
Course Unit Selection - LEVEL 2 students

By September 2016, you will have already completed steps 1-4 and the information provided below is a reminder of these steps. From September 2016, you should follow step 5 and step 6 if necessary.





Academic Advisement sheets can be found on the Faculty intranet at the following link: https://www.intranet.ls.manchester.ac.uk/education/cm/academicadvisement.aspx 

Step 1 – What to expect from your second year talk

What to expect from your second year talk

The ‘What to expect from your second year talk’ and Programme Director Fair for students considering changing programme will be held on Thursday 12th March 2015 at 12:00-14:00, University Place, Theatre B. Please ensure that you attend the talk as there will be vital information given about:

  • Course unit selection (including Manchester Leadership Programme)
  • Dissertations
  • Research Skills Modules (RSMs)
  • Field Course RSMs
  • Changing degree programme
  • Industrial placements

If you are considering changing programme you are strongly advised to attend the Programme Director Fair for students considering changing programme on Thursday 12th March 2015 at 13:00-14:00, University Place, Ground Floor Drum Foyer. You should also speak with your Personal Advisor at the earliest opportunity if you have not already done so. Please note that there is a deadline of Monday 13th April 2015 for completing programme changes for the next academic year, however, you should aim to complete your programme change as soon as possible prior to this deadline, particularly if you are transferring to/from a degree with industrial experience. Programme changes across degree subjects will be actioned on the Student System at the end of the current academic year.

Provided you have submitted a form by the deadline, you should attend the Programme Director Clinic in April for your new programme.

 Note: transfers to certain programmes may be dependent upon exam performance in certain units and your attendance at the “What to expect from the second year” and “Change of Degree Programme” Fair. It should be noted that it is not normally possible to transfer into/or from the Joint Honours Programme of Cognitive Neuroscience & Psychology.

Step 2 – Choosing your optional units

choosingDegree Programme requirements

The requirements for each Degree Programme are laid out in a table at the below links. The table is designed to enable you to check which units are mandatory for your Degree Programme and which are recommended optional units. You may be able to take other units but you must be able to fit them into your timetable and you should talk to your Programme Director or Personal Advisor about this.

More detailed information on your Degree Programme structure for each level of study can be found on the Faculty intranet under the heading ‘academic advisement’ - https://www.intranet.ls.manchester.ac.uk/education/cm/academicadvisement.aspx

Academic Advisement is the term used in Campus Solutions for the way in which Degree Programmes are structured, e.g. which course units students take in each academic year, which of those units are mandatory, and which units may be selected as options. By following the above link you will be able to access the academic advisement documents for your Degree Programme. These sheets are used at registration for your Programme Director to agree your choice of units with you.

The Data Handling unit BIOL20701 and Critical Writing unit BIOL21701 are part of the tutorial unit.

The field courses are:

BIOL20552    Tropical Ecology & Conservation (Summer vacation)
BIOL20682    Tropical Biology (Summer vacation)
BIOL20872    Urban Biodiversity & Conservation
BIOL21422    Alpine Biodiveristy & Forest Ecology (Summer vacation)

Course unit profiles

Profiles of the course units on offer from the School of Biological Sciences for the current academic year can be found via your MyManchester portal, as well as on the intranet. Profiles include Aims, Intended Learning Outcomes, lecture and/or practical content, along with details of the assessments, recommended texts and prerequisites. The Unit Coordinator and principal lecturers teaching on the unit are also listed. A list of the employability skills that the course unit will allow you to develop is also given; employers often ask for examples of these skills when applying for a job, either within your CV, on their job application form or during interviews. In addition to MyManchester, course unit information is also available on the School’s intranet.

If you have any questions about a unit once it has started, you should approach the lecturer directly, or consult the Unit Coordinator.

Students wishing to contact a Unit Coordinator directly should do so by email.

Full descriptions of language units for those students taking the four-year degrees with a language are available from the Course unit information portlet.

In addition, information on course units run by the University College for Interdisciplinary Learning (available University-wide) can be found on their website. Details of how to contact the College are listed below.

Please note, although students are permitted to take units outside the School, timetable constraints may not allow some of these units to be taken in conjunction with some compulsory School. Please discuss this with your Programme Director.

Manchester Business School (BMAN units)

For further information please consult the BMaP Student Handbook and timetabling information at the following links:


School of Arts, Languages and Cultures – Language units

Students registered on a ‘with language’ Degree Programme only.

