic distribution of such material”.

Regulation XVII also states that:

“the conduct covered (above) shall constitute misconduct if it took place on University property or premises, or elsewhere if the student was involved in a University activity, was representing the University, was present at that place by virtue of his or her status as a student of the University or if the conduct raises questions about the fitness of the student on a programme leading directly to a professional qualification or calling to be admitted to and practise that profession or calling.”

The University of Manchester’s Dignity at Work and Study Policies and Procedures give information about the nature and consequences of acts of misconduct while social networking, such as discrimination, bullying and harassment1, and the penalties that they may incur.

These policies should be read in conjunction with this guidance. The University’s Dignity at

Work Procedure for Students states:

“Any cases of harassment, discrimination and bullying will be taken very seriously by the University and, where necessary the appropriate procedure will be used to investigate complaints. Similar arrangements will be used in dealing with complaints made by members of staff or by visitors to the University.”

“Cases of proven harassment, discrimination or bullying may be treated as a disciplinary offence where it is not possible to reach a compromise or resolution. Some cases of harassment, discrimination or bullying if proven could result in dismissal for staff members or expulsion for students.”

In addition, the University’s Crucial Guide states that:

“The University expects its members to treat one another with respect. There are established procedures to use if you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the University’s facilities and services, and you are encouraged to use these procedures to bring such matters to the University’s attention. Inappropriate or defamatory comments about either the University or its members in any media (print, broadcast, electronic) contravene the University’s regulations and offenders may be liable to disciplinary action.”

What do the Professional Bodies say?

Professional body codes and guidance also explore the potential consequences of social networking activity:

General Dental Council: “Standards for Dental Professionals”

Paragraph 3.2, ‘Protect the confidentiality of patients’ information’:

1 Harassment is unwanted conduct that may create the effect (intentionally or unintentionally) of violating a person’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment which interferes with an individual’s learning, working or social environment or induces stress, anxiety or sickness on the part of the harassed person.

Discrimination takes place when an individual or a group of people is treated less favourably than others because of their race,

gender, gender reassignment, marital status, status as a civil partner, disability, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation or other factors unrelated to their ability or potential.

Bullying can be defined as repeated or persistent actions, criticism or personal abuse, either in public or private, which (intentionally or unintentionally) humiliates, denigrates, undermines, intimidates or injures the recipient. It should, in particular, be borne in mind that much bullying occurs in the context of a power imbalance between victims and alleged perpetrators.

“(You must) prevent information from being accidentally revealed and prevent unauthorised access by keeping information secure at all times”.

Paragraph 6.3, ‘Be trustworthy’:

“(You must) maintain appropriate standards of personal behaviour in all walks of life so that patients have confidence in you and the public have confidence in the dental profession”.

General Medical Council: “Good Medical Practice‟

Paragraphs 56 to 58, ‘Being honest and trustworthy’

“Probity means being honest and trustworthy, and acting with integrity: this is at the heart of medical professionalism”.

“You must make sure that your conduct at all times justifies your patients’ trust in you and the public’s trust in the profession”.

“You must inform the GMC without delay if, anywhere in the world, you have accepted a caution, been charged with or found guilty of a criminal offence, or if another professional body has made a finding against your registration as a result of fitness to practise procedures”.

Nursing and Midwifery Council: “Guidance on professional conduct for nursing and midwifery students‟

“Good character is important as nurses and midwives must be honest and trustworthy. Good character is based on a person’s conduct, behaviour and attitude. It also takes account of any convictions and cautions that are not considered to be compatible with professional registration and that might bring the profession into disrepute”.

What conclusions can be drawn from all of this?

If the way you conduct yourself online breaks laws, or goes against the codes of practice set down by your professional healthcare or social care body, then you risk the same penalties as you would in any other setting. These include referral to the Faculty Fitness to Practise Committee and potential damage to your career, fines, and even imprisonment.

Links to current regulations, codes of practice and policies

Policy on Submission of Work for Summative Assessment on Taught Programmes


Policy on Mitigating Circumstances


Mitigating Circumstances: Guidance for Students


Academic Appeals (Regulation XIX)


Student Complaints (Regulation XVIII)


Policy on Feedback to Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Students


Conduct and Discipline of Students (Regulations XVII)


Student Charter


Other information



Student Support Issues


Disability Advisory and Support Service



Counselling Service


Careers Service


Careers Blog for International Students @ Manchester

Recently launched, a Careers Blog dedicated to keeping international students at The University of Manchester informed with regular news and upcoming events.


