What are tutorials for?
- An opportunity for you to get to know your Advisor
This is important because your Advisor can help you both during your degree course and afterwards by providing references when you are applying for jobs.
- To develop skills and knowledge relevant to your degree subject
Your tutorial studies will extend your knowledge of your degree subject and help put the information given in lectures and practicals into perspective.
- To enhance your employability by acquiring a range of transferable skills.
These include skills in written and oral communication, organisation of information, personal interaction, teamwork and the use of information technology. Employers value these ‘transferable skills’. Tutorials will also help you learn to manage your time during your degree course and improve your revision and examination techniques. A detailed list of desirable skills and how you can develop them through the tutorials is provided in Appendix 1 of this handbook. Please refer to this regularly and remember to store evidence in your Employability Skills Record on the intranet.