If you are on a ‘with language’ degree, you will be able to self-select your Language units alongside your optional BIOL units on the Student System. If you have any problems with enrolling on your Language units please contact the language department:

School of Arts, Languages and Cultures
Faculty of Humanities
Room S3.5
Samuel Alexander Building

School Receptionist
Tel: 0161 275 8311

Programme Programme Director Programme Administrator
Chinese Studies Heather Inwood
French Studies Dr Vladimir Kapor
Gill Worrall
German Studies Margaret Littler
Angela Crolla
Italian Studies Stephen Milner
Laura Berisford
Japanese Jonathan Bunt
Spanish & Portuguese


James Scorer
Nicholas Prideaux
European Studies TBC Gem Grimshaw

Manchester Enterprise Centre (MCEL units)

Details of the course units offered and contact details can be found at the following link:

School of Psychological Sciences (PSYC units)

PLEASE NOTE: PSYC units are only taken by students enrolled on the Cognitive Neuroscience & Psychology programme.

 For information on PSYC units please contact ug.psychology@manchester.ac.uk.

School of Psychological Sciences
Coupland 1 Building
Coupland Street


 Programme Director – Dr Deborah Talmi (deborah.talmi@manchester.ac.uk)

University College (UCIL, ULBS, ULAR & ULCH units)

The University College for Interdisciplinary Learning presents an opportunity for students to broaden their educational horizons. It offers courses that showcase the research and knowledge found at the University and encourages student to go beyond the boundaries of their Degree Programme.

See the University College website for further information on available course units http://www.college.manchester.ac.uk/courses/. Students wishing to enrol on University College units can do so by self-selection via the Student System.

The Manchester Leadership Programme (MLP)

UCIL20021 Leadership in Action (sem 1)
UCIL20022 Leadership in Action (sem 2)
UCIL20020 Leadership in Action (sem 1&2)
UCIL20031 Leadership in Action (sem 1) - online unit

See the Manchester Leadership Programme website for further details of the course units on offer The Manchester Leadership Programme offers a unique combination of academic units and volunteering. MLP students:

  • Learn the importance of leadership that promotes social, economic and environmental sustainability
  • Gain an insight into some of the key issues facing 21st-century societies.
  • Develop practical skills such as team working, project management and presentation skills.

Helpful hints

  • The first numerical digit in the code shows the Level it is taught at: 1 = First year, 2 = Second year; 3 = Third year.
  • The semester a course is taught in is identified by the last digit in the course code: 0 = Year Long course; 1 = First semester; 2 = Second semester.
  • How to read a course unit code:










Subject area – Biological Sciences Level – 1 - A course unit for first year students       Semester – 1 - A course unit running in Semester 1
  • When you have completed Course Unit Selection you should be registered for a total of 120 credits.
  • If you are registered for a non-language degree you need to take a total of 10 units (usually 8 lecture units, 1 EDM and 1 RSM) (100 credits). These are in addition to the compulsory Tutorial and Dissertation units (10 credits each). Joint honours students may take a different combination of units – please refer to the Course Unit Plan.
  • If you are registered for a degree with language: for route a), you need to select 6 units (60 credits), these are in addition to the compulsory Tutorial, Dissertation, EDM and RSM units (total 40 credits). In addition you will take language units to the equivalent of 20 credits. For route b), you need to select 4 units (40 credits), these are in addition to the compulsory Tutorial, Dissertation, EDM and RSM units (total 40 credits). In addition you will take language units to the equivalent of 40 credits.
  • Check that you are aware of any recommended or pre/co-requisite units associated with your choice. Check with your Programme Director or the Unit Coordinator if you are in any doubt about the suitability or content of any of your choices.
  •  Check that the units you have selected do not clash on the School timetable AND on the timetable for any other School that manages units you intend to take.
  • Check that the units you have chosen provide a suitable foundation for the final year units you wish to take.
  • Wildcards – You may choose any course unit in the specified subject area at the level you will be studying at e.g. BIOL wildcard – for your level 2 study, you may choose any* BIOL level 2 course unit.

*Providing you have the pre/co-requisites, excluding EDMs, RSMs and field courses.

Level 2 Clash Groups

Biological Sciences units that do not appear in the list below do not clash with any other life science unit and can therefore be taken in conjunction with any unit offered from within the School with the advice of your Programme Director.

No compulsory units should clash.  If it seems that they do for you (e.g. with compulsory language units), please go to the Student Support Office as soon as possible (and well before the day of the first clash) to resolve this.

