Step 4 – Enrolling on your optional units


You should already be enrolled on your mandatory units however you MUST enrol on your optional units yourself listed on your signed off Course Unit Plan from 18th July – 8th August 2016. Please note that you will be enrolled on the BIOL21602 Dummy RSM Unit until the RSM allocations have been finalised in September. Once they have been finalised the Student Support Office will transfer you to your allocated RSM.

‘With Language’ degree students
If you are on a ‘with language’ degree, you will be able to self-select your Language units alongside your optional BIOL units on the Student System. If you have any problems with enrolling on your Language units please contact the language department (see section School of Arts, Languages and Cultures – Language units).

University College for Interdisciplinary Learning (UCIL) course units.
You will not be able to self-enrol on the following UCIL units:

  • Leadership of Learning – UCIL20001 / 20002 / 21002
  • Physics and the Grand Challenges of Today – UCIL29002
  • Language courses – ULBS20011 / 20012, ULAR10031 and ULCH10022

To enrol on any of these units please email

Language Enhancement Access Programme (LEAP)
The University offers courses to students who wish to study a language as part of LEAP. Further information is available from:

If you are considering registering for a language module you must discuss this with your Programme Director. If your Programme Director authorises your application for a LEAP course, you must enrol with the LEAP office by filling in an enrolment form which can be accessed at the link below. Enrolment will be conducted on a first-come first-served basis and you are therefore strongly advised not to leave it too late.

Further information can be found at

Manchester Leadership Programme (MLP)
You are now able to self-enrol onto an MLP course units. There are a very limited number of places so please ensure you complete enrolment early to avoid disappointment

Manchester Enterprise Centre units (MCEL)
Please contact MCEL directly to enrol on an optional MCEL unit. Details of the course units offered and contact details can be found at the following link:

Business and Management for all Programmes (BMAN units)
f you wish to take a BMaP course and you meet the pre and co-requisites detailed on the online course database please complete the online application form:

School of Psychological Sciences (PSYC units)
PLEASE NOTE: PSYC units are only taken by students enrolled on the Cognitive Neuroscience & Psychology Programme. For information on PSYC units please contact

Compensated passes and referrals in pre-requisite units
If you have a compensated pass e.g. 32C for a pre-requisite unit of a second year unit, you will not be able to self-enrol for the unit on the Student System. Similarly if you have a referral/re-sit for a pre-requisite unit of a second year unit you will not be able to self-enrol for the unit on the Student System. If this applies to you please email the Student Support Office so they can enrol you:

J. Step 4 – Enrolling on your optional units – Level 2