choosingDegree Programme requirements

The requirements for each Degree Programme are laid out in a table at the below links. The table is designed to enable you to check which units are mandatory for your Degree Programme and which are recommended optional units. You may be able to take other units but you must be able to fit them into your timetable and you should talk to your Programme Director or Personal Advisor about this.

More detailed information on your Degree Programme structure for each level of study can be found on the intranet under the heading ‘academic advisement’ –

Academic Advisement is the term used in Campus Solutions for the way in which Degree Programmes are structured, e.g. which course units students take in each academic year, which of those units are mandatory, and which units may be selected as options. By following the above link you will be able to access the academic advisement documents for your Degree Programme. These sheets are used at registration for your Programme Director to agree your choice of units with you.

BIOL10742 Writing and Referencing Skills is part of the tutorial unit.

The field courses are:
BIOL10602    Field Course in Marine Biology I (Summer vacation)
BIOL10622    Field Course in Comparative and Adaptive Biology (Easter vacation)
BIOL10642    Field Course in Animal Behaviour (Easter vacation)
BIOL10652    Anatomical Sciences Field Course (Summer vacation)
BIOL10662    Field Studies in Behavioural Ecology (Easter vacation)

J. Degree Programme requirements – Level 1