 Semester 3

Clash group 1
BIOL21111 -- Proteins
BIOL21281 – Animal Physiology

Clash group 2
BIOL21221 – Animal Diversity
BIOL21321 – Membrane Excitability

Clash group 3
BIOL21101 – Genome Maintenance & Regulation
BIOL21341 – Sensory Systems

Clash group 4
BIOL21261 – Endocrinology
BIOL21371 – Organismal Genetics

Clash group 5
BIOL21291- Human Anatomy & Histology
BIOL21211- Ecology and Ecosystems
BIOL21381- Introduction to Virology

Semester 4

Clash group 1
BIOL21192 – Principles of Infectious Disease
BIOL21312 – Drugs & The Brain
BIOL21202 Plants for the Future

Clash group 2
BIOL21232 – Fundamentals of Evolutionary Biology
BIOL21272 – Gut and Renal Human Physiology

Clash group 3
BIOL21172 – Principles of Developmental Biology
BIOL21302 – Clinical Drug Development

Clash group 4
BIOL21202 – Plants for the Future
BIOL21402 – Anatomy of the Special Sense Organs

Clash group 5
BIOL21132 – Cell Metabolism & Metabolic Control
BIOL21432 – Animal Behaviour

Clash group 6
BIOL21162 – Chemistry of Biomolecules
BIOL21402 – Anatomy of the Special Sense Organs

Second level units with pre-/co-requisite units

Listed below are all of the second level units from the School of Biological Sciences with pre-/co-requisite units. If a unit has pre-/co-requisites, this means that you may need to take the prerequisite unit(s) in order to take this unit. For example, BIOL10221 and BIOL10521 are compulsory prerequisites for BIOL20332, therefore, if you did not take these units in your first year, you will not be able to take BIOL20332 in your second year.

Bold indicates a compulsory prerequisite, italics indicate a recommended prerequisite.

Unit Code Title Pre-/co-requisite

Unit Code

BIOL20302 Science & Society RSM HSTM10721 Science & the Modern World
BIOL20322 Cell Biology RSM BIOL21121 The Dynamic Cell
BIOL20332 Genetics RSM BIOL10221 Molecular Biology
    BIOL10521 Genes, Evolution & Development
    BIOL21172 Principles of Developmental Biology
    BIOL21371 Organismal Genetics
BIOL20342 Microbiology RSM  


 Prokaryotic Microbiology
BIOL20912 Human Anatomy RSM BIOL10811 Body Systems
    BIOL21061 Human Sciences EDM
    BIOL21291 Human Anatomy & Histology
BIOL20922 Neuroscience RSM BIOL10832 Excitable Cells
    BIOL21332 Motor Systems
    BIOL21341 Sensory Systems
BIOL20932 Pharmacology RSM BIOL21302 Clinical Drug Development
BIOL20942 Physiology RSM BIOL10832 Excitable Cells
    BIOL21141 Cell Membrane Structure & Function


    BIOL21321 Membrane Excitability: Ion Channels &
      Transporters in Action
BIOL20952 Immunology RSM BIOL21242




