Step 3 – Meeting your Programme Director

You are required to attend a meeting with your Programme Director to choose your optional units for the second year of your degree. At this meeting you will be able to discuss your options with your Programme Director before making your choices. You will complete a Course Unit Plan at the meeting to record your choice of units. If you are unable to complete your choice of units in the meeting with your Programme Director, your completed and signed form must be handed in to the Student Support Office no later than Friday 13th May 2016.

*It is important that you retain a copy of your Course Unit Plan as you will need to enrol on your optional units yourself over the summer period.*

Copies of the second year draft 2016-17 timetable will be made available at the meeting so you can choose clash free options, however please note that the timetable is still draft at this stage as we do not have final timetable allocations until the end of the summer. No compulsory units should clash. You must make sure that your timetable is clash free when you return in September when room booking information has been released.

There are two reasons for asking you to choose optional units at this time of year; i) to provide all students with a  personalised timetable at the beginning of the new academic year;  ii) to ensure that the lecture theatres booked for your lectures are of an appropriate capacity for the cohort. You will, of course, still be able to change optional course units at the beginning of each semester (up to the end of week 2) should you need to.

The Programme Director Course Unit Selection Clinics will take place w/c 25th April 2016 and a detailed timetable will be sent to you prior to the Clinics.

J. Step 3 – Meeting your Programme Director – Level 2