Degree Regulations

The degree regulations for students registered on an undergraduate programme since 1 September 2012 can be found on the University website.

If you commenced your studies before September 2012 you should consult the degree regulations for students registered on an undergraduate programme on or after 1 September 2010 (but prior to 1 September 2012) which can be found on the University website at:

Bachelors Degree
classification weighted to 120 credits
Classification thresholds:
weighted average (0 to 100 mark range)
Boundary zone weighted average
First class 70.0 68.0 to 69.9
Upper Second class 60.0 58.0 to 59.9
Lower Second class 50.0 48.0 to 49.9
Third class 40.0 37.0 to 39.9

Note, unlike the BSc degrees, it is not possible to attain a 3rd class for an MSci degree.  Consequently, MSci students who obtain a final mark of less than 50% will fail the MSci degree.  However, you will be able to graduate with BSc(Hons) degree based on your performance during your first three year.

D. Degree Regulations – all