BIOL20972 Developmental Biology RSM BIOL10521 Genes, Evolution & Development
    BIOL21172 Principles of Developmental Biology
    BIOL21371 Organismal Genetics
BIOL21101 Genome Maintenance & Regulation BIOL10221 Molecular Biology
BIOL10212 Biochemistry
BIOL21111 Proteins BIOL10212 Biochemistry
    BIOL10111 Introductory Chemistry
  OR CHEM10021 Chemistry for Bioscientists 1
  OR CHEM10022 Chemistry for Bioscientists 2
BIOL21121 The Dynamic Cell BIOL10232 From Molecules to Cells
BIOL21132 Cell Metabolism & Metabolic Control BIOL21111 Proteins
BIOL21141 Cell Membrane Structure & Function BIOL10212 Biochemistry
    BIOL10232 From Molecules to Cells
BIOL21152 ‘Omic Technologies & Resources BIOL10221 Molecular Biology
    BIOL21101 Genome Maintenance & Regulation
BIOL21172 Principles of Developmental Biology BIOL10521 Genes, Evolution & Development
BIOL21181 Prokaryotic Microbiology BIOL10532 Microbes, Man & the Environment
BIOL21192 Principles of Infectious Disease BIOL10532 Microbes, Man & the Environment
    BIOL21181 Prokaryotic Microbiology
    BIOL21242 Immunology
BIOL21202 Plants for the Future BIOL10511 Biodiversity
BIOL21232 Fundamentals of Evolutionary Biology BIOL10521 Genes, Evolution & Development
BIOL21272 Gut and Renal Human Physiology BIOL21141 Cell Membrane Structure & Function
    BIOL21321 Membrane Excitability: Ion Channels &
      Transporters in Action
BIOL21291 Human Anatomy & Histology BIOL10811 Body Systems
BIOL21302 Clinical Drug Development BIOL10822 Drugs: From Molecules to Man
BIOL21312 Drugs & the Brain BIOL10822 Drugs: From Molecules to Man
    BIOL21302 Clinical Drug Development
BIOL21321 Membrane Excitability: Ion Channels & Transporters in Action BIOL10832 Excitable Cells
BIOL21332 Motor Systems BIOL10832 Excitable Cells
    BIOL21341 Sensory Systems
BIOL21341 Sensory Systems BIOL10832 Excitable Cells
BIOL21351 Molecules and Cells in Human Disease BIOL10232 From Molecules to Cells
BIOL10822 Drugs: From Molecules to Man
BIOL21361 Haematology BIOL10212 Biochemistry
BIOL10401 Introduction to Laboraory Science
BIOL10811 Body Systems
BIOL21371 Organismal Genetics BIOL10221 Molecular Biology
    BIOL10521 Genes, Evolution & Development
BIOL21402 Anatomy of the Special Sense Organs BIOL21291 Human Anatomy & Histology
BIOL21412 Drugs: Models & Mechanisms BIOL10822 Drugs: From Molecules to Man
    BIOL20932 Pharmacology RSM
BIOL21432 Animal Behaviour BIOL10521 Genes, Evolution and Development
    BIOL21232 Fundamerntals of Evolutionary Biology
BIOL21442 Disease in Nature BIOL10532 Microbes, Man & the Environment
    BIOL21211 Ecology & Ecosystems
BIOL21451 How to Make a Brain BIOL10832 Excitable Cells

Second level units that are pre-/co-requisites for final level units

Listed below are all of the final level units in the School of Biological Sciences which have level 2 units as pre-/co-requisites. If a unit has pre-/co-requisites, this means that you will need to take the prerequisite unit(s) in order to take this unit. For example, BIOL21111 is a compulsory prerequisite for BIOL31311, therefore, if you did not take BIOL21111 in your second year, you will not be able to take BIOL31311 in your final year.

Bold indicates a compulsory prerequisite, italics indicate a recommended prerequisite

Unit Code Title Prerequisite Unit Code Prerequisite Unit Title
BIOL31301 Post-Genome Biology BIOL21152 ‘Omic Technologies & Resources
BIOL31311 Protein Assembly, Dynamics & Function BIOL21111 Proteins
BIOL31321 Glycobiology: Glycan Function in Health & Disease BIOL21111



Chemistry of Biomolecules

BIOL31332 Biochemical Basis of Disease BIOL21132 Cell Metabolism & Metabolic Control
BIOL31341 Macromolecular Recognition in Biological Systems BIOL21111 Proteins
BIOL31352 Current Topics in Microbiology BIOL21181 Prokaryotic Microbiology
BIOL31362 Bacterial Infections of Man BIOL21192 Principles of Infectious Disease
BIOL31371 Advanced Immunology BIOL21252 Parasitology
BIOL21242 Immunology
BIOL21192 Principles of Infectious Disease
BIOL31381 Gene Regulation and Disease BIOL21101 Genome Maintenance & Regulation
    BIOL21152 ‘Omic Technologies & Resources
BIOL31391 Evolution of Genes, Genomes & Systems BIOL21232 Fundamentals of Evolutionary Biology
BIOL31402 Human Genetics and Evolution BIOL21232 Fundamentals of Evolutionary Biology
    BIOL21371 Organismal Genetics
BIOL31411 Protein Sorting BIOL21141 Cell Membrane Structure & Function
BIOL31441 Cell Signalling BIOL21101 Genome Maintenance & Regulation
    BIOL21121 The Dynamic Cell
    BIOL21141 Cell Membrane Structure & Function
    BIOL21261 Endocrinology
    BIOL21351 Molecules and Cells in Human Disease
BIOL31451 Comparative Developmental Biology BIOL21172 Principles of Developmental Biology
BIOL31471 Advanced Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology BIOL21232 Fundamentals of Evolutionary Biology
    BIOL21432 Animal Behaviour
BIOL31482 Conservation Biology BIOL21232 Fundamentals of Evolutionary Biology
BIOL31501 Green Biotechnology BIOL21152 ‘Omic Technologies & Resources
    BIOL21202 Plants for the Future
BIOL31511 Biotic Interactions BIOL21202 Plants for the Future
    BIOL21211 Ecology & Ecosystems
BIOL31541 Living with Climate Change BIOL21211 Ecology & Ecosystems
BIOL31551 Human Impacts on the Biosphere BIOL21211 Ecology & Ecosystems


