Interruption of Studies
It is the expectation of the University that students complete their programme in one continuous period of uninterrupted study. It is understood, however, that students may encounter personal difficulties or situations which may seriously disrupt their studies. In such instances, students may be granted a temporary interruption to their studies. If students have been, or are being, affected by mitigating circumstances that have lasted or are expected to last for a significant period, or that may impact upon a significant number of units, it may be better for students to apply for an interruption to their studies.
If an application to interrupt a programme of study is approved, it would normally be to help students recover from medical problems, or problems of a personal or financial nature which are having, or may have, a negative impact on performance. However, the School has the flexibility to consider and make decisions on whether to approve requests for interruption in relation to other circumstances too, e.g. work placements.
In the first instance students should speak to members of staff within the School – Academic Tutor, Programme Director, Student Support Office, Senior Advisors – about whether a period of interruption would be the most appropriate course of action. If students decide to make an application, they would need to make an appointment (via the Student Support Office) to meet with either the Senior or Deputy Senior Advisor who will provide the application form and go through it with students. Students will need to include evidence to support their application, e.g. medical evidence.