Occupational Health Services for Students


International Advice Team


A Personal Safety Guide for International Students


Mature Students Guide


Students Union


email: advice.umsu@manchester.ac.uk

SECTION D : Forms & Useful Contacts


Extension Request Form

Download form here: SHS_Extension.Request Form


Interruption Request Form

Download form here: SHS_Interruption request Form


Programme Amendment Form

Download form here: SHS_Programme Amendment Form


Withdrawal Form

Download form here: Withdrawal Form


Certification of Student Ill Health



These guidelines set out the procedures to be followed by students who fall ill and are absent from the University for brief periods and/or who believe their illness may have affected their academic performance. Students are reminded that they must register with a local GP and must visit their GP for treatment of ill health where necessary.

Students should always consult their GP if their illness is severe, if it persists or if they are in any doubt about their health.


i) You should use self-certification to explain absences through illness for up to one week (i.e. seven days including the weekend). You should complete Part I of this form to give the exact dates of the absence and a clear explanation of the reason for it. The form should be handed in to the appropriate office or person in the department immediately after the absence.

ii) You should do all you can to inform your department at the time of your illness and to seek advice. Although you may feel too ill to attend classes or you believe your illness is affecting your performance, you may be able to visit your department. You should give this form to your tutor or other appropriate member of staff and they can use Part II to record the advice given to you and/or that you appeared to them to be unfit to perform to your potential.

Repeated self-certification will normally result in the student being referred to the University student Health Service for assessment.

2. Medical Certification

For illness of more than one week the university will accept self-certification, as above, for illness of up to one week but if you are ill for longer than this you should obtain a consultation with your GP and ask for your illness to be certified using Part III of this form. Copies of this form are available in local GP practices.

When you visit your GP for treatment or because you are concerned about your health as stated above, you should always consult your GP if your illness is severe or if you are in any doubt about your health. If you do this you may ask your GP to certificate your illness and part III may be used for this purpose. Some practices may make a charge for this.

3. Illness prior to/or during Examinations

If you are ill immediately prior to or during examinations you must inform your Department immediately and discuss the situation with your personal tutor or other appropriate person in the department. Depending on the circumstances, you may be advised to proceed with the examinations or, instead, to sit the examinations at the next opportunity. You may be asked to self-certify your illness using this form and the appropriate person in the Department will use Part II to record advice given and/or that you appeared to be unfit to perform to your potential.

This should be handed in, or posted, to the appropriate office or person in the department as soon as possible.

If you are taken ill during an examination, you should be referred to the University student Health Centre. The doctor or nurse at the student Health Centre who sees you will, at your request, complete this form and send it to the department to confirm the visit and the ill health.

Key Contacts

Internal Information Sources

If you are calling from outside the Manchester area add ‘0161’. Calling from outside the UK add 0044161. For the latest listings of internal information sources please see our website at www.mhs.manchester.ac.uk/graduate/

Service Telephone
Accommodation Office 275 2888
Counselling Service 275 2864
Dryden Street Nursery 272 7121
Harassment Advisors (Confidential Support) 275 2071 / 275 7795
International Society 275 4959 / 275 7697
International Students’ Welfare Officer 275 2972
John Rylands Library 275 3751
Joule Library 200 4925
Sugden Sports Centre 200 4026
Nightline (Confidential telephone helpline run by students) 275 2983 / 275 2984
Graduate and Mature Students Society (Burlington) 275 2392
Special Needs Co-ordinator(Physical and Learning Disabilities) 275 7512/Minicom:275 2749
SU Overseas Students Officer 275274
SU Graduate and Mature Students Officer 275 2746
SU Switchboard 275 2930
SU Womens Officer 275 2939
Student Health Service 275 2858
Travel (Campus Travel) 274 3105
Women’s Safety (evening minibus service) 275 2939

External Services Service Telephone:

Service Telephone
Alcoholics Anonymous 236 6569
George House Trust (HIV and AIDS help line) 274 4499
Citizens’ Advice Bureau 834 9844
Life Line (Drugs Advice) 839 2054
Manchester Brook Advisory Centre (Abortion/Sexual Health) 237 3001
Manchester Central Library 234 1900
Manchester City Council Housing Aid 234 4750
Rape Crisis Line 273 4500
Samaritans 236 8000

Central University Departments:

Department Contact
Central Academic Advisory Service

CAAS is a confidential service offering students the opportunity to discuss any matters that may be affecting academic progress.

275 3033
Graduate Office Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences 275 5034 / 275 5035
The Language Centre

The Language Centre offers English Language and academic skills support to both Home and International students in the form of part-time courses, workshops for specific groups and individual tutorial support.

275 3556 / 275 3426

(home students)

275 3533

(overseas students)

Student Administration

Information, support and advice on examinations, welfare, problems concerning academic progress, disability, appeals and complaints procedures.

275 2071
Student Services Centre

Offers advice to students on general funding opportunities and distributes grant cheques quarterly from University, Research Councils and external funding bodies. Point of call for swipe/library card problems.

275 5000