BIOL31561 Human Reproductive Biology BIOL21261 Endocrinology
BIOL31571 Advanced Endocrinology BIOL21261 Endocrinology
BIOL31582 Cardiovascular Systems BIOL21141* Cell Membrane Structure & Function
  * one of these units must be taken as a compulsory pre-requisite BIOL21321* Membrane Excitability: Ion Channels & Transporters in Action
    BIOL21272  Gut and Renal Human


BIOL31591 Advanced Ion Transport    
  * one of these RSM units must be taken as a compulsory pre-requisite BIOL20922* Neuroscience RSM
    BIOL20932* Pharmacology RSM
    BIOL20942* Physiology RSM
    BIOL21321 Membrane Excitability: Ion Channels & Transporters in Action
BIOL31602 Toxins, Toxicants & Toxicity BIOL21302 Clinical Drug Development
BIOL31612 Neuroinflamation in Health and Disease BIOL21312 Drugs & the Brain
BIOL31622 Ion Transport in Health and Disease BIOL20922* Neuroscience RSM
  * one of these RSM units must be taken as a compulsory pre-requisite BIOL20932* Pharmacology RSM
    BIOL20942* Physiology RSM
BIOL31642 Advanced Developmental Biology BIOL21172 Principles of Developmental Biology
BIOL31651 Advances in Anatomical Sciences BIOL20912 Human Anatomy RSM
    BIOL21291 Human Anatomy & Histology
    BIOL21402 Anatomy of the Special Sense Organs
BIOL31671 Neuropharmacology of Human Health BIOL21312 Drugs & the Brain
BIOL31681 Clocks, Sleep and Rhythms of Life BIOL21332 Motor Systems
    BIOL21341 Sensory Systems
BIOL31691 Learning, Memory and Cognition BIOL21332 Motor Systems
    BIOL21341 Sensory Systems
BIOL31721 Hormones and Behaviour BIOL21261 Endocrinology
BIOL31732 Developmental Neuroscience BIOL21172 Principles of Developmental Biology
BIOL31742 Molecular Biology of Cancer BIOL21101 Genome Maintenance & Regulation
    BIOL21121 The Dynamic Cell
BIOL31751 Stem Cells BIOL21121 The Dynamic Cell
    BIOL21172 Principles of Developmental Biology
    BIOL21351 Molecules and Cells in Human Disease
BIOL31771 Cell Adhesion BIOL21121 The Dynamic Cell
BIOL31792 Advanced Parasitology BIOL21242 Immunology
    BIOL21252 Parasitology
BIOL31802 Immune Response and Disease BIOL21242 Immunology
BIOL31812 Chemistry of Biological Processes BIOL21162 Chemistry of Biomolecules


Withdrawal of units

The information provided is correct at the time of publication.  The School reserves the right to withdraw or alter units should there be changes in academic staff or insufficient registrations.

Step 3 – Meeting your Programme Director

You are required to attend a meeting with your Programme Director to choose your optional units for the second year of your degree. At this meeting you will be able to discuss your options with your Programme Director before making your choices. You will complete a Course Unit Plan at the meeting to record your choice of units. If you are unable to complete your choice of units in the meeting with your Programme Director, your completed and signed form must be handed in to the Student Support Office no later than Friday 13th May 2016.

*It is important that you retain a copy of your Course Unit Plan as you will need to enrol on your optional units yourself over the summer period.*

Copies of the second year draft 2016-17 timetable will be made available at the meeting so you can choose clash free options, however please note that the timetable is still draft at this stage as we do not have final timetable allocations until the end of the summer. No compulsory units should clash. You must make sure that your timetable is clash free when you return in September when room booking information has been released.

