The Crucial Guide Live also provides additional information on support and services available https://my.manchester.ac.uk/d/crucial-guide/personal-life/.


Personal Advisors

Your Personal Advisor (normally the same person throughout your course) offers you advice on academic matters, personal problems (if needed), and is your main link to the School and the University. You must meet your Personal Advisor at regular intervals (at least twice per helpsemester) during your programme and should prepare for each meeting by starting to fill in the appropriate meeting form on “My intranet”. When you are making applications for summer work, placements, jobs, or further degrees, your Personal Advisor should know you well enough to write an informed reference. There is a mechanism within the intranet meeting forms for you to provide your Personal Advisor with a CV, which you should update regularly, especially towards the end of your Degree Programme. Please see Section Employability Skills.

You should speak to your Personal Advisor about any problems that you are having that are affecting your work (see also Section Work and Attendance Regulations (Level 1) (Level 2) (Level 3) and Section Guidelines on Ill Health). 

Senior Advisor

There is also a Senior Advisor for the School who is available (via the Student Support Office) to discuss any particularly serious problems, or anything you would rather not discuss with your Personal Advisor (including the situation where you may feel it necessary to request a change in Personal Advisor).

Academic Advisors

You will have regular small-group tuition in groups of about ten students with an Academic Advisor. You will see several Academic Advisors with different areas of expertise during your undergraduate career. Normally your Personal Advisor will also be your Academic Advisor for the first year, which gives you a chance to get to know each other. Attendance at ALL of the academic tutorials sessions and the production of satisfactory work are requirements of all Degree Programmes (see Section Work and attendance regulations (Level 1) (Level 2) (Level 3) (Postgraduate Taught)).

Programme Directors

The Programme Director oversees the content of your Degree Programme, agrees your choice of optional course units during Welcome Week and assists your Personal Advisor in giving you advice on academic matters. A list of Programme Directors and how to contact them can be found in section Programme Directors and where to find them (Undergraduate).



The University Counselling Service offers you help in understanding, dealing with, or overcoming the many sorts of difficulties that may prevent you getting the most out of your life and studies at university.  These may include problems at home, pressures from personal relationships, and difficulties in coping with stressful events, now or in the past, such as examinations, separation, bereavement or forms of abuse.  There are also some group sessions/workshops on specific issues, e.g. confidence and self-esteem, managing low mood, managing exam stress, coping better with academic pressure, speaking out in groups, etc. Please see the Counselling Service website for more details and up-to-date information.

For any enquiries or to make an appointment to see a counsellor, please phone or call in to the Counselling Service between 9:00 and 16:00, Monday to Friday. The Service aim to offer an appointment within 10 days of an enquiry, but at busy times there may be a longer wait. You can call their reception desk for available appointment times on 0161 275 2864. At certain times the Service experiences especially high demand and waiting times can increase. To ensure the best possible service is provided and waiting times are managed effectively, a Duty Counsellor is available each day (during opening hours) for those who feel they need to talk to someone before the earliest available appointment date. 

Opening times

The Counselling Service is open from 9:00 to 16:00, Monday to Friday, except on public holidays and during the University's Christmas closure period.

 Contact details

Email: counselling.service@manchester.ac.uk
Tel: 0161 275 2864 (52864 from an internal phone)
University of Manchester Counselling Service
5th Floor, Crawford House
Booth Street East
M13 9QS

Students’ Union Advice Centre

StudentunionThe Students’ Union Advice Service (see their website at http://manchesterstudentsunion.com/adviceservice) offers free and confidential information and advice to students on personal and academic issues. It is run by professional Advisors who are independent of the University. The Advice Service is based on the ground floor of the Students' Union building on Oxford Road, M13 9PR.

The Advice Service is open Monday to Friday, 10:00 – 16:00 (closed 13:30 - 14:30) all year round - both in and out of University terms - with the exception of public holidays and occasional training days.

During these times you can drop-in, book an appointment, telephone and email.

Telephone: 0161 275 2952
Internal phone: 52952
Email: advice.su@manchester.ac.uk

Students with additional support needs

The University of Manchester welcomes students with additional support needs arising from a specific learning difficulty, such as dyslexia, an unseen medical condition, or a disability or impairment.  The University has a central Disability Advisory and Support Service (DASS).  In order to access the full support that the University can offer, you should contact the DASS to discuss your support requirements. They can be contacted by the following means:

Website: http://www.dso.manchester.ac.uk/
Email - dass@manchester.ac.uk
Telephone - 0161 275 7512 / 0161 275 8518
Text - 07899 663 512
Minicom - 0161 275 2794

Or you can just drop in to the DASS on the second floor of University Place, Block 2, where you can speak in confidence to a Disability Adviser about your needs. The Disability Advisory and Support Service is open:

Monday to Thursday 09.30-16.00
Friday 09.30-12.30

If you are a student who has, or suspects they have, support needs and have not yet informed the DASS, then please contact them in the first instance. In addition to this, the School of Biological Sciences has a Disability Coordinator, Miss Joanne Jolley, who liaises with the DASS to organise your support in the School.  She can be contacted by telephone or email: (0161 275 1525/ joanne.r.jolley@manchester.ac.uk). The Stopford Building has car parking spaces reserved for blue badge holders, wheelchair access and an adapted lift at the car park end of the building.


ill health

The University recognises the importance of the health and wellbeing of all students. Occupational Health Services aim to promote the physical, mental and social well-being of students and to reduce the incidence of ill-health arising from exposure to work place hazards.

