2.1 Welcome and Introduction from Prof Raymond Agius

Welcome to your postgraduate studies in occupational medicine.

Our programmes are primarily aimed at occupational health professionals who wish to pursue an academic qualification in occupational medicine, and to this end we offer the following exit points: Postgraduate Certificate (12 months part time), Advanced Diploma (24 months part time), and MSc (36 months part time) to reflect the range of needs of potential students.  For more information, visit the COEH website.

In addition, the programme also aims to prepare doctors specialising in occupational medicine, or GPs with an interest in this discipline, for qualifications offered by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine (FOM) of the Royal College of Physicians of London, or the Faculty of Occupational Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (FOM-I).

The programmes we deliver achieve a high quality because we constantly take account of student feedback whilst reviewing the learning outcomes and developing innovative methods.  Students tell us that they value a blended learning approach.  Thus the learning resources comprise core information in PDF format (which can be downloaded), as well as interactive, online-only learning exercises, portfolios etc.  In addition to the learning material we provide, students are also invited to engage in face to face learning and online tutoring.  These activities are developed and supported by professionals and experts in the field.  We hope that you will enjoy the theory being ‘brought to life’ in this way, and that you will soon put your learning into practice.

This handbook should provide you with most of the relevant information to allow you to progress your studies.  Some details might change during your programme, in which case every effort will be made to bring these to your attention.

To confirm that you have received this handbook, and understood the information contained within it, you are asked to complete the ‘Confirmation of Receipt’ of this Handbook (Appendix I) and return this to the Education Team upon commencement of your studies.

If you have any questions, suggestions or problems during the course of your studies, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes for your studies. We hope that they will be the start of a continuing successful relationship with our Centre and Our University.

Kind regards

Raymond Agius MD, FRCP, FFOM
Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine


2.2 What is the Programme Handbook?

The Programme Handbook:

  • Is a reference document for your postgraduate studies in occupational medicine;
  • Contains generic and programme specific information (or signposts to the information) that students need to know throughout their programme.


2.3 Useful Contacts

A list of key staff is given below.  Please contact Jo Chesters, Programme Administrator:  +44 (0)161 275 5451; PGT-COEH@manchester.ac.uk in the first instance if you have any queries.

Academic Staff
Prof Raymond Agius COEH Director Email: raymond.agius@manchester.ac.uk


Dr Adrian Hirst Programme Director (Occupational Hygiene) Email: adrian.hirst@manchester.ac.uk


Dr Dil Sen Programme Director (Occupational Medicine) Email: dil.sen@manchester.ac.uk
Education Team
Jo Chesters Postgraduate Administrator (CPD) Email: PGT-COEH@manchester.ac.uk
Tel: 0044 (0)161 275 5451
Kerry Woodgate Postgraduate Administrator (Advanced Level) Email: PGT-COEH@manchester.ac.uk
Tel: 0044 (0)161 275 5521
Gail Hooper Postgraduate Administrator  (MSc) Email: PGT-COEH@manchester.ac.uk
Tel: 0044 (0)161 275 5194
School Level Management
Nicola Campbell Senior PGT Administrator School of Health Sciences Email: nicola.campbell@manchester.ac.uk
Tel: 0044 (0)161 306 0467
Georgina Lewis Graduate Education Manager
School of Medical Sciences
Email: georgina.lewis@manchester.ac.uk
Tel : 0044 (0)161 275 1463
Other Contacts
Blackboard Support Faculty eLearning Team Email: elearning@manchester.ac.uk
Tel: 0044 (0)161 306 5544
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