There are two reasons for asking you to choose optional units at this time of year; i) to provide all students with a  personalised timetable at the beginning of the new academic year;  ii) to ensure that the lecture theatres booked for your lectures are of an appropriate capacity for the cohort. You will, of course, still be able to change optional course units at the beginning of each semester (up to the end of week 2) should you need to.

The Programme Director Course Unit Selection Clinics will take place w/c 25th April 2016 and a detailed timetable will be sent to you prior to the Clinics.

Step 4 – Enrolling on your optional units


You should already be enrolled on your mandatory units however you MUST enrol on your optional units yourself listed on your signed off Course Unit Plan from 18th July – 8th August 2016. Please note that you will be enrolled on the BIOL21602 Dummy RSM Unit until the RSM allocations have been finalised in September. Once they have been finalised the Student Support Office will transfer you to your allocated RSM.

‘With Language’ degree students
If you are on a ‘with language’ degree, you will be able to self-select your Language units alongside your optional BIOL units on the Student System. If you have any problems with enrolling on your Language units please contact the language department (see section School of Arts, Languages and Cultures – Language units).

University College for Interdisciplinary Learning (UCIL) course units.
You will not be able to self-enrol on the following UCIL units:

  • Leadership of Learning - UCIL20001 / 20002 / 21002
  • Physics and the Grand Challenges of Today – UCIL29002
  • Language courses – ULBS20011 / 20012, ULAR10031 and ULCH10022

To enrol on any of these units please email universitycollege@manchester.ac.uk.

Language Enhancement Access Programme (LEAP)
The University offers courses to students who wish to study a language as part of LEAP. Further information is available from: www.langcent.manchester.ac.uk/undergraduate/leap.

If you are considering registering for a language module you must discuss this with your Programme Director. If your Programme Director authorises your application for a LEAP course, you must enrol with the LEAP office by filling in an enrolment form which can be accessed at the link below. Enrolment will be conducted on a first-come first-served basis and you are therefore strongly advised not to leave it too late.

Further information can be found at www.ulc.manchester.ac.uk/languages/information/faqs

Manchester Leadership Programme (MLP)
You are now able to self-enrol onto an MLP course units. There are a very limited number of places so please ensure you complete enrolment early to avoid disappointment

Manchester Enterprise Centre units (MCEL)
Please contact MCEL directly to enrol on an optional MCEL unit. Details of the course units offered and contact details can be found at the following link: https://mec.portals.mbs.ac.uk/StudyEnterpriseWithUs/Undergraduateunits.aspx.

Business and Management for all Programmes (BMAN units)
f you wish to take a BMaP course and you meet the pre and co-requisites detailed on the online course database please complete the online application form: https://ughandbook.portals.mbs.ac.uk/Non-MBSstudents/BMaPcoursesandapplicationprocess.aspx

School of Psychological Sciences (PSYC units)
PLEASE NOTE: PSYC units are only taken by students enrolled on the Cognitive Neuroscience & Psychology Programme. For information on PSYC units please contact ug.psychology@manchester.ac.uk https://www.bmh.manchester.ac.uk/psychology/.

Compensated passes and referrals in pre-requisite units
If you have a compensated pass e.g. 32C for a pre-requisite unit of a second year unit, you will not be able to self-enrol for the unit on the Student System. Similarly if you have a referral/re-sit for a pre-requisite unit of a second year unit you will not be able to self-enrol for the unit on the Student System. If this applies to you please email the Student Support Office so they can enrol you: studentsupportoffice.fls@manchester.ac.uk.

 Logging in to the Student System












If you are having problems enrolling on your optional units please attend one of the Course Unit Selection Drop-in Clinics at the following times:

  • Wednesday 21st Sept 15:00-17:00 – All years
  • Thursday 22nd Sept 12:00-14:00 – All years
  • Friday 23rd Sept 13:00-15:00 – All years
  • Thursday 29th September 13:00-15:00 – Year 1 only

All sessions are in Stopford Building, PC Cluster 1 (located near the reception at the front of the Stopford Building).

If you are having problems enrolling on your optional units in the summer please contact the Student Support Office, email: sbsstudentsupportoffice@manchester.ac.uk, Tel no: 0161 275 1487.

Step 5 - Viewing your personalised timetable

Your personalised timetable is in My Manchester from Welcome Week onwards. Please note that when you change your Course Unit Selections it will take at least 24 hours to update your personalised timetable. No compulsory units should clash. If it seems that they do for you (e.g. with compulsory language units), please go to the Student Support Office as soon as possible (and well before the day of the first clash) to resolve this.