You can access advice and guidance by going to see the Service or by visiting their website below. Some students will undergo regular health surveillance as required by their School etc, but you can also refer yourself for an appointment.

Where necessary the Service work closely with other services at the University e.g. the Disability Advisory and Support Service (DASS) to support students with health problems or disabilities.

The Occupational Health Service does not deal with medical or first aid emergencies and cannot diagnose or provide treatment. If there is a serious medical emergency you should phone (9)999 for an ambulance, remembering to call University Security (69966) immediately afterwards so that they can assist the ambulance in getting to you.

The Occupational Health Services receptions are open for enquiries from Monday to Friday between 09.00-16.00.

You will need an appointment to see an Occupational Health Adviser or Physician as the Service does not have the capacity to see you as a 'drop-in'. Their contact details are:

Website: http://www.occhealth.manchester.ac.uk/
Tel: 0161 275 2858
Email: waterlooocchealth@manchester.ac.uk
Campus map location: Building 38
Address: 182/184 Waterloo Place, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9GP

Additional information on health issues can be found in the MyWellbeing tab of MyManchester.

Night-time telephone advice/listening service

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The Students’ Union runs Nightline, a telephone advice and listening service operated by students that offers a point of contact throughout the night. You can contact Nightline by telephone on 0161 275 3983 / 0161 275 3984 from 20:00-8:00. If you'd feel more comfortable emailing Nightline rather than phoning them, you can send an email to nightmail@nightline.man.ac.uk. Further information is available at www.umsu.manchester.ac.uk/nightline.

Discrimination and Harassment

Information and University policies on discrimination and harassment can be found at http://www.studentsupport.manchester.ac.uk/health-and-wellbeing/bullying-and-harrassment/.

For further information about the University’s Policy on Harassment, or if you have been a victim of some form of harassment, contact the Equality and Diversity Office on 0161 306 5857 or the Students’ Union Advice Centre on 0161 275 8066 or 275 8077.

The Student Services Centre

The majority of the University's administrative services for students (except Accommodation Services) are available from our centralised Student Services Centre, off Burlington Street.

Student Services Centre
Burlington Street
The University of Manchester
Oxford Road
M13 9PL

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
(Apart from Tuesdays, 10am to 5pm)
Telephone enquiries: 0161 275 5000
Email: ssc@manchester.ac.uk
Website: http://www.studentnet.manchester.ac.uk/crucial-guide/


The Accommodation Office provides information and guidance on a range of issues including ways to deal with any problems that students might encounter over accommodation choices, special needs, existing accommodation difficulties, accommodation for students with families and on temporary accommodation, including provision available outside semester time.

The Accommodation Office opening hours and contact details are as follows:

The Accommodation Office
The Student Services Centre
Burlington Streetaccommodation
Oxford Road
University Place
University of Manchester
M13 9PL

Tel: +44 161 275 2888
Fax: +44 161 275 3213
email: accommodation@manchester.ac.uk

The Accommodation Office Opening Hours are:

Mon & Wed - Fri: 09.00 - 17.00
Tue: 10.00 - 17.00

For private sector accommodation see the Manchester Student Homes website at www.manchesterstudenthomes.com. Manchester Student Homes (MSH) is owned, managed and funded by the University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University and their respective Students' Unions.

The Students’ Union Advice Centre is also an excellent source of help and advice on problems with private accommodation.

International students

The International Society, William Kay House, 327 Oxford Road (opposite the Students’ Union), offers advice, information and a social base for students.  Telephone: 0161 275 4959, email: int.soc@manchester.ac.uk. Further information can be found on the International Society website.

The International Team forms part of the Student Services Centre. The advisors see students on an individual basis to discuss any problems (e.g. visas, finance) you may have. Telephone: 0161 275 5000 to make an appointment or see http://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/international/why-manchester/student-support/advice-team/

Further information can also be found in the My Wellbeing Section of MyManchester.

Financial help

If you are a UK student for fees purposes, you can apply to Student Finance for a Student Loan for Maintenance and a Student Loan for Fees. Payments for the Student Loan for Maintenance are made directly into your bank account.  If you choose to take one, the Student Loan for Fees is paid directly to the University.  Some students may also be eligible for a non-repayable grant and your Student Finance will assess you for this.  If you get into difficulties while you are a student, the Student Services Centre on Burlington Street can help with money advice and budgeting.  Further information is available in the Student Support pages on the University website.

Security on campus

The University Security Service should be contacted if you have concerns about personal security or theft (0161 275 2728) or wish to speak to a member of the security staff. You can also contact the Police Liaison Officers on 0161 275 7042 or police@manchester.ac.uk.  Information on safety can also be found in the My Wellbeing section of MyManchester.

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