- The University gives the Board of Examiners the right to refuse a referral to a student whose Work and Attendance has been unsatisfactory and who has received an official warning letter.
To help you interpret these rules a set of annotated examples with explanations on outcomes is available on the intranet .
If after the application of the above compensation rules you are found to have failed overall, then you will be required to take referral examinations in August/September. If you have passed 40 or more credits at the first attempt the Board of Examiners will specify which unit assessments you are required to refer in order to gain at least a compensated pass in the August/September examinations.
Note the Board of Examiners may choose to exclude you from further study in the Faculty, if you are absent without explanation from all exams in a given examination period or if you fail on first attempt more than 80 credits worth of assessments.
ABSENCE FROM EXAMINATIONS/ASSESSMENTS: you must inform the Student Support Office if you are absent for any examinations or assessments BEFORE THE START OF THE EXAM (see Section Absence from examinations due to ill health). If you are absent for all exams within a given examination period, without prior notice and documentation to mitigate this absence, the School will assume that you have withdrawn from your programme of study and will not permit you to progress to the subsequent year.