BIOL20000 Academic Tutorials Year 2
Your Academic Advisor will notify you of the time and location of your tutorial.

There will also be a copy of the timetable permanently displayed on the intranet. Many of the practicals have alternative sessions. You will be allocated to groups that should avoid timetable clashes based on the combination of units that you select. If you discover that you do seem to have a timetable clash, please contact the Student Support Office at the earliest opportunity and well before the practicals in question. Group details will be displayed on the second year notice board in the Stopford Building and on the Blackboard area for the unit prior to your first practical session.

Step 6 - Swapping an optional course unit

You may change any optional units (except RSMs, including field courses, and language units that run for two semesters) at the beginning of each semester (during the first two weeks).  To do this you will need to log into your Student System in the same way as you did when you completed course unit selection. Further instructions are shown below. Please note that you must ensure that you do not drop or swap any course unit that is a mandatory course unit within your programme regulations. You must ensure that any changes you make to your course unit selections still satisfy your programmes academic advisement rules. Academic advisement rules can be found at the following link: https://app.bmh.manchester.ac.uk/education/cm/academicadvisement.aspx.

Please note that enrolment reports will be sent to your Programme Directors for checking and you will be contacted if your enrolment selections are not satisfactory. Failure to swap a unit before the end of the two week course unit swap period may mean you will not be allowed to register for the examinations in the unit to which you have changed. You will not normally be allowed to transfer off or onto a unit after the end of the second week of teaching in each semester.

Drop, Swap and Edit a Course unit

Once you have enrolled for a course unit(s) you can make changes to your selection by using the drop and swap functionality. You will need to log into your Student System in the same way as you did when you completed the course enrolment. https://www.portal.manchester.ac.uk/. For all three functionalities you must select the Student Center and then select Enrol as shown below.

*It is important that you do not drop or swap any course unit that is a mandatory course unit within your programme regulations.*Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 10.08.02

Swapping a Course

This function allows you to change the courses you have already enrolled upon in a single process; instead of dropping a course and then adding a new one.









Help and Support


  • Wednesday 21 Sept 15.00-17.00
  • Thursday 22 Sept 13.00-15.00
  • Friday 23 Sept 14.00-16.00
  • Thursday 29 Sept 13.00-15.00

All sessions are in Stopford Building, PC Cluster 1 (located near the reception at the front of the Stopford Building).


Please contact:

+44(0) 161 306 5544  (09.00 – 17.00, Monday to Friday)

Email: ssc@manchester.ac.uk


School of Biological Sciences Student Support Office

G.483 Stopford Building

Tel: 44 (0)161 275 1487 (08.30 – 17.00, Monday to Friday)

Email: sbsstudentsupportoffice@manchester.ac.uk


Campus Solutions Glossary of Terms

This Glossary describes terms used in the Campus Solutions Student System and describes general usage including University of Manchester terminology.

Campus Solutions Term University Of Manchester Usage/Definition Alternative Terminology
Academic Career  Study path e.g. Undergraduate, Postgraduate Taught Career/Study Level
Academic Group Any body that can offer a course be it Faculty, School, Division, Subject Area School/Faculty
Academic Plan A plan of the programme especially where there are specialisations Programme
Academic Programme A course of Study made up of one or more course units which leads to an award Programme
Class A scheduled instance of a course unit Session
Class Enrolment Choice and enrolment of both mandatory and optional course units Course Unit Selection
Course An individual study unit of the programme Course Unit or Module
Degree The award normally achieved at the end of the programme Award
Emplid/ID The number generated by Campus Solutions unique to the individual, whatever the role. For students it will also be their registration number. Person ID/Registration Number
Facility Class or meeting venue Building
Matriculate The process by which applicants are converted to students. Roll Forward
Session A session can be either one of the two semesters or the full term Semester
Term Academic year running from September to June Academic Year
Term Activate The process by which the system is informed that admitted and matriculated students are eligible to enrol on classes in a particular term Expected to register
Units An award is achieved by attaining a mandatory amount of units (units are earned by completion of a course) Credits

Campus Solutions Progression Terminology

  • ACTV (Activate) – progress normally or complete successfully
  • REVW (Review)
  • ACTR (Activate Pending Re-sit Results)
  • RYIA (Repeat Part Year in Attendance)
  • RYOA (Repeat Year Out of Attendance)
  • SPCL (Special Circumstances)

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